The influence of computers on human health. The influence of computer games on the physical and mental health of primary schoolchildren

Nikiforova Daria Sergeevna

Purpose of the work: To study the influence computer games per person

Objectives of the work: Consider what computer games are, their types and subtypes, study both positive and Negative influence computer games per person, conduct a survey and study its results, think about the immediate development of computer games, and draw conclusions.



Work of a student of class 9 "A" of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1526

Nikiforova Daria Sergeevna

Head: Ivkina Elena Sergeevna

  1. Goals and objectives of the work
  2. Introduction
  3. What are computer games, their classifications, disclosure of concepts
  4. The influence of computer games on humans
  • Gamers
  • Gamers
  1. Survey and its results
  2. Possible future of computer games
  3. Conclusion. Conclusions of the work

Purpose of the work: To study the influence of computer games on humans

Objectives of the work: Consider what computer games are, their types and subtypes, study both the positive and negative effects of computer games on humans, conduct a survey and study its results, think about the immediate development of computer games, sum up.


I think nowadays many of us play computer games. Some people play for fun, some for work, and there are also people who are trying to escape from real life into an illusory world created by a computer. Let's figure out what computer games are and their importance in our lives.

What are computer games, their classifications, explanation of concepts

To find out how games can influence a person, let’s figure out what computer games are? Let's turn to Wikipedia.Computer game -computer programserving for the organization gameplay ( gameplay ), connections with playing partners, or acting as partner They are usually created based on films or books (also vice versa). The components of computer games are the setting (place, time and conditions of action), gameplay (the gameplay itself), and music in computer games.

After studying online sources, I realized that there are a lot of classifications of computer games. Let's consider two of them: by genre and topic.

By genre, a computer game can be:

  • Adventure
  • Action*
  • RPG (role-playing game)
  • Strategic**
  • Simulator***
  • Others (puzzle, educational game, arcade, etc.)

*Action (or action) - a game mainly with scenes of battles, fights, etc. Divided into:

  1. Shooters (or, colloquially, “shooters”)
  2. Fighting games
  3. Horror
  4. Stealth (the main goal is to be unnoticed)

**Strategy is a game that involves managing processes such as building cities, running a business, commanding an army, etc.

***Simulator – a simulator of a real sphere of life (for example, an airplane driving simulator)

By topic, computer games are divided into:

  • Fantasy (game based on mythological or fairy tale motifs)
  • Historical
  • Space
  • Post-apocalyptic (science fiction or disaster game)
  • Cyberpunk (science fiction game with a focus on the “near future”)
  • Steampunk

The influence of computer games on humans.

Let's move directly to the topic of my project. As I said earlier, computer games are becoming popular these days. Definitely, even if society doesn't feel it, games have an impact on their psyche. With the advent of computer games, people became interested in, played and studied games. Let's turn to Wikipedia again and find out what they are called.

  • Gamers

A person who plays computer games and is interested in them. Perhaps the same term can be used to refer to people addicted to computer games.

Gamers are people who are not particularly dependent on computer games. But there are others who are even too keen on them. These are called gambling addicts. Gambling addiction is considered a psychological addiction. Sometimes addiction reaches shocking limits. For example, in October 2005, one Chinese girl died from exhaustion. She played without leaving the computer for several days. Her name was Snowly. After her death, a virtual funeral was organized in the game.

There are now treatment programs for gambling addiction. Those who study this problem compare it to addictions such as alcoholism or drug addiction. Imagine how far this sometimes goes!

The game is a pleasant thing, but there is also side effects. Often computer games depict military operations or some kind of battles, as a result of which, after a long time spent in the game, aggression, anger, and rage may appear. Sometimes it happens that the emotions felt in the game come out into the real world, which sometimes has a negative impact on human and social relationships. Also, there are examples of how people who have a lot of problems at work or at school, or who have experienced some kind of misfortune or psychological shock, escape from reality into the world of computer games, as I indicated earlier. This is one of the reasons for addiction. IN virtual reality you don’t think about your problems, you solve the problems of the character given to you, which distracts you from the world around you. You immerse yourself in the game headlong and begin to forget about everything in the world. I think the following conclusion can be drawn from this: playing is not so bad, but, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Don't get too carried away with this. Scientists advise playing a maximum of 3-4 hours a day. Break game records, but know how to stop in time.

But there are also positive aspects of computer games. Let's think about tutorials, simulators and games of this kind. For example, as far as I know, computer simulators are used to train drivers or pilots, for training and some practice of doctors and representatives of other specialties. Also, games are used for early preschool education children, to develop their attention and thinking abilities, and learn new skills. Such games can be puzzles, mazes and the same simulators of any type of activity. In addition to all of the above, there are programs for creating something: for example, music, films/cartoons, other games, etc. Perhaps, under the influence of computer games, music such asdubstep, trance, etc.or, more simply put, electronic music. (of course, this is not necessarily the case). Plus, in addition to all of the above, after studying the Internet, I learned about some programs that are beneficial to health. There are a number of computer games that treat strabismus. One of these games was calledDiplopia. The principle of operation is based on the manipulation of image contrast, which allows a person to re-learn how to imagine the world with two eyes. Also, in Alabama they created a controller that combines both the pleasure of the game and physical activity. The controller itself is presented in the form of a treadmill with many buttons. The creators of the project hope that not only gamers, but also overweight people will pay attention to this device.

Survey and its results.

In order to clearly study the impact of computer games on a person, I conducted a survey among students of State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1526 and my outside friends who are fond of computer games. N number of people participated in the survey. You can see the results of this survey on the slide, first in detail, and then systematized in table form. After conducting it, I came to the following conclusion: people play computer games quite often, which indicates that games are becoming popular. Also, according to the survey, we see: mostly young people aged 12 to 18 play. This is probably why entertaining games are more popular than educational ones. The majority of respondents believe that computer games do not distract them from their educational or work activities and do not affect their consciousness. Whether they are right is difficult to judge. Computer games are a promising field, further development games and their impact on society may change. Whether it's positive or negative, we don't know. As they say, time will tell.

