The role of elective courses in physical education in the formation of social competence and adaptability of university students. Elective courses in physical education Elective courses in physical education fitness aerobics

A. A. Somkin, S. A. Konstantinov

“Elective courses in physical education” as a motivational and value component in students’ classes at St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology

The formation of a sustainable need for constant and systematic physical education and the cultivation of the so-called “fashion for an active and healthy lifestyle” are the most important tasks of such academic disciplines as “Physical Education” and “Elective Courses in Physical Education” in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher education “3 plus” (FSES VO 3+), full-time students at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television (SPbGIKiT) in the basic part of Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” of the undergraduate program in physics culture the following academic disciplines are taken:

- “Physical culture” in the amount of 72 academic. hours (16 hours - lectures; 16 hours - practical, seminar classes; 20 hours - independent studies) in the first year;

- “Elective courses in physical education” in the amount of 328 academic. h (practical classes) in the first to third years.

“Elective courses in physical education” involve a gradual transition in St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology from compulsory forms of training to individual choice of the type of physical education and sports activity by the students themselves. As elective courses at the Department of Physical Education of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology, students are offered:

Firstly, standard training sessions in accordance with the schedule (twice a week for two academic hours);

Secondly, various forms of sectional classes that are focused on non-commercial elite sports, physical culture and conditioning sports, applied disciplines, recreational and rehabilitation forms of physical activity, and intellectual sports.

When organizing educational and sectional classes in the discipline “Elective courses in physical education,” the so-called motivational-value component comes to the fore, which should form in young people a positive emotional attitude towards classes and a stable desire to make quite conscious volitional efforts aimed at physical improvement of personality. Let's consider the main forms of sectional classes at the department,

aimed, inter alia, at students who, due to their health status, belong to a preparatory or special medical group.

1. Non-commercial elite sport implies successful performance in high-level competitions, but without receiving significant financial reward. For students of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology, specializing in the martial arts Wushu Sanda, these are Russian championships, large and prestigious international tournaments, including in China, the “homeland” of this sport. Wushu Sanda is a combined martial art that incorporates the best techniques from Chinese martial arts. With a high level of training of the leading student athletes of the institute in wushu sanda (technical, functional, physical, tactical), they are able, with a certain adaptation of the educational and training process, to represent the institute’s national team in various “related” disciplines - striking, wrestling and mixed martial arts.

2. Physical education and conditioning (or the so-called “mass”) sport is a type of public (ordinary) sport, aimed mainly at physical education and sports training, which contribute to the preservation of previously acquired (at school age) physical shape with strictly regulated participation in competitions . Here, the target outcome of the activity is focused not on the maximum possible result, but on the level of physical and spiritual development necessary for each person to maintain his capacity and adequate state of health. At the same time, the time spent on classes is optimally minimized and does not interfere with the main socially necessary activity of a student receiving higher education. Sectional classes in the following sports are organized on a regular basis at St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology:

Sports games - volleyball, basketball, table tennis;

Martial arts - kickboxing, taekwondo, sambo, judo;

Athletic sports - arm wrestling and kettlebell lifting;


From the best students attending these sections, national teams of the institute are formed, for which the main competition is the Spartakiad of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg.

3. Applied disciplines. The problem of individual human self-defense in the conditions of a modern metropolis is now becoming extremely relevant. Therefore, it is no coincidence that St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology is very popular among students (both boys and girls) who do not have the desire to re-

regularly train to participate in competitions, use sections in applied disciplines:

Self-defense - based on the techniques of traditional wushu schools;

KENPO - real hand-to-hand combat;

Aikido, including the use of weapons;

SgobbRI is a system of so-called functional circuit training using exercises from various martial arts (boxing, taekwondo, judo, sports-combat sambo).

Classes in sections such as self-defense and aikido, as a rule, do not require students to develop their physical abilities at a high level or master complex technical techniques.

4. The next group of sections is conditionally united by recreational and rehabilitation forms of physical activity of students. During classes in these sections, physical exercises and some elements of sports are used in accessible and simplified forms to solve the following problems: maintaining and strengthening health; active, healthy rest; switching to another type of activity; restoration of performance; organizing emotionally rich leisure; improving the health of students who, due to their health status, belong to the preparatory and special medical groups.

The fitness section is aimed at students who do not have any deviations in their health. Fitness classes are conducted in the form of so-called “mixed classes” - this means the presence of both aerobic and strength exercises present in the training program. A yoga section is organized for students assigned to the preparatory and special medical groups based on the results of an in-depth medical examination (IME). The first day of the week is a lesson for beginners (mostly first-year students) and those who, due to their health status, belong to a preparatory or special medical group. The second day of the week is a class for students (M-M courses) who have previous experience in yoga, for example in their first year.

5. Sections on intellectual sports - chess and checkers - to which students who have deviations in their health or are exempt from practical classes are oriented to attend. From the best players, based on the results of control training, institute teams are formed in these sports, which regularly participate in regional and city tournaments, as well as in the Spartakiad of higher educational institutions of St. Petersburg.

Thus, the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education 3+ in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the allocation in block 1 -

the basic part of “Disciplines (modules)” - the subject “Elective courses in physical education” in St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology made it possible to move from traditional forms of conducting practical classes in physical education to a personally oriented health program; from compulsory training sessions to individual choice of the type of physical education and sports activity by the students themselves.


