Dream interpretation open front door. Why is the door dreaming? Why dream of opening the door? The meaning of the dream Door

A person who sees a doorway in a dream may soon encounter obstacles, and depending on how the dream ends, you can find out whether he will overcome them or not. The dream book will help you find out what the door is dreaming of, you just need to remember all the details of the dream, its mood and ending.

A dream in which you have to close the door behind someone means, according to the dream book, a subconscious desire to protect yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers and evil tongues. Locking the door means fighting people who are stronger, thereby dooming yourself to great danger. It will take a lot of courage and willpower to handle the situation.

A dream in which you have to close the door with a key is interpreted by the dream book as an early marriage or a meeting with a person who is most likely to become your life partner in the end. Closing the door with a lock is interpreted by the dream book as a desire to find peace and be alone. Also, this dream may be an indicator that you are trying to get away from problems, instead of immediately solving them.

To close the door from the inside means, according to the dream book, the struggle with one's own fears. For a woman, this dream means fear of unwanted pregnancy or the fear that the guy will exchange it for another. For a man, this dream promises an unpleasant conversation with his girlfriend, which can end in a break if young people do not sincerely talk to each other.

To find out why the open door is dreaming, the dream book will help. This dream has two meanings: the first is a call to action, the second is a person’s readiness for a new relationship. A dream in which there was a door open to the apartment can warn of uninvited guests, as well as psychological and subconscious readiness to create a family.

open Entrance door in a dream from a dream book means that soon you will receive a profitable offer to participate in a profitable business, which in fact turns out to be a financial scam. Do not succumb to the persuasion and promises of quick and easy money.

A dream in which you happen to open the door with a key, according to the dream book, means that your ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations will help you cope with the difficulties that have piled up. Such a dream for a man suggests that he will still be able to win the heart of a girl he has long liked.

The dream in which you heard a knock on the door means pleasant and long-awaited news. Furiously and loudly knocking on the door in a dream to a forced conversation with a request to repay the debt. Also, a dream in which you have to knock on the door speaks of vain and unfulfilled hope. Knocking on a closed door means vain attempts to justify yourself and prove your innocence, ill-wishers have done a good job of blackening your name in front of the public.

What is the dream of the front door. According to the dream book, if the entrance opening in a dream is open, it means a quick and painless overcoming of obstacles on the way to the implementation of the plan, closed - it means that obstacles on the way can confuse you and force you to change your goals.

A new door in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new and important stage in a person's life: creating a family, having a child, starting a new project, moving to a new home. The dream in which the old doorway appears, according to the dream book, means that those things that you put off “for tomorrow” can no longer wait, and if they are not settled today, as a result, you can fly out of work. Also, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a relationship that does not bring former pleasure, which should be abandoned in order for a new hobby to appear.

Why dream of a broken door. Such a dream means that your future career is in the hands of other people and your immediate future depends on them. In order to reach the desired heights, you should learn how to interact with them.

If in a dream you dreamed that they were breaking the door, it means that there is a traitor in the inner circle who will soon prove himself. This person takes revenge on you for the fact that once in your youth you destroyed his love. Breaking the door means that the time has come for decisive action and how you behave during this period depends on the future. The dream interpretation advises to get rid of those friendships and relationships that are a burden to you and do not carry more of the ease and pleasure as before.

A dream in which there are many doors is interpreted by the dream book as the need to make a choice and finally decide on the question that is now hanging in the air. A long pause in resolving this issue is inappropriate, since the chance may pass to another person. A corridor with doors seen in a dream represents big choice opportunities that must be taken advantage of. This dream may still be a call for the implementation of long-cherished plans.

Why else dream of a door in a dream

A dream in which the door does not close no matter how much effort is made, according to the dream book, means that with all your desire to refuse (hide, hide) from your obligations, it will be impossible to do this.

Why dream of ringing the doorbell. A doorbell from a dream book means unexpected news, and this dream can also promise urgent matters that require only personal presence. In order to succeed, you should increase your self-esteem and engage in self-education.

If you had a dream in which unknown persons are breaking in the door, then it means unsuccessful attempts to prove your point of view, or persistent attempts of people to convince you that you are right. The dream interpretation assures that such a dispute will not bring clarity, but will only affect your relationship with colleagues.

