Moderately expressed signs of fibrocystic mastopathy. A diagnosis of “Residual effects of fibrocystic mastopathy” has been made: what is it and what are the prognosis? Effect on pregnancy

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Conservative treatment fibrocystic breast disease (mastopathy)

The authors suggest various methods conservative treatment of fibrosis cystic mastopathy, the advisability of which can only be determined by the attending physician. Methods of non-hormonal therapy include diet correction, correct selection of a bra, the use of vitamins, diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that improve blood circulation, etc. Antiestrogens (tamoxifen, fareston), drugs for oral contraception, gestagens, androgens, secretion inhibitors are used as hormonal therapy prolactin, gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues (LHRH). The use of LHRH analogues is possible in patients with painful mastodynia in the absence of effect from treatment with other hormones. D. Baltinya, A. Srebny
Latvian Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Riga (Latvia).

Fibrocystic mastopathy is the most common benign breast disease, which, according to various authors, affects 50 to 90% of women. The purpose of this work is to analyze in more detail the possibilities of conservative treatment of mastopathy.

According to the ANDI classification, fibrocystic changes in breast tissue in women reproductive age can conditionally be classified as variants of the norm. However, if the complaints are very pronounced and significantly worsen the quality of life, or there is real threat malignancy (atypical hyperplasia, family history of breast cancer), a more thorough and thoughtful approach to the choice of treatment tactics is required.

Women in whom fibrocystic mastopathy is discovered incidentally as a concomitant pathology and who have no complaints usually do not need special treatment. Such patients should be examined (ultrasound and/or mammography and diagnostic puncture) and further observation can be continued during follow-up examinations with a gynecologist or other specialist at least once a year. In the situation described above, as well as in cases where a woman has moderately severe cyclic mastalgia without palpable formations in the mammary glands, it is often enough to make sure that the patient does not have cancer (of course, if this diagnosis is objectively excluded).

Women with a moderate cyclic or constant form of mastodynia and diffuse fibrocystic changes in the structure of the mammary gland (without obvious macrocysts) can try starting treatment with a diet and correction of physiological cycles. This most often applies to young and otherwise healthy women.

If a woman has severe mastalgia (constant or cyclical), palpable changes in breast tissue, spontaneous or induced discharge from the nipples, this condition can already be considered a disease. But even in such cases, there is a choice - to treat the main symptoms, or try to understand and find out the pathogenesis (hormonal imbalance, infection, metabolic disorders, psychosomatic disorders, etc.) in each specific case.

Unambiguous treatment algorithm fibrocystic mastopathy No. Each case requires an individual approach. Therefore, the appropriateness of using the proposed treatment methods is determined by the attending physician. If there is even the slightest suspicion of the possibility of malignancy, the patient must be sent to an oncology facility. In such a situation, overdiagnosis and false alarms can, at worst, become a tactical mistake, but this can help avoid a strategic mistake, which is much more important.

Methods of non-hormonal therapy

Diet correction. Many experiments and clinical researches showed that there is a close connection between the use of methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) and the development of fibrocystic mastopathy. It is believed that these compounds promote the development of fibrous tissue and the formation of fluid in the cysts. Therefore, limiting foods containing methylxaptins (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, cola) or completely avoiding them can significantly reduce pain and swelling of the mammary glands. Many authors recommend such a diet correction as the first condition in the treatment of mastopathy, although individual sensitivity to methylxanthines can vary over a very wide range and can be influenced by both physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Both fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer are associated with sluggish bowel movements, chronic constipation, altered intestinal microflora and insufficient fiber in the daily diet. It is possible that in this case, reabsorption of astrogen already excreted in bile occurs from the intestine. Therefore, the next advice to patients with fibrocystic mastopathy is to eat food that rich in fiber and adequate fluid intake (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). Since the utilization of estrogen occurs in the liver, any dietary disturbances that impede or limit the normal functioning of the liver (cholestasis, high-fat foods, alcohol, other hepatotoxic substances) over time can affect the clearance of estrogen in the body. In turn, to facilitate and normalize liver function, additional intake of B vitamins is desirable - as nutritional supplements or even in therapeutic doses.

Choosing a bra. Women with a cyclic or constant form of mastalgia should definitely pay attention to this item of female toiletry, since completely ignoring it, wearing a bra of inappropriate shape or size can cause chronic breast deformation, compression or overload of the ligamentous apparatus, especially in women with large and drooping breasts. chest. Often, when these causes are eliminated, pain in the mammary gland decreases or even disappears completely.

Vitamins. There are many reasons for prescribing vitamins to patients with fibrocystic mastopathy, since they: 1) help normalize metabolism and hormonal imbalance; 2) have an antioxidant effect; 3) stimulate the growth, reproduction and maturation of epithelial cells; 4) stabilize the activity of the peripheral and central nervous system; 5) contribute to the normalization of the function of the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid gland: 6) additionally strengthen the body’s immune system, etc.

For the treatment of mastopathy, vitamins A, C and E and B vitamins (especially B6) are most often used. Taking too large doses of vitamins is associated with an increased risk of toxic manifestations; moreover, such therapy does not always lead to the desired result.

Diuretics. Cyclic mastopathy, as one of the manifestations premenstrual syndrome, especially if it is combined with swelling of the hands and feet shortly before menstruation, you can try to relieve it with mild diuretics (for example, herbal teas). It is also advisable to limit consumption table salt in this period.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some authors recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, diclofenac) a week or several days before the next menstruation, when the most severe pain in the mammary glands appears, to reduce cyclic mastalgia, but this cannot be recommended as a permanent and long-term method of treatment.

Medicines that improve blood circulation. During thermographic examination, patients with mastopathy often find local circulatory disorders, more often - disturbances in venous outflow. Therefore, some authors recommend using vitamin P preparations (ascorutin) or products containing this vitamin (citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, chokeberry, cherries, raspberries) to improve microcirculation and reduce local swelling of the mammary gland. Since repeated thermographic research often proves an objective improvement in local blood circulation.

Complex, natural products. Currently there are many different complex means plant origin with vitamins, antioxidants and microelements for the treatment of both mastopathy and premenstrual syndrome (including cyclic mastalgia), and symptoms caused by the onset of menopause.

These complex folk remedies contain active substances, for example, Oenothera Biennis, Sunara C.irdunculus, Vilex Agnus castus, Pueraria labata, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Angelica sinensis, Artemisia vulgais, etc.

Calming agents. The mammary glands in women are a very sensitive organ to psycho-emotional stress. Troubles at work or at home, chronic dissatisfaction, fatigue, anxiety, depression - all this can cause, maintain or intensify pain. Depending on the psycho emotional state women in the scheme complex treatment For mastopathy, it is advisable to include sedatives, initially giving preference to light herbal preparations (tincture of motherwort, valerian, etc.), and, if necessary, more potent sedatives.