1. Kondakov V.L. System mechanisms for designing physical education and health technologies in the educational space of a modern university: monograph. - Belgorod: LitKaraVan, 2013. - 454 p.

2. Matveev L.P. Reflections on sports // Sports management. -2004. - No. 1. - P. 16-21.

3. Matveev L.P. General theory of sports and its applied aspects. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2005. - 384 p.

4. Somkin A.A., Makarov O.R. Development of mixed martial arts “Wushu Sanda” in a non-specialized higher educational institution // Current state and prospects for the development of psychology and pedagogy: collection. articles of the International scientific and practical. conf. (February 28, 2015, Ufa). - Ufa: Aeterna, 2015. - pp. 165-170.

V. G. Sotnik

Modernization of teacher education in the Russian Federation

In the 21st century, the Russian education system is undergoing dramatic changes.

A number of regulatory documents have been adopted in the Russian Federation (a new law on education, federal state educational standards), and therefore there is a need to move from a knowledge-based educational paradigm to a competency-based one. Consequently, students are required to have significant independence in carrying out active cognitive activity.

What education will be like in the 21st century depends on the teacher, his life position, professionalism, and competence. Research competence in education is considered as the main component of the professional competence of a biology teacher.

The competency-based approach is considered by some authors as a unique response to the problematic situation in education that has arisen as a result of the contradiction between the need to ensure modern quality of education and the impossibility

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Birsk branch of the federal state educational budgetary institution of higher professional education "Bashkir State University"

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Department of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences and Humanities

Work program of the discipline “Elective courses in physical education”

Direction of training


Training profile History\Law

Graduate qualification (degree) Bachelor

Form of study – Full-time/correspondence



Purpose of the courses…….………………………………………………………………………………..…..6 Learning objectives of the courses……… …………………………………………………………...…..….6 The place of the discipline in the structure of the OPEP HE (the main professional educational program of higher education)…………… ……………………………………………………..6 Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline…………………………….……7 Forms of control……… …………………………………………………………………………………….…....7

III. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY …………………………………………………….18

IV EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL, INFORMATIONAL AND MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF DISCIPLINE ……………………………………..…..18 Recommended reading…………………………………………………………………………………. ….18

Recommended training, reference and information, monitoring and other computer programs used in the study of the discipline…………………………..19 Logistics support for the discipline (sections)……………………………. .…...19 V ASSESSMENT TOOLS……………………………………………………………….....19 sample topics for essays9 Questions for


VI. THEMATIC PLAN FOR STUDYING A DISCIPLINE …………………………….....22 Applications……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………….....3 1 Appendix

1………………………………………………………………………………......35 Appendix 2………………… …………………………………………………………………………………... …...38

I ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SECTION 1.1 The purpose of elective courses in physical education:

The purpose of elective courses in physical education is the formation of general cultural competencies: OK-8 the ability to use methods and means of physical education to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities;

1.2 Educational objectives of elective courses in physical education:

The objectives of the courses are:

1. maintaining and strengthening the health of students, promoting the proper formation and comprehensive development of the body, maintaining high performance throughout the entire period of study;

2. understanding the social significance of applied physical culture and its role in personal development and preparation for professional activity;

3. knowledge of scientific, biological, pedagogical and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

4. formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement and self-education of the habit of regular exercise and sports;

5. mastering a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture and sports;

6. acquiring personal experience in improving motor and functional capabilities, providing general and professional-applied physical preparedness for future profession and life;

7. acquisition by students of the necessary knowledge on the basics of theory, methodology and organization of physical education and sports training, preparation for work as public instructors, coaches and judges;

8. creating a basis for creative and methodologically sound use physical education and sports activities for the purpose of subsequent life and professional achievements;

9. improving the sports skills of student athletes.

1.3 Place of courses in the structure of the OPOP HE elective courses in physical education belong to the basic part of the curriculum and constitute an independent section.

To successfully complete the courses, the student must:

1. the importance of physical culture in the formation of a general culture of the individual, introduction to universal values ​​and a healthy lifestyle, strengthening human health, preventing bad habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through physical culture in the process physical education and sports activities;

2. scientific foundations of biology, physiology, theory and methodology of pedagogy and practice of physical culture and healthy lifestyle;

3. content and orientation of various systems of physical exercises, their health-improving and developmental effectiveness.

1. take into account the individual characteristics of the physical, gender, age and mental development of those involved and apply them during regular physical exercise;

2. conduct independent physical exercises with general developmental, professional-applied and health-corrective orientation; 3. create individual sets of physical exercises with different directions.

1. a set of exercises aimed at improving health, teaching motor actions and developing physical qualities;

2. ways to determine the dosage of physical activity and the direction of physical exercise;

3. insurance techniques and methods of providing first aid during physical exercise.

1.4. Requirements for the results of mastering the course content

As a result of mastering the courses, the following competencies should be formed: OK-8 the ability to use methods and means of physical culture to ensure full-fledged social and professional activity; As a result of mastering the OK-8 competency, the student must: acquire

the ability to use methods and means of physical culture to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities;

1.5 Forms of control

Current and boundary control carried out by a teacher conducting practical classes in accordance with the thematic plan.

Current and milestone certification in semesters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 – pass

The results of ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification form the rating assessment of the student’s work. The distribution of points when forming a rating assessment of a student’s work is carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the rating system for assessing the progress and quality of knowledge of students in the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education” Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov." The distribution of points for certain types of work in the process of mastering the discipline “Applied Physical Culture” is carried out in accordance with Appendix 1.

