Rhinopharyngitis in pregnant women treatment. Pharyngitis during pregnancy: risks to the fetus, treatment and prevention Pharyngitis in pregnant women treatment

During pregnancy, any disease is perceived by the body much more acutely. Despite the fact that most women in a position try to protect themselves from exposure harmful factors, many of them, however, catch a cold. SARS in pregnant women are often severe, and give complications, including in the form of pharyngitis, although the latter can also occur due to many other reasons.

When examining the throat, a bright red surface of the mucous membrane is visible, in some cases, its ulceration is possible. At chronic disease clinical picture less pronounced, but exacerbation phases resembling acute pharyngitis are observed.

The reasons

Most often, acute pharyngitis occurs due to exposure to various irritants on the mucous membrane of the throat:

  • inhalation of dust or irritating gases;
  • eating cold or too hot food;
  • hypothermia or overheating.

Also, pharyngitis can occur against the background of other diseases and infections:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • scarlet fever;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • dental caries;

What is pharyngitis, causes and provoking factors of the disease:


The usual symptoms of the disease are:

  • temperature within 37 degrees.

If pharyngitis occurs against the background of SARS or others, then manifestations of these diseases are added;

  • breathing difficulties;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • and so on.

In chronic pharyngitis, there is a constant sore throat, a feeling of dryness of the mucosa. Often there is a desire to cough or dry cough torments.


The diagnosis is made on the basis of the woman's complaints and when examining the throat by a doctor, who, first of all, excludes tonsillitis (). Also taken from the throat bacteriological examination to identify the pathogen.

Treatment of the usual non-infectious pharyngitis mainly aimed at eliminating irritating factors. Since the list of approved drugs for expectant mothers is very limited, it is recommended to get rid of the disease by observing the following points;

  1. The room should always be fresh and cool air.
  2. From the menu it is necessary to exclude products that irritate the mucous membrane (spicy dishes, hard and cold food, carbonated drinks). Food should be soft and warm.
  3. To moisturize the mucosa, it is permissible to use sprays based on sea water, and drink plenty of warm water.
  4. decoctions medicinal herbs give a soothing and antiseptic effect.

Such measures, in most cases, are enough for the sore throat to return to normal.

  • yarrow.


In the treatment of pharyngitis are widely used with a nebulizer. It is used to moisten the mucosa and, in some cases, to irrigate it with a drug. As a solution, ordinary sodium chloride is used, to which medicine or herbal decoctions are sometimes added.

In the absence of such a device, inhalations can be carried out by breathing with an open mouth over the steam for 5 minutes. Decoctions of herbs are used, or (a teaspoon per glass of water).

What is dangerous disease

Infectious pharyngitis is dangerous during pregnancy because:

  • many viruses can cross the placenta, leading to intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • some have a direct toxic effect on the fetus, negatively affect growth processes and cause congenital abnormalities.

At different stages of pregnancy, the danger manifests itself in the following:

  1. From the moment of conception to 14 weeks (1 trimester) there is an active bookmark internal organs fetus. Mom's immunity weakens at this time, and cannot fully repel pathogen attacks. The progression of the disease in this period may result in spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  2. For more later dates(2-3 trimester) infection can lead to placental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, and as a result, to a delay in its development.
  3. In the last trimester, the disease leads to placental abruption, bleeding, and premature birth.

By her own heat in pregnant women is also very dangerous, both for the child and for the mother herself. A negative effect on the fetus can be expressed in the form of muscle hypotension, microcephaly, and CNS defects. A woman may begin bleeding, which often ends in an abortion.

Planning and bearing a child in a chronic form

Chronic pharyngitis is most often not an independent disease. It can be a manifestation of other problems in the body:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory system;
  • sinusitis;

Recent studies have proven that chronic pharyngitis in most cases occurs with esophagoreflux disease, when the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus and hydrochloric acid constantly irritates the throat. Or it may be the result of chronic or problems with the tonsils.

Ideally, any pregnancy should be planned and the woman full examination and, if necessary, treatment of diseases. But more often it happens the other way around, so the expectant mother needs to take all preventive measures in order to prevent chronic pharyngitis from aggravating. With an exacerbation of the disease, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Pharyngitis is a sore throat that occurs against the background of various infectious diseases. With timely and proper treatment the risk of developing severe pathologies is excluded, but pharyngitis during pregnancy is treated according to the standard drug regimen it is forbidden.

This is due to the fact that many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they have Negative influence to the fruit. Therefore, treatment requires special approach and obligatory medical consultation.

Pharyngitis is characterized by causing pain when swallowing. Wears infectious etiology. Pharyngitis during pregnancy is more acute and can cause complications.

During pregnancy, women experience a natural immunodeficiency, this is due to the fact that its protective functions are already distributed for two. Therefore, expectant mothers should be extremely attentive to their health, especially during the peak of seasonal infections.


According to the classification, the disease can be divided into two forms:

  1. Sharp form.
  2. Chronic form.

Each of the forms is characterized by its own symptoms and each is divided into subspecies:

acute form Chronic form
Often pharyngitis is concomitant disease with SARS or influenza catarrhal Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, hyperemia of the walls of the larynx, palatine arches, tonsils is possible
Bacterial The causative agent of the disease are bacteria: streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus Hypertrophic () An increase in the size of the lymphoid tissue against the background of a general inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, the appearance of granules
Fungal Entering the body of the pathogen - fungi of the genus Candida atrophic The most difficult stage of pharyngitis is due to atrophy of the tissues of the pharyngeal mucosa (as a result, the cessation of its functions)
Traumatic Appears in the background mechanical damage pharynx, which is facilitated by foreign agents, pieces of solid food, cigarette smoke, etc.
Against the background of pregnancy, weakened immunity is acutely exposed to any allergen
Chemical Irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa with various chemicals (paint, solvents, cleaning agents, etc.)