Possibilities of hormone therapy

The development of breast tissue, its differentiation, maturation and functioning is ensured by the coordinated interaction of estrogens, progesterone, prolactin, growth hormone, androgens, thyroxine, etc. In addition, the activity of the limbic system and the reticular formation, as well as metabolic processes in the body, also have a certain effect. The fact that fibrocystic mastopathy is largely associated with changes in hormonal levels is evidenced by the fact that this disease is usually bilateral in nature, the intensity of symptoms varies depending on the menstrual cycle, the symptoms of the disease decrease significantly after menopause (especially this applies to cyclic mastalgia) and, finally, fibrocystic mastopathy responds well to hormonal therapy. Often changes in the structure of breast tissue and cyclic mastalgia are combined with gynecological pathology - uterine fibroids, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome.

Most often, hormone therapy is aimed at reducing the excessive stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue, and less often at correcting dysprolactinemia or hypothyroidism.

Antiestrogens. To ensure their stimulating effect, endogenous estrogens need to interact with specific cell receptors. In the case of relative hyperestrogenism, antiestrogens (tamoxifen, toremifene), blocking these estrogen receptors in target tissues (including the mammary gland), do not allow estrogens to bind to the receptors, reducing their biological activity.

In the literature, indications of the use of antiestrogens for the treatment of mastopathy have appeared since the late 70s. According to various authors, the therapeutic effect of tamoxifen is observed in 65-75% of cases and usually occurs 2-3 months after starting to take 10 mg of the drug per day. Other authors recommend prescribing the drug 20 mg per day 10 days before the next menstruation, continuing this treatment synchronously with 2-3 menstrual cycles or 30-90 days in a row for women in menopause. The authors of this scheme note a decrease in mastalgia in 97% of cases, stabilization of the cycle and a decrease in blood loss during menstruation in almost all women. Some patients may experience increased pain and swelling of the breasts during the first four weeks of treatment, which can be explained by the partial estrogenic effect of antiestrogens; in rare cases, this may require interrupting treatment, after which the symptoms will subside over time. There is a unique observation of spontaneous regression of breast macrocysts in two women of reproductive age who were treated with tamoxifen for cancer of the second breast. Tamoxifen is also successfully used to correct premenstrual syndrome, especially to reduce pain in the mammary gland, at a dose of 10 mg from the 5th to the 24th day of the cycle: according to a randomized double-blind study, mastodynia disappeared in 90% of cases .

Taking tamoxifen significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer in the second breast. This especially applies to patients with proven atypical proliferation, macrocysts, or a family history of breast cancer. However, some authors are confident that the prescription of tamoxifen for the treatment of mastopathy is not the method of choice and should be reserved only for special cases.

Possible side effects of treatment include, in addition to what has already been mentioned, increased mastalgia at the beginning of treatment, hot flashes, increased sweating, nausea and dizziness. IN Lately In the literature, attention is increasingly drawn to the carcinogenic properties of tamoxifen, i.e. the possibility of developing, with long-term use, induced endometrial hyperplasia and (or) endometrial cancer in women, as well as hepatocellular carcinoma in laboratory animals. Therefore, the search for safer drugs is quite understandable, especially since they are intended for use for preventive purposes or for benign diseases. One such drug is fareston (toremifene), manufactured by Orion Corporation, which in preliminary studies has shown to be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for mastopathy. According to the author’s own data, during treatment mastodynia completely disappeared in 12 out of 21 patients, decreased significantly in 7, remained virtually unchanged in 4, and in one patient the drug caused an increase in the symptoms of the disease. In most cases, the effect appeared within the first month. For the treatment of mastopathy, it is recommended to take fareston 20 mg from the 5th to the 25th day after the start of menstruation for women with a regular cycle or daily for women with an irregular cycle or in menopause. The desired duration of treatment is 3-6 months.

Oral contraception. Properly selected and used oral contraception provides permanent suppression of steroidogenesis and ovulation, suppression of the synthesis of ovarian androgens, suppression of the synthesis of estrogen receptors in the endometrium, equalization of excessive fluctuations in cyclic hormones, as well as long-term protection against the development of ovarian and endometrial cancer. Symptoms of mastopathy often decrease or even completely disappear within the first two months, however, objective results can be expected no earlier than 1-2 years after the start of oral contraception. At the same time, in some women during use oral contraceptives pain in the mammary glands and other symptoms of mastopathy may even intensify. Then you have to switch to another type of contraception, or change oral contraception.

When choosing a contraceptive, the dosage of its constituent components is also important. Considering the potential role of estrogens in the development of mastopathy, preference should be given to drugs with the lowest content of estrogens and the highest content of gestagens (0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol + 0.075 mg gestagen or 0.02 mg ethypilestradiol + 0.150 mg desogestrel, etc., in a word, estrogen content should not exceed 0.03 mg throughout the course). Oral contraception selected for the treatment of mastopathy should be prescribed for a period of at least 3 months.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account both the woman’s age and the severity of the symptoms of the disease, concomitant diseases, hormonal imbalance, and metabolic disorders. The younger and otherwise healthier woman suffering from moderate cyclic mastalgia, the more confidently one can prescribe low-dose oral contraceptives. The older the woman and pronounced symptoms illness, the more seriously you need to weigh the estrogen/gestagen ratio in the chosen oral contraceptive drug.

Prescribing oral contraceptives does not always give the desired result - a reduction in mastodynia, so it happens that this method of treatment has to be abandoned. You can try prescribing an additional 2.5 mg of primolut or 5 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate for the entire duration of taking oral contraceptives, i.e. 21 days in a row, not just in the luteal phase.

Gestagens. The therapeutic effect of gestagens in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and fibrocystic mastopathy is associated with inhibition of functional pituitary-ovarian connections and a decrease in the proliferation-stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue. Whether gestagens actually protect against breast cancer has not yet been fully clarified. It is assumed that this possible defense mechanism may differ for breast and endometrial tissue.

If initially testosterone derivatives (linestrinol, norgestrel and danazol) were predominantly used for the treatment of mastopathy, then last years the use of progesterone derivatives - medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) has increased, because they have more pronounced gestagenic properties, moderate antiestrogenic activity and minimal or virtually absent androgenic effect. Progestogens are especially indicated for patients with established luteal phase deficiency and the resulting relative hyperestrogenism, anovulatory bleeding, and uterine fibroids.

