French bulldog all about the breed. French bulldog: characteristics, pros and cons of the breed. Pros and cons of a dog

French bulldogs are miniature dogs that are only inferior in size to other bulldogs. This breed is very popular. This wide distribution is due to the unpretentiousness of these dogs, their fairly compact size, and their main advantage is their friendly character. Before you purchase one pet, you need to find out reviews about French bulldogs, study their character traits and needs.

How did the French Bulldog breed come about?

Contrary to the opinions of many ordinary people, the name of the breed is in no way connected with the country where it appeared. The homeland of the French bulldog is England. Initially, small dogs were used as rodent catchers in industries. Scientific and technological progress forced many workers from various industries to emigrate to France. They took their pets with them - French bulldogs.

In France, these animals quickly found their popularity in commercial and working areas. At the end of the 19th century, these dogs increasingly appeared in noble wealthy families and thus began to join bohemian life. Back in 2000, this breed was in 71st place in terms of prevalence, but now these little robust ones have moved 50 places higher, which confirms their high prevalence.

Brief overview of the breed

The parameters of French bulldogs have the classic characteristics of Molossian breeds, but are distinguished by their small size. Despite this, this breed has great power and a square body. Males have the following parameters: height from 27 to 36 cm, and weight from 9 to 15 kg. Bitches have a height of 24 to 33 cm and a weight of 8 to 14 kg. These dogs are highly active and highly intelligent. Reviews about the description of the French bulldog are very nice, they are distinguished by expressive, intelligent eyes, and a cute face.

Brief description of the breed

“Frenchies” have a large, even more massive head with wrinkles and folds that are located in a rather symmetrical manner. The brow ridges are separated by a pronounced furrow. There is a faint occipital protuberance. The transition from the frontal region to the muzzle is very clearly visible.

They have shortened nasal and maxillary bones, and the back and nose are slightly tilted back. The nose is snub-nosed with a wide black lobe. The structural features of the shortened muzzle are the cause of some breathing problems in dogs.

As for the lips, they are black, fleshy, hanging down a little. In the middle they close, covering the dentition. The French have a very powerful jaw. The lower part, like many dogs, is slightly pushed forward.

Large, round eyes with dark irises and rims with a lively expression.

The ears are thin, small, widened towards the base, rounded at the tip. They are located high at a good distance from each other.

The neck is slightly short, but quite muscular, with a slight bend.

The body can be described as gradual, with a slight rise from the withers to the loin. This feature distinguishes all representatives of this breed.

A strong back with well-developed muscles, which turns into a convex short loin.

A cylindrical chest that has curved ribs, making it appear barrel-shaped and deep.

The tummy is toned and there are no sharp lines on it. A short tail that successfully covers the anus. It is quite straight, has a low rise and a tapered tip.

The forelimbs consist of short forearms and metacarpus, which are set vertically. The paws are similar to those of a cat, they are small, round in shape, with black and tightly closed claws. The hind limbs are strong, longer and more muscular than the forelimbs. The dog moves powerfully, freely, measuredly.

Types of colors

French Bulldogs have a smooth, short, even coat that lies close to the skin and has an excellent shine. Reviews of the French Bulldog breed among owners are mostly positive. The dogs differ in color:

  • Light fawn - red shade. It happens with or without the presence of brindle lines, with various spots white, there is color on the face.
  • Solid color - light fawn, sometimes with a red tint. There may be a mask on the face.
  • Coloration with the presence of white spots. A color is considered interesting when the spots are present evenly throughout the dog’s body.
  • Pure white color is also considered the standard, but there are dogs whose eyelids and earlobes are black. It is better not to use such animals for breeding, because there is a risk of producing deaf puppies.

Features of character and behavior

Each dog has its own character, but by breed you can give general description. The “French” inherited something from their English ancestors, although now they are the most active, good-natured and open animals. This smart dogs However, according to reviews from owners, the French bulldog is difficult to train professionally. This is due to the fact that they simply do not sometimes want to follow commands, although they understand perfectly well what is wanted from them. The dog will repeat the command, but not immediately, but after repeating it 30-40 times.

The intelligence of these pets is aimed not at following ordinary commands, but at developing high socialization. According to reviews, the character of the French bulldog and its intelligence help to build delicate relationships with the family, while capturing moods and emotions. French Bulldog is a universal dog that is suitable for big family, for single people and the elderly or for those people who have physical disabilities.

Despite its modest size and decorative appearance, reviews of the French bulldog speak of him as a good protector who senses real danger. These pets are distinguished by their tenderness and devotion to their family. They enjoy being the center of attention.

