Division of the Unified State Exam into basic and profile. How does the profile level differ from the basic level and what to choose?

, is a mandatory exam for 11th grade graduates. Statistically, it is the most difficult.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with general information about the exam and start preparing immediately. The 2019 exam is no different from last year - this applies to both the basic and profile options.

Basic level of the Unified State Examination

This option is suitable for graduates in two cases if:

  1. you will not need mathematics to enter a university;
  2. you do not intend to continue your studies after graduation.

If your chosen specialty has a field with the subject “mathematics,” then the basic level is not your option.

Basic Exam Scoring

The formula for converting primary scores into test scores is updated every year and becomes known after the early period of the Unified State Exam. A decree from Rosobrnadzor has already been issued, which officially established the correspondence of primary and test scores in all subjects for 2019.

According to the order, in order to pass the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics with at least a C, you need to score 12 primary points. This is equivalent to completing any 12 tasks correctly. The maximum initial score is 20.

Basic Exam Structure

2019 math test basic level consists of 20 tasks with a short answer, which is an integer, or a finite number decimal, or a sequence of numbers. The answer must either be calculated or choose one of the proposed options.

Profile level of the Unified State Examination

This Unified State Exam in 2019 is no different from Unified State Exam of the past year.

It is the profile level that graduates must pass for admission to universities, because in the vast majority of specialties mathematics is indicated as the main subject for admission.

Profile test assessment

There is nothing specific here: as usual, you collect initial points, which are then converted into test scores. And already using a 100-point system you can determine the mark for the exam.

In order for the exam to be accepted, it is enough to score 6 primary points. To do this, you need to solve at least 6 tasks of part 1. The maximum initial score is 32.

Structure of the profile test

In 2019, the Unified State Exam test in mathematics at the profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks.

  • Part 1: 8 tasks (1–8) of basic difficulty level with a short answer.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (9–12) higher level difficulties with a short answer and 7 tasks (13–19) of advanced and high levels difficulties with a detailed answer.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Pass Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved to prepare for Unified State Examination Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI all official Unified State Exam options.
  • Check out with basic formulas to prepare for the exam, they will help refresh your memory before proceeding with the demo and test options.

The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty<
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 21
2010 21 43,35 864 708 6,1 160 240
2011 24 47,49 738 746 4,9 205 240
2012 24 44,6 831 068 7,5 56 240
2013 24 48,7 803 741 6,2 538 240
2014 20 46,4 240
2015 27 45,4 235
2016 27 235
2017 27 235

In the 11th grade, schoolchildren will have to choose which mathematics to take at the Unified State Exam - specialized or basic. Today we will talk about how one level differs from another, and why such a division was made.

What is basic mathematics?

The basic level mathematics exam is designed for those children who will not need this subject in the future:

  • for assessment in the certificate:
  • mathematics is not in the selected university or in the list of entrance tests;
  • no further training is expected at all.

The basic exam in mathematics is assessed on a 5-point scale (the points scored are converted into regular grades), consists of 20 tasks and covers the entire school curriculum from grades 1 to 9. They are relatively simple, and in order to get a C, you need to solve only 7 tasks correctly, as was the case, for example, in 2017.

Here's what's included in the basic level:

  • Task 1. Operations with fractions.
  • Task 2. Actions with degrees.
  • Task 3. Problems with percentages.
  • Task 4. Actions with variables from the degree.
  • Task 5. Operations with logarithms and trigonometric functions.
  • Tasks 6, 9, 11, 12, 14. Actions with tables, graphs, competency-based tasks with the choice of the most optimal solution.
  • Tasks 7. Simple equations of different types.
  • Tasks 8, 13, 15, 16. Geometric problems.
  • Task 10. Problem on probability theory.
  • Task 17. Working with the number axis.
  • Task 18. Logic problems.
  • Task 19. Working with numbers.
  • Task 20. A problem with a trick.

From 1 to 16 tasks are relatively simple, from 17 to 20 - in complexity they can be compared to the profile level. In addition, basic level tasks do not require a detailed description of the solution process.

What is a profile level?