In most cases, if there is reason to suspect functional insufficiency of the luteal phase, gestagens (for example, 5 mg of norethisterone or 10 mg of MPA) are prescribed from the 15-16th day of the cycle to the 25th day, synchronizing the courses of treatment with at least 6-12 cycles. To ensure additional antiestrogenic effects before ovulation, it is advisable to prescribe gestagens from the 10th to the 25th day of the cycle. For complete blockade of ovulation and a stronger effect of gestagens, these drugs can be prescribed from the 4-5th to the 25th day of the cycle.

In menopause, for the treatment of mastopathy, gestagens are prescribed in a gradual dose reduction mode: treatment begins with 10 mg of MPA for 2-4 weeks, then 5 mg per day for 2 weeks and then 5 mg 2-3 times a week.

The therapeutic effect from the use of gestagens can be expected in approximately 2 out of 3 cases, but it occurs a little later - within two months. Gestagens help well in the treatment of mastodynia; moreover, after their use, it is often possible to objectively prove a decrease in breast tissue hyperplasia.

Danazol. Androgens as estrogen antagonists are used to treat mastopathy. The action of danazol is based on its ability to inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone (though so far proven only in experiments with laboratory animals) and some essential enzymes in ovarian steroidogenesis; it has a progestogenic and weak androgenic effect.

For the treatment of mastopathy, danazol is used in lower doses than for the treatment of endomstriasis. The standard dose is considered to be 100-400 mg. The therapeutic effect can be expected in approximately 2 out of 3 cases, moreover, it can be objectified: after successful treatment with danazol, the radiological density of the breast tissue decreases and levels out, and re-formation of macrocysts is less often observed. Therefore, many consider danazol to be the drug of choice specifically for the treatment of recurrent macrocysts. When treated with danazol, almost a quarter of cases experience side effects varying degrees of severity - both purely androgenic (seborrhea, hirsutism, acne, deepening of the voice, weight gain) and antiestrogenic (hot flashes). Other side effects are also possible - drowsiness, depression, headaches, convulsions. In addition, for most patients, the onset of amenorrhea is psychologically unacceptable, which is almost inevitable over time when using the drug at a dose of 400 mg. Since danazol does not provide a contraceptive effect in therapeutic doses (200-400 mg), it is necessary to warn patients about the need for additional contraceptive measures due to the inherent teratogenic effect of this drug. Taking into account all the above-mentioned circumstances, many authors suggest prescribing danazol in the so-called low-dose regimen: the first two months the drug is prescribed at a dose of 200 mg per day, the next 2 months. - 100 mg per day and subsequently - 100 mg per day only from the 14th to the 28th day of the cycle.

Prolactin secretion inhibitors. It is justified to prescribe these drugs (bromocriptine) only to patients with laboratory proven hyperprolactinemia. In addition, it is advisable to determine serum prolactin levels after intravenous administration of releasing factor. thyroid-stimulating hormone(TRH test). The TRH test can be recommended to select those patients in whom any disturbances in prolactin secretion can be expected and who, accordingly, can be prescribed bromocriptine. In these cases, the dose of the drug is increased very slowly, starting from 2.5 mg and increasing it to 5.0 or 7.5 mg with regular monitoring of serum prolactin levels. We must not forget that during treatment, in half of the cases, side effects such as alopecia, dizziness, swelling, and headaches are observed, which often makes taking this drug difficult to tolerate.

Analogues of LHRH. As a result of the use of hopadotropin releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues, circulating levels of estrogens and testosterone are significantly reduced. In addition, the presence of LHRH receptors in breast cancer and fibrocystic mastopathy tissue samples suggests that LHRH specifically affects (autocrine or paracrine) the growth of breast tissue cells.

One of the indications for prescribing drugs in this group is severe, refractory fibrocystic mastopathy. It's relatively expensive and not entirely safe method(the most common side effects are amenorrhea, hot flashes, dizziness, increased blood pressure), therefore the indications for its use must be carefully weighed in each specific situation. The presence of positive changes caused by the use of LHRH analogues in fibrocystic mastopathy can be objectively assessed by mammography and ultrasound. However, for now, this method of treatment should be prescribed to patients with painful mastodynia, severe fibrocystic changes if the previous hormone therapy other drugs did not give a positive effect.

Mastopathy and hormone replacement therapy

The appearance of mastalgia during hormone replacement therapy is not uncommon, so a difficult question often arises: what to do with women with painful menopausal symptoms and a history of severe mastodynia during reproductive age? Considering that one of the main factors causing mastalgia is excessive exposure of endogenous estrogens in breast tissue, then additional administration of exogenous estrogens can only worsen the situation. This is often what explains pain in the mammary glands in women who have started hormone replacement therapy. The solution may be in careful selection of replacement therapy drugs with an optimally balanced combination of estrogenic and gestagenic components or in the additional administration of gestagens.

Mastopathy in a woman with a history of breast cancer

In a woman with a history of breast cancer, fibrocystic changes can develop or continue to progress in both (with breast-sparing surgery) or in the remaining mammary gland, and severe mastalgia in such cases is observed no less frequently.

Recommendations in such a situation can be very different - the prescription of antiestrogens, gestagens or LHRH analogues. When choosing a drug, one should proceed from the specific situation - the patient’s age, medical history, concomitant pathology, the wishes of the patient herself, etc.


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It is known that a large number of women suffer from this pathology, with the peak incidence occurring during childbearing age. Fibrocystic mastopathy is one of the most common diseases among women, the average incidence of which is 30-40%, but if a woman has a concomitant gynecological disease, the incidence of pathology occurs up to 58%.

Etiology of the concept

Fibrocystic disease or fibrocystic mastopathy is a benign dishormonal pathology of the mammary glands, in the presence of which regressive and proliferative changes in the tissues are observed, as a result of which a pathological ratio of both connective tissue and epithelial components appears.

Structure of the mammary glands and principles of regulation

The mammary gland is a paired organ that consists of three types of tissue. The main tissue is glandular or parenchyma; ducts of various diameters pass through it, which divide the glandular tissue into separate segments and lobes (about 15-20 pieces). Lobes and segments, in turn, are separated using connective tissue or stroma, forming the framework of the mammary gland. The third tissue is adipose tissue; it is in this tissue that the lobes, lobules and stroma of the mammary glands are immersed. The percentage of these components directly depends on the age (physiological state) of the reproductive system.

During gestation, the morphological maturity of the mammary glands is achieved. Their mass and size increase, the number of ducts and lobules increases, and the process of milk secretion begins in the molecular units of the mammary gland (alveoli). After delivery, due to milk production, the mammary glands further increase in size (lacteal sinuses begin to form in the ducts, which accumulate milk). After cessation of lactation, the mammary glands involute and the stroma is replaced by adipose tissue. Upon reaching a certain age, usually after 40 years, parenchyma is replaced by adipose tissue.

