Do I need to wash my German Shepherd? How to care for a German Shepherd puppy - advice from veterinarians. German Shepherd breed standard

From the first days of life, puppies give their mother sound signals, which she understands well and reacts to accordingly. If the puppies are hungry, they whine, experiencing pain caused by the mother from careless movements, as well as from accumulated urine and feces and the inability to get rid of them, they yelp and bark. At severe pain the puppies bark loudly and move forward. If the bitch crushes the puppy while turning, he squeals, and she immediately releases him. Dog breeders must understand the sound signals given by the puppies, and if the mother does not respond to them, which is extremely rare, then immediately provide assistance to them.

In the first two to three weeks of puppies' lives, their mother takes the main care of them and, obeying maternal instincts, she cares diligently, devotedly, selflessly and skillfully. A whelping bitch constantly licks the puppies, licks their urine, eats their feces, which is natural and normal during this period. It is believed that eating feces stimulates milk production. When puppies are switched to feeding on cow's milk, meat, etc., the bitch stops eating feces from puppies, which helps to reduce and then stop her milk production. Consequently, in the first two to three weeks after whelping, the owner should mainly take care of the whelped bitch, her normal maintenance, timely and adequate feeding, with a view not only to maintaining her life and working capacity for caring for puppies, but also to produce milk for puppies.

Must be near the bitch at all times drinking water, the animal should be regularly cleaned and walked. The growth and development of puppies during the suckling period depends on the milk production of the bitch and on how developed and manifested her maternal instinct is. The bitch's milk production and maternal instinct depend on hereditary inclinations, as well as on the conditions of detention and the quality of feeding. Complete and timely feeding good care, favorable housing conditions contribute to high milk production and the active manifestation of the maternal instinct, and therefore to the normal growth and development of puppies. Feeding puppies, providing their growing bodies with all the necessary nutritional components, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, in the first two to three weeks of life are provided by mother's milk, very rich in its composition. If the bitch has enough milk, most The puppies sleep for days. Daily weight gain in puppies and calm behavior indicate that they have enough milk. If the puppies behave restlessly (they crawl more than usual, whine, finger their nipples, and often interrupt the act of sucking) and their daily body weight gain slows down, it means that they do not have enough milk. It is very important to promptly determine when a puppy’s milk becomes insufficient and begin feeding them complementary foods. It should be borne in mind that both late and premature complementary feeding are equally unacceptable. Late feeding of puppies will cause a delay in their growth, while premature feeding will lead to a reduction in the puppies' daily intake of mother's milk and, subsequently, to a decrease in the production of this milk. In terms of its qualitative composition, no complementary food can compare with the milk of bitches and therefore it is necessary to continue feeding puppies with mother’s milk as much as possible. This circumstance justifies the ban by service dog breeding federations of some Western European countries from leaving more than six puppies with whelping bitches. These federations deliberately limit the annual number of puppies in order to provide the remaining puppies with adequate nutrition for a longer period of time and create favorable conditions for their growth and development. There are females with high milk supply that can normally feed seven or eight or more puppies, but this is still not correct, but a rare exception. In addition, even for such bitches, feeding a large number of puppies does not pass without a trace. With large litters, the nursing body is forced to devote its internal reserves to milk production, which adversely affects its condition. If puppies from litters of six to seven do not need complementary feeding until three weeks of age, which is confirmed by their calm behavior and daily weight gain, then this is a true indicator of the high milk production of their mother.