  • Profile mathematics must be taken by those students who will need it at university. Parts B and C, which frighten schoolchildren, were canceled in 2015, the tasks have the usual numbering.
  • The work consists of 19 tasks. They are divided into two parts for convenience. The first part contains 8 relatively simple tasks with short answers, they can be correlated with basic mathematics. The second part contains 11 tasks of increased and high complexity. Let's take a closer look at them.
  • Tasks 9 - 12 are of an increased level of complexity and require a short answer. Hint: The answer must contain either a terminating decimal fraction or an integer.
  • Tasks 13 - 19 have a high level of difficulty and require a detailed answer. Hint: the solution may be incomplete, the main thing is that it is correct, then there is a chance to get at least some points for the task.

And a few more tips from our center’s teachers.

  • Check the solution carefully, especially in tasks that require a short answer.
  • First, solve several tasks and only then start checking.
  • The estimated time for solving each task is from 1 to 12 to 10 minutes, that is, they do not require extremely complex calculations and the application of 10 formulas.
  • Do not be afraid of complex formulations; they are often found in the tasks of the second part. After thinking, you will successfully solve them. There is nothing in the exam that goes beyond the school curriculum.
  • Please fill out the form carefully. Tasks 1 to 12 are checked by the program and it doesn’t care that 3 reminds you of 8, and 1 resembles 4. Tasks 13-19 are checked by experts.
  • Formulate a detailed solution so that your train of thought is clear to a stranger.

Unlike basic mathematics, profile mathematics is assessed on a 100-point scale. At the moment, the minimum score is 27, but the situation may change closer to the exams.

What kind of mathematics is needed at university?

If mathematics is included in the list of entrance tests, you will need to take the specialized level. Keep in mind that this clarification is not included in all regulations on the admission of applicants; it is considered that this is a well-known fact. Even if you passed basic mathematics with the maximum score, this result will not be accepted by the admissions committee.

Profile mathematics is needed not only by technicians and physicists. It is required in some humanitarian areas, especially if they are related to economics, management, linguistics and other social sciences.

What to choose to be sure to pass?

Basic advice: soberly assess your capabilities. For example, if you are struggling from a D to a C, then it is better not to suffer and write basic mathematics with high scores and get a good certificate, than to suffer a complete fiasco by choosing a specialized level.

In the case when this subject is needed to enter the university of your dreams, but you are not friends with it, then at least start preparing for the Unified State Exam not a year in advance, but two. Gaps in knowledge have been forming for several years and in 8 months of preparation you will not fill them.

You should prepare diligently for specialized mathematics, even if you have a solid A in it. During the exam, different things can happen, for example, you get overexcited, confused and forget everything. You need to be fully prepared. Take sample exams under the guidance of an experienced teacher to develop an automatic skill.

The examination paper consists of two parts, which differ in content, complexity and number of tasks.


The defining feature of each part of the work is the form of the tasks:

  • part 1 contains 8 tasks (tasks 1-8) with a short answer in the form of a whole number or a final decimal fraction;
  • part 2 contains 4 tasks (tasks 9-12) with a short answer in the form of an integer or a final decimal fraction and 7 tasks (tasks 13-19) with a detailed answer (a complete record of the solution with justification for the actions taken).

Part 1

Consists of 8 tasks, these are tasks 1-8, with a short answer. The decision process does not need to be described here. If you have basic knowledge, the solution will take little time, you can do it in 20-45 minutes. Remember that the answer must always be a whole number or a finite decimal fraction.

*The first part is designed to test basic knowledge - these tasks correspond to the level of a regular high school without in-depth study of mathematics.

Part 2

Contains 11 assignments based on high school course material. These are tasks 9-19. Tasks 9-12 of an increased level of complexity with a short answer and tasks 13-19 of an increased and high level of complexity with a detailed answer. In tasks 13-19 it is necessary to provide a competent and well-founded solution.

*The second part (9-19) implies an increased and high level of knowledge and skills.

Tasks 13 and 14 do not require any in-depth knowledge of mathematics. It is important to correctly format the solution to the problem.

Problems 15 and 16 are already a serious level. But the school curriculum is also enough to solve them. Good theoretical knowledge plus solution skills plus the ability to draw conclusions from the initial conditions - and the problems will be solved by you.

Problems 17, 18 and 19 are the most difficult and non-standard. Subject to those who not only know mathematics well, but are passionate about it and are constantly improving. It requires original, out-of-the-box thinking, ingenuity, and ingenuity. The solution itself takes up little space on the notebook paper, but you’ll have to think about it.