Features of feeding

The nutritional value of the diet will depend on the lifestyle your pet leads. For active dogs, the menu should be higher in calories than for couch potatoes. The basis of nutrition is meat. Normally, its share of daily consumption should be approximately 70%. For meat, you can give lean beef, lamb, horse meat, and rabbit. Raw meat is allowed.

According to reviews, French bulldogs are often given boiled offal - these are kidneys, heart, tripe, etc. In order to correctly calculate the required amount of meat for a pet, it needs to be weighed. Approximately 1 kg of dog weight contains 20 g of meat. The remaining 30% of food consists of cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and dairy products. For porridges, buckwheat, rice, barley and oatmeal are suitable. They are prepared in water and without adding salt; it will be useful to season the porridge with vegetable oil.

As for milk, it is not recommended for adult dogs because it is difficult for their bodies to absorb it. Despite this, they need kefir, yogurt, yogurt, and cottage cheese. According to reviews, fish will be food for French bulldogs. But it is better to include it in the diet no more than 1-2 times a week. River fish is boiled, sea fish can also be raw. It is important to thoroughly remove seeds. Some pets love fruit, sometimes this can be used as a stimulus for training a bulldog.

Training and raising a puppy

In training, everything depends on the desires of the owner. You don't need anything special to learn simple commands. They quickly learn the commands that are needed for comfortable interaction between the owner and the dog (next to me, sit, etc.). Reviews about the French bulldog say that it is necessary to start training from the first day the dog appears at home.

“The French” quickly master what the owner asks of them: a toilet on the street, a ban on picking up garbage and treats from someone else’s hands. These dogs grow up quite quickly; by one year the pet is old enough to play pranks or damage the owners’ property.

How much can you buy a puppy for?

Description of the French bulldog breed, positive reviews determine its prevalence. Buying a pet doesn't have to be difficult. Available various options, it all depends on the price. A “French” without a passport and pedigree will cost on average 25-35 thousand rubles. A puppy bought from a nursery will cost 10-20 thousand rubles. He will also not have a pedigree, but there will be the possibility of registering one. A dog with all documentation will cost from 20 to 80 thousand rubles.

The ancestors of these dogs were excellent guards and took part in brutal dog fights. A rebellious character, powerful jaws and a stern look - you won’t be spoiled with such a pet! But soon European enthusiasts wanted to turn the fierce warrior into a good-natured and energetic companion. After several decades of selective breeding, a charming decorative dog- French Bulldog.

Affectionate animal with large, locator-like, intelligent ears brown eyes and with its huge variety of colors it quickly won the love of people all over the planet.

Observational skills
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

Historians unanimously believe that the ancestors of French bulldogs were four-legged fighters and hunters. But the origin of the breed is not so easy to determine. There is no reliable information about the ancestors of the charming little ones.

For a long time, England and France competed for the title of homeland of these little puffing beauties.

The English word “bulldog” (“bull”, “dog”) was used by residents of Foggy Albion to refer to dogs that participated in bull baiting. These fighting dogs are descended from the ancient Molossian Dogs, which came to Great Britain from ancient Athens.

Of course, Athenian emigrants were subjected to chaotic selection. Both noble people and poor people kept them, crossing them with a variety of local breeds. But still, you can find a lot in common in the appearance of the French and the first Old English bulldogs. For example, sculpted muscles and a shortened torso.

Baby vs bull

The descendants of the Athenian four-legged aliens decreased in size over time. But it was these creatures that were destined to become the most ferocious gladiator dogs. They entertained English nobles for centuries by driving large animals to death. Even miniature toy bulldogs weighing up to 20 pounds took part in the brutal games.

The bloody sport of bull-baiting was very popular among gambling aristocrats. The competition was traditionally held twice a week and became a national spectacle in England for many decades. The richest bought the bravest and most resilient dogs from their owners for huge sums of money.

But in 1802, Parliament banned these cruel entertainments. True, the decree did not apply to dog fighting - and the bulldogs went from the Coliseums to the rings. Oddly enough, the breed did not last long here. It turned out that in order to fight with their own kind, they needed mobility and flexibility, which four-legged bullfighters did not possess.

Instead of a cat

In the mid-19th century, dog fighting was also banned in England. This means that the bulldogs are left out of work. The same fate befell their owners. People in factories were replaced by machines and machines. Therefore, crowds of unemployed Englishmen decided to try their luck on the mainland. Some of them went to France, taking with them their beloved toy bulldogs.

This became an important turn in the history of the breed. In their new homeland, the ancestors of the “Frenchman” were found new job. It turned out that they are excellent at hunting rats. Since Europeans, who survived several centuries of the Inquisition, treated cats with superstitious fear, the rat-catching dogs that arrived from England came in very handy.