It is very important to have objective data on the growth of puppies during the suckling period. To do this, their body weight should be determined (weighed) every day, starting from the second or third day of life until the mother is weaned, and the data obtained should be recorded in a journal. After weaning, it is recommended that mothers measure their body weight two to three times a month, at the same time of day. This will make it possible to judge the dynamics of daily growth (body weight) of each puppy and litter (all puppies) as a whole, to identify puppies and litters with the best and worst growth. The data obtained, when compared with existing tables on the age-specific average body weight of puppies of the normal breed, make it possible to determine whether the growth of the puppy and litter is normal, or whether it is lagging behind. Combined with observations of the puppies' appearance and behavior, this data will indicate whether the puppies are getting enough mother's milk, when to start feeding them, and subsequently whether the puppies are getting enough complementary food. Data on the average body weight of puppies of different ages over a number of years allows us to judge the growth and development of litters and individual puppies obtained from different bitches, to identify by this indicator the best, average and worst bitches, including high-milk bitches that can be kept for feeding larger number puppies. In connection with the need to determine the weight of puppies and monitor their growth and development, the question arises of how to distinguish one puppy from another. For this, the gender, color, and markings of the puppy (white and other colored spots and stripes on the head, chest and other parts of the body) can be used. For example, a red male with a white spot on the chest, a red female with a stripe on the chest, etc. If these distinctive features If it is not enough, which is observed in large litters with the same color, then you can resort to marking the puppies.

Puppies are weaned from their mothers no earlier than when they reach one month of age. By this time they should be accustomed to feeding cow's milk, milk porridge, vegetable soup with cereals in meat broth, boiled and raw meat, mineral and vitamin supplements. Although the amount of milk in lactating bitches decreases by the time the puppies are 30 days old, and subsequently it becomes less and less, and the bitch is becoming more and more reluctant to let the puppies near her nipples every day, you should not rush to give away puppies before 40-45 days of age. Raising puppies in a team under constant maternal care contributes to their good growth and development, developing useful skills for later life, training and work. During daily long games of puppies-peers and imitation of the mother, they develop and learn well. The method of imitating the actions of others, especially older and more experienced relatives, plays a huge role in the life and development of animals, especially pack animals, which include dogs. Starting from three weeks of age, when puppies already see and hear well, they begin to periodically move away from their mother and each other and become familiar with the adjacent area and nearby objects. If the puppies and the bitch were previously kept in a crate-bed, now they need to be transferred to the floor, onto bedding. If the weather is good, you should take the bitch and puppies outside to a quiet place. As the puppies grow, such collective walks with the mother under the supervision of the owner should gradually lengthen. It is impossible to wean puppies from bitches at the same time or even within two or three days. It is necessary that the weaning period lasts at least seven to eight days and that at least two or three puppies remain under the bitch. This is especially important if puppies are weaned from the age of one month, when the milk has not yet disappeared. Otherwise, milk will accumulate in the udder and distend the nipples, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the bitches. In addition, even with a small local injury, inflammation (mastitis) can occur with all the ensuing adverse consequences.

If you decide to adopt a puppy German Shepherd, do not forget to make sure that from the first days of the puppy’s stay in your home, he feels comfortable and calm.

Conditions for keeping a German Shepherd puppy.

1. Find the quietest place away from heating radiators and not in a draft. Place a small thick rug on the floor that is easy to clean. If the area of ​​the apartment allows, you can arrange a box or cage. It is very important to remember that the puppy's place is a sovereign territory. You can't disturb him if he retires to his corner.

2. At first, the puppy is anxious and whines, especially at night. Be patient. In order for him to quickly get used to the new environment, you need to put your old, worn item in the puppy’s resting place so that he can smell the smell of the new owner. In addition, when you go to choose a puppy, do not forget to take a piece of fabric or a soft toy with you. Place these items in the nest with the babies. His brethren will mark these objects. At home, put them in the place of the puppy: they will retain the smell of their home for a long time, which will help the animal cope with the change of environment more easily.

3. At first (1-2 months), the puppy cannot be left unattended. It is necessary to remove all things from the floor: shoes, electrical wires.

4. It is advisable to feed the puppy at a set time. 1-2 months of age - 5 times a day; 3 months - 4 times a day; 4 - 5 months - 3 times a day; 6 months - 3 times a day; 7 months - 2 times a day.

5. At first, the puppy will perform its natural needs at home. You cannot punish for this. It is necessary to gradually accustom the puppy to walking outside. To do this, after feeding, take the puppy for a walk. If the puppy relieves itself, praise it with the command “Good” and give it a treat (a piece of meat, cheese, bread, cookies). Do not give: chocolate, sweets, marmalade, sugar cubes.

