Be the woman of your dreams! Learn foreign languages

When we ask women: “What kind of man is ideal for you?”, we, as a rule, immediately get a clear answer: to give flowers, to litter with compliments, to respect mom, not to offend the cat... And so on.

What about the stronger sex? Do you think they don’t have a portrait of a “dream woman” in their heads - the main thing is that the borscht cooks well? Whatever the case! They also have a list of “ideal” qualities that the woman of her dreams must certainly possess. Of course, in each specific case these qualities may change, because everything is individual. But, believe me, the 12 qualities we have listed will most likely appeal to any man. What are these qualities?


Kindness is important not only towards the man himself, but also towards all people and animals around him. Being kind is important to everyone, no matter what you are.


If you are sure that your deep neckline is more important to a man than the depth of your mind, then you are very much mistaken. When he thoroughly enjoys your external beauty, he will certainly pay attention to your intelligence, your wisdom and erudition. Without this, the relationship simply cannot develop further: you simply will have nothing to talk about.

Openness to new things

Be prepared for changes and discoveries: together with your man, expand your circle of acquaintances, conquer new heights and horizons.

Knowledge about yourself

It is impossible to be happy next to a rushing woman who has not really decided who she is, what she wants and where she is going in life. Don’t play a role: find yourself and be yourself, follow your path - and a man will certainly want to walk next to you.

Ability to express yourself

Each of us has the potential for some type of activity. Finding yourself in this world is simply necessary - first of all, in order to find harmony yourself. As a pleasant bonus, men will be drawn to you, because you can and know how to express yourself, it’s always interesting to be with you. Even if he cannot share your interests, you will never get bored with each other.


Deliberate sexuality, bordering on puppet artificiality, can attract a man only at the first stage of acquaintance. And, most likely, such a man does not take women seriously. Real men value simplicity, openness, sincerity and the ability to see beauty in small things in their life partners.


Self-confidence appeals to both men and women. Love yourself, know your worth, take care of yourself - find true freedom. You will see - after her you will find happiness.

Accepting yourself as you are

If you endlessly beat yourself up and look for non-existent flaws in yourself, then sooner or later a man will also begin to focus his attention on them. Remember: what matters is how you see and evaluate yourself.


Of course, we are all different from each other, but sometimes this is not enough to attract another person. Men have always liked girls who have their own opinions, who are able to go against the system, defend themselves and destroy stereotypes. In a word, unique, strong personalities.


And we’re not talking about sex here (or rather, not just that). The woman of your dreams is passionate about everything: her favorite business, her hobby, her sport, her housework and, of course, her relationships. Such women attract you like the strongest magnets in the world.


It's always incredibly boring to be with a girl who has no direction in life, no goal. Just aiming for something is not enough, you have to do it with great enthusiasm.

The ability to be happy

Stop, stop, stop, don’t rush to shout indignantly: “A woman’s happiness depends on her chosen one!” Yes and no. You must be able to be happy on your own, self-sufficiently happy. And then people next to you will unconsciously be drawn to you, like a little sun.

You deny yourself sweets, spend half your salary on miracle anti-wrinkle creams and read Nietzsche instead of Marinina, and not at all because you like it. You just want to be ideal for Him. Will he appreciate it? Remain yourself, and you will become the best for him!

A month ago, after reading in some Internet survey that 70% of men prefer women with large busts, my friend had plastic surgery for breast augmentation. To be honest, with her fragile, short figure, size 4 breasts are unnatural. And yesterday, in another survey, Lena read that more than half of men still love small breasts. And she cried at my house all night. I didn’t know how to help her.

Have you ever thought about how much we do for men? We dye our hair, although we know that it hopelessly ruins it. We wear high heels, despite the fact that sneakers are more comfortable, faster and more practical. Grimacing in pain, we pluck our eyebrows, even if it is unnatural. We also read all his horoscopes to find out which women he really likes. And they are ready to work on themselves for days, just to get rid of all real and imaginary shortcomings and become like his ideal.
Is it necessary to persist so much? Here are some real-life examples.