The photo shows the stages of pharyngitis, which can be determined with external examination throat:

Chronic pharyngitis is promoted by some factors that affect the body and cause the development of the disease:

  • frequent manifestation of an acute form of pharyngitis;
  • work involving harmful substances;
  • environmental conditions;
  • the presence of chronic infectious diseases.

During pregnancy, chronic pharyngitis occurs due to the following factors:

  • natural immunodeficiency during the period of gestation;
  • frequent manifestations of SARS;
  • caries;
  • diabetes;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

During the period of gestation, a woman's body's defenses decrease, it was at this time that she increased risk get infected infectious diseases. Basically, they have acute pharyngitis.

Attention. The acute form of pharyngitis can be the first symptom of measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox. How serious and dangerous is any of these ailments for the fetus? Yes, the causative agents of such diseases have a teratogenic effect on the child's body (violation of the embryonic development of the fetus).

The reasons

The main causes of the manifestation of the disease are viruses and bacteria.

The types of viral pathogens of acute pharyngitis include:

  • rhinovirus (the most common pathogen);
  • coronavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • flu virus.

Purely viral pharyngitis and pregnancy are quite rare, often bacteria join it. The attachment of a bacterial infection can be not only from the outside (with air, food or drink), but also if there are foci of inflammation in the body of the expectant mother (rhinitis, sinusitis, caries).

Less commonly, the cause is:

  • hypothermia of the throat (long exposure to cold air);
  • (inhalation chemical substances consumption of drinks containing in large numbers alcohol, work in hazardous production conditions);
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • allergic reaction.

Interesting fact. The chronic form of pharyngitis occurs in people suffering from impaired nasal breathing. Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs causes the development of postnasal syndrome. Periodic vasoconstriction in combination with damaging viruses and bacteria create a favorable environment for reproduction harmful microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process, turning into chronic form.


General symptoms of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa are manifested:

  • acute pain when swallowing;
  • sensation of a lump in the throat;
  • perspiration;
  • dry mouth;
  • cough;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • aching joints;
  • redness of the tonsils, palatine arches, posterior wall of the larynx.

The usual symptoms that pharyngitis has and the symptoms during pregnancy vary slightly. Pharyngitis in pregnant women, in addition to the presence of the above signs, can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • burning in the throat;
  • congestion of the ear passages;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck;
  • difficulty breathing;

Important. The viral nature of the disease manifests itself common symptoms seasonal infections: fever, weakness, body aches, loss of appetite. The bacterial nature of pharyngitis is more of a local disturbance of the outer epithelium of the pharynx, without a pronounced manifestation of signs of seasonal infections. Sometimes purulent plugs appear on the tonsils.


Any woman, being pregnant, is obliged to carefully monitor her health. At the slightest violation, you need to sound the alarm and seek help from a supervising doctor. Delayed treatment pharyngitis in pregnant women can lead to inflammation of adjacent tissues, and this contributes to the development of laryngitis, tracheitis, and in some situations can lead to pneumonia.

The acute form of the disease has negative impact on the development of the fetus, can lead to hypoxia or intrauterine growth retardation of the baby. Therefore, it is very important to carry out the prevention of the disease, and with the development of pharyngitis - to start treatment in a timely manner.

Attention. Due to the fact that the placenta is fully formed only by 12 weeks of pregnancy, the first trimester is considered a particularly dangerous period. It is this phase that is characterized by the active formation of the organs of the fetus. The result of the development of pharyngitis up to 12 weeks may be a spontaneous abortion, or fetal hypoxia.

Treatment and prevention

It is important to understand that pregnancy is a special period that requires regular visits to a gynecologist. At the reception, all the changes that occur to a woman over a certain period are discussed.

In the event of the appearance of signs of pharyngitis, the gynecologist gives the future mother a referral to a general practitioner, who, in turn, conducts a complete examination of the patient and prescribes appropriate treatment. Scheme drug treatment determined by the attending physician. Instructions for the use of this or that remedy are also indicated by the doctor, taking into account the diagnosis and individual characteristics organism.

Often, pregnant women are recommended lozenges that do not cause side effects sparing the baby's body. The most common include Pharyngosept and Tonzipret. Tonzipret is more popular, its price is slightly higher than other resorption preparations (167 rubles), however, it is more effective in its action.

  1. Warm drink. Drinks that can envelop the mucous membrane of the larynx are very useful: milk with honey, natural kissels, raspberry tea.
  2. Soothing for the throat. Abstinence from talking, shouting, singing.
  3. Compresses. Apply compresses throughout the night camphor oil, or for 3 hours in the chest and back put honey cakes. After compresses, it is recommended to go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  4. eat soft, light, vitamin-rich foods. At the time of illness, you need to give up fried, smoked, spicy, salty and fatty foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, milk and meat.
  5. Refuse bad habits. Avoid areas where there are many smokers.
  6. Air humidification. As you know, dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the larynx, which leads to perspiration, and as a result, the development of pharyngitis. It is very important to observe the humidity in the room, for this you can buy a humidifier, or use folk advice: lay a damp towel on the battery.
  7. Airing. Frequent airing can get rid of bacteria that have accumulated in the room.