The development and growth of the mammary glands depends on many hormones that regulate the processes in them. The main ones are prolactin, progesterone, estrogens. It has also been proven that growth hormone is involved in the development of the mammary glands, which regulates this process. The main changes under the influence of hormones occur in the parenchyma; to a lesser extent, hormones affect the stroma. The general condition of the mammary glands depends on the percentage of these hormones in the body. Against the background of hormonal imbalance, breast mastopathy develops in women.

Forms of mastopathy

Modern medicine knows a large number of classifications of such pathologies. However, the most convenient for clinical work is the following classification:

Diffuse mastopathy

    mastopathy of mixed form;

    mastopathy with a predominance of the cystic component;

    mastopathy with a predominance of the fibrous component or fibrous mastopathy;

    adenosis – predominance of the glandular component.

Nodular mastopathy

  • breast hematroma;

    intraductal papilloma (wart in the milk duct);


    breast cyst;


If there is damage to both glands, we should talk about the presence of bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy, but if the process develops in one of the mammary glands - about unilateral (for example, a cyst of the right mammary gland).

Depending on how pronounced the clinical signs are, the pathology can be severe, moderate or mild.

In addition, diffuse and nodular mastopathy can be of non-proliferating and proliferating forms. In terms of prognosis, fibrocystic proliferating mastopathy is considered unfavorable. With this form, proliferation of the epithelium of the ducts (lobular) occurs, resulting in the formation of intraductal papillomas or proliferative changes in the epithelial layer of the cyst walls, leading to the appearance of cystadenopapilloma.

All the changes described are a threat in terms of the tendency for cells to degenerate into malignant ones and the formation of breast cancer.

In addition, there is a special form of breast pathology that occurs at the end of the second phase of the menstrual cycle and is called mastalgia, or mastodynia. Mastalgia is caused by cyclic engorgement of the glands due to stromal edema and venous stagnation, which results in a sharp enlargement of the gland (more than 15%) and pain.


The etiological factors, as well as the mechanism of development of the pathology, are caused by the occurrence of hormonal imbalance. The leading role in the formation of mastopathy is played by conditions in which progesterone deficiency, relative or absolute hyperestrogenism, and ovarian dysfunction develop. This is due to the fact that it is estrogens that promote the proliferation of the epithelium in the milk ducts, alveoli, and increase the activity of fibroblasts, which as a result causes proliferation of the stroma.

Also, in the mechanism of occurrence of pathology, excess prostaglandins and hyperprolactinemia (lead to mastodynia and then to mastopathy) are of a certain importance. For hormonal imbalance to occur, exposure to provoking factors is necessary. However, even if they are present, mastopathy does not occur immediately, since it requires a long-term influence and layering of factors on top of each other. Among the provoking factors are:

    early onset of menstruation ( puberty up to 12 years of age leads to rapid hormonal changes, which affects general condition mammary glands);

    termination of pregnancy (after a miscarriage or abortion, a sharp hormonal decline occurs, which causes hormonal disorders in the body and mastopathy);

    late menopause (when menstruation stops only after 55 years, the mammary glands suffer from prolonged hormonal effects);

    complete absence of pregnancy and childbirth;

    bad habits;

    stress as a cause of endocrine pathology;

    age over 35 years;

    heredity (malignant and benign diseases of the mammary glands in close relatives of a woman);

    dissatisfaction with sex or irregular sex life contribute to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, as a result of which the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted and hormonal imbalance occurs;

    tumors of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus (disruptions in the secretion of LH and FSH, which lead to hyperestrogenism);

    obesity (adipose tissue serves as a kind of estrogen depot, the excess of which causes hormonal disorders);

    pathologies of the thyroid gland and liver;

    iodine deficiency;

    hormone-dependent gynecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility, anovulation, cycle disorders);

    inflammatory processes in the mammary glands;

    injuries to the mammary glands or compression of the breasts due to uncomfortable and tight bras.


In the presence of mastopathy, the severity of symptoms depends not only on the form of the pathology, but also on the presence concomitant diseases, the woman’s character and her emotional state. In the clinical manifestations of mastopathy, the following signs are predominant:

    Breast tenderness, or mastodynia.

Pain during mastopathy can have varying intensity and character. On initial stage pain diseases appear on the eve of menstruation, as a result of which many women confuse these manifestations with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The nature of the pain is varied, from aching and dull to sharp, so much so that even a slight touch to the chest causes severe pain. Soreness occurs due to stagnation of blood in the veins of the mammary gland and swelling of the tissue, which many describe as engorgement of the gland. There is also an increase in the volume of the mammary glands (edema). At the end of menstruation, the pain disappears, but as the pathology progresses, it becomes constant, only the degree of its intensity changes, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Severe pain has a detrimental effect on the general psycho-emotional state of a woman. In addition to sleep disturbances, there is mental lability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, and irritability.

    Presence of lumps in the breasts and discharge from the nipples.

Discharge from the nipples is a characteristic, but not obligatory, clinical sign of mastopathy. The color and severity of the discharge are also varied. The exudate may be insignificant and appear only after squeezing the nipple, or it may occur independently, as evidenced by the presence of stains on the underwear. The color of the discharge can vary from transparent and white to greenish, which indicates the attachment of a secondary infection to the source of pathology. The appearance of discharge from the nipples suggests that the milk ducts were also involved in the process. A prognostically unfavorable symptom is the appearance of bloody or brown discharge, since such signs indicate a possible malignant process.

    Diffuse mastopathy.

It is more often diagnosed in young women, and during palpation they are diagnosed with soreness and enlargement of the mammary glands with pronounced lobulation and heaviness, and fine granularity is also present.

    Nodular mastopathy.

Nodular mastopathy is the next stage in the development of pathology, which occurs in the absence of therapy for diffuse mastopathy. Palpation of the mammary glands allows you to feel individual lumps or areas of lumps with your fingertips; cysts can also be palpated. Foci of compaction are felt as dense nodes without boundaries with the presence of pronounced lobulation. The size of the nodes can reach 6-7 centimeters. If a breast cyst has formed, then an elastic formation of an oval or round shape with obvious boundaries is palpated, which is not connected to neighboring tissues.


Diagnosis of mastopathy begins with the collection of complaints and anamnesis. After completing the survey, the doctor conducts a visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands. During the examination, the contours of the breast are clarified, as well as the absence or presence of asymmetry of the mammary gland, venous pattern and skin tone, the position of the nipples and signs of their deformation.

Then palpation of the mammary glands is performed in two positions - lying and standing, since some of the formations can be palpated only in one of the positions, such palpation must be carried out in the first phase of the cycle. In addition, the doctor presses the nipples in order to determine, if any, discharge, and also palpates the regional lymph nodes (supraclavicular and axillary).