The four-legged "Englishmen" became very popular among the poor of France. London dealers made fortunes supplying these dogs to Paris and the surrounding area. Export completely eliminated the toy bulldog population in Foggy Albion. But the French, quite by accident, gave this breed a new look and a new life.

Spaniards and more

It is believed that it was in France that the toy bulldog became friends with his Spanish counterpart, Alan. This now extinct breed was popular in Iberian Peninsula in the Middle Ages. For some time, Spanish bulldogs were used to accompany and guard large cattle. But then the four-legged shepherds changed their specialization and, like their English colleagues, turned into warriors.

The most popular center where bull driving competitions were held was the city of Burgos. Here dogs fought to the death, whose heads corresponded to the heads of modern French bulldogs.

But toys were actively crossed not only with Burgos dogs. The blood of terriers and pugs was also mixed in here. The result was a unique, compact dog with a short, snub-nosed muzzle and signature large, erect ears.

Mother for piglets

An adorable bulldog named Baby became famous for different time became a foster mother for kittens, rabbits and even a raccoon. A year ago she began to take care of six wild piglets. She keeps them warm and cares for them like puppies.

How to get into high society?

By 1870, the appearance of the new breed was fully formed. However, it did not immediately delight most Parisians. This dog continued to serve as a rat catcher and guard on the working outskirts of the city in the families of the poor, cab drivers and office workers.

The French bulldog even managed to gain notoriety when Parisian girls of easy virtue fell in love with him. They were photographed on their advertising cards with these adorable dogs. It was thanks to such advertising that bulldogs found their way into high society.

The dog instantly became noble and respectable. It turned out that she not only has a pleasant appearance, but also a wonderful character. Prices for puppies have skyrocketed. Bohemians and the aristocracy paid sums equal to the cost of a new car for their favorites.

The fame of the French bulldog was strengthened by the famous socialite and Don Juan Leopold de Carneillon la Tour. He bought three dogs and often walked with them along the Champs Elysees. And he gave their puppies to rich women whose hearts he wanted to conquer.

The princess's favorite

Most famous dog pre-revolutionary Russia there was a French bulldog Ortino - pet Grand Duchess Romanova, daughters last emperor Russia Nicholas 2nd. Alas, the devoted dog was shot along with royal family during the revolution. For a long time, the breed was banned in the USSR - it was considered a relic of imperialism.

Thank you King

The English King Edward the 7th was a famous connoisseur good style and elegance. It was he who made the local nobility take a closer look at the merits of the French bulldog when he rode through the streets of Paris with him in his hands.

Return to Foggy Albion

In 1880, the first club for French bulldog lovers appeared in Paris. The famous breeder Marcel Roger became its president. Five years later, strange four-legged “Frenchies” appeared at exhibitions. True, they were demonstrated together with toy bulldogs. But already in 1898 the breed standard was approved.

In 1903, a large-scale dog exhibition was held in Paris, where as many as five dozen French bulldogs were presented. They were demonstrated as an independent breed. The public rejoiced!

But English breeders for a long time refused to accept the “French freak”, endowed with undesirable traits. Protruding ears, a wavy tail and a frog's face seemed unaesthetic to them. In addition, local dog handlers considered bulldogs a national treasure and could not tolerate such blasphemous selection of a toy bulldog.

Only in 1904 did nurseries for the breed appear in England. The breeders were forced to admit the charm of the “French dandy”, but tried to improve his appearance. For example, they managed to shorten the dog's tail.

French bulldog standard: weight, height, colors, breed description

The breed standard has changed many times. Latest version was adopted in 1995. According to this document, all French Bulldogs should weigh between 8 and 14 kg. Not so little for a compact woman up to 35 cm tall, right? This is explained by the fact that it is a very strong animal with a muscular back and hind limbs.

The front legs are shorter, so the dog with its body raised at the back looks slightly stooped.

Probably because of this feature, all French bulldogs love to lie with their arms outstretched. hind legs back. And the British jokingly call them frog dogs.

But the most remarkable thing about the breed is its square and wide head with a prominent, wrinkled forehead and an upturned short nose. French Bulldogs have prominent and large eyes. The look is lively, intelligent, good-natured. And the ears are very large with rounded tips. On the neck and under the throat there are folds traditional for bulldogs. And, of course, we should not forget about the huge variety of variegated colors: uniform, brindle or spotted. They range from brown to red-brown in color. But there are also white individuals. In general, such a prominent handsome man cannot be confused with anyone!