Important. Pharyngitis is rare, but still may be accompanied by the presence of purulent lumps on the tonsils. When they are found, it is strictly forbidden to extract pus with your own hands, or to resort to outside help or improvised materials. When self-extraction is affected soft fabric, and open erosion spots appear. Such places become a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria, which can even lead to blood poisoning.

If ordinary people pharyngitis can occur without bright severe symptoms, often with timely treatment does not cause particularly serious consequences, then pharyngitis in pregnant women without proper attention and appropriate treatment can lead to the development of severe pathological processes. Any expectant mother from the first days of pregnancy takes care of her baby, so her health, and therefore the health of the baby, must come first.

Firstly, it moves food from the oral cavity further into the digestive organs (into the esophagus and then into the stomach), and secondly, it provides oxygen from the nasal cavity to the larynx. For pregnant women, these processes are very important, which is why this disease can cause serious consequences. So, with a lack of oxygen, fetal hypoxia may occur (oxygen through the placenta will not be able to penetrate into the body of the unborn child). In addition, any inflammation can lead to complications during pregnancy or the birth process, causing miscarriage or premature birth. That is why treatment must be timely and effective. And only an experienced specialist can appoint it.

Possible reasons

  • fungal infections (in most cases, the disease occurs due to the activity of fungi of the genus Candida);
  • viral diseases such as influenza, adenovirus and others;
  • bacterial infections (staphylococci, mycoplasmas, streptococci and others);
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the pharynx (they may occur due to the ingestion of foreign objects, such as pieces of roughage, bones and some others);

The cause of pharyngitis may be a viral disease


  • Discomfort in the throat. It can be burning, itching, dryness, tickling, sensation foreign body and so on. These symptoms are aggravated in the morning, during swallowing. As the disease progresses, discomfort can develop into pain.
  • There may be a cough associated with a sore throat. It will most likely be unproductive and dry, although sputum production is possible in some cases. The mother-to-be may experience constant desire loosen the throat by coughing.
  • The pregnant woman will feel worse. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue and lethargy are likely.
  • When examining the throat, you can see redness of the mucous membranes, sometimes small bubbles (granules) appear. The surface of the larynx may be pale pink.
  • On palpation, an increase in the upper cervical lymph nodes.
  • It is possible to increase the temperature to 37.5 or 38 degrees.


If the first symptoms of a disease such as pharyngitis are detected, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will interview the patient and examine the pharynx. To find out the causes of inflammation and determine the causative agents of the disease, it will be necessary to study the mucus flowing down the pharynx (a throat swab is required).

How to treat?

Treatment of the disease in pregnant women has several important features. Firstly, pharyngitis during pregnancy requires constant monitoring by a specialist. Prescribe any drugs (even plant origin) and procedures (even the seemingly most harmless ones) can only be done by a doctor. Folk remedies should also be coordinated with him. Secondly, some common and effective means during the gestation period are strictly contraindicated, this must be taken into account. Thirdly, in order to avoid complications, it is desirable to observe bed rest, even in the case of a mild course of the disease.

First, let's find out what is contraindicated during pregnancy:

Hot foot baths are contraindicated during pregnancy

  • Hot foot baths. They can help any other person, as they provoke an outflow of blood from the inflamed throat and blood flow to the legs, which can alleviate the condition. But for pregnant women, this procedure is very dangerous. Blood will rush to the lower part of the body, including the uterus. Because of this, hypertonicity may occur, which, in turn, will lead to termination of pregnancy or premature birth. For the same reason, such methods of treatment as putting on socks with mustard or pepper and others like that are also contraindicated.
  • Uncontrolled use of decoctions of herbs. Do not think that medicinal plants are harmless and safe. Some have such strong properties that they can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. Treatment with herbs should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Plants such as licorice, yarrow, aloe, celandine, sage, calendula, St. John's wort, thuja and some others are contraindicated (especially for oral administration).
  • Essential oils should not be treated irresponsibly, they are also dangerous (some can have a negative effect on the fetus and provoke abortion, while others cause allergies). Do not use thuja, sage, peppermint, lavender, wormwood oils.

Treatment of pharyngitis in pregnant women may include the following measures:

  1. To speed up the recovery of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, a sparing diet will be prescribed. The expectant mother will have to give up sour, spicy, pickled, salty foods (all this is already banned). Too cold or, conversely, excessively hot food is contraindicated (all dishes should be at room temperature). It is best to use soups, liquid purees or cereals, jelly. Drinking plenty of warm water will help. You can drink milk, juices, compotes, weak tea, fruit drinks. It is advisable to eat fractionally, that is, often, but in small portions.
  2. It is also desirable to provide voice rest.
  3. The air in the room should be moist, fresh and clean. So the room must be regularly ventilated. Wet cleaning should also be regular. To moisturize, you can use a basin of water, wet towels or a special device - a humidifier.

Gargling with Chlorhexidine

Remember that pharyngitis during pregnancy is dangerous! Take care of yourself and your unborn child, consult a doctor on time.

During pregnancy, I caught a cold in my throat, I had pharyngitis ((Lor prescribed Isla Moos lozenges for me. They are of plant origin, safe to take during pregnancy. I resolved them for several days and my throat recovered.

The information is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Pharyngitis during pregnancy: is there a threat to the child?

During the period of bearing a child, the mother's body works with a vengeance, protecting not only herself, but also the unborn baby. The immune system may not be able to cope with such a load, which leads to colds. Pharyngitis during pregnancy - common cause visits to the doctor. After all, the main route of transmission of most bacteria is airborne.

Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa may not disturb the mother's condition, but it is dangerous for the unborn child. Knowing the main symptoms and causes of the disease will allow you to consult a doctor in time, avoiding the development of complications.