Scope of discipline and types of academic work

Correspondence course Type of work

Total labor intensity Classroom work:

Lectures (L) Practical exercises (PL) Laboratory work (LB) CSR

Independent work:

Self-preparation (study and repetition of lecture material and material from textbooks and teaching aids, preparation for practical classes, colloquiums, midterm tests, etc.)

Preparation and passing the test

Type of final control: test

Labor intensity, hours

1 semester




courses section

Results of mastery (know, be able, own)


Physical culture and sport as social




phenomena of society. Current state

solidarity and corporatism, understanding

culture in

physical culture and sports. Federal Law No. 329 “On

duty and honor

general culture

physical culture and sports in Russian

Be able to: decide

Federation". Physical culture of the individual.



The essence of physical culture as

on a professional level, find contact

social institution. Values

with all team members


physical culture. Physical Culture

Possess: knowledge of professional ethics


as an academic discipline of higher education

vocational education and


holistic personality development. Values

organizational and managerial work in

orientations and attitudes of students towards

team at a high modern level

physical culture and sports. Basic

provisions of the organization of physical

education in a higher educational institution.


Topic 2. Social







physical education, the role and place of physical

basics of physical



culture and sports in ensuring health




nation and promoting socio-cultural

factors on the body and vital functions

development of society, methods and means

person. Means of physical culture and




sports management




functional capabilities of the body in



to ensure mental and physical



activities. Physiological mechanisms and

physical education and health promotion



Be able to: Find effective methods and









ensuring social and professional




identify positive

increasing the resistance of the human body













Independent work of students Discussion of abstracts. Teacher consultations.

to different environmental conditions




physical education methods both in theory and

on practice

By means





physical education

and strengthening








full social and professional

Topic 3.Basics

Human health as a value and factors

Know: the relationship between a student’s general culture

healthy image

its defining ones. General relationship

and his way of life.


life. Physical

student's culture and lifestyle.

Be able to: use knowledge of a healthy lifestyle

culture in

Healthy lifestyle and its components.

in professional and social life



Personal attitude to health as a condition

Possess: personal and social skills

student work


formation of a healthy lifestyle.

hygiene and age physiology


Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy image


2.2. Providing course content

Topic 1. Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students.

Literature: O-1; O-2;O-3; N-1, N-2, D-1; D-9 Questions for self-test:

1. Expand the concept of physical culture.

2. Name the functions of physical culture.

3. What is physical perfection?

4. What are the indicators of physical perfection?

5. Expand the concept of physical education.

6. What principles is the domestic system of physical education based on?

7. What is physical training.

8. Name the types of physical training.

9. What is physical development?

1. Take measurements of your height, weight and mass, calculate the indices of their ratios.

2. Enter data into your diary once a month and determine the dynamics of indicators throughout the year.

Topic 2. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture.

Literature: O-1;O-2;O-5;D-1; D-9, D-13 Questions for self-test:

1. What types of bones does the human body consist of?

2. Define the concept of joint and name the types of joints.

3. Name the main types of muscles and their functions.

4. Define the concept of sarcomere and determine its functions.

5. Which muscle fibers have faster contractility?

6. What is glycogen broken down into during anaerobic processes of energy production?

7. What is formed during the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats?

8. Which process of energy formation is most effective during long-term physical work.

9. Define cardiovascular system and characterize changes in its functioning during physical activity.

10. Define the respiratory system and characterize changes in its functioning during physical activity.

Tasks for independent work:

1. Determine heart rate and blood pressure at rest and during exercise.

2. By performing loads of varying intensity and measuring heart rate and blood pressure, determine how they depend on the magnitude of the load.

Topic 3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. Physical culture in ensuring health.

Literature: O-1; O-2, O-3; N-1;D-9; D-4, D-12, D13 Questions for self-test:

1.What does a healthy lifestyle involve?

2. What is human health (as defined by the World Health Organization)?

3. Name the groups of risk factors that affect human health.

4. Name the integral indicator of a person’s physical health.

5. What is MPC (DMPC). How does human health depend on this value?

6. Name the main indicators of homeostasis in a healthy person (pressure, heart rate, plasma pH, respiratory rate, glucose concentration).

7. Give the formula for effective nutrition and the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food.

8. Name the main functions of nutrition.

9. What should be the power of the training load (in % of the maximum level of physical performance) in health training?

10. Name the most effective method of health training.

Tasks for independent work:

1. Calculate your daily energy consumption.

2. Balance your intake of major energy sources with your daily consumption.

Topic 4. Psychological foundations of educational work and intellectual activity. Means of physical culture in regulating performance.

Literature: O-1;O-2;O-5;D-9; D-4; D-11. Self-test questions:

1. After what period of time after the start of school during the school day do students exhibit optimal (sustained) mental performance?

2. What is the typical dynamics of students’ mental performance during the school week?

3. Does the change in the physical performance of students during the school week correspond to the dynamics of their mental performance?

4. During what periods during the academic year do students experience the greatest decline in mental and physical performance?

5. Is it possible to effectively solve the problems of improving the health and increasing the performance of students during their studies at a university only within the framework of physical education classes?

6. What “small forms” of physical exercises exist in the academic work regime of students?

Tasks for independent work:

1. Study the dynamics of your own performance throughout the day.

2. Balance your work-rest ratio for the most efficient performance.

Topic 5. General physical and special training in the physical education system

Literature: O-1;O-2;D-1; D-6; D-10. Self-test questions:

1. What is physical training?

2. What is the essence of general physical training?

3. What does special physical training include?

Topic 6. Fundamentals of methods of independent physical exercise.