I love carrots, but I eat cabbage

One of my friends always admired the long-legged beauties from the covers of glossy magazines and declared that he would marry only such a kitty. He was tired of everyone asking to introduce him to a real model. He was introduced, and not just to one. But as a result, he married a short, plump girl, Dasha, who has very little to do with the modeling business - she works as a music teacher in a kindergarten. It must be said that the guy is quite happy, although he continues to enjoy reading men's magazines and looking at photographs of models.
Another guy shouted that he hated bitches. “A girl should be modest, quiet, shy,” he liked to teach me from time to time. Only, as long as I’ve known him, all Mishka’s girls turned out to be, to put it mildly, with pepper. The last one, Natasha, kicked him out of her own apartment after some trifling disagreement - and Mishka lived with a friend for three days, constantly called Natasha, asked for forgiveness and swore eternal love.

I also know a man who claims that he can’t stand it when a woman dyes her hair and smokes. His girlfriend, a smoking, dyed blonde, just smiles indulgently when she hears this.
Conclusion: there is no point in remaking yourself for the sake of the stronger sex. Men don’t like blondes or brunettes, not skinny ones or plump ones, not bitches and not shy ones, but those women who love themselves. Nothing else matters. Therefore, today your main task is to love yourself for who you are. Almost like in the popular Mogilev song. How to do it? Read on!

All for... yourself!

You can, of course, use the wise recipe of the heroine of the film “The Most Charming and Attractive” and, standing in front of the mirror, repeat the magic phrase several times a day. But how can you believe that you are a queen if your nose is like a potato, your legs are far from your neck, and your ears are sticking out? How can you consider yourself successful if you were fired from your job, you’ve been studying English for 15 years but can’t learn it, and at 30 you still live in a rented apartment? No problem, psychologists say! It's all in the head!
First of all, this head needs to be... washed.

Yes, yes, you heard right - wash so often that your hair does not seem unkempt. And you need to go to a cosmetologist, and get a manicure, and do exercises too - not for men, but exclusively for yourself. To feel confident. If you have a problem (or it seems to you that you have one), take some real steps towards solving it - and this will provide you with half the success, say scientific minds. If you don’t like your hair, consult your hair stylist about which care system is best to choose. If you are not satisfied with the shape of your nose, try makeup that will visually reduce it. If you're unhappy with your figure, start running in the morning. Yes, you won't lose 10 kg. And the shape of your nose will not change due to makeup. But the feeling that you are working on yourself will double your self-esteem!

How much good is there in me?

The next step on the path to confidence is an exercise code-named “What a great guy I am!” List on paper everything that is good about you. Write about how smart, kind, cheerful, pretty you are, and how you cook delicious borscht, and how you can roller-skate, and how you’ve read everything by Murakami, and how you eat beautifully... Did you graduate from school with a gold medal? You're just an intellectual monster! Do you do 5 pull-ups? Sportswoman! Mention all your positive traits, all your achievements. And now repeat: “How smart I am (and then list all the advantages), how much I have achieved (read out your successes).” This is not a joke or banter, but a very useful mini-training. You will see how much better you will feel after such a lesson in self-love! And if someone criticizes you, or you begin to quietly envy someone, or feel sorry for yourself, remember the wonderful list. And don't think about the shortcomings. Everyone has them, and why focus on them?

This wonderful Aelita

Another useful exercise is “Draw yourself.” No, you don’t need pencils - you just need to imagine your ideal image in every detail. See yourself as you would like to be - slim, confident, smiling, etc. This girl, whom you draw in your thoughts, will become your second self - come up with some unusual name for her, for example, Aelita. Imagine what she is wearing, how she walks, how she talks, why others admire her. Do you like her? So, she is you!

When you walk down the street, chat with colleagues or meet a man, think that you are not an ordinary girl Masha, Sveta or Olya, but the beautiful and smart Aelita. By identifying yourself with this ideal image, at some point you will find that you behave as relaxed and natural as Aelita.

I know how to present myself!

Want a few more tricks? A confident woman is easy to distinguish from any other, because she walks with her shoulders back and her breasts raised high (no matter what size) - because everything is great with her. When talking, she always smiles - she is pleased to see her interlocutor. If she didn’t catch the last name or forgot the name, then she doesn’t hesitate to ask again - there’s nothing wrong with that. Just as he is not afraid to express his point of view - even if it does not coincide with the opinions of others. “You’re probably right in some ways, but I think differently,” she says with a smile if she doesn’t agree with someone.
A self-confident woman devours a meat chop with appetite and does not deny herself a glass of wine with a chocolate candy - she knows how to enjoy life, and men absolutely love it. In bed, such a lady is absolutely relaxed, regardless of whether she weighs 45 kg or 78, because her body is magnificent, and she knows it. A dream woman is not ashamed of her weaknesses, but easily turns them into strengths. In any situation, she behaves completely naturally. This is probably why she has so many fans.