Entering the door in a dream portends futile and unsuccessful attempts to get rid of stubborn people who slander and sling mud at you. The dream interpretation warns that the fight against ill-wishers will spur them to even more active actions, the most effective way hurt them - ignore them.

To see the keys in the door in a dream means new ones. love relationship, which most likely will end in a wedding. Also, such a dream suggests that your heart is open to new feelings and relationships, and soon a person will appear who will greatly please you.

You can find out the interpretation of the “door” dream, as well as what it is dreaming of, by paying attention to the material from which the opening is made. A glass door in a dream means a profitable business offer, which in reality turns out to be a scam and a scam. The dream in which the iron door was dreamed, according to the dream book, means the presence of a secret well-wisher who protects you from the attacks of enemies. Wooden doors in a dream indicate that your attempts to protect yourself and your family from the attacks of ill-wishers will be in vain.

The dream in which the white door was dreamed is interpreted by the dream book as a sincere desire to help your loved ones, as well as the openness of the soul and the ability to forgive. Such a dream can mean a good opportunity to get to grips with your business.

If in a dream you have to knock out a door, this means achieving the desired through titanic efforts, it is for this that the people around you will respect and be a little afraid of you.

Why dream of a door without a lock. This dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of insecurity, fear of change and responsibility. Relatives and close people will help to get rid of vulnerability and self-doubt. As soon as you overcome this barrier, career advancement is guaranteed.

If in a dream, you had to change the door to a new one, then replenishment in the family is coming soon. If you had to paint the door in a dream, it means that you are too jealous, in most cases unjustifiably, by doing this you risk losing your soul mate. The dream in which you wash the door in your house promises a pleasant meeting with family and friends, and also means your willingness to take matters into your own hands.

A house without doors in a dream means created stalemate from which you cannot find a way out. The dream book advises you to turn to relatives and friends for help, you can unleash a tangle of intrigues and neglected cases.

Why dream of holding the door. This dream represents isolation and fear of opening up to people, which can lead to a lonely life without entertainment and communication. A dream in which you have to look for a door means a dead end situation from which it is impossible to get out on your own. Also, such a dream means that you should not open your own business now, because you are not mentally prepared for such cases.

Hiding behind the door in a dream is explained by a subconscious desire to run away from problems, the fear of being face to face with competitors (rivals, enemies), as well as fear for one's reputation.

If you dreamed secret door, and through it you got into the long-awaited room, which means that soon even the most controversial and complicated cases will be resolved. Such a dream according to the dream book indicates that you are in harmony with yourself and your desires.

What is the dream of the door in Miller's dream book. Entering the opening - unsuccessful attempts to get rid of ill-wishers and enemies. Seeing in a dream the same entrance as in childhood and entering it, the dream book portends success in business and subsequent endeavors. Seeing a dream in which people enter and leave the opening is a sign of difficulty when trying to put things in order in their affairs.

comments 34

    I dreamed that someone was opening the door with a key, I thought it was my husband and ran out to meet him. But it was my late grandmother. She pushed me angrily and slammed the door in my face. Can someone help me understand what this dream means.

    It was not the first time I dreamed that I could not sleep peacefully, being afraid that the door was open, I wake up, I get close to it, and it is open, I close it nervously and it turns out to be closed from the 5th time.

    This dream was very long, and I remember it, not all parts, but basically everything. At the end, before they wake up, all my friends and the rest of the people ran away, it was the dead of night, and only the children remained, they laughed out loud and played. A lot of children. I ran to my entrance, dialed a combination of 6 numbers (I also remember them) to open the doors to it, opened it, but could not close it, the magnet did not work in any way, which seemed strange to me. And I knew that someone or something was interfering with it. Therefore, I just held the doors, supposedly they were closed. But then it became strange to me that it became quiet, and no one opens, I wanted to quickly run to my floor, but I opened the door, and there were just three women standing there, two holding a stretcher on wheels, and the third just stood, smiled sweetly, and looked at me, I understood that they came for me, but I did not understand why they just stood there. Then I realized that for me this war (I never saw what we were fighting, but I knew for sure that this was not an ordinary war) was over. I want to remind you that this is only the end of the dream, which is not even the 4th part of the dream, it was very long, and I remember many details: what we said, what we did, what we thought about.