Literature: O-1; O-2;O-4;D-5; D-8; D-12 Questions for self-test:

1. What forms of independent study exist.

2. How the nature of the content of classes changes depending on age.

3. What is the motivation and purposefulness of independent studies. 4.Features of independent studies for women.

5. Limits of load intensity in conditions of independent training for people of different ages.

6. Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies.

Tasks for independent work:

1. Create a morning exercise routine from 12-15 exercises.

2. Perform the complex daily and notice an increase in the overall performance of the body.

Topic 7. Sports. Individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems.

Literature: O-1;O-2;N-1; N-2;D-6; D-8. Self-test questions:

1. Define the concept of sport.

2. What are the distinctive features of competitive activity?

3. What changes in a person’s functional state does a competitive environment cause?

4. What is mass sport (sport for everyone)?

5. What is elite sport (Olympic sport)?

6. What is professional (entertainment and commercial) sport?

Topic 8. Features of practicing a chosen sport or system of physical exercises.

Literature: O-1;O-2;D-6; D-8; D-12; D-13 Questions for self-test:

1. Give a physiological explanation for the concept of supercompensation phase (super-restoration of energy sources, excitability of the nervous system)?

2. Which method of physical education involves precise dosage of load and rest?

3. What methodological principle of physical education involves a gradual and constant increase in requirements for students?

4. How does the competitive environment affect the physiological effect of physical exercise?

Tasks for independent work:

1. Choose a distance that you can easily cover while running at the lowest work intensity.

2. Run this distance every other day at the same time for 1–2 months regularly and find how much easier your body copes with the load (systematicity will lead to super-recovery of the body).

Topic 9. Diagnostics and self-diagnosis during exercise and sports

Literature: O-1;O-2;N-1;D-2; D-9, D-13. Self-test questions:

1. What is the frequency of medical monitoring for athletes?

2. Indicate the main purpose of the medical examination.

3. What determines the physical development of a person?

4. What type of posture is considered normal?

5. What characteristics underlie anthropometric standards?

6. What is the correlation method based on?

Tasks for independent work:

1. Take measurements of heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate at rest.

2. Take measurements of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Topic 10. Sports. Choice of sports, features of practicing the chosen sport.

Literature: O-1;O-2; O-3;D-6; D-8; D-12; D-13 Questions for self-test:

1. Describe the characteristics of the impact of sports (systems of physical exercises) on physical development and preparedness, mental qualities and personality traits.

2. Give characteristics of sports that develop individual physical qualities.

3. What are the goals and objectives of sports training in a university setting.

4. Tell us about planning a workout in your chosen sport.

5. What are the main ways to achieve physical, technical, tactical and mental preparedness.

6. Determine the main methods for monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions.

Tasks for independent work:

1. See the tasks of topic 9.

Topic 11. Self-control during physical exercise.

Literature: O-1;O-2; N-1;D-3; D 7; D-13. Self-test questions:

1. What is the purpose of self-control?

2. Specify subjective self-control data

3. Specify objective self-monitoring data

4. What is the breath hold during inhalation (Stange test) in healthy adults?

5. What is the breath hold during exhalation (Genchi test) of trained people?

6. What heart rate should not be exceeded when doing physical exercise at the age of 18?

Tasks for independent work:

1. Conduct a Genci test yourself.

2. Perform the Stange test yourself.

Topic 12. Professional applied physical training (PPPP) of students.

Literature: O-1;N-1;D-1; D-3. Self-test questions:

1. What is professional applied physical training (PPPT)?

2. What is the purpose of PPPP?

3. What are the tasks of the PPFP?

4. What groups can professions be divided into?

5. What basic physiological indicators must be taken into account when assessing the severity of work?

Tasks for independent work:

1. Create a set of physical exercises for your work activity.

Topic 13. Physical culture in the professional activity of a bachelor

Literature: O-1;O-2; N-1D-1; D-2 Questions for self-test:

1. What effect does forced restriction of motor activity during mental activity have on students’ bodies?

2.Do biological rhythms influence human performance?

3. Does the level of physical activity of students during their studies at a university affect their health?

4. What is meant by human motor activity (MA)?

5. What components can human motor activity be divided into?

7. Is it possible to develop certain mental qualities and personality traits with the help of physical exercise (participation in one sport or another)?

Topic 14. The relationship between a student’s general culture and his lifestyle.

Literature: O-1;O-2; O-3; N-1; N-2;D-1; D-2 Questions for self-test:

1. Human health as a value and the factors that determine it?

2. The relationship between a student’s general culture and his lifestyle?

3. A healthy lifestyle and its components?

Topic 15. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle.

Literature: O-1;O-2; O-3;D-3; D 7; D-13. Self-test questions:

1. Personal attitude to health as a condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle? 2. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle?

Topic 16. Possibility and conditions for correction of physical development, physique, motor and functional readiness by means of physical culture and sports at student age.

Literature: O-1;N-2;D-3; D-3. Self-test questions:

1. Correction of physical development.

2. The influence of physical exercise, sports and healthy lifestyle on the functioning of the body and physique growth. 3. Correction of motor and functional readiness.

Athletic gymnastics, which is based on modern systems of physical exercise, has a high motivational value and has a certain appeal for high school students. Today in our society, the media and television have formed the image of a successful person - physically resilient, with a harmonious physique.