Do you still doubt the correctness of this approach? Once upon a time, one lady, for fun, published an ad in the newspaper with approximately the following content: “A 40-year-old woman with a difficult character, who loves to eat, drinks beer, smokes and sometimes swears obscenely, is looking for a life partner.” She was sure that she would not receive a single letter in response. She received more than a thousand letters! Moreover, from men of all ages - from 27 to 70! Each of them assured that she fully corresponded to his ideal, and it was just such a girlfriend that he had been looking for all his life. “I just wrote the truth about myself,” this lady told reporters. How useful it is to be yourself sometimes!

Natalia Kolchanova, consulting psychologist

Down with perfectionism!

Perfectionists are supporters of perfection. It would seem that what’s wrong with the bright desire to become the best in everything? The fact is that behind the insatiable desire to be impeccable lies a deep feeling of dissatisfaction, fear, which can be clothed in different clothes. For example, fear that others will not accept you for who you really are, fear that you will find yourself helpless in the face of circumstances, will receive a disapproving assessment from loved ones, will not be able to arouse love in someone... But how to get rid of obsessive desire achieve perfection in everything? To begin with, it is important to admit that you are not alien to the perfectionism complex.

Try to recognize the forms of its manifestation, which are quite diverse: from the insatiable desire to do everything in the best way to the demand for perfection from others. Learn to ask yourself questions every time you try to get to the top of something. For example, why is it so important for me to do everything in the best way? How will I feel if he doesn’t like what I did? What motivates me when I want to become Perfection for him? You need to learn to forgive yourself small shortcomings and not be afraid of your own weaknesses. Such close understanding is necessary in order to understand your true desires behind perfectionism and, most importantly, learn to realize them in a mature way. In this way, you can transform perfectionism into a healthy desire for development and self-improvement.

Pages of women's secrets

Intelligence is an irreplaceable thing in the services market. In a 2002 study, researchers at Arizona State University gave women 20 “token dollars” to create a portrait of an ideal man consisting of 10 characteristics. Women paid the most attention to a man's education - even more than his good looks.

Intelligence implies problem-solving ability, high creativity and social status, and greater income-earning opportunities, says study author Mark Prokosh, Ph.D.

Be a man: take up rock climbing, cycling, start raising birds. Choose an occupation in which you are strong and she is not. Showing her how to do something you love will impress her, says sociologist Christine B. Whelan, Ph.D., Iowa State University, author of Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women. “Women don't want scientists with exceptional brainpower,” says Whelan. “They want someone who is interested in everything that's going on in the world.”


You are an impressionable guy of the 21st century, not a specimen of a caveman. The fact is that sometimes a woman needs just such a man. “For short-term, fleeting failed trials, women often prefer men who have social standing, muscular bodies, and symmetrical facial features,” says Daniel Krueger, Ph.D., a psychologist at the University of Michigan Public Health. “These features are characterized by high levels of testosterone, which is a sign of good genetic inheritance.”

Be a man: forget about frequent use of a razor. In a 2008 study, women rated slightly unshaven men the most highly. They see it as a sign of masculinity without making the man appear overly dominant or aggressive, says study author Nick Neave, a PhD candidate at a university in England.

When it comes to your image, don't overdo it. In a study at the University of New Mexico, researchers found that during women's fertile period, when they craved masculinity and felt their sexiest, their partners understood their feelings and became increasingly attentive. But the more men began to show attention to women, the fewer of them wanted intimate relationships. This period begins about a week after the first day of menstruation and lasts 7 or 8 days. She may dress nicely and give specific cues to wanting intimacy, says gynecologist Rebecca Booth, MD, author of Venus Week. Whisper something nice to her, like, “You look great. I can’t wait to spend time with you.” This will increase her arousal.

Prominent Perspective

Many women think they'll have to sacrifice their careers to raise children, so they constantly evaluate your ability to provide for your family, says Gary Brace, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Kansas State University.

Be a Man: To gauge your willingness to share finances, she will test your daily kindness and generosity. So instead of arguing over who will pay for dinner at a restaurant, just deposit the check on your credit card and pay later.