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:


The essence of the method is to perform an X-ray examination of the chest. Mammography is recommended for women who are in the group increased risk development of breast cancer, as well as for all women after 35 years of age, as a mandatory event during examination. X-rays must be performed in two projections (lateral and direct) in the first half of the cycle (approximately 7-10 days). Among the advantages of the method are high information content (about 97%) and the ability to identify non-palpable formations.

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

This examination is recommended for all women under 35 years of age, as well as women during gestation or breastfeeding. The advantages of breast ultrasound are that the method is safe and harmless, and its high resolution allows for examination of implants, as well as examination of regional lymph nodes in case of injury or inflammation. Among the disadvantages: the possibility of only examining slices, and not the entire gland, low information content in the presence of fatty degeneration of the breast, the assessment of images is subjective and depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor.

    Needle biopsy.

If a suspicious area (cavity or compaction) is detected, a fine-needle puncture of the pathology site is performed with further transfer of the material for histological examination.

    Study of hormonal status.

Allows you to determine the level of progesterone and estrogen, in case of suspected hyperprolactinemia - the level of prolactin. Also, if necessary, thyroid and adrenal hormones can be examined.

    Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is performed to exclude pathologies of the uterus and ovaries.

    Blood chemistry.

Blood sugar, liver enzymes and other indicators are examined in order to exclude the presence of concomitant extragenital diseases.

In addition, additional methods for examining the mammary glands are magnetic resonance imaging, thermography, digital and laser mammography, pneumocystography (study of cavity formations), ductography (study of the condition of the milk ducts). All these methods are used as a supplement when necessary.


When diagnosing mastopathy, treatment must be carried out without fail, and its tactics will depend on a number of factors: interest in contraception or pregnancy, presence accompanying pathologies, form of the disease and age of the patient. Fibrocystic mastopathy can be subjected to both conservative and surgical therapy.

Conservative treatment is required for patients diagnosed with a diffuse form of mastopathy, and only after consultation with a mammologist-oncologist. Conservative treatment consists of the use of hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

Non-hormonal forms of therapy


Prescribe vitamin A, which has an antiestrogenic effect, vitamin B6, which reduces prolactin levels; vitamin E, which enhances the effect of progesterone, vitamins P, PP and ascorbic acid, which reduce swelling of the glands, normalize blood microcirculation and strengthen vascular walls. In addition, all of these vitamins improve liver function, inactivate estrogens and have a beneficial effect on breast tissue.

    Iodine preparations.

They use “Iodine-active”, “Iodomarin”, which normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and participate in the secretion of its hormones.

    Biostimulants and sedatives.

Prescription of sedatives (peony tincture, valerian, motherwort) is required to normalize the patient’s psycho-emotional state, improve sleep and increase resistance to stressful situations. Adaptogens (radiola rosea, eleutherococcus) improve brain and liver function, stabilize metabolic processes, stimulate the immune system.

    Herbal medicines.

They use “Remens”, “Cyclodion”, “Mastodion”, which have a positive effect on hormonal balance and eliminate pathologies in the mammary glands, and they can also reduce the concentration of prolactin.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Drugs such as Diclofenac, Nise, Indomethacin not only relieve pain by suppressing the production of prostaglandins, but also relieve engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands.


Diuretics (herbal diuretics - “Fitolysin”, kidney tea, lingonberry leaf or Lasix) help reduce swelling of the glands and reduce pain.

Hormone therapy

This treatment is the main step conservative therapy and consists in the use of the following groups of drugs:


Taking Pregnin, Norkolut, Utrozhestan and Duphaston in the second phase of the cycle allows you to reduce the production of estrogen and normalize progesterone levels, which has a positive effect on the course of the pathology. The duration of treatment with progestin drugs is at least four months. It is also possible local application gestagens - applying gel to the skin of the glands twice a day for 3-4 months. Thus, 90% of progesterone is absorbed by the tissues of the mammary glands and the occurrence of adverse reactions of the body is excluded.

    Prolactin synthesis inhibitors.

"Parlodel" is able to suppress the production of prolactin and is recommended in the presence of hyperprolactinemia.


Treatment with androgens (Testobromlecid, Danazol, Methyltestosterone) is carried out after a woman reaches 45 years of age, therapy is carried out continuously for 1-6 months. Androgens initiate the synthesis of LH and FSH by the pituitary gland, suppress their effect on the ovaries and inhibit the production of hormones by the ovaries.


Tamoxifen and other drugs are taken continuously for 3 months.

    Combined oral contraceptives.

The use of Rigevidon, Marvelon and other contraceptives is indicated for patients with a violation of the second phase of the cycle and anovulation under 35 years of age.

Surgical treatment is required if nodular mastopathy (cyst or fibroadenoma) is diagnosed. Its essence consists in resection of a section of the mammary gland along with a pathological focus or enucleation (husking) of a cyst or tumor. Indications for surgical intervention are: recurrence of the cyst after a puncture in the past, rapid growth of fibroadenoma, suspicion of cancer based on histological data.

Frequently asked questions on the topic

    Is pregnancy allowed with mastopathy?

Pregnancy has a positive effect on the course of the pathology, since changes in hormonal levels (especially increased progesterone synthesis) during pregnancy not only slow down the process, but can also lead to a complete recovery.

    Is it possible to breastfeed a child with mastopathy?

It is not only allowed, but also required. Lactation is a kind of prevention of the occurrence of mammary gland pathologies, and in the presence of mastopathy, it normalizes tissue processes in the gland (suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic cells and enhances the growth of the glandular epithelium).

    Is it possible to treat mastopathy using traditional methods?

Yes, the use of traditional methods of therapy for such pathology is allowed, but only as an addition to the main treatment and after consultation with the attending physician.

    What folk methods are used for mastopathy?

One of the most effective ways therapy is the use of fresh cabbage. You can apply a fresh cabbage leaf to your chest at night, cut off the leaf veins and wrap them with a towel, and also mince the pumpkin and cabbage, apply the resulting mass to the mammary glands and wrap it in plastic, then with gauze and leave it like a compress for two hours. Such therapy relieves inflammation and pain, reduces swelling of the glands. Conducted in one/two week courses.

    What dangers does mastopathy pose?

Among the complications of mastopathy, one should note a recurrence of pathology after conservative therapy, which is possible in the presence of undiagnosed hormonal imbalances, cyst rupture and suppuration of the mammary gland, and the most dangerous is the degeneration of fibroadenoma into oncology (less than 1% in the case of a non-proliferating form, with pronounced proliferation of fibroadenoma up to 32 %). That is why nodular mastopathy should be treated only surgically without delay.