French bulldogs are one of the most beloved. Ideal for a city dog. He is one of the three most popular dogs in the world. The French Bulldog doesn't require a lot of space, they don't need it. The French are not athletes; they were not bred to become champions. Forget skeet-hopping Labradors. Due to the heavy upper part, they cannot float, resembling an anchor rather than a float.

Because of their characteristic wrinkled muzzle, French bulldogs are classified as short-headed dogs. This is what dogs with a short nose are called. Frenchies have a very short head relative to the length of the skull, often the result of an elongated or split palate. Short-headed dogs and dogs with flattened faces can have many health problems. This causes them to have loud and labored breathing. For this reason, the French Bulldog does not feel well and is not ready to frolic for hours. Special conditions breathing causes French Bulldogs to snore. The charming shape of the muzzle leads to another charming feature of the Frenchie: wrinkles.

These wrinkles are genetic in origin. During the breeding process, bulldogs developed these wrinkles to help drain blood from the eyes in case the dog was injured during a fight. Another mandatory element is ears, like bat. Originally, breeders favored droopy ears, but nowadays, all French Bulldogs have bat ears. Lastly, French Bulldogs have serious problems with playback.

Regular mating is not for them. The dog, named after the most romantic country in the world, does not use the standard canine position. Due to their heavy upperparts, narrow hips and weak legs, males cannot successfully mount a female. Therefore, we have to resort to artificial insemination. But even more remarkable is that due to the larger head in relation to the body, during birth, puppies often cannot get out into the light, due to the fact that the passage is not wide enough. All this makes reproduction difficult and more expensive. For this, you can be sure that the birth of French bulldog puppies will be planned.

Dog and son

A white French bulldog became the hero of a Japanese blog. Young mother Aya Sakai has been filming the life of her son and his four-legged friend for months now. The story of this family in pictures - best proof that the “French” love children.

Personality of the French Bulldog

As for character, in this matter French bulldogs are often compared with English ones. Let's dispel the myths: the temperament of the two breeds is very different. The four-legged “Englishmen” are reserved and calm. But the nimble and funny “French” people love to play pranks and have fun from the heart. It’s not for nothing that they are called the most talented clowns among dogs. On the other hand, they are very patient and affectionate dogs that get along well even with small children. They will make wonderful companions for the whole family. They do not have a drop of anger or aggression, but this breed does not lack courage. A little one can fearlessly approach a strange dog and get to know each other. And he will chase the yard cats with passion.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid of pranks and disobedience. The French Bulldog is highly trainable. He will be a little stubborn, but you can negotiate with him if you turn the training into fun game. And to curb his hot temperament, you can train your pet to compete in an obstacle course.

Raising and caring for a French bulldog

But you shouldn’t overload your bulldog. physical exercise. Remember, dogs of this breed have a very short nose, which sometimes causes breathing difficulties. In addition, the specific structure respiratory system causes snoring during sleep and frequent snoring. Yes and colds not uncommon among the “French”. Be careful while walking! Take care of winter clothing for your pet, because short hair will not save him from the cold.

Make sure that your four-legged friend does not injure his bulging eyes. Also, keep your bulldog away from bodies of water. Representatives of the breed do not know how to swim at all - their massive head immediately pulls them to the bottom.

Remember that the strength in this fourteen-kilogram miracle is immeasurable. Therefore, under no circumstances should you trust small children to walk him. It's unlikely they'll be able to keep him. And, of course, do not overfeed your pet. Due to overeating, a muscular baby may well turn into a flabby fatty.

Otherwise, the French Bulldog will not cause you any trouble. It is great for keeping in apartments. You can take it with you on trips right in your bag. The dog will easily tolerate a change of environment and maintain a playful and restless disposition.

American palette

Breeders from the USA played a major role in breeding the breed. They followed their own standards and were able to develop varieties of French Bulldogs with cream, red and fawn colors.

Dogs that inspire

French bulldogs are often found in paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries. For example, there are known portraits of the great Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin, Prince Yusupov, and the imperial family of Alexander 2nd, who are depicted with their beloved pets.

Today the breed pleases and inspires many stars. Among them are Leonardo DiCaprio, Mick Jagger, Malcolm McDowell, Sergei Zhigunov, Martha Stewart and many others. In addition, representatives of the breed have starred in many films, including Titanic, Armageddon, and Secondhand Lions.

Charming, good-natured and cheerful French bulldogs have given and will continue to give inspiration to their owners, charging people with optimism and joy. Invite this little funny-eared fellow into your home - and he will become your faithful muse in all your endeavors!

Price of puppies

The first question that is usually asked to a breeder when wanting to buy a French bulldog is: “How much does a puppy cost?”