6. From the first day the puppy appears in the house, accustom him to a collar, and a little later to a leash. Put a collar on him and distract him with play, calling him by name and showing him toys. At the same time, accustom him to his nickname by calling it when playing and when serving food. Calling the puppy by name and at the same time giving the command “Come to me” has a very good educational effect. To do this, put the food in a bowl and, attracting the puppy with your name and command, give the food when the puppy approaches you. After 3 days he will know his nickname, and after 2-3 weeks he will immediately approach you with the command “Come to me.” You can’t: give the command “Come to me” unnecessarily!!! If the puppy does not come right away at home or on a walk, do not punish him, but reward him with the command “good” and a treat. The puppy will wait for affection and encouragement. If you want to call him on a walk and take him home, give the command “Come to me” , fasten the leash, and then have fun playing with him for 20-30 seconds. After that, you can safely go home with him.

7. It is necessary to take the puppy out for walks gradually and after all the vaccinations have been given. Until this time, the puppy remains at home, without going outside. Accordingly, he will do his needs at home. Initially, walks should be short - 3-5 minutes. From 3 months - their duration increases to 30 minutes, walking 1-1.5 km. From 4 months - 30-40 minutes. That is, you gradually accustom him to physical activity. During walks, you need to play with him, attract him with a toy. Don't: play with big dogs, especially with those who bark for no reason, and also run after cats, birds, mice, etc. In addition to illnesses, your dog will have a habit of running after other animals. It is advisable for the puppy to play with his peers.

8. The puppy must be carried carefully, holding it under the chest with one hand and under the hind legs with the other. You cannot: lift by the skin or tail, because this may cause injury.

9. If the puppy takes something back to its place, exchange it for a treat or toy, having previously given the command “Give.”

10. A (small) puppy is carried out for a walk. Flights of stairs need to be climbed up slowly, from 3 months.

11. If the puppy gets caught in the rain, wipe it dry with a towel. Blow drying is not necessary.

12. The puppy should always be the winner in games! You cannot snatch a rag or toy from a puppy, because... This will cause damage to your bite or damage to your teeth. Also, you should not stroke the puppy’s head and ears, because... The ear cartilages are still quite weak and the ears may not take the required position. The puppy must be kept away from adult dogs, because... Very often, older dogs dominate younger ones. Feeding, of course, is also done separately.

13. Loud, sharp sounds (gunshots, New Year's crackers, firecrackers) are contraindicated for puppies and even adult dogs. You should never take your dog outside, especially in New Year, to the sound of gunfire and firecrackers. Due to the large number of sharp claps, dogs become lost and begin to be afraid. The fear of sharp sound signals or pistol shots remains for life!!!

14. It is undesirable to allow the dog to jump on you or other persons. This is especially unpleasant in wet weather.

15. Remember: you need to punish a puppy only at the moment of committing an offense (except for the administration of natural needs) or immediately after committing an offense. A time gap of even 1 minute between the committed offense and the punishment will only aggravate the further education of the puppy, because... he will not understand why he was punished and will be afraid of you. After punishment, the puppy is not allowed to run away from the owner, but the command “Walk” is given.

16. In the first months, it is necessary to limit the puppy’s contact with strangers and animals. If you are expecting guests, then before they arrive you need to put the puppy in another room. If your puppy lives in the yard, then the puppy (or adult dog) must be placed in an enclosure. It is undesirable to allow strangers and even friends (except relatives) to feed him pieces of treats.

17. The main thing for the dog will be only the one who will do training work with it, and not the one who constantly feeds and walks it. Therefore, whenever possible, family members are also involved in the training work. Thus, you increase your status in the hierarchical ladder: from “owner - dog - family members” to “owner - family members - dog”.

18. Wash the puppy only when dirty, using dog shampoo. After washing the puppy, wipe it dry, dry it, and give it some food. Drafts must be avoided.