Possible future of computer games.

As I indicated in the survey results, computer games are a promising area. We can talk for a long time about what future awaits them. Here, I gave free rein to my imagination. It seems to me that the popularization of computer games will reach its highest point. Perhaps separate castes of gamers and research centers for computer games will be created. Games will be used to create any material things, to perform basic work, to display training programs and manuals in an original form. Of course, this is my subjective opinion.

When talking about the future, we must not forget about the present. By this point in time, in some countries, computer games are recognized as one of the types of modern art and are called eSports. Also, research into games has begun, and even an academic discipline dedicated to this topic has emerged -video game philosophy.

Conclusion. Conclusions of the work.

Honestly, I learned a lot about the world of computer games. I never thought that it was so diverse and multifaceted; I was amazed by the information I studied. As a result, I can say that I probably coped with the task: we looked at what computer games are, their types and subtypes, studied the positive and negative aspects of the influence of computer games on humans, conducted a survey and examined its results, discussed the immediate development of computer games. games. The main thing to remember is: do not abuse your time playing computer games, do not exchange real life for virtual life. You shouldn’t run to computer reality, you need to solve problems here. Play, win, but within reason. Be aware of the time limits and try to stick to the games. Perhaps this will even be some way of organizing your time, establishing some control over your actions and yourself.

At school, in society and in families, discussions often arise about what is more in computer games: harm or benefit? Today, many children are passionate about computers and especially computer games: in the game they cease to be passive observers, and get the opportunity to actively influence the events of the virtual world.Unfortunately, parents do not quite understand that this problem is also their own fault. However, it is their duty to return a child lost on the Internet to earth.

Many people like to play computer games, even children, from 4-5 years old and older. Boys love to play various “shooting games” containing murder scenes, blood, fights, accompanied by sound effects in the form of hysterical screams, screams, etc. Computer games block the positive process personal development, makes the child immoral, callous, cruel and selfish.

Children begin to behave this way on the street, they have nightmares at night, and try to repeat the movements. This is a special degree of concentration on any object of the internal or external world. In computer games, attention is focused on repetitive, stereotypical actions (running and shooting) occurring on the screen. The sense of real time is lost, the child plunges into a kind of trance. If games are used frequently and for a long time, the plots of which only include chases and murders, and people act as victims, then information is gradually laid down and consolidated on an unconscious level that you can kill and not be punished for it. Such an unconscious attitude towards violence can dramatically reduce the psychological barrier to such actions in real life.

There is a problem of “freezing” in the virtual world, when a child cannot tear himself away from the screen for several hours. At the same time, the child’s interaction with people is limited, communication skills are lost, necessary for the child for normal mental and social development.

When working in front of a monitor for a long time, overwork and even exhaustion of the nervous system occurs. Therefore, it is imperative to comply sanitary standards. Special attention should be applied to children with minimal organic lesions of the nervous system (associated with the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother or infections in the child in the first months of life). Such children are inattentive, hyperactive, or, conversely, slow and lethargic. Their nervous system has an increased need for defensive reaction- trance. The processes of unconscious imprinting of information and the development of computer addiction are faster for them.

But besides physical health children, it is important to think about their mental health.

Scientists have proven that in large doses, computer games lead to the accumulation of chronic stress with all the negative consequences for the child’s body.
How do computer games (“toys”) affect the mental development and personality of a child? Can they contribute to it? emotional development, cause deviations in his behavior, aggressiveness and cruelty? There are many commercial computer games for educational and educational purposes. They broaden horizons and general awareness, develop logical thinking a child's eye, speed of reactions, form the child's skills to plan mental actions. But along with them, there are also many “toys” that are classified into “flying games”, “shooting games”, “action games”, “racing”, “strategies”. They also contribute to the development of the player’s individual abilities, but at the same time negatively affect the child’s psyche. Despite this, most children love them much more than non-aggressive educational and educational games. Of course, while playing, the child feels like a “cool” all-powerful superhero.

Almost all of these games have age restrictions, which are indicated on the cover. But who takes this into account? And parents don’t think about these questions at all. Can some computer toy cause harm? It turns out, maybe, and even quite a lot. Psychological research, in particular, domestic scientists, testify that Western-made commercial computer games, which dominate the market today, instill an aggressive-individualistic morality in children. By getting used to the role of the main character, controlling the hero or a weapon placed on the bottom panel of the display, the child has the opportunity to deal with virtual victims without hindrance and impunity. Often in such games, it is the number of “killed” and “wounded” that is a quantitative indicator of the player’s level of achievement: what larger number sacrifices, the more points the machine will award, therefore, the more satisfied the child will be with himself. All this very quickly affects his consciousness, then he forms false attitudes: “I am against everyone!”, “The more I “kill”, the better!” Many games promote violence and rude speech.

Some researchers believe that playing with aggressive “toys” gives the child the opportunity to free himself from negative emotions, which are habitually restrained, and cultivate an aversion to violence and cruelty. However, often children during role-playing outdoor games with peers or in serious life situations imitate violence, examples of which they saw on television or “practised” themselves during a computer game. As a rule, aggressive reactions are most pronounced in adolescents, but they are laid down and consolidated in early childhood. Already younger schoolchildren are inclined to imitate the so-called asocial heroes from films and television programs, video and television films, computer heroes, whose aggression, as a rule, is rewarded and presented in an advantageous light. Children tend not only to identify themselves with individual victims or aggressors, but also to transfer these roles to real situations. In addition, a child may become insensitive to rudeness and cruelty after watching large quantity scenes of violence. And finally, children, especially younger ones, may, based on what they see, begin to consider violence an acceptable model of behavior and even a way to solve their problems.