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Being a smaller copy of the English Bulldog, the French Bulldog, unlike its counterpart, is more suitable for the role of a cheerful and friendly friend than a bodyguard. Dogs of this breed love to participate in any family entertainment. They will warmly greet familiar guests, but will always defend their owners if they feel threatened from the outside. In this article you will find Full description the main characteristics of these decorative dogs.

A brief description of the characteristics of the French Bulldog breed:

  • life expectancy: 10-12 years;
  • height: male – 30-35 cm, female – 25-30 cm;
  • weight: male – 10-15 kg, female – 8-12 kg;
  • color: white, brindle and white, yellowish-brown, brindle, cream, reddish-brown, black and brindle;
  • activity: below average;
  • playfulness: not particularly playful;
  • Difficulty of parenting: problems are possible;
  • difficulty of training: problems are possible;
  • Difficulty of care: easy;
  • attitude towards strangers: adaptation is needed;
  • attitude towards children: good;
  • attitude towards other animals: adaptation is needed;
  • conditions of detention: preferably at home.

Let's look at what a French bulldog looks like.

Despite their small stature, these dogs have a strong, muscular build. At first glance, it becomes clear that this is a lively and very lively animal with a courageous character. Moreover, males are somewhat larger and more massive than females, whose torso is more stretched.

The large and massive head has a square outline. On the short muzzle there is a forked flat nose. But the French bulldog has an excellent sense of smell - with the help of smell it gets acquainted with the outside world. The dog's upper lip is also divided in half. The eyebrows and eyes are separated by a deep furrow that does not extend to the frontal part. The bump on the back of the head is almost invisible. The dark, large and bulging eyes of the dog are characterized by an intelligent and kind expression. Strong, square-shaped jaws have an overbite.

The ears of dogs of this breed resemble in their shape the ears of bats: they have an erect position, with a wide base and rounded ends. The dog's powerful neck is quite short, slightly less than the length of its skull. The French Bulldog has such a feature as by nature docked tail— it is broken naturally.

The French Bulldog has a lower height at the withers than the height at the rump. That's why he looks a little squat. A slightly arched back, a developed loin and a slightly raised croup give solidity to the bones of this animal. The wide and voluminous chest of representatives of this breed has a cylindrical shape.


The French Bulldog has a thick coat of short length. The fur fits tightly to the body. It should be shiny and smooth, slightly hard to the touch.


The French Bulldog is mainly variegated in color - brindle or spotted. There are also homogeneous ones. White spots are allowed in the area of ​​the head and on chest- the so-called “tie”.

If representatives of this breed have a white coat color, then there is no depigmentation on the eyelids, lips, nose and croup. If the animal has a spotted color, there should be a mask on the animal’s face – a kind of “glasses”.

Short story

It is generally accepted that French Bulldogs are a smaller variety of English Bulldogs. Like their cousins, French bulldogs were bred to participate in animal fighting. Gradually, thanks to British connoisseurs of this breed, they moved from fighting dogs into the category of decorative dogs.

Some researchers claim that among all the ancestors of modern French bulldogs there are also Spanish bulldogs that have not survived to this day. Surprisingly, French bulldogs originate from England. The first owners of dogs of this breed were English dressmakers, who used them as pets living in the house and able to catch small rodents.

Then many dressmakers left for France, taking with them small bulldogs, where the French nobility noticed the dogs. After this, the breed began to gain popularity, the price of these dogs began to rise, and soon only the upper strata of society could purchase a French bulldog. It was in France that the first official registration of dogs of this breed took place.

The exhibition, in which French bulldogs took part for the first time, took place in 1896. It was hosted by the Westminster Kennel Club.

In the twentieth century, French bulldogs came to Russia and also quickly gained fame, which made them extremely expensive dogs. With the establishment of Soviet power, dogs of this breed began to disappear. Towards the end of the Great Patriotic War There was only one French bulldog named Flick in Moscow.

In 1948, a dog of this breed was brought to Russia from Hungary. After which S.N. Sklifosovskaya took up the revival of French bulldogs. In 1965, she was able to bring a male of this breed from England named Foleyfram Henry, and in 1967, a female from Poland. It is these dogs that are considered to be the parents of the revived line of French bulldogs.

In 1972, MGOLS (Moscow City Society of Amateur Dog Breeding) was founded, in which, together with others decorative breeds They also registered a French bulldog, which appeared there as a result of the reorganization of hunting clubs.


Energetic representatives of this breed have friendly cheerful character. Both families with children, single people, and disabled people can afford such a pet. Tactful dogs of this breed have a keen sense of emotional condition the owner and are able to protect him in a dangerous situation.