    Is it possible to sunbathe if you have mastopathy?

Sunbathing and other thermal procedures (visiting saunas and baths) are prohibited for this pathology. It is important to remember that any form of mastopathy automatically places the patient at risk for breast cancer, and exposure of the breast to heat and insolation can contribute to the transition of diffuse mastopathy to nodular or the degeneration of a benign tumor.

    Is a diet required for this pathology?

Yes, if mastopathy is diagnosed, you need to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, which exclude the consumption of cocoa, tea, coffee, chocolate, since they contain a large amount of methylxanthines, and they not only increase the pain syndrome, but provoke further progress of the pathology. The diet should be rich in fresh fruits and vegetables (sources of coarse fiber and vitamins that improve intestinal functions), vegetable oils (contain vitamin E), seafood and fermented milk (sources of iodine and calcium), bran and grain products.

    What is the prevention of pathology?

To prevent the development of mastopathy, you need to adhere to the following principles:

    maintain regular sex life;

    avoid chest injuries;

    Perform breast self-exams and visit your doctor regularly;

    abide by the principles breastfeeding;

    avoid stress;

    refuse to perform abortions;

    wear comfortable underwear of the appropriate size;

    give up bad habits.

Mastopathy is a disease in which small compactions, cords, nodules and cysts or large and dense formations form in the mammary glands. One of the types of pathology is fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland, what is it and how to treat the pathology?

The disease fibrocystic mastopathy is a condition in which cysts appear in the mammary glands in the form of small multiple nodules formed by overgrown connective tissue and fluid. In most cases, it refers to the mixed type of diffuse mastopathy, ICD code 10 - 60.1.

The disease is benign, but in the later stages and when it becomes nodular, atypical cells can form in the tissues, leading to breast cancer.

With fibrocystic mastopathy (abbr. FCM), areas with dense connective tissue appear in the mammary glands. They fill with fluid and develop into cysts.

  • The pathology is common among women from 30 years of age to reaching menopausal age. During and after, the risk of disease is significantly reduced.

Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy

The first signs of fibrocystic mastopathy are expressed in the premenstrual period:

  1. Painful sensations in the chest, occurring spontaneously or when touched, intensify in the second half of the cycle.
  2. The appearance of compactions and granular formations that are detected by palpation.

Subsequently, the pain becomes stronger, is constantly present, is accompanied by a feeling of fullness, burden, and radiates to the shoulder, hypochondrium, and axillary region. In the later stages of fibrocystic mastopathy, the symptoms are pronounced and its manifestations no longer depend on the period of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes the secretion released from the nipples is yellowish, grayish or white-green or resembles colostrum. The liquid may have a bloody tint - an alarming signal, since it often indicates the presence.

A small proportion of women do not feel severe pain in the mammary glands or experience it only during PMS and menstruation, regarding it as normal. In such cases, regular self-diagnosis and breast palpation are especially important.

Fibrocystic breast disease is caused by a hormone imbalance when progesterone levels are low and estrogen and prolactin levels are high. The following reasons may lead to this:

  • Early onset of menstruation;
  • Late menopause;
  • Short lactation or its absence;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy - abortions are accompanied by sudden changes in hormonal activity;
  • Metabolic disorders – diabetes, obesity;
  • Lack of pregnancy and childbirth, infertility;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Endocrine pathologies, especially hypothyroidism;
  • Late first birth;
  • Inflammatory and other diseases of the genitourinary area;
  • Incorrect selection and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, in particular oral contraception.

Additional provocateurs include bad habits, strict diets, and constant stress in a woman’s life.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is often diffuse. In the breast tissue, connective (fibrous) tissue forms several or many small nodules filled with fluid.

If some of them significantly increase in size, forming dense large cysts or nodes, they speak of the transition of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy to a nodular form.

However, the formation of single fibrocystic nodules or a small number of them is not always preceded by the diffuse type - sometimes nodular FCM develops independently.

Diagnostics and examination methods

Fibrocystic mastopathy is detected during an examination by a doctor. Upon palpation, compacted tubercles are detected in the tissues of the mammary glands. They can be multiple or just a few separate formations.

To confirm the diagnosis, the following examination methods are used:

  • Ultrasound – reveals the presence, size, contents and composition of the walls of cysts, and excludes other pathologies.
  • Mammography - accurately determines the form of mastopathy and the presence of a cancerous tumor.
  • Puncture or biopsy of the cyst with further study of the material taken.
  • Analysis of fluid released from the nipple is needed for differential diagnosis with other breast diseases.
  • Diaphanoscopy is a method of x-raying the mammary glands.

To identify fibrocystic mastopathy in the early stages of development, regular self-examination and visiting a mammologist at least once a year are important.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, drugs

FCM therapy is aimed at stabilizing hormonal levels and eliminating provoking factors - diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems are treated, stressful situations are excluded, diet, physiotherapeutic procedures and medications are prescribed.

TO medications Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy includes drugs:

  • antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Fareston, Toremifene);
  • drugs that reduce prolactin levels (Bromocriptine);
  • gestagens (Pregnin, Orgametril, Norkolut);
  • androgens – used as estrogen antagonists (Danazol);
  • oral contraceptive drugs (Silest, Mercilon);
  • thyroid hormones.

Non-hormonal drugs for treatment are indicated:

  • vitamins (A, E, C and group B);
  • potassium iodide, Iodomarin;
  • adaptogens to support immunity (rhodiola extract, Klamin);
  • sedatives;
  • gentle diuretics to relieve swelling (tea made from rose hips and herbs);
  • painkillers, NSAIDs.

Some estrogens are excreted in the bile, but constipation and microflora disturbances lead to reabsorption of this hormone, that is, reabsorption into the blood. Therefore, the attending physician may prescribe enzymatic agents to normalize intestinal function - Wobenzym, Duphalac or others.

Helps reduce prolactin levels and the activity of formation of connective tissue elements homeopathic remedies, containing extracts and plant extracts. These are Remens, Cyclodinone, Mastodinone.


During treatment, it is important to adhere to nutritional rules. The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy includes avoiding coffee, tea, cocoa, cola and other carbonated drinks, and chocolate.

Animal fats, baked goods, sweets, spicy and salty foods are subject to strict restrictions.

For good intestinal function, the diet must contain a lot of plant fiber, so fruits and vegetables, buckwheat, and legumes are useful. The menu should include oatmeal and other grains, whole grain bread, and nuts. Every day it is important to drink up to 2 liters of clean water.


With proper diagnosis and treatment, the outcome of fibrocystic mastopathy is favorable. But, despite the initial benignity, even small cysts can grow, turn into a nodular form and a cancerous tumor.

Therefore, a favorable prognosis occurs only in the case of adequate therapy.