Professions that require a high level of physical fitness remain in demand and popular. These include: for young men - work in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, riot police, in various security organizations, study in military and fire schools; for girls - modeling, teaching non-traditional types of gymnastics, such as shaping, fitness, etc.

The proposed elective course in athletic gymnastics is aimed at developing values ​​associated with the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement of the body, as well as the rejection of negative manifestations that exist in the lives of young people, including bad habits. It is designed for students in grades 10-11. The volume is 34 hours, 1 hour per week for a year or 2 hours per week for six months.

For a school with in-depth study of physical education, this elective course is aimed at students mastering the ability to carry out their own physical education, health and sports activities.


Slide captions:

Harmony and improvement of the physique
The elective course in physical education was compiled by Sosyura.S.N.
Explanatory note
Athletic gymnastics, which is based on modern systems of physical exercise, has a high motivational value and has a certain appeal for high school students. Today in our society, the media and television have created an image of a successful person - physically resilient, with a harmonious physique. Professions that require a high level of physical fitness remain in demand and popular. These include: for young men - work in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, riot police, in various security organizations, study in military and fire schools; for girls - modeling, teaching non-traditional types of gymnastics, such as shaping, fitness, etc. The proposed elective course in athletic gymnastics is aimed at developing values ​​associated with the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement of the body, as well as the rejection of negative manifestations, existing in the lives of young people, including bad habits. It is designed for students in grades 10-11. The volume is 34 hours, 1 hour per week for a year or 2 hours per week for six months. For a school with in-depth study of physical education, this elective course is aimed at students mastering the ability to carry out their own physical education, health and sports activities.
The purpose of training. Course objectives.
Purpose of training: targeted physical training, but athletic gymnastics, the results of which will be useful in subsequent education, choice of profession, productive work, and military service. An additional goal of the course is to organize independent training through the compilation of athletic gymnastics complexes aimed at improving health and leading a healthy lifestyle. Objectives of the course: mastering knowledge about the forms of activity of athletic gymnastics and using them in self-development and self-improvement of the physical and mental abilities of the body; nurturing willpower, discipline, determination; creating the need for a culture of movement, a harmonious, beautiful physique and increasing, on this basis, the real self-esteem of the individual. Conceptually, the program is built on the student-centered nature of learning. This means that in athletic gymnastics, the individual body types of students, their physical fitness, health status, and mental development characteristics are taken into account. In this course, the fundamental experience of the J. Weider system finds practical application.
Program content
The content of the elective course program is a physical system with a health-improving and corrective orientation. The course is built on the principle of transition from the development of basic physical qualities (fundamental) to private ones (profiled), thereby ensuring the translation of the acquired knowledge into practical skills and abilities. The practical content of the course is a system of physical exercises, presented in unity with the basic knowledge of athletic gymnastics and the physical characteristics of a growing person. Students’ reporting on the results of mastering the elective course consists of: analyzing the results after performing tests to assess physical qualities: - strength, strength endurance, speed strength, speed and general endurance, in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory minimum development of physical abilities, before the start of the elective course; - comparison of test data the same qualities after an elective course and determination of an assessment of the level of physical condition, taking into account the increase in results: preparation and defense of theoretical work on the compilation of a set of athletic gymnastics exercises to achieve the goals and objectives of this course.
Class structure
The structure of the elective course classes corresponds to the level principle of their construction. From lesson to lesson, the weight of the equipment and weights of the exercise equipment regularly increases, and the number of repetitions of the exercises also increases. However, depending on your well-being and physical condition on specific days, either increasing or decreasing the weight and intensity of exercise is used. The first two practical lessons are devoted to the technique of movements and ideas about the level of initial strength, i.e. what weight can be used for the correct number of repetitions. The next three lessons are necessary to explore how much weight the student is able to use in each exercise within the maximum for boys and girls. Regular weight gain will then reflect the actual ability to “build” your physique.
Teacher's position
The position of the teacher when conducting this elective course changes depending on the stages of mastering the program. The first stage is organizational activity aimed at students mastering the basics of training culture during athletic gymnastics classes. At the second stage, the teacher acts more as an advisor, recommending and controlling the technique of performing movements, increasing the weight of weights and the number of repetitions in specific exercises. At the third stage, taking into account the experience gained by the students, the teacher mainly performs the functions of a consultant.
Methods. Immediate results.
The methods of conducting training sessions of the course are different and depend on the type of delivery, both the lesson and its part. The frontal method is used in the theoretical section, during calming exercises and stretching. The flow method is used in circuit training. The shift method is necessary when belaying a partner, when the belayer changes places with the person performing the exercise. An individual method is necessary when taking into account the physical characteristics of a particular student. Most often, due to the heterogeneity of most lessons, a mixed method is used. The immediate result of the elective course will be: improving the physical qualities of high school students, improving health and creating motivation for a healthy lifestyle; a health-corrective effect expressed in changes in the volume and relief of muscles, as well as in a general improvement in body structure. The delayed result of conducting classes on the course will be the organization of independent classes , compilation of individual complexes of athletic gymnastics, as well as the use of knowledge, skills and results of athletic gymnastics in subsequent education, choice of profession. The content of the elective course can be integrated with the main program content of the school physical education course, as well as with training courses in biology that require knowledge of anatomical, physiological and hygienic requirements.
Section 1. Fundamentals of knowledge about athletic gymnastics. Lesson 1. Safety precautions in athletic gymnastics classes (1 hour).
Section 2. Methods of physical education activities in athletic gymnastics.
Lesson 2. Determination of the level of physical qualities: strength, speed strength, endurance, strength endurance (2 hours).
Lesson 3
Goals and objectives of athletic gymnastics. Studying the technique of movements with apparatus and on simulators, assessing the amount of weight (3 hours).
Lesson 4.
. Main muscle groups, nature of movement in training exercises (2 hours). Set of exercises No. 1: bench press, lying on a horizontal bench; raising arms with dumbbells to the sides, lying on a horizontal bench; raising arms with dumbbells through the sides, standing; bench press from behind the head while sitting; squatting with a barbell on the back on a bench; straightening your legs, sitting on the machine; leg bending while lying prone on the machine; exercises for the neck muscles in all directions.
Complex No. 1
Lesson 5.
Main muscle groups, nature of movement in training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises 2: lifting the barbell; one-arm dumbbell row; lowering bent arms with a barbell behind the head while lying down; raising arms through the sides in a tilted position; bending the arm with the elbow resting on the thigh; bending the arms at the wrists with an underhand grip of the barbell; lifting the body from a lying position; straightening the arm at the elbow back while bending over; lifting socks from a position lying with weights on a machine.
Complex No. 2
Lesson 6.
Main muscle groups, nature of movement in training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises 3: squat with a barbell on the back on a bench; straightening your legs while sitting on a machine; leg bending while lying prone on the machine; deadlift on the machine; lifting weights to the stomach while bending over on a machine; bench press while lying on an incline bench; bench press from behind the head while sitting; straightening the arm, sitting at the elbow (French press): raising the arms out to the sides in an inclined position; leg lift while lying on an incline bench.
Complex No. 3
Lesson 7
Diet for athletes (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 1.
Lesson 8. Vitamins and minerals (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 2.
Lesson 9
Rehabilitation means, work in the first intensity zone, contrast shower, bathhouse, sauna (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 3.
Lesson 10.
Circular general physical training (1 hour). Set of exercises: leg lifts. bending your knees to your chest while hanging on the gymnastic wall 10-15 times; flexion and extension of the arms while lying down 10-18 times; from a crouching position, jumping up with clapping your palms above your head 20-25 times; squatting on one leg with support on the second (left - right) 12-18 times; pull-ups on a low bar from a lying position 13-15 times, on a high bar 6-10 times; carrying a partner on his back 15 m 3 times, alternating each other. The pace of the exercises is above average, rest between stations is 30-45 seconds, and between circles 3-5 minutes.
Lesson 11
Physical recovery means. Autogenic training (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 12. Pharmacological means of restoring physical condition. Inadmissibility of using hormonal and other prohibited drugs (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 2.
Lesson 13
Motivation for doing athletic gymnastics (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 14. Formation of a positive attitude towards classes (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 15. Diet during intensive exercise (1 hour). Complex: exercises No. 2.
Lesson 16.
Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 17. High-intensity circuit training (1 hour).
Lesson 18.
Active recreation activity (1 hour). Performing exercises and tasks in free form: jogging, pedaling an exercise bike, exercises with a medicine ball weighing 1-2 kg. Catching and passing medicine balls, pushing, throwing, game tasks.
Lesson 19.
Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 20. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 2. Lesson 21. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 22. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 23. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 2. Lesson 24. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 3.
Lesson 25
Circuit training for power development (1 hour). A set of exercises; lifting the legs, bending the knees to the chest while hanging on the gymnastic wall 10-15 times: bending and extending the arms in a lying position 10-18 times: from a crouched position, jumping up with clapping the palms above the head 20-25 times; squatting on one leg with support on the other (left - right) 12-18 times; pull-ups on a low bar from a lying position 13-15 times, on a high bar 6-10 times: carrying a partner on his back 15 m 3 times, alternating each other. The pace of the exercises is high, the rest between stations is 30 seconds, and between circles - 3 minutes. Number of executions - 4 circles (1 hour).
Lesson 26
Active recreation activity (1 hour). A set of exercises: running at an easy warm-up pace, pedaling an exercise bike, general developmental exercises without objects at the gymnastic wall; intensity zone within 1-2 zones (1 hour).
Lesson 27
Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 28. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 2. Lesson 29. Training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 30. Circular training of a general physical orientation (1 hour).
Lesson 31.
Determination of the increase in the level of physical qualities based on the results of the elective course: strength, speed strength, endurance, strength endurance (1 hour). Lesson 32. Defense of individual projects: sets of athletic gymnastics exercises for further improvement, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student (1 hour).