The reasons

When bacteria or viruses enter the body, the cells of the immune system are the first to react, destroying microbes. During pregnancy, the mother's defenses are weakened, the risk of infection increases.

The immediate causes of the development of pharyngitis include:

  • bacteria. The most common causative agents of inflammation of the pharynx are streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, Klebsiella.
  • Viral pharyngitis occurs in 70% of cases. The disease develops against the background of ARVI (adenoviral, rhinovirus infection, influenza, parainfluenza).
  • Fungi and protozoa are the cause of inflammation in immunocompromised patients.
  • Allergic reactions lead to swelling, redness of the pharynx.
  • Injury to the mucous bones from fish, rough food in the presence of foci of infection ends with the development of pharyngitis.

There are predisposing factors that weaken the immune system, contribute to the unhindered spread of bacteria.

  • Hypothermia.
  • Cold drinks inhibit the activity of protective cells that are located in the tonsils.
  • Smoking, including passive smoking, leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, impairs blood circulation.
  • Polluted or dry air, harmful chemical fumes contribute to the development of pharyngitis during pregnancy.
  • Foci of infection in the oral cavity - untreated teeth, stomatitis. The spread of bacteria occurs by contact.


Clinical manifestations depend on the severity, the state of the woman's immune system. Symptoms may be mild, not disturb the general well-being. In this case, there is a risk of missing the onset of the disease, not starting treatment on time. Therefore, if there are even minor complaints, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

The main manifestations of pharyngitis:

  • Feeling of itching, burning, the presence of a foreign body in the throat. There is a desire to clear your throat, to remove this discomfort. Symptoms are worse at night, reaching a maximum in the morning. The explanations are quite simple - during sleep, many breathe through their mouths, the air dries out the mucous membrane, aggravating the situation.
  • Dry cough. Sputum is rarely formed, this is due to the addition of tracheitis, bronchitis.
  • The temperature rises to subfebrile figures (37-38 ° C) only in acute course.
  • Enlargement, soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes.
  • Decreased performance, drowsiness, headache, poor appetite arise due to intoxication.

How dangerous is it?

The disease for the mother can pass without a trace, for the unborn child it is big risk. Fever, cough, intoxication affect the condition of the fetus. Drugs are another danger. Most drugs are prohibited during pregnancy. Treatment requires effort and time without the use of potent substances.

Bacteria or viruses infect respiratory system the oxygen content in the blood decreases. Fetal hypoxia develops, the risk of premature birth increases.

When pharyngitis occurs early dates pregnancy, you must contact the clinic. Self-medication is prohibited. The organs and systems of the fetus are not yet formed, any toxic effect leads to developmental abnormalities, miscarriage.

Which doctor should I contact with pharyngitis during pregnancy?

The doctor deals with the treatment of pharyngitis in pregnant women general practice, therapist. If necessary, a woman is sent for a consultation to an ENT specialist, an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Diagnosis is an important process that affects the further treatment of pharyngitis during pregnancy. It is necessary to determine the leading syndrome, assign additional research methods.

Diagnostics consists of several stages:

  • Collection of complaints. The doctor listens to the patient, determines important and minor symptoms.
  • Inspection. It is necessary to assess the condition of the posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsils. The mucosa in most cases is edematous, redness, granularity is observed. Involved in the process submandibular lymph nodes. On palpation, they are painful, enlarged.
  • Bakposev from the throat is taken to determine the pathogen, its sensitivity to antibiotics.


Many women are wondering - how to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy? The answer is simple: you need to contact the clinic and diligently follow all the appointments of a specialist. It is forbidden to take any drugs on their own. The same applies to medicinal herbs, as some of them increase the tone of the uterus, increase the risk of premature birth.

The greatest efficiency is achieved with a combination of drug treatment, adherence to the regimen, and the use of traditional medicine recipes.

To relieve sore throat, perspiration and cough, it is recommended to follow a few rules:

  • For the duration of the illness, ensure peace for the patient; in case of acute pharyngitis during pregnancy, bed rest is indicated.
  • Preference is given to sparing nutrition. Spicy, salty, sour foods are excluded. No less important temperature regime. Too hot or cold food additionally irritates the pharyngeal mucosa, worsening the situation.
  • Plentiful warm drink (tea, compote, milk) helps to remove microbes and toxins from the body.
  • It is recommended to observe voice rest, do not talk loudly, do not shout. With an exacerbation, it is better to be silent for several days.
  • It is necessary to periodically humidify the air in the room.

During illness, sweet drinks and foods should be avoided. Sugar is a great breeding ground for bacteria.

Folk methods

There is an opinion that herbs bring only benefits, they cannot harm. It's a delusion. During pregnancy, a woman's body reacts sharply to any substances. Therefore, before using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.

Be sure to read what is included in the collection of herbs. It is forbidden to use peppermint, wormwood, ginseng, sage, St. John's wort, nettle during pregnancy. These plants can provoke fetal hypoxia, increase uterine tone.

For gargling use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, raspberry leaves. Pharmacies sell ready-made solutions that are diluted with warm water.

Propolis has proven itself well. It has an antibacterial effect, relieves swelling, inflammation, and soothes the mucous membrane. The easiest way is to put in oral cavity a small piece until completely dissolved. You can prepare an extract of propolis to lubricate the tonsils, a decoction for rinsing, or simply add it to tea.

Medical treatment

If the symptoms progress, the woman's condition does not improve, the doctor prescribes medication.