    Dirty Ramirez:

    I dreamed that I opened the door with the keys to the car, not mine. Stolen. The door didn't open, it broke. I knocked her out. She turned into a mirror and my face in the reflection was on fire. I sniffed a couple of roads of the hair dryer and I felt better. We've been talking to the door all night. What would that mean? And I also dreamed that the corpse of a girl was brought to my morgue for an autopsy and I fell in love with her. What to do?

    I dreamed that there was a house and a door, and behind it there was another door, and so I opened the door behind the door. There were many. Now the door from the side, then from the other side, then right and again right in front of me, and I felt that it was too late to go back, I got lost. And I opened and opened again.

    Today I dreamed of many doors, but I still could not find my own. I went into the entrance, went up to my floor, and there the door is not mine and I can’t open it, but I leave the entrance, I think maybe I made a mistake with the house, but no, my house, my entrance, I go back to the entrance, and everything is completely different there it became as if entering the entrance every time I find myself in a different reality and I can’t find my own and there is no door for me. This all went on for a very long time in a dream, I left the entrance, went back, went up to my floor, but the door was still not mine, in the end I found my door, my reality, having finally come home. My husband began to ask why I didn’t believe in my story for so long, the sensations were that if I left the apartment again I wouldn’t be able to find my door, fear mixed with the feeling that I had lost my mind. But when my husband and I left the apartment, everything happened again, and we were already looking for our door together, of course, he believed me even then, and together we found our door and it was all over. The first time I was looking for a door with my mother, but then she disappeared somewhere. The whole dream passed in this spirit, it was like a mystery, and after it, when I woke up, it somehow remained not very pleasant, but with the feeling that everything would be fine.

    The dream was like I was running away from people who want to kill me. I run into one room there is a door with a key. I open the door with the key. There is a door again and so I run 20 doors and I have a wild fear. And only when I close the first door with a key it becomes easier for me, as a result, having run through many rooms, I run out into a blooming sunflower, and between it there are many flowers. I fall to the ground and it becomes easy and free for me, why such a dream?

Any door in a dream reflects the possibility of realizing goals, ideas, plans. It also indicates the receipt of news and calls to find a way out, which is, but well hidden. Dream Interpretations offer an accurate decoding of the plot and options for what it is dreaming of.

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you entered some kind of door? In reality, an attempt to get rid of envious people and ill-wishers will be in vain. The only door that guarantees the well-being, happiness and unity of kindred spirits in the future is the door of the house where childhood was spent. But if you find yourself in front of her in the darkness of the night or in the pouring rain, then in reality you will do a stupid act.

Did you happen to see other characters entering a certain door? This means that things will get complicated. The interpretation of sleep for politicians and farmers is considered especially unfavorable. Why dream that when you try to open or close the door, she flew off the hinges? Danger threatens loved ones.

According to the dream book of the spouses Winter

Dreamed of a door? In a dream, it reflects the beginning or, on the contrary, the completion of some business, period. If you happen to see a door, then in your soul you are ready to take on a completely unknown undertaking.

Why dream closed door? Dream Interpretation considers it a sign of abandoning plans. The plot hints that you are ready to take a decisive step, which will lead to serious losses. Did you have a chance to wander through the corridors in a dream, trying to find the right door? It's time to decide on priorities, focus on a specific case.

According to the modern combined dream book

Why dream if you had to open the door? Waking up will not be able to hide from slanderers and envious people. But if you dreamed of the door of your father's house, then expect prosperity and abundance.

If a woman dreamed that she opens the front door from the street in heavy rain, then the dream book is sure that in real life she will commit a frivolous act. For a man to see the indicated plot, it means that he is in for ruin or an unexpected romantic date.

Had a dream that other characters enter the door? Things in reality will come to a standstill. This dream is the worst prediction for politicians and farmers. But for the writer, this is a sign that his work will be a huge success.

What does it mean if you tried to close the doors, and she flew off the hinges? A person who follows your advice will get into trouble. If in a dream you managed to fix the door, and it fell off again, then your friends will be in trouble, but you will not be able to help them.

According to the noble dream book of N. Grishina

Why is the door dreaming? Open it to luxury or exorbitant spending. At the same time, the plot indicates a way out of a difficult situation or seduction. Seeing an open door in your own house is a sign of uncertainty, foreboding, or deceiving a friend. Had a dream that the door opens by itself, and even creaks at the same time? You are in real danger. In addition, the dream book considers this a sign of an unclean conscience.