Scientists have found that computer games stimulate only a certain part of children's brains, so children should do more reading, writing and math. In addition, it is good for children to play outside and interact with other children as much as possible. Instead of playing a “traditional” sport such as football, the “FIFA” simulator is preferred. So there is a problem. Society does not pay enough attention to this. And the computer continues to involve more and more people in the virtual world more people, making them dependent.
How to help a child get out of “captivity”?
It is necessary to limit the time spent working at the computer and playing on it, because a long stay in front of a monitor screen can negatively affect the child’s physical well-being. These are problems with vision, with the spine, hands, psyche and sleep, as well as information overload. Electromagnetic vibration and ionizing radiation even the most secure modern monitors - huge pressure on the vision and posture of the still developing child's body. Taking this into account, the sanitary and hygienic requirements are quite categorical: no more than 30 - 40 minutes per day for younger children school age and no more than an hour - for teenagers and young men.

In conclusion, we can say the following. Just as parents care about the quality and sufficient quantity of food for the child, they should take care of the quality and quantity of computer products consumed by the child, interest the child in educational and developmental games, prevent the use of low-quality games and monitor the time the child spends on the computer.

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1. Computer games

2.2 Computer and vision

2.3 Diseases related to muscles and joints




Game is an indispensable companion to the development of humanity. At the stage of archaeoculture, games were performed extremely important functions. They were used to socialize the younger generation, to prepare for collective hunting, and for training. But educational and training functions were not the main ones in ancient gaming activities; the main field of play is holidays, rituals, primitive art (dances, music, myths). All these activities represent archaeocultural creative and communicative activities.

Neoculture liberated the masses, working people had leisure and with it an increased demand for entertainment, games, and shows. In the 20th century, the leisure industry developed, which occupied all communication channels and means: newspapers, magazines and books, theater and cinema, radio broadcasting and television. The gaming essence of this industry is obvious: it produces not material goods, but entertainment items that fill people’s leisure time.

Today's pace of computerization exceeds the pace of development of all other industries. Not a single average company can do without computers and computer networks today, not to mention large companies. A modern person interacts with a computer constantly - at work, at home, in the car and even on an airplane. Computers are rapidly introducing themselves into human life, taking their place in our consciousness.

Along with the advent of computers, computer games appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans. These games have been accompanying the younger generation since childhood, causing, on the one hand, a slowdown in development and even atrophy of the musculoskeletal system and muscles and, on the other hand, quickly developing a person’s intellect, logical thinking and imagination. A computer player gets used to moving from one virtual world to another, quickly perceiving unfamiliar situations and adapting to them. In the rapidly changing society of the 21st century, developed intellectual flexibility will ensure adaptation to new, unexpected realities. Computer games thus perform the function of socializing youth in a post-industrial society.

The development and improvement of games is closely related to the development of computer software and technology. Nowadays, many computer components are being developed almost specifically for games. For example, expensive video cards, the cost of which reaches half the cost of a satisfactory computer for office work. All games are developed taking into account the latest innovations in computer technology, responding to all achievements and coming closer to the reality of image and sound. Today, there are games that are striking in their plausibility, with good graphics and sound design that almost completely imitate life. There is and is constantly emerging a huge number of companies that provide more and more new games of an extremely diverse nature.

1. Computer games

A computer is as safe as any other household device. But as with other household appliances, there are potential health risks associated with its use. Considering the impact of computers on health, we note several risk factors.

These include:

Problems related to electromagnetic radiation;

Vision problems;

Problems related to muscles and joints;

Problems of insomnia, stress, nervous disorders;

Respiratory problems.

In each of these cases, the degree of risk is directly proportional to the time spent at and near the computer.

2. The influence of the computer on the human body

2.1 Influence electromagnetic radiation

Every device that produces or consumes electricity creates electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is concentrated around the device in the form electromagnetic field. Some appliances, such as a toaster or refrigerator, create very low levels electromagnetic radiation. Other devices (high-voltage lines, microwave ovens, televisions, computer monitors) create much more high levels radiation. Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched, but is nonetheless present everywhere.

As for the impact of electromagnetic radiation of lower frequencies on the human body - very low frequency and ultra-low frequency radiation created by computers and other household electrical appliances, scientists and consumer rights advocates have not yet come to a consensus. However, some work and research in this area identifies possible risk factors, for example, it is believed that electromagnetic radiation can cause disorders of the nervous system, decreased immunity, disorders of cardio-vascular system and abnormalities during pregnancy and, accordingly, detrimental effects on the fetus. According to the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety, women working behind a monitor from 2 to 6 hours a day experience functional disorders of the nervous system on average 4.6 times more often than in the control group. According to American scientists, women who work more than 20 hours a week at monitors in the first three months of pregnancy experienced 2 times more miscarriages than women employed in other jobs. According to Swedish researchers, female PC users have miscarriages 1.5 times more often, and the birth of children with birth defects development - 2.5 times more. Research in this area, verified in last years, only increased anxiety and raised new questions that remain unanswered. Like all devices that consume electricity, a computer emits electromagnetic radiation, and from household appliances, only a microwave oven or a TV can compare with a PC in terms of the strength of this radiation, however, we do not spend very much time in close proximity to them, and electromagnetic radiation has less exposure with increasing distance from the source to the object. Thus, a computer is the most dangerous source of electromagnetic radiation.

2.2 Computer and vision

If the issue of the influence of electromagnetic fields on health is still controversial, then a computer certainly has a negative effect on vision. In any case, when children or adults are engaged in work that involves eye strain, their eyes become tired. This problem is well known to car enthusiasts, for a long time for those on the go, or for any reader who spends hours without looking up from a book. The muscles that control the eyes and focus them on a specific object simply get tired from being overused. Potential eye fatigue exists in any activity that involves vision, but it is greatest when you need to view an object at close range. The problem is even greater if the activity involves the use of high brightness devices, such as a computer monitor.