*In 2015, 268,000 people took the specialized Unified State Exam. Approximately 1 out of 1000 test takers scored more than 90 points. For some reason, I didn’t find any statistics for 100-point students, but there are no more than 150 of them.


The examination paper contains 20 short answer questions. The answer to each of tasks 1-20 is an integer or a final decimal fraction, or a sequence of numbers. The answer must either be calculated or selected from the task conditions.

Now a few words about the complexity of the tasks. The basic level exam is a new phenomenon. It is not possible to make an assessment by year. You have to rely on official demo projects and sample exam assignments.

There will be two news here, yes...) Let's start with the bad, of course. The mathematical, um... range required to successfully pass the exam is no less than the school curriculum. The tasks contain geometry, trigonometry, logarithms, derivatives, probability theory, and other wisdom... In this sense, the basic level tasks are not very different from similar tasks of the profile Unified State Exam.

The news is good. Lots of very simple tasks. That is, tasks that require only basic concepts from each topic.

The breakdown of topics looks something like this:

Task 1. Actions with fractional numbers. In this task you need to know the types of fractions, be able to convert them from one type to another, add and subtract and multiply and divide fractions. Follow the links, refresh your memory.) It’s brief. If you can't do it without a calculator, you won't be able to complete the task...

Task 2. Elementary operations with degrees.

Task 3. Problem on percentages. To solve it, it is enough to know what interest is.

Task 4. To complete this task, you must be able to express a variable from a formula. It's a simple matter, but not everyone succeeds.)

Task 5. This assignment may contain very basic trigonometry examples. Or, equally simple examples with logarithms.

In tasks 6, 9, 11, 12, 14 you need to be able to obtain information from tables and graphs, solve basic everyday problems to choose the best option, etc. These competency-based tasks are not simpler (but not more difficult) at the basic level than at the specialized level.

Task 7. This task tests your ability to solve simple equations from a variety of topics. The equations can be linear, they can be quadratic, they can be exponential or logarithmic, they can be all sorts of things. They are united by one remarkable property - simplicity!) The very basics, without unnecessary complications. By the way, the very basics are explained using the links provided.

Task 8, 13, 15, 16- This is elementary geometry. From very primitive to simple.)

Task 10. Probability theory problem. About the same difficulty as in the profile exam.

Task 17. This is a number axis assignment. Such tasks were not encountered at the profile level. But we met at the State Academic Inspectorate.) I must say that this task is not the simplest at the basic level.

Task 18. The ability to think and make logical conclusions is tested.

Task 19. Problem working with numbers.

Task 20. A text problem with a trick.

Views 882

, is a mandatory exam for 11th grade graduates. Statistically, it is the most difficult.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with general information about the exam and begin preparing immediately. The 2019 exam is no different from last year - this applies to both the basic and profile options.

Basic level of the Unified State Examination

This option is suitable for graduates in two cases if:

  1. you will not need mathematics to enter a university;
  2. you do not intend to continue your studies after graduation.

If your chosen specialty has a field with the subject “mathematics,” then the basic level is not your option.

Basic Exam Scoring

The formula for converting primary scores into test scores is updated every year and becomes known after early period Unified State Exam. A decree from Rosobrnadzor has already been issued, which officially established the correspondence of primary and test scores in all subjects for 2019.

According to the order, in order to pass the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics with at least a C, you need to score 12 primary points. This is equivalent to completing any 12 tasks correctly. The maximum initial score is 20.

Basic Exam Structure

The 2019 Basic Level Math test consists of 20 short answer items that are either a whole number, a finite decimal, or a sequence of numbers. The answer must either be calculated or choose one of the proposed options.

Profile level of the Unified State Examination

This Unified State Exam in 2019 is no different from the Unified State Exam last year.

It is the profile level that graduates must pass for admission to universities, because in the vast majority of specialties mathematics is indicated as the main subject for admission.

Profile test assessment

There is nothing specific here: as usual, you collect initial points, which are then converted into test scores. And already using a 100-point system you can determine the mark for the exam.

In order for the exam to be accepted, it is enough to score 6 primary points. To do this, you need to solve at least 6 tasks of part 1. The maximum initial score is 32.