What does it mean if you happen to lock the door in a dream? To survive in a difficult test, you have to show real courage. If someone else's closed door was seen, then in reality close people will turn away or you will find yourself uninvited guests in someone else's house. Why dream if you had a chance to break open some door? This is a sure sign of overcoming obstacles. Seeing a very expensive, richly decorated door can be a dream of the unrealizable.

If in a dream you found a miniature door in your own house, then the dream book believes that you are trying to hide some kind of personal secret from others. Did you dream that strange creatures pass through a small door? It's your own vices and bad thoughts. Why dream that there is a knock on the door? A fateful event is approaching, or you will be engaged in an important matter. The call to the door symbolizes bad news in dreams.

Why dream of a door, to enter it

If in a dream you had a chance to enter the door, then in reality it will not be possible to get rid of obsessive people or unpleasant visitors. The same vision promises the beginning of a new life stage, business.

Had a dream about what happened to enter the door of the parent's house? Expect a prosperous and cloudless period. Seeing others enter and exit the door means that a lot of effort remains to be made in order to sort out old problems.

Dreamed of a closed door

If in a dream you find yourself in front of a closed door in bad weather, then in real life you will do a stupid act and behave like a foolish child. Did you dream of a closed door and futile attempts to open it? This is a clear indication of a certain prohibition, the inability to achieve the goal, an obstacle that is currently insurmountable.

Why dream if you managed to look through the peephole at the landing? The coming troubles will bring you to nervous breakdown. It is also a sign of secret interference in other people's affairs, life.

What does it mean: close the door in a dream

In general, closing and opening doors in a dream reflects the dreamer's current capabilities. If a woman happens to close the door with a key, then soon she will get married, if she just covers it, she will meet a new admirer.

Why dream if you had a chance to close the door yet? In a dream, this is a sign of disappointment and barriers, a desire to break off some relationship, to hide from the world. If in the process the door flew off its hinges and fell, then you or your friends are in great danger.

Why in a dream open the door, open

In night dreams, opening a door means a desire to take part in some business, to start a romantic relationship. Opening doors symbolizes an attempt to remove the obstacles that separate the dreamer and the goal, other people, as well as the desire to know the truth.

Dreamed of an open door? In reality, you will receive a generous reward, care, you will be given a warm welcome, respect, honors. At the same time, the image is a symbol of the trap into which they are trying to lure you. Why dream that the door swung open by itself? Deal with it without any problems difficult situation you will meet friendly people.

At night, an attempt to open a door that does not open, close, does not close

Had a dream that they tried to close the door, but it did not close? The wish will not come true. A similar interpretation of sleep, when trying to open a door that does not open. Why dream if you find that for a strange reason you can open or close the doors?

In a dream, this is a reflection of inner fear, which does not allow you to achieve what you want, to make a decision. What does it mean if in a dream another character helps to open or close the door? This person will provide all possible assistance or, on the contrary, will interfere in every possible way in the real world.

What does it mean to look for a door in a dream

Had a dream about wandering around in a huge house and trying to find a door to get out? In reality, you will face a confusing situation, an insurmountable obstacle, a difficult choice. Searching and not finding a door in your own house can be a procrastination in business or a forced delay before the road. For a sick dreamer, this is a sign of a protracted illness.

If in a dream you find yourself in a locked room, then in reality you will find yourself in a dead end in life. Looking for a door in a dream literally means searching in the real world, perhaps spiritual. If you dreamed that a small door opened, then you will find out someone else's secret or enter into a romantic relationship.

Door in a dream - other transcripts

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of nuances of the plot, the features of the door, and personal behavior.

  • the door to the house is a new business, current relationships
  • new - the birth of a child
  • high, big - wealth, fame
  • small - love affair
  • in transport - marriage, current business
  • in the closet - a secret, a secret
  • in the oven - cooling of love
  • own door is on fire - danger to life
  • stranger - visit of familiar people
  • extinguish it - meeting with friends because of a sad occasion
  • squeaks - unwanted visit
  • locked up - meeting with evil people, an obstacle
  • tightly closed - deterioration of all cases, circumstances
  • open wide - care, friendliness
  • opened itself - success in all areas of life
  • broken - interference or a pleasant surprise
  • open with a key - suspicion, accusation
  • just open - a way out of a difficult situation
  • close with a key - hiding, possibly from the law
  • for women - marriage
  • break into the closed - impudence, assertiveness
  • someone is breaking - betrayal, danger
  • boarding up with boards - moving, changing activities, lifestyle
  • chop with an ax - hard, possibly physical work
  • paint - a good offer
  • change the old to the new - the birth of an heir
  • repair, repair - improvements, happiness
  • peek - excessive curiosity
  • going out backwards is a violation of the law
  • to see your sealed is a secret
  • the sealed door of a familiar person is a disease for him
  • knock on the door - they are watching you, studying
  • if there is no one - misfortune
  • the door splits in half - great happiness
  • crumbles into pieces - a dangerous situation
  • collapses before our eyes - misfortune
  • stone - longevity
  • iron - protection
  • wooden - modesty, closeness to nature
  • flimsy - lack of protection
  • glass - openness