Children are especially prone to eye fatigue because their eyes and the muscles that control them are not yet strong. Excessive reading and unlimited time sitting in front of the TV or computer require serious strain on young eyes. Most often, visual fatigue leads to children becoming lethargic and irritable. As every parent can attest, these consequences do not necessarily occur only when working on a computer. When children overdo it in any activity, they often become irritable. If your child is more agitated than usual, and there is no other obvious reason for this, then it may well be caused by him spending a long time on the computer. Excessive computer work can also aggravate existing vision problems. Many children suffer from slight visual impairment that may be considered a “nuisance.” Over time, vision correction will be needed, but medical intervention may be avoided until adolescence or adulthood. But if children are so keen on the computer that they spend all their free time at the keyboard, then this “trouble” can develop into something more that will require correction in early age. And some ophthalmologists worry that too much computer use at a young age can have a negative impact on the muscles that control the eyes, making it very difficult for a child to concentrate on a particular subject, especially in activities such as reading. If this happens, the problem of vision correction will have to be solved with the help of glasses. Fortunately, most of these problems can be avoided quite easily. If, despite these precautions, your child complains headache If his eyes become sore and itchy, or if he suddenly has difficulty reading or doing other schoolwork, you should take him to an ophthalmologist. Don’t forget to tell them that you have a computer at home and tell them how much time your child spends on it. The doctor may prescribe special exercises for the eyes or select glasses for the child that are designed specifically for working at the average distance typical of a computer. Due to intensive work at the computer, humanity has developed new diseases that are even more dangerous, such as progressive astigmatism. Under the influence of radiation coming from the monitor, the graininess of the image and the non-flatness of the monitor screen, computer scientists experience irreversible changes in the cornea of ​​the eye. As a result of these changes, the image begins to be focused by the optical system of the eye not into a round point, but into an oval. Visually, the patient observes a change in the shape of objects, blurred edges, and doubling of small images. This disease is not curable, since all currently performed operations correct the imperfection optical system eyes by affecting the cornea, while this disease specifically affects the cornea. In this case, she will not be able to undergo the operation. Ultimately, this disease leads to blindness - the patient's images are completely out of focus, and he sees objects as if through foggy glass. computer body disease

2.3 Diseases associated with muscles and joints

People who make a living working on computers have greatest number health complaints are associated with diseases of the muscles and joints. Most often it's just a numbness in the neck, pain in the shoulders and lower back, or tingling in the legs. But there are, however, more serious illnesses. Pain in the arms, especially in the hand right hand, caused by long work at the computer, acquired the name carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome, and also acquired the status of an occupational disease of computer workers (programmers, machinists and people whose work is carried out mainly on a computer). The cause of pain is a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. Pinching can be caused by swelling of the tendons passing in close proximity to the nerve, as well as swelling of the nerve itself. The cause of a pinched nerve is a constant static load on the same muscles, which can be caused by a large number of monotonous movements (for example, when working with a mouse) or an uncomfortable position of the hands while working with the keyboard, in which the wrist is in constant tension. All this can lead to constant feeling pain or discomfort in the hands, weakening and numbness of the hands, especially the palms. It is worth noting that pain in the hands can be caused not only by pinching of the carpal nerve, but also by damage to the spine (osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs) in which the nerve leading to the hands from spinal cord. The main diseases of the spine that develop as a result of spending a long time at the computer are: osteochondrosis and spinal curvature. If the possibility of developing spinal curvature is greater at an early age, then osteochondrosis is dangerous for people of all ages, it is also worth noting that the consequences of osteochondrosis are more dangerous than the consequences various types curvature of the spine. Spinal curvatures (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis). One of the reasons for the development of spinal curvature is failure to maintain correct posture, both while working at a desk, while walking, etc. Thus, a child who does not sit straight at his desk at school or at home at the computer may well acquire a curvature of the spine. It should also be noted that curvature of the spine not only makes a person unattractive, but can also subsequently lead to disruption of work internal organs, which will subsequently affect his health and ability to work.

Children rarely have such problems; after all, the most enthusiastic of them do not spend as much time at the computer as adult professionals. However, it still makes sense to monitor the child’s position if he has been sitting too long at the computer. Be sure to ensure that the chair your child sits on is not too high or too low. (If family members of different heights use the computer, you can purchase a special office chair, the seat height of which can be easily adjusted). Encourage your child not to hunch over while studying at the computer. If you develop the habit of sitting upright and looking directly at the computer, then most likely he will be able to avoid problems with muscles and joints in the future.

2.4 Stress, insomnia, nervous disorders

In addition to the fact that long-term work at the computer has a negative impact on health, which already affects the psyche, it is also associated with constant irritation, the source of which can be different situations. There is probably no person whose computer has never frozen, lost unsaved information, had problems with any programs, etc. Moreover, according to research results, stressful situations associated with the computer, and especially the Internet, lead to an increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Thus, we get either mental instability or alcoholism, or both. Another important factor is neuro-emotional stress in children. It's no secret that communication with a computer, especially with gaming programs, is accompanied by strong nervous tension because it requires a quick response. Short-term concentration of nervous processes causes obvious fatigue in the child. Working at the computer, he experiences a peculiar emotional stress. Our research has shown that even the anticipation of the game itself is accompanied by a significant increase in the content of hormones in the adrenal cortex.

2.5 Respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases that develop due to long-term work with a computer are mainly allergic in nature. This is due to the fact that during long-term operation of the computer, the monitor case and boards are in system unit heat up and release harmful substances into the air, especially if the computer is new. In addition to highlighting harmful substances, the computer creates an electrostatic field around itself, which attracts dust and, accordingly, it settles in your lungs, at the same time the working computer deionizes environment, and reduces air humidity. Each of these factors has a detrimental effect on both the lungs and the entire body as a whole.