A number of preventive measures help reduce the risk of developing fibrocystic mastopathy:

  • detection and treatment of genitourinary and endocrine diseases;
  • monitoring the stability of the menstrual cycle and its adjustment;
  • examination of the thyroid gland;
  • correct selection of bra size, avoiding squeezing and trauma to the breast;
  • regularity of sexual activity;
  • refusal of abortion;
  • full lactation;
  • eliminating bad habits;
  • professional selection of contraceptives.

To detect mastopathy in the early stages, visiting a mammologist 1-2 times a year and self-examination of the mammary glands to detect lumps can be done.

In women of reproductive age, lumps in the breast most often appear against the background fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) mammary glands. Pathology leads to disruption of glandular and connective tissue. Today, this disease affects 60% of all women.

MBK 10 codes from No. 60 to No. 64– breast diseases. Mastopathy is numbered 60.1. This is a disease that occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

Key features of the disease

Glandular cystic mastopathy is diagnosed in the presence of benign formations in the breast. When palpating the patient, obvious signs seals.

Breast mastopathy is most often diagnosed in women under 40 years of age. The disease in medical practice is also known as adenosis.


By clinical manifestations The following types of neoplasms are distinguished:

  • cystic, which is characterized by the development of a cyst;
  • fibrous mammary glands, in which there is a proliferation of connective tissue;
  • diffuse fibrocystic characterized by proliferative processes (growths) of glandular and connective tissue. In this case, many compactions are determined;
  • at nodular mastopathy glandular and fibrous tissue does not grow in the entire gland, but in its individual parts. Single compactions are found in the gland.

Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM)

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands develops against the background of hormonal imbalance in the body. However, there are additionally a number of factors that can trigger the formation of lumps in the breast:

  • irregularities in work endocrine system. Complications after gynecological diseases;
  • decreased functioning of the immune system;
  • abortion;
  • the woman does not want to breastfeed the child. This situation negatively affects the hormonal background of the whole body;
  • stress, strong psychological and emotional stress;
  • changes in the endometrium in the uterus, hyperplastic and endocrine disorders;
  • hepatic dystrophy.

Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy

In medical practice, fibroglandular mastopathy can be one of the following types:

  • focal;
  • adenomyoepithelial;
  • microglandular;
  • ductal;
  • apocrine;
  • sclerosing;

Additionally, the location of the cysts is taken into account. The diffuse or local form determines the nature of the symptoms. However, two of them are characterized by proliferation of myoepithelium. A woman notices the periodic occurrence of bursting pain in the chest.

During menstruation, discomfort becomes more pronounced. The woman feels severe pain. There is engorgement in the chest. However, no external changes are observed. There is no discharge from the nipples, but the mammary glands increase significantly in size. With a diffuse disease, you can additionally observe compaction in only one part. In this case, adenosis is local in nature.

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland also develops as a tumor. A small nodule with a lobular structure begins to gradually grow in the tissues. The woman does not have any sensations, so the disease can only be detected during a routine examination.

Mastopathy of both mammary glands is diagnosed after a thorough examination of the patient. At the first stage, palpation is performed. The doctor probes the areas with compactions in more detail. If a woman has the disease, her lymph nodes may also be enlarged. You can also observe local inflammation in the vicinity of the chest (see photo above). The disease is characterized by low growth activity of pathological structures. That is why it is considered low-risk.

Complications of the disease

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy should be started in a timely manner. Otherwise, a woman may experience serious consequences:

  • the cyst is constantly growing, so it can lead to a visual change in the contour of the breast;
  • the risk of inflammation or infection of the area increases;
  • the cyst can degenerate into a malignant formation;
  • rupture of cystic formation.

Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is not life-threatening. However, the patient may experience constant discomfort and pain. At an advanced stage, it is difficult to imagine a full life, because the cyst can grow to enormous sizes.

Pathology can develop into cancer at any time. Against the background of inflammation, the risk of infectious agents entering the tissue also increases. In this case, suppuration begins to actively develop.

Diagnostic measures

Women of childbearing age are advised to regularly palpate themselves. However, fibrocystic mastopathy can only be accurately determined using ultrasound or mammography. The first option allows you to determine even the degree of the disease. MRI is prescribed extremely rarely. The method is used when it is necessary to study each individual layer of tissue. If necessary, the patient may also be prescribed aspiration biopsy. Its detailed result will help to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Histology for mastopathy allows you to study the cellular structure in more detail. It is used to determine the malignancy of structures, intraductal papilloma, inflammation or purulent formation.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

If the symptoms allow the disease to be diagnosed on time, then the patient is prescribed measures to stabilize hormonal levels. Drugs are selected based on test results. To do this, you need to donate the following hormones:

  • progesterone;
  • estradiol;
  • prolactin.

In the future, a special drug will need to be injected into the cyst cavity. Through it, it is necessary to achieve obliteration of the walls of the formation. The treatment method is carried out only if the cyst is not malignant. In this case, there should be no symptoms of a malignant process of tumor formation inside the duct.

The severe form of the disease is characterized by abundant tissue proliferation. Cells can degenerate into a tumor at any time. To eliminate it, the secretory resection method is used. The resulting material is sent for histological examination. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine the type of education.

Surgical treatment

It is advisable to use surgical intervention for mastopathy only if the formation reaches large sizes. As a rule, the problem with nodes and cysts can be solved through conservative methods. Today, to eliminate the disease, it is allowed to use the following operation options:

  • selective resection involves removing the tumor along with a certain area of ​​the breast;
  • It is also allowed to peel or remove only the area where there is a cyst.

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy directly depends on its nature. The operation can be justified by the following aspects of the clinical condition:

  • During histological examination, a suspicion arose that this formation was malignant;
  • the tumor has greatly increased in size over the past three months;
  • After the conservative method, a relapse of the disease occurred after a short period of time.

The operation can be performed under general or local anesthesia. It lasts approximately 40 minutes.

Conservative treatment

How to treat a disease directly depends on the reasons that caused it. Additionally, a woman is recommended to pay attention to restoring her immune system. Ovarian and thyroid diseases can also have a negative effect:

  • Hormonal therapy is aimed at normalizing the amount of necessary substances. A woman is prescribed progesterone, duphaston or utrozhestan;
  • with the help of oral contraceptives it will be possible to regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • synthetic estrogen inhibitors.

If a woman suffers from pain, then it is allowed to use analgesics, diuretics. Homeopathic medicines also have a positive effect.

If a woman is already 40 years old, the doctor additionally prescribes steroids, methylandrostenediol, methyltestosterone and testosterone injections. If the disease is caused by a deficiency corpus luteum, then in the second phase of the cycle you should do progesterone injections. To eliminate pathologies of the thyroid gland, a woman should additionally take iodine in the form of preparations.