Gnezdilov Mikhail Anatolyevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, Kuzbass State Technical University named after. T.F. Gorbachev", Kemerovo [email protected]

The role of elective courses in physical education in the formation of social competence and adaptability of university students

Abstract. In modern education, attention has increased to the formation of social competence and adaptability of future specialists. At the same time, the role of the University is to provide conditions for the inclusion of students in such types of activities in which the process of socialization does not proceed spontaneously, but purposefully. The author of the article considers the collective form of educational organization to be one of these conditions. student activities, in which, along with other disciplines, physical education plays an important role. In particular, the author refers to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, which speaks of the need for students to have the ability to use methods and means of physical education to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities. The purpose of this article is to identify the role of physical education classes in the formation of social competence and adaptability of future specialists. According to the author, one of the solutions to this issue is the introduction of elective courses in physical education into the educational process, aimed at implementing individual and differentiated approaches to learning. The author argues that the introduction of elective courses in physical education into the educational process of a university makes it possible to create conditions for the inclusion of students in such types of activities in which, on the one hand, their independence and self-organization are developed, their interests and needs are realized, on the other hand, interpersonal interaction in groups according to sports preferences, which, as a result, contributes to the formation of their general social competence and adaptability. Key words: social competence of university students, adaptability, socialization, collective form of organization, team building, elective courses