Any progress in science or technology, along with clearly expressed, undoubtedly positive phenomena, inevitably entails negative sides. Issues of computerization of society are now among many factors affecting people's health. This is why it is so important to assess the degree of influence information technologies on human health.

Lately we have often heard about harmful effects computer as one of the means of modern information technology on the user’s body. The degree of security of the user of computer equipment is regulated by many different international standards, which are becoming stricter and stricter from year to year. Recent research by scientists has shown that it is not so much the computer technology itself that is the direct factor negative impact on the human body, how much is its incorrect location, non-compliance with basic hygienic standards regarding work and rest. Investigating the problem of the influence of a computer on human health, it becomes obvious that the means of modern information technologies certainly affect the user’s body and “communication” with a computer requires strict regulation of working hours and the development of sanitary and hygienic measures to reduce and prevent such impacts.

It should be remembered that everything is good in moderation, although a computer is a useful thing, the harm of a computer can be greater than the benefit, so do not get carried away with it to your detriment and do not forget that your health, in any case, is more important!



2. A. Zakirov, A. Kostenko “New technologies and health”

3. M. Ilyitskaya “My friend is my enemy”



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Table of contents
Evolutionarily, the human body is designed for physical activity. There is a figurative expression among doctors: “man is adapted to eat little and run a lot.” But many modern people work in offices and lead a sedentary lifestyle. With the advent of computers, the problem only got worse.

Children and teenagers began to spend more time near monitors. Many children prefer playing on fresh air virtual “shooters” and “adventure games”. This has a negative impact on your health.

The effect of a computer on the spine

How computer work affects the spine and surrounding muscles:
  • Fixed posture. This leads to weakening of the muscular corset of the spine. Some muscles are turned off from work, while others are constantly tense, and as a result, myofascial pain syndrome. Long-term static loads lead to premature wear of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.
  • Bent back. If the monitor is located too low, while working on the computer, a person is forced to constantly lean forward, arching his back like a wheel. This increases the load on the anterior edges of the intervertebral discs and can lead to their protrusions(protrusions beyond the vertebra), hernias.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. Many people who have to work at a computer for a long time stop monitoring their physical fitness and diet. This negatively affects the condition of the spine and all joints.
Poor posture And scoliosis– common problems caused by prolonged use of a computer. Such people develop osteochondrosis earlier and have an increased risk of developing intervertebral hernias.

Often the computer causes pain in the neck, back, lower back, shoulders, and headaches. They may be related to myofascial syndrome– muscle tension, or with more serious pathologies. If you are bothered by back pain, you need to visit a doctor, figure out the cause and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Measures to prevent problems with the musculoskeletal system caused by prolonged work on the computer:

  • Use a special office chair. It will help reduce stress on the spine and shoulder girdle.
  • Your feet should be flat on the floor and bent at a 90° angle.C in the knee and hip joints. Don't cross your legs.
  • Keep your back straight. Adjust your office chair so that you can sit with your back straight.
  • Take breaks. After every hour of work, you need to get up and walk around for 10 minutes.
  • Do the exercises. A sedentary lifestyle is harmful not only to the musculoskeletal system, but also to the cardiovascular system and internal organs. Set aside at least a little time every day to physical exercise. Try to walk more instead of driving or using public transport.

The influence of a computer on human health: rules for safe computer use - video

Computer eye syndrome (computer vision syndrome)

Computer eye syndrome refers to problems with the organ of vision that are caused by frequent and prolonged work with a computer. It's not just one specific condition: the term "computer eye syndrome" covers a whole spectrum of problems, including dryness, pain, and more.

According to American statistics, from 50% to 90% of people who have to work with a computer for a long time experience some form of computer eye syndrome.

This condition is usually considered an "occupational disease" office workers. But computer vision syndrome is now quite common among children who like to play games on the computer or mobile devices. Eye strain increases with poor lighting and improper placement of the monitor.

Why does computer eye syndrome occur?

Peculiarities of eye functioning while working on a computer:
  • Vision must constantly focus on the screen, so movements eyeballs limited - this is an unnatural state.
  • All images on the screen are constantly in the same plane. A person does not move his gaze from near objects to distant ones and vice versa. Therefore, the muscles responsible for changing the curvature of the lens and focusing vision are constantly under tension.
  • The computer screen itself emits light. And the human eye is accustomed to perceiving surrounding objects in reflected light. Particularly heavy loads on the organ of vision occur if the brightness on the monitor is set too high.
  • During intense work on the computer, when you need to concentrate, a person “forgets” to blink. This leads to increased dryness of the eyeballs. Normally, a person blinks 15-25 times per minute, and each time the eye is moistened with tear fluid.
While working on a computer, your eyes experience higher strain than when reading a book. Images on a computer screen are usually more contrasty, it flickers (although this is imperceptible to the naked eye, just like the flickering of a light bulb and a TV screen), and produces glare.

Computer eye syndrome is more likely to develop in people with myopia, astigmatism.

As you age, working at a computer becomes more difficult as your flexibility decreases. lens– the natural lens of the eye. The eye's ability to focus on objects near and far is reduced. This condition usually begins after age 40 and is called presbyopia(“senile vision”).

Manifestations of computer vision syndrome

On this moment there is no evidence that computer eye syndrome can lead to any chronic diseases or serious complications. However, this condition is accompanied by discomfort, leads to unpleasant sensations, contributes to a deterioration in well-being and a decrease in performance.

Computer vision syndrome may present with the following symptoms::

  • Blurred vision (“fog before the eyes”).
  • Dryness, redness of the eyes.
  • Double vision.
  • Headache.
  • Irritation, itchy eyes.
  • Pain in the neck and back.
If these symptoms are not dealt with, over time they will have an increasingly stronger negative impact on work productivity.