At the same time with such excellent characteristics, the French bulldog is courageous, daring and savvy. His peaceful nature makes him a gentle and loyal friend. Possessing a bright temperament, French bulldogs enjoy spending time with their family, appreciating attention and responding to it by demonstrating their charisma.

In describing the characteristics of the French bulldog, we can also add that this dog has a very calm character. In an extreme situation, she will not panic, since these animals have no fear.

Despite such advantages, representatives of this breed also have negative qualities– they behave like children and can be offended at any moment, for example, by a lack of attention from the owner. But if he corrects this, then the pet will forget about his bad mood and will look happy.


In describing the characteristics of representatives of this breed, it should be noted that French bulldogs use intelligence and ingenuity not for performing official duties, but for socialization in the outside world. And a dog’s sense of smell is the first assistant in this matter. The French bulldog sniffs everything, determining by smell whether a given object or person is suitable for him.

Such pets, despite the ideal balance of activity and calmness, constantly require attention from the owner and household members. Loneliness is unbearable for them.

The French Bulldog can be hostile towards other dogs and strangers. On the street, it will be difficult for the owner to restrain his pet’s aggression towards other animals. But if the owner communicates nicely with a stranger, then the dog will be able to get used to him. French bulldogs have a hard time getting used to other pets. The best option in this case, their living together from a young age.

Representatives of this breed treat children with tenderness, and can even babysit very young family members. But the dog’s games with children under six or seven years old will have to be constantly monitored. When a dog gets tired of enduring a bad attitude, it begins to respond by biting.

Fundamentally, keeping a French bulldog does not differ from the main rules for handling and caring for other dogs, although it has some differences associated with the qualities of the breed.

Place for a dog in the house

The boudoir of a “Frenchman” is sacred territory: here he rests and feels absolutely safe. As soon as the puppy appears in the house, the owner introduces him to the bed, patting it with the words “Place! Place!". It is highly undesirable to change it, as this will confuse the dog, making it more difficult to train.

Requirements for setting up a dog area:

  • the room should be dry, bright, with a small amount of furniture;
  • Small objects with sharp edges should not be lying on the floor;
  • It is better to place the rug in a corner, not far from the window;
  • You can’t place a bed near a door, a radiator, or in a draft;
  • you need to hide electrical wires;
  • Any sharp sounds should be excluded (for example, from working tools and slamming doors).

Be prepared for the puppy to persistently climb onto your bed, sofa or chair. If you don’t stop the attempts right away, you will always be forced to share your bed with an insolent dog’s face.

Caring for a French Bulldog

Don’t be fooled by a short coat: you won’t be able to get rid of the hairs that fall off a bulldog when shedding. The structure of the hair is such that it is firmly embedded in upholstered furniture and clothing.

To minimize the amount of hair falling out, buy a special mitten and brushes - hard and soft, large and smaller. Large ones will remove stuck debris, and small ones will add shine. During seasonal shedding, brush your dog 4 to 7 times a week.

Dog nutritional features

Any puppy must be immediately accustomed to unknown foods. You can’t follow his lead if he ignores fresh food and immediately change it or improve the taste. The cunning man will quickly realize that his whims are taken into account, and will constantly bargain for a tastier dish.

For eating, one place is allocated, equipped with a pair of low cylindrical bowls: for food and water. Along with the “Frenchman” itself, the volume of the feeding container also grows, in the role of which (at first) old frying pans, pots and cups can be used.

There are several prohibited actions in organizing dog food:

  • Do not use glassware (the dog may accidentally break it and get injured);
  • do not place a wooden cup (the puppy will try it on his teeth);
  • avoid containers with a spherical bottom (they are easy to tip over);
  • do not feed from a cup purchased for growing up (the puppy will smear food on the bottom and get used to getting into it with his paws);
  • do not teach people to eat from their hands (this is inconvenient for the owner, and the “French” will be spoiled by such serving of food);
  • Don’t feed your dog wherever you have to (this is a recipe for bad behavior such as stealing and begging).

Important! All bones, except large raw beef bones, more often called sugar bones, are completely excluded. And these are given infrequently, so as not to wear down the teeth.

Don't worry about the apparent monotony of dog food - the main thing is that it is healthy and full of vitamins. The latter, as you know, are more abundant in raw foods. Your task is to maintain a balance (1/3 should be fiber, 2/3 should be animal proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese).

Everything that is cooked should not be too liquid/empty, nor too hot or cold (recommended food temperature is +20 +25 degrees).

Walking a French bulldog, clothes

This dog is a bundle of energy that requires systematic release. They walk with her 2-3 times a day and for a long time (preferably from 1 to 3 hours). The walk should be shortened if it is chilly and chilly outside..

