Traditional Chinese medicine: how to take care of your health in summer. How to take care of your health? consultation (junior group) on the topic Basic rules to protect your health

Why is it important to take care of your health from a young age?

Generally speaking, human health depends on external factors and harmony of the body with this environment. An imbalance leads to various diseases. Everyone understands that human life is a programmed process; only changes in environment. The greatest impact of external factors occurs on the most vulnerable substance, namely the young organism. It is for this reason that the ancient proverb “take care of your health from a young age” has a completely natural basis.

In order to “make friends” with this very external environment, from early childhood you need to take sun and air baths more often, swim and do physical exercises. Compliance with the regime is another important factor. Violation of the regime from childhood is sure to negatively affect health in adulthood. Hardening and physical education will allow you to childhood avoid runny noses and colds. Weakened children's body will manifest itself in more serious diseases in the future respiratory tract and weak immunity. Poor nutrition in infancy will certainly result in diseases of the stomach and intestines after a couple of decades.

Overeating and a disturbed psycho-emotional state of the baby are the cause of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases further. This means that these serious diseases have roots that go back to childhood. Diseases of joints and bones in older people as a consequence of sedentary behavior in childhood and adolescence.

Paying attention to your health will help you avoid serious illnesses in consequence. Sometimes you hear about sudden death absolutely healthy person. It is a misconception to consider a person absolutely healthy just because he was not tied to a hospital bed. If a person walked on his feet, this does not mean that he was healthy. He simply did not pay attention to the “signals” of his body.
The phrase that all diseases are caused by nerves is not unfounded. A healthy nervous system from childhood will become an excellent assistant in old age. And in order to save nervous system, you need to categorically give up smoking and alcohol abuse, which cause irreversible damage to the body. The dressing room bench should be replaced with a walk in the park.

Alcohol harms not only the nervous system, but also all human organs, this is scientifically confirmed. The craving for alcohol that appears in youth will persist in old age. And alcoholic drinks for an elderly person are a direct road to serious illnesses.

Many people justify their addiction to smoking by the ability of tobacco to calm the nerves when negotiating tables are coming up, and to stimulate energy for night driving. This is a big misconception. A heavy smoker intentionally shortens his life with his own hands. The effect of nicotine on the human body is similar to the effect of poison, gradually delivered in small doses. Much has already been said about how nicotine affects the organs. But the most important thing is that the so-called passive smokers, who most often become children, suffer the most.

Excessive disorder sex life also affects the quality of life. Even in ancient times, Eastern sages spoke. That the old man has two enemies - a good cook and a young woman. Caucasian centenarians avoided sexual excesses all their lives. And the concept that married people live longer has become a dogma.

All diseases acquired from an incorrect attitude towards your body will certainly lead to one thing - a significant reduction in life. Therefore, in order to live to a ripe old age, you need to take care of your health from a young age. And sometimes the manager’s office needs to be replaced by a hike in the forest or a morning jog.

The advice of our grandmothers “Take care of honor from a young age” is quite applicable to health. Of course, the sooner we think about how to preserve your health from a young age, the better, but if it doesn’t work out, don’t despair, it’s never too late to start

with your health. In autumn, the heat suddenly disappears, and very often we start to get sick - sneezing, coughing, and so on. Many of us live in big cities with a controversial ecology, we don’t drink very much good water. Experts advise starting in September to pay attention to immunity, take tinctures of eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass, and, most importantly, try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What does this concept mean? Modern ideas about a healthy lifestyle are not dogmatic; first of all, it is an image that is useful to a specific person, however general rules There are still ones that suit almost all people. The key word is benefit.

  • Point one, how to preserve your health: life without bad habits, that is, without alcohol, tobacco, drugs. IN Lately TV and computer abuse were added to this list. All this gradually destroys the organs, and lastly, the psyche. Now in Russia bad habits include excessive addiction to beer.

  • Point two: activity, physical education, movement. You should create an optimal, best motor mode for yourself. Many of us neglect even simple walks if it is drizzling outside. Don't stop walking, even if the weather leaves much to be desired, traffic is fresh air will cheer you up, especially if you start it with a little warm-up.

  • The third point is maintaining a daily routine. Alternate reasonably between exercise and rest, go to bed no later than 23-00 and get up no later than 8-00! Carry out procedures for hardening the body and constantly ventilate the room in which you are.