If the puppy is physically healthy - he is cheerful, active, stretches and shakes himself, he has an excellent appetite, his eyes and fur are shiny, his feces are formed, Brown, no dandruff, he does not have snot, hernia, discharge from the eyes, genitals, pimples, or other changes in the skin, the tongue, gums, conjunctiva are pale pink, the temperature by the second month fluctuates in the range of 38.5 ° - 38.7 ° C. The literature gives a range of 37.5 ° - 39 ° C, taking into account age and physiological state: adult males have a temperature at the lower limit; pregnant bitches, some very small breeds, as well as Mexican hairless dogs and puppies up to a month - by upper limit. A healthy puppy should create the feeling of a humanitarian disaster on an apartment scale. He climbs everywhere, tries everything he can reach, attacks his feet and slippers, gallops at a crooked pace, hitting corners, his eyes constantly dart mischievously. If a person has the impression that there is not just one puppy at home, but many of them, I can assure you: your pet is healthy and absolutely normal.

At the Institute of Physiology. Pavlov identified 4 periods of individual life of dogs before puberty. I. From 1 to 18-31 days. Unconditional reflex adaptation. The brain grows, the puppy understands that there is a world beyond its mother that can be felt.

P. From 18-21 to 30-35 days. Primary conditioned reflex adaptation. The brain grows, the experience that emerges is enriched. The puppy knows that if he bites his brother, it will be fun, and if a person comes and calls, there will be food.

III. From 5-6 to 8-12 weeks. Exalted. The most important for education and training; beginning of host establishment. Puppy hoards life experience, quickly produces conditioned reflexes, peak of the exploratory reflex (1.5 - 3.4 months). The more knowledge and information the puppy receives during this period, the better. The roots of many phobias and conflicts are also here.

IV. From 3-4 to 6-7 months. The type of features is formed nervous system. Division into “us” and “strangers”. From 3-4 months the puppy already has a personality. And by the end of 4 months - a clearly expressed personality. When raising (with elements of training) a puppy during this period, be kind enough to take into account his individuality. If you are interested in breeding value and prospects for a show career, call breed specialists. In the best litter there are better and worse puppies. From a health point of view, the trained eye of a doctor, of course, knows better, but you should know the general provisions. First, ask the puppy’s parents: character, habits, type of higher nervous activity, ability to train, what illnesses they had (the club can tell you this information if you don’t know the dogs yourself). Factors that reduce the value of a litter: large litter; less than a year has passed since the bitch’s previous birth; the presence of pathologies in the litter (dead, deformed, etc.); unsatisfactory conditions for keeping and feeding the puppy, lack of milk, lack of vaccinations against infectious diseases.

External examination of the baby.

No hernia, pimples on the skin, all mucous membranes and ears- pale pink, stands firmly on his legs (the fact that while running he is carried to the side, and he suddenly sits on his butt - it doesn’t matter, the puppy’s legs cannot keep up with his head), his nose is wet and cool (from sleep - warm and dry ), wait until the puppy not only gets up, but also wakes up; Puppy fluff is thick, smooth, and silky. The tail (if there is one, of course) is directed along the line of the back (interest) or slightly upward ( good mood), the eyes are shiny (in babies they are slightly bluish), without signs of mucus and pus, the ears are clean (without dirt or scratching), the teeth are all present, the bite is correct (according to the breed), the abdomen is even, the parameters correspond to the breed, active, curious , well-fed

Having decided to get a German shepherd, future breeders should be aware not only of responsibility for the life and health of their four-legged friend, but also be prepared for systematic, proper care for the dog. Caring for a German cat consists of selecting a balanced diet, education, training, and carrying out preventive and hygienic procedures. Shepherds have a thick, beautiful, luxurious coat, with a dense, thick undercoat, so breeders should know how to properly care for the coat of a German Shepherd.

Taking care of a German's fur

Shepherd coat care should be correct, systematic and regular, even if you do not plan to show your dog. The coat of dogs is an indicator of their general physiological condition and health. Faded, falling out, dull hair may indicate health problems, a lack of vitamins in the dog’s diet, or an unbalanced, poor-quality diet. If you don't take care of your pet's coat, the dog will look unkempt and unkempt.

It is also necessary to take into account that the correct care depends on the type and structure of the dog’s coat. Let us remind you that there are German Shepherds:


    short-haired (with thick, medium-length hair).