Structure of the profile test

In 2019, the Unified State Exam test in mathematics at the profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks.

  • Part 1: 8 tasks (1–8) of basic difficulty level with a short answer.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (9–12) of an increased level of complexity with a short answer and 7 tasks (13–19) of an increased and high level of complexity with a detailed answer.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Pass Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration and SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam. Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). All official versions of the Unified State Exam are developed in the same FIPI.
  • Check out with basic formulas to prepare for the exam, they will help refresh your memory before proceeding with the demo and test options.

The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty<
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 21
2010 21 43,35 864 708 6,1 160 240
2011 24 47,49 738 746 4,9 205 240
2012 24 44,6 831 068 7,5 56 240
2013 24 48,7 803 741 6,2 538 240
2014 20 46,4 240
2015 27 45,4 235
2016 27 235
2017 27 235

Starting in 2015, the exam has changed significantly compared to previous years. The Unified State Exam in Mathematics 2019 is divided into two separate exams: basic level and profile level. Each graduate has the right to choose the desired option. Or both at once. Just in case.)

Let's get acquainted with the innovations of the Unified State Exam?

Basic level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics 2019.

Appointment of the exam.

This is a relatively new exam. Designed for those who will not need mathematics in their further education. Either training is not offered at all, or it is offered in universities where the subject “Mathematics” is not included in the list of entrance examinations.

For any university with the subject "Mathematics" a document confirming passing the basic level of the Unified State Exam in mathematics is not suitable. Even if you passed it with an A.

Requirements for results.

The results of the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics are given on a five-point scale and are not converted to a hundred-point scale. Therefore, the right to a certificate is given by the usual three.

Task 4. To complete this task, you must be able to express a variable from a formula. It's a simple matter, but not everyone succeeds.)

Task 5. This assignment may contain very basic trigonometry examples. Or, equally simple examples with logarithms.

In tasks 6, 9, 11, 12, 14 you need to be able to obtain information from tables and graphs, solve basic everyday problems to choose the best option, etc. These competency-based tasks are not simpler (but not more difficult) at the basic level than at the specialized level.

Task 7. This task tests your ability to solve simple equations from a variety of topics. The equations can be linear, they can be quadratic, they can be exponential or logarithmic, they can be all sorts of things. They are united by one remarkable property - simplicity!) The very basics, without unnecessary complications. By the way, the very basics are explained using the links provided.

Task 8, 13, 15, 16- This is elementary geometry. From very primitive to simple.)

Task 10. Probability theory problem. About the same difficulty as in the profile exam.

Task 17. This is a number axis assignment. Such tasks were not encountered at the profile level. But we met at the State Academic Inspectorate.) I must say that this task is not the simplest at the basic level.

Task 18. The ability to think and make logical conclusions is tested.

Task 19. Problem working with numbers.

Task 20. A text problem with a trick.

It should be noted that tasks 17 - 20 in the basic level more difficult short answer tasks at the profile level. Yes, yes! But the rest of the tasks will be easier.

Well, there is one more indisputable advantage of the basic Unified State Examination in mathematics 2018: there are no tasks with detailed solutions. There is no need to describe the progress of the solution and, therefore, all problems with the design disappear by themselves.)

The basics for solving tasks of the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics 2018 are posted in the relevant sections of this site. In the meantime, take note and remember these tips.

Practical tips:

1.Check your calculations carefully. Especially the short answer part. Especially if you haven’t had time to wean yourself off the calculator. The computer will not forgive the wrong answer, despite the ideal solution...

You need to check it correctly. Namely: solved the task, checked it, decide the next thing. And so a few examples. Maybe that's all. Then go back to the first one and check everything again! Checking one task several times in a row is ineffective. You will miss the mistake again and again. You need to refresh your view by checking other examples.

2. Do tasks with detailed solutions! They are so afraid that they don’t even read them. Don't be afraid! It definitely won't get any worse! These tasks can be done partially. If in tasks with a short answer points are given only for the correct answer, then in tasks with a detailed answer you can get points for an incomplete solution! You can get points even if you answer incorrectly!

3. If you are in doubt about how to formalize a decision, follow a simple rule: the course of the decision must be clear to the inspectors.

4. Follow 3 simple tips for working on the Unified State Exam. This will save you from annoying punctures.

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