Treatment for computer eye syndrome

In most cases, in order to cope with and prevent computer vision syndrome, it is enough to make some changes in the work environment:

The influence of computers on human health. Computer vision syndrome: how to save your eyes when working at a monitor for a long time - video

The influence of a computer on human health: eye exercises when working at a computer - video

The influence of the computer on the nervous system, thinking, cognitive skills, behavior

While working on a computer, a person strains his attention and is forced to process large amounts of information per unit of time. This contributes to a faster onset of fatigue.

However, research shows that computers can have beneficial effects on cognitive skills.

Computer and risk of cognitive impairment

The cognitive functions of the human brain include the ability to learn, assimilate new information, remember it, transmit it to other people and use it. With age, this area deteriorates. Severe cognitive impairment occurs when dementia(dementia), the most common form of which is Alzheimer's disease, which occurs predominantly in older people.

The likelihood of developing dementia depends on various factors. Scientists have long known that people who constantly maintain mental activity and solve various intellectual problems are better protected from such disorders and often maintain a clear mind until old age.

A March 2016 study found that people who regularly use a computer for work have a 42% lower risk of cognitive decline as they age.

The influence of computer games on behavior

The topic of aggressive behavior of teenagers, and even adults who are fond of computer games, is not new. It is believed that aggression is provoked by violent scenes that a person sees on the screen. However, research shows that there is more to it than that. In 2014, scientists discovered that aggressive behavior may have a lot to do with playing the game too hard and not being able to master it.

Research data shows that gamers often behave aggressively when they cannot complete a game, even if it does not contain scenes of violence or obscene language.

In August 2014, American scientists observed fifth graders in three US cities. It turned out that children who play games with scenes of cruelty for more than 2 hours have more severe symptoms depression compared to those who play less than 2 hours a day of non-violent games.

In November 2013, scientists from the USA, Italy and the Netherlands conducted a study with the participation of 172 Italian high school students. The children were divided into two groups. Some played neutral computer games (pinball or golf), while others played more aggressive ones.

The first experiment consisted of placing a basket of chocolate in front of each child during the game and telling him that he could take as many sweets as he wanted, but it was harmful to health. Children who played more aggressive games ate more chocolate.

Then the children were asked to take a logic test consisting of ten questions. For each correct answer, the child received a lottery ticket that could be exchanged for prizes. At the end of the test, the student was told how many correct answers he had given, and was asked to independently take the corresponding number of lottery tickets from the envelope. The scientists found that children who played aggressive games were eight times more likely to cheat and take more tickets than they were entitled to.

Based on these results, it was concluded that playing aggressive, violent computer games reduces self-control.

But there is also a positive aspect in computer games. A major study completed in March 2016 found that children's involvement with computer games has positive effects on mental health, cognitive and social skills.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) is a disease that occurs due to compression of one of the nerves innervating the hand between the muscles and tendons. Different types Monotonous work, during which a person is forced to constantly bend and straighten the arm at the wrist joint, including working on a keyboard, increases the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Why do computer scientists develop carpal tunnel syndrome?

Median nerve- one of the nerves that provides sensitivity and movement of the hand - passes through a limited space, in the so-called carpal tunnel, educated connective tissue and wrist bones.

While working on the keyboard, your hands constantly experience the following impacts::

  • Constant, monotonous flexion and extension in the wrist joints.
  • The brushes are constantly under tension.
  • Vibration when hitting the keyboard with your fingers.
As a result, permanent trauma to the carpal tunnel structures occurs. They develop inflammation and swelling. This leads to compression of the median nerve and the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Manifestations of carpal tunnel syndrome

With carpal tunnel syndrome, the symptoms mainly affect the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and to a lesser extent - ring finger brushes This corresponds to the zone of innervation of the median nerve.
  • At the beginning of the disease, unpleasant sensations in the hand are disturbing: tingling, burning, numbness.
  • Pain is one of the main symptoms. It is dull, aching, and can involve the fingers, hand, and part of the forearm.
  • Feeling of numbness in hands in the morning.
  • Muscle disorders gradually develop. It becomes difficult for a person to hold small objects with his fingers, they fall out of his hands. Difficulties arise in performing precise movements.
  • Since nerves regulate vascular functions, vascular disorders can also develop. The brushes may become pale or acquire a bluish tint and often become cold.
  • Disturbance of innervation sweat glands leads to increased sweating or dry skin.
  • Violation of the innervation and blood supply to the skin and nails leads to a deterioration in their appearance.

How to keep your hands and wrists healthy while working on a computer?

Proper use of a computer mouse:
  • The palm should be positioned so that the bottom of the mouse is near the wrist.
  • Nameless and thumb should be slightly on the sides and lightly touch the side edges of the mouse.
  • Forefinger should easily lie on the left mouse button, the middle one on the right.
  • When moving the mouse, try not to make strong movements in the wrist joint - the whole hand should move freely behind the mouse.
Proper use of the keyboard:
  • Your arms should be relaxed, elbows bent at an angle of 90° and resting freely on the table.
  • Your fingers should be slightly bent. The keyboard buttons should only be touched with the pads, delivering short, soft strokes.
  • When typing text, it is better to make movements not in the wrist joints, but with your fingers.
  • Do not place your palms on the table or keyboard.
If you have to work on a computer for a long time, you need to take breaks periodically and stretch your hands. There are simple sets of exercises.