A German Shepherd puppy must be accustomed to carrying out any hygienic procedures, including coat care. early age. It cannot be said that dogs enjoy hygiene activities, so you will have to be patient. To care for the German coat, in a pet store or veterinary clinic acquire all the necessary attributes:

    massage comb with metal parts long teeth(for long-haired dogs) or medium-sized teeth;

    slicker comb - necessary for combing the dog during seasonal shedding, for untangling tangles in long-haired dogs;

    metal comb for combing hair;

    puppy bathing shampoos and adult dog;

    conditioning balms for animal fur.

The German coat consists of coarser hairs, long guard hairs and a soft, dense undercoat. Twice a year (early-mid spring and autumn, a month before the onset of cold weather) a physiological natural process occurs. By winter, the dog grows thicker hair; by summer, on the contrary, it sheds its thick protective “coat.” The intensity and seasonality of shedding depends on the conditions in which the dog is kept. For example, the process of molting in open-air Germans occurs more intensively than in animals kept in an apartment.

In addition to seasonal shedding, dogs also have age-related shedding - a period of replacing puppy, “baby” fur with adult, coarser fur. In addition, in bitches after giving birth or the end of lactation, hair replacement may also occur. During the molting period, the coat needs special, daily care. The dog is combed twice a day to speed up the process of shedding dead hairs and to avoid the appearance of a thick “fur carpet” on the carpets or in the apartment. For combing, use a slicker comb. Particular attention should be paid to the hair, tail, and sides of the dog.

Ideally, a German Shepherd with a "regular" coat length is groomed twice a week, first using a metal brush and then a comb. Long-haired Germans are brushed three times a week with a comb, a fine-tooth comb and a slicker brush. You need to comb your shepherd dog carefully so that the hygiene procedure does not cause discomfort, much less pain. discomfort. If your pet is spinning around, struggling and in every possible way obstructing the procedure, do not yell at the dog. Calm the animal with a gentle tone, give the command “Stand” or “Sit” in a stern tone. After the manipulations, be sure to praise your pet and treat it with an encouraging treat. The coat is combed in the direction of hair growth, not forgetting to comb the feathers and tail well.

Systematic combing of fur has a beneficial effect on the animal’s skin, stimulates growth and renewal of the coat, and is also an excellent way to inspect your pet for anything hidden in thick fur. dangerous ticks, identify signs of disease (wounds, injuries, allergic manifestations).

Bathing a German Shepherd

If your German gets dirty during a walk, just wipe the fur with a damp towel or rinse the dog in the shower. In the summer, if your pet loves to swim, after walks you can give your pet water treatments in the shower.

When bathing your German, make sure that no water gets into your German Shepherd’s ears and that there are no drafts in the apartment. You should not bathe sick or weakened animals. If your pet has been ill, you can wash it no earlier than ten days after recovery. After bathing, always wipe your dog dry and check that no water has gotten into your pet's ears. You can teach a German to dry his fur with a hairdryer. After bathing, when the coat dries a little, comb your pet's coat well.

German Shepherds are large and active dogs that rightfully bear the title of highly intelligent and devoted companions. In order for your dog to live a long, healthy and happy life, he needs careful, regular care and care. German Shepherds must be fed and housed properly, in addition to this it is important to carry out routine medical examinations, vaccination, regular physical training, and special attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene.

At what age can you wash a dog?

It is not worth bathing puppies that are not yet physically strong. The German Shepherd's skin has a thin protective layer that helps provide moisture to the coat and produce natural oils to lubricate the skin surface and protect it from external irritants.

Important! By about the third month of life, the puppy is considered strong enough to carry out its first water procedure.

In this case, it is worth taking into account not only the age of the pet, but also its moral readiness. It is important not to spoil the impression of the first bath, not to frighten the animal, because how it will react to subsequent ones depends on the first water procedure. After all, everyone knows that some dogs happily jump into bodies of water and offer their paws one at a time for washing after a walk. Others hide in the darkest corner and do not want to come out under any circumstances. A large part of the result depends on the owner’s ability to present the procedure favorably to the pet.

How often should you bathe your shepherd?