The main groups of drugs that are used for pharyngitis in pregnant women:

  • Antiseptics for gargling (Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt).
  • Antipyretics (Paracetamol) with fever.
  • Resorption of lozenges with anti-inflammatory action (Pharingosept, Strepsils).
  • Antibiotics are prescribed under strict indications, when the benefits outweigh the possible consequences. Less side effects It has antibacterial drug for local application such as Bioparox.


With an untimely visit to a doctor, a weak immune system, pharyngitis turns into a chronic protracted course. Bacteria with blood flow or contact enter other organs, which leads to the progression of inflammation.

The most common complications include:

  • Abdominal abscess.
  • As the infection spreads, laryngitis, tracheitis, and bronchitis develop.
  • In severe cases, pneumonia occurs.
  • Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, salivary, parotid glands.


Pharyngitis is not dangerous for a woman's life. Timely diagnosis and treatment lead to full recovery. The impact on the unborn child in such cases is minimal. The main task is to prevent the development of complications.

Features of prevention

During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay increased attention to strengthening the immune system, to exclude all provoking factors for the development of pharyngitis.

  • Refuse cold drinks, ice cream, especially in winter.
  • Have your own mug, fork, spoon. Wash dishes thoroughly before use.
  • Humidify the air in the room.
  • Avoid contact with sick people, public places during influenza epidemics.
  • Visit the dentist on time, take care of oral hygiene.

Do not underestimate pharyngitis, especially during pregnancy. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. Untimely diagnosis and self-treatment lead to serious complications in the mother, in the worst case, to malformations or loss of the child.

Features of the treatment of pharyngitis during pregnancy

Arising at any stage of pregnancy, any disease brings a lot of trouble to the expectant mother. Every disease is dangerous for the reason that it is forbidden to treat it with the most effective drugs so as not to harm the unborn child. Even ordinary SARS can cause dangerous complications. One such complication of a cold is pharyngitis. How to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy, features of the disease? We will cover these points below.

Features of the disease

Pharyngitis presented inflammatory process, which is localized on back wall larynx. This disease is usually accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, high fever. Pharyngitis during pregnancy may occur due to the presence of such factors:

  • dental caries;
  • cold drink;
  • allergy;
  • inhalation of cold, polluted air;
  • smoking. Even passive smoking can provoke this pathology;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • trauma;
  • untreated SARS.

The causative agents of pathology are:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses (adenovirus, herpes viruses, rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, influenza, coronavirus);
  • fungi.

Pharyngitis can occur in two forms:

  1. Acute. Acute pharyngitis during pregnancy is a consequence of the impact of any adverse factor on the mucous membrane of the larynx.
  2. Chronic. The chronic form develops due to irritation of the mucosa for a long time. The appearance of chronic pharyngitis can provoke improper therapy of the acute form of this disease.


What is pharyngitis, we examined. Now let's move on to another issue: pharyngitis symptoms and treatment during pregnancy. Let's start with the clinic of the disease we are considering. The main symptoms of pharyngitis, which experts note in patients, are:

  • dryness, feeling of tickling in the mouth;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • increase lymph nodes, their soreness;
  • dry cough;
  • temperature rise. It increases to 37.5 - 38 degrees;
  • redness of the posterior pharyngeal wall, its swelling.

In some cases future mother may worry:

Usually, the symptoms depend on the degree of mucosal damage. The disease occurs in three degrees of severity:

  1. I. Degree. initial stage also called catarrhal pharyngitis. She is characterized by swelling in the throat, dryness. These symptoms are aggravated after prolonged communication, inhalation of icy air.
  2. II. Degree. Medium severity disease, which is called granulosa pharyngitis, is characterized by increased perspiration, the appearance of a feeling of a lump in the throat. The back wall of the throat is covered with red tubercles, the mucous membrane becomes shiny.
  3. III. Degree. It is called atrophic pharyngitis. This degree is characterized by pain when swallowing, bad smell from mouth. Dry crusts form on the back wall of the pharynx, thinning of the mucous membrane occurs.

Pharyngitis should be taken seriously, especially in this position. If you notice symptoms that indicate pharyngitis in early pregnancy, tell your doctor. This disease is not harmless either for a woman or for her child. To avoid complications, start treatment correctly, in a timely manner.

Disease danger

Any disease is considered dangerous during pregnancy. It negatively affects the well-being of a woman carrying a child, as well as on the fetus. Let's consider whether pharyngitis during pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus. In the first trimester, this disease can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage.

In the later stages of bearing a baby, you also need to take into account the threat from pharyngitis. This complication of SARS has a negative effect on the fetus. It can cause such a dangerous condition as hypoxia. Also, pharyngitis can become a provocateur of premature birth, the development of a child's fetal retention syndrome.

Treatment Methods

Pharyngitis during pregnancy how to treat this disease in such a interesting position? After all, all potent drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, they can negatively affect the fetus. Therefore, the treatment of pharyngitis during pregnancy 1 trimester should be as gentle as possible.

  • Ventilate rooms more often.
  • Do not inhale tobacco smoke.
  • Give peace to the throat (less talking, singing, shouting).
  • Eat light, soft foods (soups, vegetables, cereals, mashed potatoes).
  • Monitor the humidity in the apartment.
  • Do not eat spicy, cold, sour, hot, salty foods.
  • Put compresses at night with the use of camphor alcohol.
  • Drink warm drinks that have a lubricating effect (jelly, milk with honey, tea with raspberry jam).