If you dreamed of revolving doors, then you are afraid of your own future, you want to go back, change something. At the same time, this is an indication of a possible participation in a risky adventure.

A door is not only a line separating two spaces. Since ancient times, it has symbolized protection from the adversities of the outside world. Therefore, it is very interesting to know what the door is dreaming of. To understand this, you need to analyze the entire plot of the dream. Of no small importance for the correct decoding of night dreams is the external characteristics of the doors and their features.

Interpretation of sleep according to the material of the door

Most often in dream books, the door symbolizes certain life barriers. Therefore, it is very important to remember what the door looked like in a dream.

First of all, you need to remember what material the door seen in the dream was made of:

    Armored steel door symbolizes reliable support that will help overcome any difficulties in life. The wooden door focuses on the fact that you are unable to protect your family from external circumstances. The glass door warns that you need to be careful about incoming offers, which may turn out to be a dangerous scam .

Worn out old door

If you dream of a worn and old door, then this indicates that you can no longer put off important issues. Otherwise, unpredictable negative consequences may occur.

Old strong door - dream book

When you dream of an old but very strong door with a deadbolt, this indicates your inner fear of the outside world. In order to become successful person you need to stop shutting yourself off from people.

Key in the keyhole

If you dream of a key sticking out of a keyhole, then this is a harbinger of life changes, moreover:
    If this is an ordinary, unremarkable modern key, then the changes will be insignificant. If an old or other unusual key sticks out in the keyhole, then significant changes in fate should be expected.

locked door

If the door according to the plot of the dream is locked, then you need to remember the type of lock:
    A large padlock portends a large number of a wide variety of obstacles life path A mortise lock indicates that in life you will meet an influential patron who will help solve all problems.

Why dream of a door with a broken lock

If you dream of a door with a broken lock, then in reality you may be slandered. And if in night dreams attention was focused on the fact that the door does not have a lock, then this indicates that in reality you acutely feel your own insecurity. Remember that if you manage to cope with your own insecurities, then you will find great success in life.

Closed or open door

Of great importance for deciphering a dream is the fact that you dreamed of a closed or open door. If the door is open, but you are afraid to enter it in a dream, then this symbolizes your inner fears. But sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a chance to get a good offer. A closed door seen in night dreams is a symbol of an unknown future. And if you are trying to open it according to the plot of a dream, then this indicates that you will encounter a serious obstacle on your life path. If you dream that in a dream the door slams by itself, then this indicates that some tempting opportunities will not be available to you in reality . On the other hand, if you see in night dreams that someone is opening doors in front of you, then this symbolizes the opportunities that open up in reality, which you should definitely take advantage of. Night vision with a slamming door is considered a good sign. After such a dream, you should expect the visit of long-awaited guests. When you dream of a closed door, this indicates that in reality you will refuse to help someone. In addition, if you yourself close the door in night dreams, then this symbolizes the fact that in real life you will successfully complete the previously started project. But if the door closes in front of you, despite all efforts to keep it, then someone may have a strong influence on you, and in reality you will try to resist this. Sometimes such a dream plot indicates that you need to get rid of past attitudes that prevent you from successfully developing.

The interpretation of dreams in which the door was dreamed up should be carried out in accordance with the actions that were performed in the dream. If you dream of a knock on the door, which is accompanied by the sound of a familiar person’s voice, then this portends a pleasant meeting in reality. But if for some reason a knock on the door in a dream scared you, then this warns of difficulties that may arise on the road. Therefore, after such a dream, it is better, if possible, to abandon long-distance travel.