How often you need to bathe your pet most often depends on him and his love for bath procedures. If the dog lives in an apartment, grooms himself thoroughly and keeps his fur clean, most often bathing is not necessary at all. If your “furry child” is a brawler and a bully by temperament, and every now and then gets into the dirt, it is simply necessary to remove it from the fur. The only thing that should be taken into account first is that it is not necessary to bathe the whole pet.

Most often, it is enough to wipe with a dry, damp towel or soft brush on particularly dirty areas. You can wash your paws after a walk along a dirty street, wash your pet’s face after tasty treat etc. But frequent bathing can be dangerous both for appearance the dog's hair and for his general health. The fact is that water dries the skin, and excessive drying can damage the skin - the most large organ bodies, both human and dog.

Ideally, it is best to bathe a German Shepherd puppy or adult 2-3 times a year. In this way, it will be possible to maintain a sufficient level of production of natural protective oils by the skin, which ensure the health of it and the animal’s undercoat. If it’s difficult to figure out the required frequency of bathing yourself, you can always seek advice from a veterinarian who will explain in detail how to do it. hygiene procedures for a dog of a specific breed, in specific living conditions.

For example, “Young puppies, in particular, do not need to be bathed frequently,” says American Kennel Club judge and German dog health expert shepherd dogs D-R Carmen Battaglia. In her words, “Puppy fur is soft and cottony. Gradually, as your German Shepherd puppy grows, from 8 weeks to 6 months of age, the adult coat will gradually replace the baby coat. During this time, there is no need for regular bathing, unless the puppy's coat is really dirty."

Expert Battaglia believes that if a puppy is seriously dirty, it’s enough to rinse it off warm water without using detergents, then blot the water with a soft towel and shake thoroughly. You can also comb out the fur afterwards. To help your baby dry out as quickly as possible, you can offer him active games with a ball or tag.

You can also consider a schedule of taking a bath once a month during the first 3-4 months of life. This will help the baby, even in puppyhood, in the form of a game, to get used to the procedure itself, water and other nuances. As a result, an adult animal in a bathroom environment will be easier to control in the future.

You can only use products for dogs, avoiding moisture or foam from entering prohibited areas. Do not allow water and foam to rise to the level of the head - eyes, ears, mouth, etc. In order to clean the hair on the head, you need to use a soft, slightly damp washcloth and simply wipe it gently in the direction of hair growth and remove it. As a rule, the procedure does not require repetition more than once every 4 months.

Bathing products and accessories

For bathing dogs, it is only permissible to use special products intended for dogs, preferably a specific one. age group. That is, there is a separate one for puppies, and a separate one for adult dogs.

To bathe your German Shepherd dog, you need to stock up on the following important ingredients:

  • vegetable oil for eyes and ears;
  • cotton swabs for ears;
  • a large terry, moisture-absorbing towel;
  • rubberized mat to prevent slipping in the bathroom;
  • oilcloth apron for the owner;
  • special shampoo.

Before you start bathing, it is better to take your dog for a long walk. fresh air, since, most likely, having not been in the open air for a long time, the dog will still ask to go there and get dirty again.

Bathing a German Shepherd puppy

Once it's time for his first bath, it's important that your German Shepherd puppy feels comfortable. Bathing should not be a monumental problem for either him or his owner. In order for the process to bring pleasure to both participants in the cleanliness event, the owner should adhere to several simple rules. To bathe your pet, it is better to use a shower head with a flexible hose. You should not forcefully abandon an animal.

It is important not to scare the baby. Throughout the entire period of bathing and preparation for it, you need to talk kindly to the puppy, address him in a soft, calm voice. Your pet's paws may slide across the surface of the bathtub or shower stall, making the experience less comfortable, less safe, and potentially frightening. To prevent slipping, it is better to purchase a special rubberized bath mat and place it under the puppy’s paws.

The first step is to prepare the animal for bathing. To prevent water from getting into your ears, they should be plugged with small cotton swabs. To protect your eyes, use oil, lubricating your eyelids a little (it’s okay if a little gets into your eyes). Then, after checking the water temperature, you need to wet the animal a little with warm water. It is better to start from the back of the body; the hose should be held close to the fur, washing all areas of the body. Next, you can move the hose along the entire surface of the body, except for the head, in order to thoroughly saturate the undercoat with water.