  • - another, fourth item in our list of components of a natural healthy lifestyle. What we eat – we need to pay great attention to this. For a long time man has been adapted to food that is coarse, unrefined, rich in fiber and vitamins, and over thousands of years the body has not changed at all - we also need cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, and store-bought semi-finished products, devoid of micro and macroelements, are absolutely not healthy. Previously people They did not rely on medicine, only immunity and strength taken from nature helped them live, as well as food, so, despite our busyness or laziness, it is still better to prepare food from natural products.
  • In the last, fifth paragraph of our rules, we call peace of mind. The harmony of a person with the world around him, and even more with himself, improves health and allows for a long time stay young and beautiful. Conversely, aggressiveness, anger and envy destroy physical health and mercilessly impose wrinkles on the face.

What prevents us from leading such a lifestyle? Laziness? Lack of time? Or the hope that everything can be done in time, that everything is still ahead. You can change your habits right now; this is confirmed by the revelations of people who took time to take charge of their health, and therefore their lives. Start developing the habit of healthy image life. It's never too late. In return you will receive good health, longevity and unfading beauty of body and soul.

Music therapy is one of many methods for improving the health of people of all ages. And in young children it not only strengthens, but also develops imagination and creativity. By turning on music and relaxing at home in a cozy chair, we restore all the energy we spent during the day, completely immersing ourselves in our favorite melody. Probably everyone has noticed that when listening to a lullaby, a child quickly calms down and falls asleep, and good, calm music also affects an adult.

Strengthening vision is also good for the health of both children and adults. To exercise your eyes, you need to close and open your eyes throughout the day, while you need to press your eyelids with your finger, this will relieve tension and fatigue even in the middle of the working day. Everyone wants to know how to take care of their health, but not everyone knows that hardening is also important for strengthening human health. But tempering must begin with early age, and do it right:

You need to start hardening procedures in the warm season, even if a child or adult is a little sick, you should not stop the procedure. But, under no circumstances should you start hardening in the cold season. Gradually harden your body, start with not very cold water, lowering its temperature every day, reach very cold, do not rush. If symptoms such as paleness or goose bumps are noticeable, stop the procedure to avoid getting sick.

Carry out hardening only with positive mood, this is also quite important. Avoid hypothermia. If you are prone to illness, be doubly careful. Air hardening is also possible. Just take a walk in the fresh air more often, use air dreams and air baths. Do not overdo it, start using the air bath for 1 - 2 minutes at a temperature of 22 - 24 degrees. Over time, increase the time to 10 minutes. In children, the use of drugs such as Aflubin and Antigrippin is encouraged to improve health. But before choosing the right medicine Be sure to consult your doctor or pediatrician.

Recently, people have completely forgotten about such disease prevention as acupressure, but it is effective. Massage needs to be done index finger hands, you just need to make circular movements until you feel severe pain. There are only 10 such points on the body.
Point 1 – this point will improve blood supply to the bronchi, lungs and esophagus, and also reduce coughing. It is located on chest, at the level of the second and third ribs.

Point 2 – responsible for immune system, is at the projection level thymus gland in the area of ​​the jugular fossa.

Point 3 – prevents diseases of the mucous membrane of the throat. It is located on the front of the neck on both sides.

Point 4 – improves blood supply to the neck and head. It is located in the area from the first to the fifth cervical vertebrae.

Point 5 – this point normalizes the functioning of the blood vessels of the heart and lungs. Located first thoracic vertebra and the seventh cervical.

Point 6 – located on the side of the wings of the nose. Makes breathing easier.

Point 7 – located in the inner eyebrows. This point also improves blood supply to both the brain and nose.

Point 8 – located at the site of the tragus of the ear. Affects the vestibular apparatus, as well as hearing.

Point 9 – located in the middle of the foot, on the side thumb legs. The massage must be performed on both legs at once while the person is sitting. This point will completely eliminate itching on the soles of your feet, as well as the front surface of the entire body.

Point 10 – The last point is called the “Point of Life”; it normalizes many organs and functions of the whole body. Located on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger.

Kondrashova Yulia

Yulia Kondrashova, a student of grade 2 A at MBOU Secondary School No. 2 in the city of Lermontov, made a presentation “How to take care of your health?” She explained the topic in great detail and in an adult way. I collected my material for a long time during project activities, bit by bit, and then collected all my research together.



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How to take care of your health? Completed by 2nd grade “A” student Yulia Kondrashova.