Because of breed predisposition Due to spinal diseases, the puppy is not allowed to run up the stairs until six months, and while he is in vaccination quarantine, he is not allowed outside. If you notice that the puppy is tired, pick him up or put him in a bag.

You should not let your Frenchie off the leash near the highway or walk it near playgrounds: not all parents will like this. During walks, the leash is unhooked only when the dog has learned to unquestioningly obey your commands.

Outdoor walks (in rain, wind and snow) should become the norm, but to make them more enjoyable, use special dog clothing and shoes. Boots, booties and booties are worn extremely rarely to protect the paw pads from the reagents used in winter to combat ice.

Clothing is worn more often, as it performs two functions: to protect the pet from hypothermia and to save the energy of the owner, who no longer needs to wash his dog (the dirt will remain on the waterproof overalls).

Some dog handlers are against dog clothing, arguing that it has a bad effect on fur growth and disrupts the body’s natural thermoregulation. Their opponents claim that the statement is true only in relation to long-haired breeds, and those with short fur (including bulldogs) are characterized by increased heat-loving behavior.

Particularly caring people protect the large ears of their “Frenchies” from the cold by placing hats (either hand- or machine-knitted) on them, which the dogs don’t really like, but it keeps them healthy.

Dog vaccination

All dogs are vaccinated against common infections, including distemper, parvovirus enteritis, rabies, leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis and adenovirosis.

Adult animals are vaccinated once a year, young animals (to maintain strong immunity) - three times. The bulldog receives the first series of vaccinations at 1.5-2 months, the second at six months, and the third when he is one year old. During the period of teeth change (from 3 to 6 months), vaccinations are not recommended..

Conditions necessary for successful vaccination:

  • 10-12 days before vaccination, deworming is carried out;
  • 14 days before immunization, contact with dogs is excluded;
  • within 5 days before vaccination, daily thermometry is carried out (indicators must be stable);
  • the dog is fed properly, not forgetting vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • In order not to vaccinate a sick animal, it is carefully examined before the procedure, paying attention to behavior, appetite and the condition of the mucous membranes.

If you skip the latent period of development of the disease and get vaccinated, the dog can not only get sick, but also die.

Important! Immunity is formed 7-14 days after vaccination. Bitches are vaccinated 1-2 months before mating, so that an increased concentration of antibodies occurs with the appearance of colostrum, which protects puppies from infections.

After vaccination, the owner will need:

  • ensure that your pet does not become hypothermic;
  • keep other dogs (especially strays) away from him for 14 days;
  • do not treat the vaccinated animal with sulfonamides and antibiotics;
  • provide adequate nutrition.

For primary immunization, they usually take inactivated vaccines: they are easier to tolerate, but form shorter-lasting immunity, which is why they are vaccinated twice.

French bulldogs, like all their varieties, have a characteristic appearance, are distinguished by intelligence and courage. These are compact, affectionate dogs with an easy-going and cheerful disposition. They are devoted to their owner, love children and a home environment, and are loyal to the weak.

French bulldogs inherited their structure from distant ancestors -. In the past, now they are decorative friendly bulldogs. Many famous people acquire pets of this breed.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the dwarf bulldog and the boxer were fighting dogs - English bulldogs, who participated in the popular English sport of bull baiting. After the ban on cruel competitions, they tried to train animals to participate in dog fights, but nothing came of it.

Forgotten in England, the ancestors of bulldogs unexpectedly took root in France, where many Englishmen emigrated in the mid-19th century in search of work, taking their favorite animals with them. Thanks to their ability to deftly destroy rats and mice, they have won popular love in the country.

European breeders decided to turn the ferocious dog into a good-natured ornamental animal. A few decades later, by crossing an English bulldog with a pug and a terrier, dwarf breed bulldog. In America it has become one of the most popular and beloved. They paid a lot of money for the French and officially recognized them.

In Russia, an unusual dog appeared in the twenties of the last century and became a fashionable, expensive toy for rich people. And today many celebrities are delighted with funny little ears.

Gallery: French bulldog (25 photos)

Description of the breed and character of the French Bulldog

The Dwarf Bulldog is an ideal companion dog, family member and true friend. The standard - a description of the French bulldog breed - was changed several times, and in 1995 the final version was adopted.

Breed Features

This is the cutest animal with large rounded ears, a flat nose, numerous folds on a short muzzle, a forked upper lip and protruding incisors. The dog has large, slightly bulging eyes with a black rim around the eyelids and an attentive, lively gaze.