Unconditional selflessness can be a sign of intelligence and resourcefulness, according to a 2007 study published in the Journal of Personality Research. The manifestation of this quality suggests that you are capable of saving.

Don Juan

According to a Kenyon College study, men believe that the ideal number of sexual partners over a person's lifetime should be at least 13. Women settled on the number five. They are more picky because she will stay with the baby if you leave her. Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., author of Touch Me, says that a woman who is looking for a man who is sexy, smart, and confident understands that he is not born that way—he will become that way over time.

Be a man: ease her inhibitions so she can focus on pleasure. "Making her feel comfortable will help her become sexually assertive, so she'll take responsibility for her own satisfaction and her sense of adventure will increase," Fulbright says. Your move: hug her before sex, not after. You program her for pleasure by increasing her testosterone. This helps her achieve orgasm. Massage is also a pleasant way to please her. “This shows that you're not just looking for sex, but for her to enjoy intimacy with you,” says Fulbright.


No, she doesn't need a man so she can just laugh with him. Women need a witty person in moments of awkwardness and tension. “Humor involves looking at everyday things in an unconventional way,” says Don Nielsen, Ph.D., co-founder of the International Society for the Study of Humor. She will be impressed by your ability to see the funny side of things.

Be a man: Women tend to find stories funnier than one-liners or sarcastic rants. “Men tell jokes to compete with others and impress others, while women tell jokes to maintain friendships,” says Nielsen. Stories bring the storyteller and the listener closer together.

When arguing, couples use humor to ease tension, express hostility, or shift emphasis. The result of using humor is the establishment of more trusting relationships. These are the results of a 2008 study published in the Journal of Psychology. But when humor becomes a weapon, it's not good. "Next time you're arguing, start with a joke as a peaceful way to calm her guard," suggests Diana Kirshner, Ph.D., author of Love in 90 Days. “Then get serious about solving the issue at hand.”

Men are generally very patient and not demanding. They can forgive their girlfriend a lot: whims, hysterics, bad mood... But they will only do this if they really need the girl! How to become the companion of his dreams? It's not all about appearance. You need to be able to present yourself correctly!

Men don't like:

  • Too serious people who always keep everything under their strict control. Even if you are a tough business lady who has a large staff of employees under her command, still be affectionate and submissive at home. Exception: mama's boys, henpecked and gigolos;
  • Depraved women. They are all hunters at heart, they need to conquer, set new goals for themselves and conquer peaks. Will he be interested in someone who “hangs herself around her neck”? Of course not!. Exception: insecure men;
  • You shouldn't be too inaccessible either. Sooner or later he will get tired of trying to conquer Everest and he will choose a new object for himself.

What should a girl be like?

The girl of your dreams should be natural, but at the same time different. Awaken his imagination, let him not know what to expect from you. Be a meek and modest girl in front of his parents and friends, and when you are alone, turn into a bold and sexy person. Change your hairstyle, clothing style, hair color, makeup, manicure. Such seemingly small things will certainly have a positive impact on the relationship.

First date

The first date is one of the most important stages of a relationship. It depends on him whether they will continue or not. There are several rules for a first date:

  • You need to dress modestly, but at the same time sexy. It is better to give preference to a long and tight skirt rather than a short one. Men love to fantasize, give him the opportunity to do so!;
  • You shouldn’t reveal everything about yourself at the first meeting. On the contrary, you need to listen as much as possible and talk as little as possible;
  • You shouldn't criticize his activities. If he says that he plays football, then the phrase: “I hate football players” will end your communication.
  • Makeup should be modest, closer to natural. Most males consider bright makeup to be vulgar. However, you can focus on the eyes or lips.

Now is the time of modern technology and the Internet. Most dating takes place on social networks or on thematic sites. When communicating with a potential partner, you should not tell lies. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will feel awkward on the first date.

First stage of relationship

Psychologists call the first stage of a relationship the addiction stage. At this stage, young people are just becoming attached to each other and are considering the possibility of continuing the relationship. A girl at this stage should behave as follows:

  • Do not be capricious and do not show your character. You should be as calm, wise and reasonable as possible;
  • Support him in everything he does. Even if his next idea seems strange;
  • Maintain good relations with his friends and relatives. These people in the early stages of a relationship can influence his decision;
  • Always look well-groomed and natural.