The expected effect directly depends on the product used. Most often, doctors use an integrated approach. Thanks to this, the body begins to function normally.

Mastodinon: a popular remedy for mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy reacts negatively to this drug. It also helps cope with menstrual irregularities and other diseases of the mammary glands. The medicine contains only natural ingredients. Mastodinon also helps eliminate PMS and other related symptoms of the disease.

Regular use helps to significantly reduce the production of prolactin. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the proliferation of the mammary gland. There are no side effects when taking the drug, because it contains only natural ingredients.

Signs of the disease are significantly reduced when using 30 drops or 1 tablet of the product per day. It is allowed to further dilute the composition with water. To have a positive effect The drug should be taken for at least three months. The obvious effect will be noticeable only after 40-60 days. Mastodinon is taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Use of homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy also helps a person get rid of the disease. These drugs tend to accumulate in the body, but cannot lead to allergies or adverse reactions. That is why when cystic mastopathy and pregnancy are acceptable. Homeopathic medicines are also used to treat young children and elderly people.

Homeopathy suggests using special remedies for 2 to 5 weeks. After completing the course, relapses were recorded in patients only in rare cases. To eliminate inflammation, experts advise using products that which includes apis. With the help of belladonna, it is possible to get rid of swelling and burning that periodically occur in women with mastopathy within a short period of time.

When the lesion suppurates, the woman’s temperature rises significantly and dull pain appears. In this case, it helps to cope with the symptoms Bryonia and Bufo. If the pathology occurs after an injury, then you should use pulsatilla extract.

Mastopathy must be recognized in time. Treatment homeopathic medicines has no serious contraindications or complications. However, only a doctor can prescribe the correct course. Otherwise, the treatment may not be effective.

Use of vitamin complexes

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast is treatable. However, the tablets should also be supplemented with vitamins of groups A, E, B and PP. It also has a positive effect on the body ascorbic acid.

It is actively used in the fight against diseases of this group. vitamin E. It has many similarities to an antioxidant. With its help, it is possible to normalize the production of progesterone. It also takes an active part in fat metabolism. It should be used to reduce premenstrual syndrome.

Antioxidants necessary for the body to fight inflammation. They also trigger the process of natural cell regeneration. However, this vitamin should be taken for at least three months.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is also treated by taking vitamin B. It is used in the body for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The vitamin is directly involved in energy metabolism. With its help, it is possible to improve the functioning of the immune system and accelerate the division of new cells. The component is recommended for use by people who regularly experience severe mental and emotional stress. With its help, the body copes with stress and any chronic illnesses much faster.

The necessary substances can be supplied to the body using special vitamin complexes. However, most often it is enough to normalize the diet. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables.

Nutritional Features

Fibrous mastopathy, we have already figured out what it is, occurs against the background of a negative change in hormonal levels. That is why nutrition should be aimed at solving this problem.

It is recommended to include a sufficient amount of food in your diet fiber rich foods. Legumes and cabbage contain large amounts of estrogen. The necessary vitamins can be obtained through citrus fruits and dried fruits.

Iodine is found in seafood and fish. With its help, you can improve the functioning of the endocrine system within a short period of time. Phospholipids will improve liver function. Additionally, you should consume a sufficient amount of fermented milk products.

Animal fats and fast carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet. Excessive weight accumulation negatively affects the functioning of the mammary gland and the reproductive system as a whole.

If a woman is diagnosed with mastopathy, then she should reconsider her diet. Food should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and various dietary fibers. You should also drink enough fluids. Water speeds up metabolic processes and improves the functioning of all internal systems. Drinking one liter of clean water every day is considered optimal. However, in some cases this volume should be increased.

For mastopathy Methylxanthine has a negative effect. It is found in black teas, coffee, cocoa and chocolate.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment with folk remedies can be used only for mild mastopathy. In the nodular form, a decrease in the size of the formation is observed. However, in the future it is impossible to minimize the recurrence of these lesions.

To eliminate this pathology in folk medicine burdock is actively used. It is enough to attach a couple of fresh leaves to your chest. It is best to perform the procedure in the evening and leave the greens until the morning. In this case, the maximum absorbable effect will be provided.

Also proven themselves well ordinary cabbage leaves . They are also applied to the chest in the form of a compress. It is recommended to apply a gauze bandage over it. To improve the effect, add a mixture of chopped cabbage and sour milk to the leaf. The compress can be used both day and night, but the mammary gland is first wrapped in cellophane.

It also has a positive impact collection from medicinal herbs . Before using it, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is treated Altai grass pine forest. It has a positive effect on the body in case of hormonal disorders. The herb normalizes metabolism and improves the functioning of the endocrine system. Positive effects are also observed in the functioning of the ovaries and bladder. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix half a liter of vodka with 50 grams of herbs. The resulting composition must be infused in a dark place for at least 14 days. It is not recommended to use a refrigerator. Should be taken for 6 months during each menstrual period.

Preventive actions

Women of reproductive age should periodically independently examine their mammary glands. Thanks to this, it will be possible to detect the compaction in time and seek help from a specialist in this field. Timely treatment is a guarantee of a quick recovery. Palpation should be done in a vertical and horizontal position. Palpation is carried out in the area around the mammary gland and directly on it.

If a lump of unknown nature is detected, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. When diagnosing a cyst, he will be able to choose the right course of treatment. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent complications and make a full recovery quickly.

Today, breastfeeding is considered the most effective method of prevention. However, prolonged feeding is also dangerous. That is why lactation should last no more than 1.5 years.

The risk of developing mastopathy increases in case of abortion.

Regular sexual contact has a positive effect on the hormonal balance in the body. If a woman has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, then only iodized salt or special drugs to restore the balance of the missing component.

A woman must lead healthy image life and eating right. It is also recommended to exercise regularly and avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking. This is one of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy life.

Disease prognosis

Treatment and prognosis for mastopathy depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, a favorable outcome is guaranteed. However, in the future, the woman will have to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. The doctor may highlight additional prescriptions that will need to be followed in the future.

There are cases when the disease resolves with frequent relapses. In this case, it is not possible to identify hormonal disorders that lead to the progression of the disease. The disease becomes malignant if the patient is diagnosed with fibroadenoma. It is quite difficult to completely cure long-standing cysts.

A woman should regularly visit a mammologist's office. In this case, negative changes in the structure of the mammary glands can be detected at an early stage. The prognosis is most favorable if a woman promptly consults a doctor when the first symptoms are detected. The disease can go away without complications if the doctor was able to choose the right treatment for the woman. Hormonal levels will quickly recover, and negative symptoms will be forgotten forever.

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