The Frenchman muscular torso, wide back and chest, short tail, docked by nature. The hind limbs are slightly longer than the front ones, which is why the dog looks like it is stooped. The jaws are powerful and wide. Height at the withers is 30-35 cm, the weight of an adult bulldog can reach 14 kg. Life expectancy is 10−12 years.

The characteristic flattened muzzle and short nose of the Frenchie classify him as a short-headed dog. Such animals have noisy, labored breathing and are not adapted to long runs and hot weather. The cute bulldog sniffs a lot and even snores often due to his physiological characteristics.


Character of the breed

Representatives of this breed, in addition to their pleasant appearance, have a wonderful character, but sometimes like to play pranks. They get along well with all family members, adore small children, and get along well with other pets. All owners give a positive description of the French bulldog.

A little dog has a bold character and can, on occasion, stand up for his master, whom he loves very much. He senses the weather in the house well and adapts to the mood of his household. He will calmly wait for attention to show itself.

Bulldogs do not need long walks; they feel great in an apartment. But they really don’t like to be left alone for a long time and can play pranks. They love to sniff everything around, thus choosing by smell what and who they like.

French bulldogs are stubborn and therefore difficult to train. But, with patience, you can teach them to follow commands, rewarding them with treats, games, and affection. A child can easily cope with Frenchie training.

Advantages of the breed:

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • does not tolerate cold and heat well;
  • for walking you need special clothes;
  • swims poorly;
  • may snore;
  • often suffers from allergies;
  • there is often a problem with the third eyelid that requires surgery;
  • difficulty in reproduction.

Care and feeding

For dogs of this breed easy to care for. They do not have a specific odor and should be bathed no more often than once every three months, unless there is special contamination. Frequent bathing can dry out your skin. Brushing your bulldog's fur once a week is sufficient. It is necessary to check the pads on the paws to ensure there are no cracks, and trim the nails.

The folds on the bulldog's face require special care, as moisture and dirt accumulate there. You should wipe these areas with wet wipes more often. Must be checked regularly big ears and clean them. Dental care is needed: brush once a week with a special tooth powder for dogs.

An adult dog is fed 2-3 times a day, and puppies 4-6 times. It is better to train the animal to eat at the same time.

Natural food is lean meat, offal, sea fish without bones. Additionally, you can feed with eggs, cereals, fermented milk products, vegetables. Fruits are a treat for the baby and can be a means of encouragement.

Dry food contains the necessary additives and it is wise to alternate both types of feeding.

Types of Bulldogs

Bulldogs can be easily recognized by their characteristic appearance. These are smart, brave and loyal dogs. Of the extant species American and English bulldogs stand out.

Choosing a puppy and keeping it

The Frenchie is a popular breed and puppies can be purchased without problems, preferably, of course, in a nursery. How much does a French Bulldog puppy cost? Without documents - from 2500 rubles, but with a pedigree it is much more expensive - from 20 thousand rubles.

Choosing a puppy in a kennel, you need to pay attention to the condition of the coat, skin, ears and eyes, whether the stomach is swollen. It is better to look through several options, make inquiries about the parents, the character of the bully, his behavior. Healthy puppies always active and sociable.

You should also examine the documents and availability of vaccinations. To be on the safe side, you can use help independent expert, knowledgeable about dog breeds. Right choice will help avoid a lot of problems and a healthy animal will delight the whole family for at least 10 years.

The dogs are taken home at the age of 45 days. They are immediately taught hygiene procedures and proper feeding:

  • at 1.5-2 months you need to feed 6 times a day;
  • at 3 months - 5 times;
  • at 4-7 months - 4 times;
  • at 8 months - 3 times;
  • after a year - 2 times.

Weight of small bulldogs by month. Table

Newborn puppy200−300 g
1 month1−1.5 kg
2 months2−2.5 kg
3 months3.3−5 kg
4 months4−6 kg
5 months4.8−7.5 kg
6 months5.5−9 kg
7 months6.5−10.5 kg
8 months7.2−11.5 kg
9 months8−13 kg
10−12 months9−15 kg

The size and weight of the Frenchie are determined by many factors, including genetics.

When feeding natural food, it is necessary to feed your small pet with vitamins and minerals for full development. If you have any problems, contact your veterinarian, who will always give advice.

Necessary teach your baby from the first days follow simple commands and let him know who’s boss in the house. No physical punishment, just an authoritative voice and obligatory encouragement if the puppy does everything right.

The adorable Mini French Bulldog is great for families with children and single seniors who need companionship. There won't be many problems with him. He easily tolerates trips and changes in environment, and can do without walking for some time. A healthy, well-groomed animal will be a loyal and cheerful friend.

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