Why dream of a doorbell

The doorbell heard in a dream warns that you will have to resolve the conflict between familiar people in reality. And if, in accordance with the plot of the dream, you opened the door, but did not see anyone, then in real life you can avoid trouble. When you dream that you yourself are ringing the doorbell, then soon you will receive very important news for you, which you will not attach importance to at first.

Buying a door - the meaning of sleep

If you dream that you are buying a door, then in real life you will have to make a choice. Moreover, this will need to be done as soon as possible, since with prolonged fluctuations, the chances of success may be lost forever.

Confuse the door in a dream

When you dreamed that you mixed up the doors, this draws your attention to the fact that you have ceased to evaluate the reality around you. You should teach yourself to accept and comprehend different points of view. But if you happened to slam the door yourself in night dreams, then this indicates that a controversial situation that has arisen in real life can only be resolved by eliminating yourself.

see many doors

Often dreamers ask the question of what many doors dream of. Such a dream indicates that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice in the near future. When there are many doors in a dream, it is better to pause for a while and carefully analyze the current situation in the real world before making a decision.

The door in a dream is an ambiguous symbol that can be both a barrier to the path and protection.
All your actions with the door in a dream are important.

The door in a dream is locked, and you need to enter it - an obstacle, an obstacle, the inability to find a way out or an answer.
In a dream, you close the door with a lock, but the door or the lock does not close - these are probably your attempts to "close" from external circumstances and these attempts do not bring you results.
Open doors in a dream and they open easily - you will probably overcome the barrier ; You are “open” to other people and communication with them ; on the way to your goal, you will easily open the “right door”.
Afraid to open the door - this is probably your indecision or fear of action in an important situation ; Perhaps this is your fear for the consequences of starting some kind of action.
You remove the lock from the door in a dream, break the lock and all this is successful - the removal of barriers and obstacles in this period of life, the path to the goal is open before you.
Doors in a dream open themselves on your way - your opportunities are on this stage very large ; in the near future, all doors will be open to you.

Someone breaks into your house in a dream, and you close the doors and try not to let them in - your attempts to protect yourself from people who obsessively want to penetrate your world ; probably someone aggressively wants to invade your life for certain purposes ; someone's attempts without an invitation to "get into your soul" and your resistance to this are likely.
Closing the door in front of someone in a dream - probably someone very much wants some kind of relationship with you, communication, contacts of various kinds and your unwillingness to do all this.
Someone unpleasant to you was chasing you in a dream, but you closed it in front of him - you will be able to avoid some kind of danger or serious problems.
You can’t find the right doors - a situation is possible, the search for a way out of which will be difficult ; difficulty finding a course of action.
You can’t open doors in a dream, the doors open very hard - these are probably attempts to overcome difficulties in the future ; temporary difficulties in achieving the goal, which will require additional efforts to overcome.

There are many doors in front of you in a dream - this is probably a signal that you will soon have to make a difficult choice in which direction to move on. I wish you to choose the right door in such a dream.


If in a dream you enter the door, this portends your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

The only door you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you future happiness and an environment of kindred spirits.

If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; for peasants and politicians, this dream is full of particularly bad omens.

If the door suddenly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it, and at the same time injures someone, the dream portends danger to your friends.


Doors open - shared love, a generous offering.
Locked doors are an obstacle, meeting unpleasant people.
Burning doors - a visit from friends.
New doors - to the birth of a son.
Doors open - love (for women), woman (for men).
Not finding doors is an obstacle.
The doors opened - success in all matters.

Threshold - decision; to cross - the device of life, recovery.


Opening a door in a dream is a luxury, unjustified expenses; way out of a difficult situation; commit adultery.
To see an open door in your house - uncertainty and painful forebodings; cheating on the part of a friend.
The door in your house opens by itself, creaks and dangles on its hinges - an unclean conscience; friends will betray; danger.
Locking your door is a great danger, you will need a lot of courage.
To see someone else's door locked - friends will turn away; you will be an uninvited guest.
Hacking the door - you will meet an obstacle on the way.
To see a richly decorated door is to desire something unattainable.
To see a small door in your apartment is something secret and forbidden in your life, something that you try to hide even from the closest people.

Some creatures pass through it - the personification of vice.
The closer you see yourself to her, the worse.
Wind turbine with spinning wings - hike evil forces, temptations, a great life test.