After the doctor has discovered acute pharyngitis during pregnancy, the treatment is prescribed as follows:

  1. Treatment of the posterior pharyngeal wall with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic solutions. For rinsing, decoctions of calendula, chamomile, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine are prescribed. Also, pregnant women can use inhalation sprays intended for local use "Kameton", "Ingalipt", "Gexaspray", "Tantum Verde".
  2. To increase local immunity, Lizobakt lollipops are used. In the 3rd trimester, "Geksaliz" is allowed.
  1. "Panadol" is prescribed when the temperature rises.
  2. If there is severe swelling of the pharynx, astringent solutions "Solution of tanit-glycerin" (5%), "Collardol" are prescribed to lubricate the mucosa.
  3. Honey. It needs to be dissolved under the tongue.

How to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy 1 trimester, if you have a chronic form of the disease? In this case, patients should:

  • Use local immunomodulators ("Lizobakt").
  • Carry out rinsing with a solution of sodium chloride (1%), sea ​​water. They are performed in 2-3 hours.
  • Take vitamin A.
  • Carry out ultrasonic inhalations using mineral waters. In this case, Borjomi is more often used.
  • If granulosa pharyngitis is detected, cauterization of the lymphoid tissue should be carried out. To do this, use "Trichloroacetic acid". To remove large granules, a laser, liquid nitrogen is used.
  • To lubricate the back wall of the pharynx, moisturizers are used (sea buckthorn oil + vitamin A, “Retinol acetate solution in nut oil”.
  • In the presence of atrophic pharyngitis, inhalations are carried out with thinning agents (“Acetylcysteine”. If the form of the disease is severe, pharyngeal blockades are performed. For this, an injection of novocaine with aloe is administered.
  • To stimulate recovery processes in the mucosa, the doctor may prescribe injections of reparants "Actovegin", "Solcoseryl".

Physiotherapeutic procedures can also be carried out:

What Not to Do

  1. It is forbidden to use alcohol solutions, iodine, soda for gargling. Also, you can not dissolve menthol lozenges. The above remedies only dry the mucosa.
  2. Do not drink more than 2 liters of water. A pregnant woman may experience swelling.
  3. It is forbidden to use frequently vasoconstrictor for the common cold. These drugs irritate the throat.

All information provided on the site is provided for informational purposes only.

You should not start treatment without prior internal consultation with a doctor or specialist.

How to treat acute and chronic pharyngitis during pregnancy

All diseases that occur during pregnancy, and especially in the early stages, have a bad effect on both the woman's body and the fetus itself. Of course, there are many options for treatment, the consequences can also be unpredictable, so you need to pay attention to this.

Acute pharyngitis can manifest itself in a viral, allergic, fungal, bacterial, traumatic form. Also, the acute form can become chronic. The symptoms that occur with pharyngitis do not depend on the form of the disease. There are signs that always appear:

  • dryness in the larynx;
  • perspiration;
  • pain in the throat;
  • voice becomes hoarse;
  • there is a dry cough.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, then you need to take treatment. In any case, it is better for women in a position not to experiment, but to consult a specialist.

Symptoms of the disease and the effect on the fetus

What is dangerous pharyngitis for pregnant women. Of course, any disease has a bad effect on the fetus.

  1. In the early stages of pharyngitis, the consequences of untreated pharyngitis can lead to abortion.
  2. In the later stages, the disease can give complications up to fetal hypoxia, premature birth and the toxins produced affect the health of the baby.

Signs of illness during pregnancy:

  • difficult to swallow;
  • burning in the throat;
  • pawns ears;
  • lymph nodes become inflamed;
  • throat becomes red.

The temperature with pharyngitis may not rise, but remain normal.

What can lead to the appearance of the disease:

  1. The entry of viruses and bacteria is one of the main reasons.
  2. Cold drink, ice cream.
  3. General hypothermia of the body.
  4. Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
  5. Smoking.
  6. Complications after SARS.
  7. Chronic tonsillitis.

The video tells how to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy:

Of course, in normal mild form pharyngitis will not bring such bad consequences as its complicated form. If the temperature rises and intoxication appears, this will lead to irreversible consequences. It is better to prevent trouble than to treat an acute form.

There are fundamentals in the treatment of any disease. Here are the main ways and methods of dealing with the disease:

  1. The throat should be gargled with furacilin. 1 tablet is dissolved in 100 g of water.
  2. Constant warm drink. It is necessary to drink drinks with an alkaline environment, for example, milk, mineral water without gases, fruit drinks.
  3. It is better not to eat spicy, salty, smoked foods.
  4. It is necessary to gargle, you can use various decoctions of herbs. Use chamomile, sage, plantain. And ready-made fees can be bought at the pharmacy. If you purchased tinctures, then they must be diluted with water.
  5. Medicinal lozenges. The pharmacy has the widest selection of such drugs. They will help both in the treatment of pharyngitis, and simply relieve pain. But pregnant women should pay attention that they should not use many drugs. You need to carefully study the instructions.
  6. The temperature during the acute stage may rise, but the mark usually does not go above 38. It would be better not to bring down the temperature. But if the condition still worsens, then you can take drugs based on paracetamol. But remember that this is only in extreme cases.