Some social tension and the need to quickly respond to changing living conditions in Russia and the world explain the interest of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical science in the problem of personal socialization. In modern education, attention to the formation of social competence and adaptability of future specialists in various professional fields has increased significantly. The role of a higher educational institution in the formation and development of the social status of a future specialist is extremely high, and the knowledge and experience acquired during the training period are invaluable, but when entering new educational conditions, significantly Different from their previous students, former schoolchildren are faced with the problem of adaptation. In a higher educational institution, they are required to have greater independence in mastering educational material, the need to establish interpersonal relationships in the emerging team, while it is possible to completely or partially change previous life stereotypes and form new ones. This difficult period of adaptation of former schoolchildren to new conditions of learning and interpersonal communication is complicated by their age crisis. The requirements for possessing the necessary level of social competence, imposed on modern students, are set out in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the areas of undergraduate training. The most important role of the university in implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Education is to provide conditions for the inclusion of students in such types of activities in which the process of socialization does not occur spontaneously, but purposefully and contributes to the development of the ability of future specialists to effectively solve the goals and objectives set for them.

One of the important conditions for the formation of social competence, in our opinion, is the collective form of organizing the educational activities of students, in which, along with other disciplines that have this educational potential, physical education classes play an important role. In particular, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education speak of the need for students to have the ability to use methods and means of physical culture to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities (OK8). We believe that in the process of physical education, one of the key abilities of socially competent specialists is formed - the ability to form teams and interact within an established team. As an academic discipline, physical education contributes to the long and rather complex process of developing social competencies through the use of team sports games as a means of physical education and the formation of certain groups according to the sports preferences of students. But it is worth noting that interaction and productive interpersonal communication in such groups is often complicated by the problem of differentiation of workload and control standards, taking into account the type of constitution, level of physical development and health status of students, their interests and needs. According to the results of the All-Russian sociological survey conducted among students of higher educational institutions in 2016, the most common types of activities in physical education classes are physical exercises (97.5%). The most commonly practiced sports are athletics (92.1%), outdoor and sports games (85.4%), and gymnastics with basic acrobatics (72.8%). But it was revealed that the practiced sports presented do not meet the interests and needs of all the students surveyed. A significant part of the respondents noted that currently popular sports and new fitness trends are not practiced in classes. It was revealed that when organizing physical education in higher educational institutions, such forms of physical activity as hockey, shooting, handball, etc. weightlifting, rugby, lapta, yoga, crossfit, swimming, table tennis, orienteering, which, according to the survey results, are most attractive to students. It was also determined that a significant proportion of students who took part in the social survey were attracted by performing tasks on simulators (86%) and assessing the condition of their body and performance (72.7%). Only 73.9% of students receive methodological justification for the material being studied in practical classes. When presenting theoretical material, computer technologies, visual aids, films, presentations and other additional materials are rarely used (23%). In theoretical work, respondents find it attractive to use modern technical means (watching films and 48.8% of respondents are interested in presentations, 31.2% are interested in completing tasks on a computer). In general, all types of activities traditionally used in physical education classes are of interest to about 80% of respondents. At the same time, regardless of the characteristics of their health status, the majority of the students surveyed showed quite high motivation and their interest in improving the quality of physical education teaching. In our opinion , all the problems identified above activate the search for new approaches and forms of organizing the educational process in physical education classes. The solution to these problems, we believe, is the introduction into the educational process of elective courses in physical education, aimed at implementing individual and differentiated approaches to learning. The concept of “elective” (from the Latin electus – chosen) means “selective”. Elective courses are courses that promote deepening individualization and differentiation of learning and are designed to satisfy the educational needs (interests, inclinations) of students. “Elective courses are the most important means of constructing individual educational programs, since they are most closely related to the choice of educational content by each student depending on his interests, abilities and subsequent life plans.” We believe that the introduction of elective courses makes it possible to increase the attractiveness of classes for students and, as a result, increase their cognitive and physical activity. Elective courses provide students with the opportunity to choose the optimal training regimen, physical education model, interest group, taking into account their individual characteristics, both based on traditional and modern sports areas (general physical training group, section or group for a specific sport) within the general schedule. Strengthening the gaming and competitive components of classes allows you to develop general cultural competencies, the ability to organize effective communication, work in a team and ensure fair competition.