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    Good day. Please help me determine how much sleep threatens in real life. A little background: we rested with a young man in Abkhazia, where I felt very bad for the entire period of rest, and I spoiled him for the young man, finishing him off with absolutely disgusting questions about past relationships, taunting him every time and bullying him (nothing like this for myself at all observed). There I had various strange and sometimes frightening dreams, but always memorable dreams, the worst of which is the following. Night. Not a drop of light, only the moon in the window. I am in the empty house (hut) of my great-grandmother in the Kuban, where until the age of 16 I was on vacation every year. On the street, something frightening me walks around the house (it felt like a monster from the Soviet cartoon "The Scarlet Flower") and I feel that it really wants to get inside. It howls furiously and like an animal, choking, makes growling sounds, sometimes similar to crying. I frantically check the windows in the dark rooms to see if they are closed. Yes. Later comes the terrible realization that the front door is open. I run headlong to the entrance, something tends to the same place, but outside. The door is strong and the bolt is heavy. I manage to close it at the last moment.


    1. Hello Anna. Your fears, worries and stupidities generated by this have a good chance of ruining everything you bet on. They're breaking on the door. Do not give them the slightest chance, change in relation to your soulmate. Draw conclusions at least from your own mistakes, if you can’t draw from others.


    Hello! I had a dream that a man was breaking in the door and demanding to open it, saying that a friend had allegedly poisoned him, but for some reason I was very scared. He knocks on the door and I have a big fear. In the end, he opens the door, and I freeze and woke up, I never saw my face. What does this dream mean, is it connected with it, that a guy recently offended me very much and I was very worried about this?


    1. Someone wants to use you without asking your opinion. and most likely he succeeded ... or succeed.


For an adult, eight hours of sleep is enough to recover. Young children and teenagers need 10 hours. But the old people are fine with six hours of nightly rest.

Lethargy - an imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Lethargy - fake death, a terrible disease or another mysterious property of the human mind? Over centuries simple people this disease was feared as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite the huge progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy still harbors many mysteries.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a joint dream. One dream for two is highest level lucid dream which, nevertheless, each person can achieve by following special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Shared dream - special kind interpersonal communication in a reality created in a dream.

Dream or reality?

Did you know that the human brain does not distinguish between dream and reality? It sounds incredible, but when we dream, the brain perceives our dreams as reality.

Why is the door dreaming

Door in a modern dream book

If you open a door somewhere in a dream, slander from your enemies awaits you in reality. The exception is a dream in which you open the door of your home - this is a good sign, portending prosperity and well-being. If in her dream a woman opens the door in the pouring rain, then in reality she is prone to various pranks. For a man, such a dream predicts an unexpected romantic meeting and ruin. A dream in which you see people opening doors portends long and unsuccessful attempts to resolve your problems. If such a dream appeared to the writer, then in reality the work on which he is working will not meet with success. If in a dream the door closed by you fell off its hinges and injured someone, then in reality you will soon give advice that will bring your friend big problems. If this dream is repeated, then in reality you will be powerless in helping your loved ones.

The door in Miller's dream book

If you enter somewhere in a dream, then in reality you are waiting for unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the slander of ill-wishers. If you enter your father's house, then in reality you will never be alone and unhappy. If you approach the door in the darkness of the night, a waking dream promises rash acts.

The door in Vanga's dream book

The door, intricately and richly ornamented in a dream, portends wide prospects that will open before you. If you open the door in a dream, in reality you are not sure about the stability and long-term nature of your current work. An empty doorway predicts a romantic acquaintance while on vacation. Moreover, this acquaintance has a chance to grow into something more important. If you lock the door in a dream, then in reality you dream of being alone for a little while, but your hopes will turn out to be unpromising.

Door in Freud's dream book

The symbolism of the door denotes the female genital organs. Doors closed in a dream symbolize your indecision and lack of initiative in sexual relations. If you decide in a dream to check the locked door, and it turned out to be open, then in reality the object of your passion will happily enter into sexual contact with you. If the door does not give in, then in reality you may have some problems in sexual relations. The keys to the door lost in a dream symbolize your inattention to your partner, the habit of not attaching importance to details important to your partner. If you unlock the door for someone in a dream, in reality you are gnawed by dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere. An even more serious symbol is the change of doors - a dream marks your craving for frequent changes in sexual partners.

In case of flying in your sleep, fasten your seat belts to your bed before going to bed.

Valery Afonchenko