If you comply with all the conditions, the man will understand that this is the kind of girl he needs. And after he gets used to it, you can gradually begin to express yourself.

Meeting the parents

If a young man has offered to introduce you to his close relatives, then you are on the right path. Your future also depends on this first meeting with them, so you should try to make this date as useful as possible:

  • Dress appropriately. You should wear beautiful but modest clothing. For example, a casual dress, knee-length. Makeup – natural;
  • You should find out in advance what interests his parents and learn a little about this topic in order to be able to maintain a conversation. For example, if his mother is a cook, then learn a few recipes and share them with them. You should definitely find out how her son’s favorite dish is prepared;
  • Under no circumstances should you argue with your parents, even if it seems that they are wrong. This may negatively affect their attitude towards you.

At the end of the evening, it is worth thanking the young man and his parents for a pleasant time spent.

Second stage of relationship

The second stage of a relationship is when young people begin to live together. It’s also worth talking about separately, because everyday life can completely ruin your relationship with your partner. The following rules should be followed:

  • Argue with him less. Unlike him, you are a wise and reasonable person. You can always and in any situation find a compromise that suits both of you;
  • Don't let everyday life ruin your relationship. Don’t sit at home, go for a walk, visit friends and go to entertainment venues;
  • Share your life. Plan out your responsibilities and don’t take on all the household burden, otherwise your partner will become a habit. Let, for example, his responsibility be to take out the garbage, and yours to prepare food;
  • Manage your family budget wisely. Do this in such a way that everyone has some small amount left for personal expenses.

If these conditions are met, the relationship will not get worse, it will be just as happy and fruitful.

Family and marriage

For some, this is the final stage, and for others, the beginning of a new relationship. Still be the girl of his dreams for him. Don’t neglect your appearance after marriage; in his eyes you should also be beautiful and well-groomed. Try to smooth out conflicts, constantly surprise him and find time for common activities.

All these simple tips will make the relationship respectful, fulfilling and strong, and in the eyes of your loved one you will be a dream woman.

Have you noticed that there are girls for whom guys literally line up? So what is their secret of seduction? Unfortunately, there is no magic drink that will make you incredibly attractive, and there is no special workout regimen that will guarantee you the love of all the guys. But there are some tricks that will help you become the dream of most guys.


Become more attractive

    Show off the beauty of your personality. Your positive character traits outshine your negative physical traits and increase your attraction to the opposite sex. For example, a guy who likes skinny girls may suddenly become attracted to a slightly overweight girl if she has a great personality. Try to understand your positive character traits and show them to the world!

    • Find your best character traits and take every opportunity to demonstrate them. For example, if you have the ability to be compassionate, you can sign up as a volunteer. If you are very responsible, try becoming a class president.
    • If you think you need to work on something, that's okay! For example, if you are very shy, try to work on yourself and become a little more open person. If you have a short temper, learn self-control.
  1. Take care of yourself. There's only so much you can do about your appearance, but some studies have shown that people look much more attractive if they take care of themselves. Take time to look after yourself. Here are some basic principles to follow to look more attractive:

    • Take a shower every day
    • Style your hair
    • Brush your teeth
    • Wear only clean clothes
  2. Try to highlight your best character traits. Men's preferences for women's body shapes and appearances in general vary greatly, so try not to get too hung up on any one photo in a magazine. Instead, try to embrace your appearance and figure and try to highlight your strengths.

    Wear something red. Women who dress in red appear more attractive to some men. You don't have to wear red clothes all the time to prevent it from becoming a habit. Just wear a red blouse from time to time, try wearing red-colored jewelry or accessories.

    • If you want, you can add something red to your everyday look, such as red lipstick, red earrings or a red scarf.
  3. Wear heels from time to time. High heels usually make women more desirable and attractive in the eyes of men. High heels are quite uncomfortable, but they can be worn on special occasions, such as dancing or events. You can try wearing shoes with lower heels.

    Listen to your emotions. There is no need to be too emotional when meeting a person for the first time. But you also shouldn’t be too “cold”, making the person feel awkward with you. Excessive emotions can also scare off a new acquaintance. Try to be calm and balanced. This way, you will become more mysterious in the eyes of the guy, which will undoubtedly play into your hands.

    • For example, don't jump or clap your hands if he asks you out. It’s better to just smile and say: “Yes, that sounds tempting. What are you up to?”
  4. Leave the event early.