Acute treatment

  1. Compresses. It is necessary to apply a compress to the throat. How to make it? It is necessary to make several layers of gauze, soak them alcohol solution and put on the throat, or rather on the front. To prevent the alcohol from evaporating quickly, you need to put a woolen cloth or paper on top of the compress that does not get wet.
  2. Diet. In addition to the fact that you need to remove spicy, salty, peppery foods, you also need to avoid eating solid food, which can damage the tonsils and aggravate the condition.
  3. Foot baths. It is necessary to pour water into the basin approximately ankle-deep, and pour mustard, add mint or sea salt. Take baths until the water cools down. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. Next, you need to put on warm socks and go to bed.
  4. Inhalations. Effective, common and in a simple way in the treatment of acute pharyngitis of the throat is the inhalation of moist vapors that are saturated with oils. These include pairs of sage, eucalyptus, menthol, mint. Such procedures help to alleviate the condition of the mucous membrane. In acute pharyngitis, inhalations are carried out 4 times a day. Treatment session 7 minutes.
  5. Drugs against viruses that can only be prescribed by a doctor after the causative agent of the disease is identified.

Traditional medicine methods

  1. Garlic with honey. It is necessary to peel the garlic and grate on a fine grater. You need to make half a glass of gruel and pour everything with honey in an enamel bowl. Honey should cover the entire mixture. Putting the mixture on fire, wait until the contents turn into a homogeneous mass. This usually takes 15 minutes. Cool the mixture, then put it on fire again, constantly stir the syrup, do not allow it to burn. If the syrup is very thick, you can add water there. Now strain it through cheesecloth. You can store it in the refrigerator. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. in one hour. Usually the syrup is drunk until complete recovery.
  2. Garlic with vinegar. Grate one head of garlic and pour 1 liter of vinegar. You need to insist the mixture in a cool dark place for 3 weeks. Shake the jar with the mixture twice a week. After it is infused, strain the mixture. After pouring the tincture into a glass, add half a teaspoon of salt and stir until completely dissolved. Gargle with this solution 3 times a day.
  3. Blackberry leaves. by the most safe method is a gargle with an infusion of blackberry leaves. Leaves should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water.
  4. Ginseng and rosehip. Rosehip, or rather its fruits, must be cleaned of seeds. Take 5 tbsp. l. pour 800 ml cold water. Put the infusion on the fire and wait for it to boil. Berries should be boiled for 10 minutes and poured into a thermos for tincture for another 6 hours. After this, the broth must be filtered. Now take the ginseng roots, grind them and pour 200 ml of water and boil. This decoction must be filtered and mixed with a decoction of rose hips. The third part of the glass should be taken 3 times a day.
  5. Leaves of plants. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. linden leaves, chamomile flowers and thyme. Add 2 tbsp. l. eucalyptus leaves. 1 st. l. of this collection of herbs you need to pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse this mixture in an enamel pan for 30 minutes. Strained solution should be gargled 5 times a day.
  6. Take chamomile from the pharmacy, medicinal sweet clover and marsh calamus root. All herbs need to take 1 tbsp. l. Add 2 tbsp. l. Althea root. Grind the whole mixture, take 2 tbsp. l. and pour 250 ml of hot water into an enamel pan. Keep the decoction in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool the mixture and strain several times. Pour the resulting solution into a glass and bring to a volume of 200 ml. The throat should be gargled with warm infusion.

Here you will find Additional information about the symptoms and treatment of acute pharyngitis in adults.

Therapy for chronic

This form of the disease is a little easier than the acute form. There is no swelling in the throat on the tonsils. And if there is swelling, then it is quite insignificant. What measures should be taken:

  1. Gargle. The solution must be prepared from sodium chloride or sea ​​salt. The concentration of the solution is 1%. Rinsing should be done every 3 hours.
  2. Inhalations. Usually in such cases, ultrasonic inhalations are carried out using mineral waters of the Borjomi type.
  3. It is necessary to lubricate the back wall of the throat. Vitamin A c is taken as a mixture for lubrication sea ​​buckthorn oil or nut butter with retinol acetate.
  4. It is necessary to drink vitamin A. 2 drops 2 times a day will help with the chronic form of the disease.
  5. If the doctor saw that the sinuses are inflamed, then washing may be prescribed.

What not to do with pharyngitis:

  1. It is contraindicated to gargle with soda, iodine, alcohol solution. Tablets with menthol can not be used either, they lead to the fact that the mucous membrane dries out.
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops can be addictive. It is not necessary to abuse them, they cause irritation of the throat.
  3. Drink liquid. But it is worth noting that excess fluid in pregnant women causes swelling.

Traditional medicine methods

  1. The first sign of the disease is frequent headaches, sore throat, and malaise. Pour hot water into a basin or bowl and add a 20% solution of chamomile or pine needles. Soak your feet in this mixture. Then the feet are wiped with a hard towel and wool socks are immediately put on. After this procedure, you need to breathe over a decoction of chamomile. It is better to carry out this procedure, covered with a blanket. After that, you need to go to bed and drink a cup of tea with viburnum. Kalina should be well kneaded and mixed with honey. It will not be superfluous to add linden or mint.
  2. Grate the carrots very finely, take 3 tsp. and add 1 tsp. honey and a golden mustache, about one joint. The mixture should be mixed well and taken by mouth. It is necessary to dissolve the medicine, pushing the substance to the back of the throat. This should be done once a day, and the resorption procedure will take about 7 minutes. The course of treatment lasts about a week.

Features of therapy in the first trimester

All women know that any disease that occurs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can adversely affect the development of the fetus. It is at this moment that it is very important to provide the fetus with all comfortable conditions, because at this time all important and fundamental organs are developing. Therefore, if you feel unwell, sore throat, then you should immediately begin treatment. It is best to consult a doctor, he will prescribe treatment. You must ensure complete rest for the throat, it is better to be silent altogether. It is necessary to drink warm infusions. In no case should you drink cold and hot, this will lead to complications. As mentioned above, you need to gargle with decoctions of herbs. Everyone knows that during this period it is better not to drink antibiotics. But if the form of the disease is bacterial, then you need to consult a doctor, he will help you choose the right drugs and evaluate the safety of their use. Peace and rest must be provided in such important point. Here you can read which antibiotic is prescribed for pharyngitis in adults.