What is health? Health is wealth, the greatest value given to a person. You need to think about health not when it is lost, but throughout your life, starting from childhood. And no expensive things or valuable acquisitions can replace a person’s health. How can we make sure that everything in our body works normally? So that we are healthy, beautiful, happy?

Rule 1. Proper nutrition A person needs to eat, to stand up and to sit down, to grow and develop, to jump and tumble. Sing songs, make friends, laugh. In order to grow and develop and not get sick, you need to be able to eat right from a very young age. Nutrition should be balanced, regular, moderate. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.

Rule 2. Sports exercises - every day. There is a wonderful expression: “Movement is life.” People need movement to be strong, healthy, agile and beautiful. Physical education cultivates will in a person, gives faith in victory, teaches patience, work and perseverance. To prevent the body from malfunctioning, you need to perform the complex every day physical exercise, preferably in the fresh air. Swimming, cycling, and fitness classes will strengthen the body. Any sport is our assistant in the fight for health.

Rule 3. Water is our ally. Water procedures harden the human body. At any age water procedures must be handled with care. At the very beginning, do rubbing, then washing, and only then move on to showering and dousing. Hardening increases immunity, improves the body's resistance to unfavorable conditions external environment. Rubbing, bathing, taking pine baths, sauna - all this will strengthen the nervous system, heart and blood vessels

Rule 4. Healthy sleep. Sleep is an important part of our life, during which self-healing, healing, and mental “reboot” of the entire body occurs. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” It has been observed that centenarians sleep a lot. If you walk for at least 15-20 minutes before going to bed, your body will tell you: “Thank you.” A sound, healthy sleep is what gives the body complete rest. Remember this!

Rule 5. Body and household hygiene. Body hygiene is an integral part of human health. If you don’t take care of yourself, your beauty fades and your health deteriorates. 1. Daily hygiene: -Washing hands after going outside, before eating, after visiting the toilet; -Washing; -Brushing teeth 2 times a day; -Taking a shower or bath. 2. Periodic hygiene: -Cutting hair ends (every 4-8 weeks); -Nail cutting; -Preventive visits to the doctor.

Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear: - Washing items; - Steam ironing; -Daily shift underwear; -High-quality shoe washing. Household hygiene. - Removing dust from furniture surfaces; - Daily disinfection of the bathroom (toilet, sink, bathtub); - Regular ventilation; - Deep cleaning of carpets; -High-quality cleaning of kitchen surfaces and utensils. Hygiene rules, like the rules traffic, must be observed unquestioningly.

Rule 6. Save mental energy. Mental energy underlies our immunity. Immunity is our body’s ability to resist harmful external influences. Learn calmness, self-control, enjoy life. Remember that sadness, longing, envy and hatred shorten life. You see, being healthy is both simple and difficult.

Man is given one life, and he must live it with dignity. We must also understand that we are given one body to live on this earth. From birth to childhood, our parents take care of our health. When we grow up, this task falls entirely on the adult.

If a person carelessly monitors his health in his youth, then later this will be expressed as chronic diseases. What should be done to prevent this from happening?

Basic rules to protect your health

First of all, you need to practice good hygiene by keeping your body clean. Shower regularly and brush your teeth every day.

Even if a person cannot bear acute diseases, he still needs to periodically visit some specialists. For example, dentists constantly remind that a person should come for an examination 1-2 times a year. Even if you don’t have any pain, just get a preventive examination. After all, it won't cost anything. When a tooth hurts, it may already be too late.

A woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a year. For example, many people do not attach importance to a disease such as thrush. But if you do not consult a specialist in time, complications may arise that will be much more difficult to cure. There can be many reasons for the appearance of such a disease. Therefore, you need to seek help from a good specialist rather than self-medicate.

Diagnosis is carried out using several methods: smear microscopy or culture. When examining a smear under a microscope, you can determine the presence of Candida fungal cells. If you carry out the second method of examination, the doctor will find out how many colonies of Candida fungi will grow from the scraping sample. After all, many women may have them on the vaginal mucosa, but their number should not exceed certain indicators. Also, according to the results of the analysis, the doctor can find out which antifungal drugs the detected type of fungus is sensitive to. Only then will the prescribed treatment be more effective.

How does sport affect health?

Playing any sport will affect general state only positive. The load must be increased gradually. Sometimes it's better to start with a daily walk in the park, and then supplement your walk with running. Games of tennis, badminton, football, volleyball will also give a positive result.

If you live in big city and far from the green zone, you can sign up for a sports section. Working out several times a week will allow you to be more organized.