Classes on elective courses also involve a consistent and detailed methodological explanation of the technique of performing physical exercises and the subsequent effect, providing students with the opportunity to monitor these effects together with the teacher and independently, including assessing the state of their body and performance during the lesson. Active use of modern information and computer technologies in the implementation of elective courses, the use of active and interactive methods of work, interactive electronic teaching aids of the new generation, multimedia visual materials, analysis of sports news and modern trends in the field of physical culture and sports create conditions for increasing the efficiency of mastering the theoretical part of the program. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that the introduction of elective courses in physical education into the educational process of a university will require modernization of the sports infrastructure and ensuring its compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, improvement of locker rooms and showers, and equipping sports facilities with the necessary modern inventory and equipment. In general, elective courses are focused on training based on the social needs of society, the opportunity to use acquired competencies in everyday and professional activities, and the development of professionally significant qualities and skills, such as determination, concentration on the process, self-control and endurance. Elective courses in physical education are focused on drawing up individual sets of exercises to meet one’s own needs for physical improvement, developing an individual daily routine and a balanced diet, selecting recommendations for strengthening the immune system through physical education and sports, creating a healthy lifestyle that will give positive results in future professional activities. So, acquired in the process of physical education, knowledge, abilities and skills (within the framework of elective courses) will allow students to further take into account the individual characteristics of physical, gender and age development, apply them during regular independent physical education and sports, create an individual regime of physical exercises with different directions. The implementation of elective courses in physical education at a university makes a significant contribution to the formation of universal human values ​​and healthy lifestyles of students, strengthening their health and preventing bad habits. We believe that the introduction of elective courses in physical education into the educational process of a university makes it possible to create conditions for the inclusion of students in such types of activities in which, on the one hand, their independence and self-organization are developed, their interests and needs are realized, on the other hand, interpersonal interaction is carried out in groups according to sports preferences, which, as a result, contributes to the formation of their general social competence and adaptability. The introduction of elective courses becomes an effective organizational and pedagogical condition for stimulating the socialization of students through physical culture and sports activity and promotes both cognitive and motor activity of students, being an important condition in achieving personally significant needs, maximum results in physical and personal improvement.

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Purpose of the discipline

The goal of mastering the discipline is to achieve the following results

education (RO): knowledge: at the representation level: to achieve an understanding of the social role of physical culture in personal development and preparation for professional activity; consolidate knowledge of the scientific, biological and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; determine the possibilities of using individual self-study in the process of studying at the university in the specialty; master the procedure for organizing, providing and conducting educational and training, educational and methodological classes in physical culture with students of higher educational institutions; understand the technique, tactics, features of organizing training sessions and competitions in various sports; prospects for the development of physical culture in the Russian higher education system.

at playback level: master the technique of performing exercises from the curriculum, the requirements for performing control exercises and the methodology for teaching these exercises; improve the methodology for developing physical, special and psychological qualities through physical exercises of the sports being studied; implement the requirements for the organization and methods of conducting morning hygienic exercises.

at the level of understanding: understand the meaning and place of physical education in the system of training a specialist with higher education, the tasks, terminology and content of various sports as an academic discipline; understand the importance of using hygienic factors and the healing forces of nature in promoting health and maintaining professional performance; master the organization and methodology of conducting training sessions using the studied exercises, methods of managing physical activity when performing exercises, methods of self-control and self-assessment of physical condition; to form a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports; ensure knowledge of basic safety requirements when using the equipment of sports facilities, exercise equipment, places for training and competitions according to the studied exercises of the training program; to achieve an understanding of the limitations in the use of physical exercises during training sessions in the presence of deviations in health.

Connections with other disciplines

The discipline “Physical culture (elective discipline)” is focused on the intellectual, aesthetic and moral development of the individual, on increasing the level of education of the leading specialist, as an important condition for his professional self-determination in subsequent work activities. The purpose of physical culture, as an academic discipline, is the formation of the physical culture of the individual, as one of the factors of his sociocultural existence, providing the biological potential of life, as a way of realizing his human destiny, using his strengths and abilities to meet his developmental needs at all stages of his life. “Physical culture” most fully carries out its educational and developmental functions in the purposeful pedagogical process of physical education, which is based on the basic didactic principles: consciousness, visibility, accessibility, systematicity and dynamism. All this is generally reflected in the psychophysical reliability of the future specialist, in the required level and stability of his professional performance.

Teaching methods

To implement the training program, various practical, verbal and visual methods are provided, which are used in conjunction at all stages of training. The choice of one method or another depends on the content of the educational material, the learning objectives, and the practical preparedness of the students to solve the problems that are solved in a specific lesson. In physical education classes, practical methods are used, which are divided into two groups: methods of strictly regulated exercise (learning in parts, as a whole and with the help of preparatory exercises) and partially regulated (game and competitive). Methods of strictly regulated exercise are characterized by repeated performance of an action with strict regulation of movements, load magnitude, rest duration, etc. Practical methods play a decisive role in the formation of motor skills, development and improvement of physical and special qualities in students. Verbal methods ensure the implementation of two functions: semantic, with the help of which the content of the taught material is expressed, and emotional, which allows activating the student. Verbal methods are based on the use of words as a means of influencing students and include explanation, story, conversation, giving commands, instructions, and remark. Visual teaching methods include showing and demonstrating videos, films, photographs, posters, and diagrams that create figurative ideas for students about the exercises being studied. Visual methods are presented as - display, demonstration, posters, drawings and diagrams and films.


As a result of passing the discipline, students must:
- understand the role of physical culture in the development of personality and preparing it for professional activity;
- know the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;
- possess a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development and improvement of psychological abilities and qualities, self-determination in physical culture;
- gain experience in using physical education and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals;
- have the means, methods, abilities and skills necessary for physical self-improvement;
- consolidate the systematicity of scientific and practical knowledge in physical culture for creative use in the practice of physical culture and sports activities;
- be able to plan and conduct independent classes with a health, recreational and restorative orientation;
- be able to conduct self-diagnosis of the body when engaging in physical exercises and sports, and use self-control methods.