Any complications in the health of a pregnant woman must be eliminated. Of course, it is best to carry out prevention in order to prevent such situations. During this period, it is important to take care of not only yourself, but also the baby. You may also find information about the treatment of granulosa pharyngitis helpful. Follow the link to read what atrophic pharyngitis is.

The slightest disease can lead to trouble and various complications. This is due to the fact that drug treatment for women during this period is contraindicated, since drugs can harm the baby.

Pharyngitis is no exception. This is enough serious illness, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Almost always, the disease requires treatment with medicines, in particular antibiotics. Therefore, women have a question about how to treat pharyngitis during pregnancy without harming the unborn baby.

Causes of the disease

Pharyngitis is an inflammation process that occurs on the back wall of the larynx. Almost always, it is accompanied by pain when swallowing, perspiration and runny nose, and possibly an increase in temperature. The causes of the disease may be as follows:

  • Drinking very cold drinks.
  • Not fully treated SARS.
  • Caries.
  • Concomitant diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Long stay near the air conditioner or fan.
  • Smoking during pregnancy (active or passive).

Also, pharyngitis can provoke influenza viruses, herpes, rhinovirus. With the rapid and active reproduction of fungi or infection, pharyngitis can become acute or chronic.

Signs of the disease

They show up fairly quickly. The disease can be acute or chronic. During pregnancy, the acute form appears due to adverse effects on the mucous membrane of the larynx. Exacerbation during pregnancy occurs due to prolonged irritation of the laryngeal mucous membranes. It can also develop due to incorrect treatment of the disease in an acute form. Its signs are as follows:

  1. The throat feels dry and uncomfortable.
  2. By evening, voice hoarseness may appear.
  3. The patient feels itchy.
  4. There is swelling or redness
  5. There is an increase in lymph nodes.
  6. The temperature rises.

If pharyngitis during pregnancy has chronic stage, then a dry cough may occur without an increase in temperature.


If a woman does not treat the disease, then pharyngitis during pregnancy can lead to very serious consequences. This is due to the fact that the source of the disease is a virus or infection that poses a threat as intrauterine development baby, and the most pregnant. In the first trimester the immune system women are very weak. Therefore, the body is subjected to a serious test when a virus or infection occurs. Pharyngitis during this period can provoke a threat of miscarriage. In the second and third trimester, complications such as fetal hypoxia and the threat of premature birth may occur.

The placenta protects the fetus very reliably, so you should not be afraid of serious deviations in development. However, during an illness, toxins appear in the mother's body that can disrupt the functioning of the baby's internal organs. Often this happens due to lack of or improperly selected treatment. An increase in body temperature of a pregnant woman can also adversely affect the condition of the fetus. It mainly affects nervous system baby. To prevent during pregnancy, a woman must recognize the disease in time, apply for medical care and complete the course of treatment.

Gentle treatment

At infectious diseases Doctors usually prescribe a course of antibiotics. Therefore, many questions are raised by the treatment of such a disease as pharyngitis during pregnancy. How to treat? After all, antibiotics can adversely affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

First, you should completely trust the doctor. Usually, pharyngitis during pregnancy requires compliance with the following points:

  • Bed rest and rest.
  • Constant ventilation of the room.
  • Do not eat foods that can irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx (carbonated drinks, too hot or cold food, seasonings and spices, alcohol).
  • You need to drink plenty of warm liquids.
  • It is recommended to apply warm compresses to the neck.
  • You can't float your legs.
  • Gargle with saline solution.
  • Can for concomitant treatment use lollipops or lozenges: Faringosept, Strepsils, Sebidin. At the same time, you can not use "Falimint", "Septolete".

This treatment is very well suited to eliminate the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, the first four points are also its prevention.

Antibiotic treatment

The above methods can be used to treat chronic pharyngitis during pregnancy. How to treat an ailment caused by bacterial infection? In this case, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. This may be taking antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. local action. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed in tablets or capsules (only in the case when group A streptococcus served as the cause of pharyngitis). Medicines are prescribed only if acute course diseases. In addition, the doctor may recommend treatment for pharyngitis. folk remedies in adults.

Treatment at home

Alternative recipes should be used only after consulting a doctor. Some home remedies are far from harmless, they can cause bleeding in pregnant women, which threatens to terminate the pregnancy.

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies in adults involves the use of:

  1. Fresh potatoes for gargling.
  2. Potato and spruce steam for inhalation.
  3. Propolis to lubricate the tonsils.
  4. Sage, chamomile, blackberry, raspberry for gargling or ingestion (may be added to tea).
  5. Garlic and honey.

If a pregnant woman starts treatment of such dangerous disease, like pharyngitis, she will be able to protect herself and the baby from serious consequences and complications. But in this situation, it is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it.


Prevention of pharyngitis is simple. If the pregnant woman adheres to it, then it will be possible to forget about such a disease as pharyngitis. Prevention measures include:

  • Cleansing the oral cavity from impurities.
  • Avoidance of large crowds.
  • Usage oxolinic ointment to lubricate the nose.
  • Periodic rinsing of the nose with saline.
  • Regular hand washing with antibacterial soap.
  • Frequent ventilation of the premises.
  • Daily regular walks on the fresh air(at least an hour).

It is better to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later and think about possible complications.