The effect of computers on the cardiovascular system

The main factor that negatively affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels when working frequently and for a long time on a computer is a sedentary lifestyle.
Disorders that may develop:
  • Atherosclerosis, increased arterial pressure . Due to a sedentary lifestyle, especially if a person is addicted to fatty and sweet foods, excess body weight develops, and cholesterol begins to deposit on the inner walls of blood vessels. Blood pressure increases. If you do not prevent and treat these problems for a long time, over time they can lead to serious conditions, such as heart attack, stroke.
  • Venous insufficiency, varicose veins on the legs. Due to gravity, it is difficult for blood to return from the vessels lower limbs to the heart. The situation gets worse if a person has to stand or sit for a long time. The veins stretch, the valves in them cease to cope with their function normally, and blood stagnates. At first it manifests itself in the form of pain, discomfort, feeling of fatigue in the feet and legs. Swelling occurs in the legs. Symptoms usually begin in the late afternoon. When the veins stretch enough, they become visible under the skin as blue, twisted “worms.”
  • Haemorrhoids. In fact, this is also a type of varicose veins. As a result of a sedentary lifestyle, blood stagnates in the veins surrounding the rectum.
  • Stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis. It manifests itself in the form of nagging pain, discomfort, and unpleasant sensations. This condition is not so harmless: it increases the risk inflammatory diseases organs genitourinary system in men and women, over time it can even cause infertility.

The influence of the computer on human health: constant work at the computer worsens appearance and spoils health, how to avoid this - video

Computer gaming addiction: addiction to games

Computer game addiction is a type of psychological dependence. Some scientists put addiction to computer games on a par with drug addiction and alcoholism and consider it very dangerous. Such statements are quite controversial, but at least there is a drop of truth in them.

Why does computer game addiction occur?

Effects narcotic substances and alcohol in the body have been studied quite well. The same cannot be said about computer games. Some things are known: for example, scientists know that when playing, a large amount of a substance called dopamine.

However, according to researchers, there is more to gambling addiction than just biochemical processes in the nervous system. The game becomes for an addicted person a place where he can escape from everyday problems, where he feels comfortable. In real life he may have many difficulties, but in the virtual world everything is fine. A person tries to spend more time where he feels comfortable.

Not all computer games have the same addictive potential. The most dangerous in this regard network games in the MMORPG genre - their main distinctive feature in the possibility of interaction between a large number of players.

How does computer gambling addiction manifest itself?

Computer gambling addiction has classic signs inherent in any type of addiction:
  • An irresistible attraction to a certain substance or activity.
  • If a person is deprived of this substance or the opportunity to engage in this activity, he begins to feel unwell and becomes irritable.
If a person plays computer games a lot, this does not mean that he suffers from gambling addiction. The question is, how much control does he have over his gaming activities?

The “first signs” of gambling addiction that should alert you:

  • A constant increase in the amount of time a person spends in the game.
  • Constantly thinking and talking about games during other activities and activities.
  • The urge to sit down at the computer and play every time you want to escape from anxiety and depression.
  • An addicted person tries to hide the fact that he spends a lot of time gambling, and because of this, he lies to family and friends.
  • Irritation, anger, aggression when loved ones try to reduce playing time.
An addicted person drops out of society, becomes less sociable, and gives up his previous hobbies.

Most often, teenagers and men under 30 suffer from computer gambling addiction. As a rule, these are smart and creative people, but they have no friends, low self-esteem, and experience problems in society.

Why is computer gaming addiction dangerous?

A morbid addiction to computer games can destroy a person's life. A schoolchild who spends 4-5 hours a day playing his favorite game has no time to do homework, engage in hobbies, sports, or communicate with peers. At the end you can get, for example, a 21-year-old guy, psychological development which is at the level of 12 years. He does not know how to communicate with people, he has no friends, and lacks many important skills necessary for an adult.

In adults, addiction to computer games can destroy careers and family relationships.

In 2011, a study was conducted during which scientists showed that computer gambling addiction can lead to consequences such as depression, increased anxiety, social phobia(fear of performing social activities).

How to deal with gambling addiction?

Since addiction to computer games often develops in schoolchildren, it is important for parents to notice the first signs of pathology in time. In order to understand whether a child’s addiction to games is painful, it is worth keeping a notebook and writing down in it:
  • How much time does a child spend playing every day?
  • Problems in behavior, school performance and other areas that arise due to games.
  • The child's reaction to parents' attempts to limit time spent in play.
To combat gambling addiction, it is better to contact specialists who deal with these problems. In modern society, computers cannot be avoided. After all, for many people they are an integral part of their profession. A gamer must learn to live with a computer, but without computer games. If you already have an addiction, you cannot simply reduce your playing time to an hour or less, just as a person suffering from alcoholism will never be able to “drink civilly.”

The influence of the computer on human health: how computer and gaming addiction (gaming addiction) manifests itself, its causes and methods of treatment, reviews of psychiatrists and psychologists - video

Which is better: a computer or a laptop?

In many modern homes and offices, desktop computers have been replaced by laptops. They are convenient because they do not take up much space, they can be carried anywhere, and even taken with you when traveling. But working on a laptop has some disadvantages in terms of health effects:
  • Inconvenient typing. The main inconvenience of a laptop compared to a computer is that the keyboard is attached to the screen and cannot be moved. This problem can be easily solved - you can buy a separate USB keyboard.
  • The screen is difficult to place at the desired level. It is always lower than necessary due to its small size.
  • You are forced to sit hunched over. The low location of the screen is again to blame for this - when working with a laptop, a person has to lean forward more and arch his back. This leads to back, shoulder and neck pain, problems such as spondylosis and herniated discs.
  • Higher risk of developing computer vision syndrome. Due to the small size of the screen, the movements of the eyeballs are even more limited, and the person blinks less often.
  • Increased risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you type on a laptop's native keyboard, you have to rest your wrists on it. This is inconvenient and has increased loads on your wrists, especially in the case of small laptops.
  • People often work with a laptop in awkward positions. If you use a laptop as a “travel” computer, you can work with it lying down, sitting, placing it on your knees, or in other not entirely natural positions. This can negatively affect the condition of the musculoskeletal system, nerves, and blood vessels.

How to stay healthy if you work on a laptop? Helpful Tips:

  • Use externalUSB keyboard and mouse. This will make work more comfortable and reduce stress on the back, neck, and arms.
  • Use a special laptop holder, which helps raise it to the required height. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a holder, you can put something under the laptop.

"If you go overboard,
the most pleasant thing will become the most unpleasant.”
Democritus of Abdera

At school, in society and in families, discussions often arise about what is more in computer games: harm or benefit? Today, many children are passionate about computers and especially computer games: in the game they cease to be passive observers, and get the opportunity to actively influence the events of the virtual world. Unfortunately, parents do not quite understand that this problem is also their own fault. However, it is their duty to return a child lost on the Internet to earth.

Many people like to play computer games, even children, from 4-5 years old and older. Boys love to play various “shooting games” containing murder scenes, blood, fights, accompanied by sound effects in the form of hysterical screams, screams, etc. Computer games block the process of positive personal development, making the child immoral, callous, cruel and selfish.

Children begin to behave this way on the street, they have nightmares at night, and try to repeat the movements. This is a special degree of concentration on any object of the internal or external world. In computer games, attention is focused on repetitive, stereotypical actions (running and shooting) occurring on the screen. The sense of real time is lost, the child plunges into a kind of trance. If games are used frequently and for a long time, the plots of which only include chases and murders, and people act as victims, then information is gradually laid down and consolidated on an unconscious level that you can kill and not be punished for it. Such an unconscious attitude towards violence can dramatically reduce the psychological barrier to such actions in real life.
There is a problem of “freezing” in the virtual world, when a child cannot tear himself away from the screen for several hours. At the same time, the child’s interaction with people is limited, and the communication skills necessary for the child for normal mental and social development are lost.

When working in front of a monitor for a long time, overwork and even exhaustion of the nervous system occurs. Therefore, sanitary standards must be observed. Particular attention should be paid to children with minimal organic lesions of the nervous system (associated with the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother or infections in the child in the first months of life). Such children are inattentive, hyperactive, or, conversely, slow and lethargic. Their nervous system experiences an increased need for a defensive reaction - trance. The processes of unconscious imprinting of information and the development of computer addiction are faster for them.
But in addition to the physical health of children, it is important to think about their mental health.

Scientists have proven that in large doses, computer games lead to the accumulation of chronic stress with all the negative consequences for the child’s body.
How do computer games (“toys”) affect the mental development and personality of a child? Can they contribute to his emotional development, cause deviations in his behavior, aggressiveness and cruelty? There are many commercial computer games for educational and educational purposes. They broaden their horizons and general awareness, develop the child’s logical thinking, eye, speed of reactions, and form the child’s skills in planning mental actions. But along with them, there are also many “toys” that are classified into “flying games”, “shooting games”, “action games”, “racing”, “strategies”. They also contribute to the development of the player’s individual abilities, but at the same time negatively affect the child’s psyche. Despite this, most children love them much more than non-aggressive educational and educational games. Of course, while playing, the child feels like a “cool” all-powerful superhero.

Almost all of these games have age restrictions, which are indicated on the cover. But who takes this into account? And parents don’t think about these questions at all. Can some computer toy cause harm? It turns out, maybe, and even quite a lot. Psychological research, in particular by domestic scientists, indicates that Western-made commercial computer games, which dominate the market today, instill an aggressive-individualistic morality in children. By getting used to the role of the main character, controlling the hero or a weapon placed on the bottom panel of the display, the child has the opportunity to deal with virtual victims without hindrance and impunity. Often in such games, it is the number of “killed” and “wounded” that is a quantitative indicator of the player’s level of achievement: the greater the number of victims, the more points the machine will award, therefore, the more satisfied the child will be with himself. All this very quickly affects his consciousness, then he forms false attitudes: “I am against everyone!”, “The more I “kill”, the better!” Many games promote violence and rude speech.

Some researchers believe that playing with aggressive “toys” gives a child the opportunity to free himself from negative emotions that are habitually suppressed and develop an aversion to violence and cruelty. However, often children, during role-playing outdoor games with peers or in serious life situations, imitate violence, examples of which they saw on television or “worked out” themselves during a computer game. As a rule, aggressive reactions are most pronounced in adolescents, but they are laid down and consolidated in early childhood. Already younger schoolchildren are inclined to imitate the so-called asocial heroes from films and television programs, video and television films, computer heroes, whose aggression, as a rule, is rewarded and presented in an advantageous light. Children tend not only to identify themselves with individual victims or aggressors, but also to transfer these roles to real situations. In addition, a child may become insensitive to rudeness and cruelty after watching a large number of scenes of violence. And finally, children, especially younger ones, may, based on what they see, begin to consider violence an acceptable model of behavior and even a way to solve their problems.

Scientists have found that computer games stimulate only a certain part of children's brains, so children should do more reading, writing and math. In addition, it is good for children to play outside and interact with other children as much as possible. Instead of playing a “traditional” sport such as football, the “FIFA” simulator is preferred. So there is a problem. Society does not pay enough attention to this. And the computer continues to involve more and more people in the virtual world, making them addicted.
How to help a child get out of “captivity”?
It is necessary to limit the time spent working at the computer and playing on it, because a long stay in front of a monitor screen can negatively affect the child’s physical well-being. These are problems with vision, with the spine, hands, psyche and sleep, as well as information overload. Electromagnetic vibration and ionizing radiation from even the most protected modern monitors are a big burden on the vision and posture of a still developing child's body. Taking this into account, the sanitary and hygienic requirements are quite categorical: no more than 30 - 40 minutes a day for children of primary school age and no more than an hour for teenagers and young men.

In conclusion, we can say the following. Just as parents care about the quality and sufficient quantity of food for the child, they should take care of the quality and quantity of computer products consumed by the child, interest the child in educational and developmental games, prevent the use of low-quality games and monitor the time the child spends on the computer.