Important! So that the room in which the dog is bathed is warm and there are no cold drafts, because of which a wet animal can simply catch a cold.

Using a special shampoo for puppies and soft cloth or a sponge, you need to thoroughly soap your German Shepherd from the top of the neck, down the chest and legs, to the sides and to the end of the tail, making sure that the soap does not get on the face. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse off the remaining shampoo using the same flexible shower hose, still pressing it close to the surface of the coat. This will remove any remaining dirt and detergent from under the deepest layers of the undercoat.

Repeat this step two to three times, paying special attention to the areas under the puppy's neck and armpits, where the foam can linger especially tightly. It is extremely important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining shampoo as it can affect the quality of the coat or cause irritation, itching, dryness or rashes on the animal's skin. In order to make sure that everything is washed off thoroughly, you need to try to foam the animal's fur under running water with your free hand. If no soap bubbles or foam forms, everything has been done quite well. If there is, rinsing should be continued.

To bathe your German Shepherd, it is better to wear home clothes that you won’t mind ruining. Everyone knows that animals love to shake off water. Therefore, it is better to get a plastic apron and after bathing, give the puppy or even an adult dog plenty to shake out the remaining moisture. After this, you can blot the wool with a towel. At the end of the procedure, you can remove cotton swabs from your ears, and wipe the auricles with oil to prevent moisture precipitation.

Bathing a puppy - important procedure, which requires a lot of attention, which is why many novice dog breeders are interested in the question of at what age can a puppy be bathed. Puppy hair is a delicate coat of hair that practically does not constitute guard hairs. Newborn puppies are dressed in this soft fluff, which after the first moult (4-6 months) is replaced by wool. In addition, there is a fatty layer on the skin and fur that protects it from moisture, dirt, hypothermia and infections.

It is generally undesirable to bathe small dogs, since the animals do not tolerate sharp changes temperatures, after swimming the immune system is weakened, and there is a risk of disease. If there is an urgent need, the puppy can be bathed from the age of one month, if it has already been vaccinated. It is strictly forbidden to bathe your pet 7 days before and 14 days after vaccination.

If you decide to give your one-year-old puppy a full bath, you need to be very careful and take utmost care not to give the baby a cold. To do this, you will definitely need to protect his ears with cotton wool from water; there is no need to wash his hair. The water should be warm, but not very hot, so as not to dry out the skin and coat.

For washing, you need to use shampoos specially designed for small puppies that do not irritate the skin and do not wash off the protective coating from the coat. Other shampoos should not be used so as not to damage the dog’s fur and skin. After bathing, the puppy should be kept warm until completely dry.

Experienced and responsible owners avoid bathing their pets too often, which can harm their health. Bathing healthy puppy It is recommended to carry out no more than 2-3 times a year. If the puppy is partially dirty, its fur can be cleaned with damp gauze and gently wipe the dirty areas. Every time after a walk, the puppy must wipe or wash his paws from street dirt and dust. clean water no soap. This will protect the home from possible dirt, and the pet from getting dangerous substances into its body while licking its paws.

We will talk about these nuances in the article.

They are very active and temperamental, and if you do not care for them properly, they will not grow into good guard dog. When purchasing a puppy of this breed, the owner must understand how much responsibility he takes on.

It is best to keep German Shepherds outside in a private home. This applies to both adult dogs and small puppies. The pet will need to run and play a lot, and a large enclosure with a platform, a canopy and where the puppy can wait out the bad weather is perfect for this.

You can keep the animal in an apartment, then you will have to arrange its own place in a warm corner, hidden from drafts. To do this, you will need to buy or make a soft bed with replaceable pillowcases, which must be changed twice a week for hygienic purposes.

At first, the puppy may be sad and miss its mother. To calm the animal a little, you need to pet it, give it some goodies, play, cuddle it, and calm it down with a gentle voice. German Shepherds are very intelligent and have a great sense of emotions.


If the puppy lives in an apartment, then you need to walk him a lot. 30 minutes is enough for a very small two-month old, but a six-month-old teenager can walk for up to 2-3 hours straight. If the puppy calms down and lies down right on the street, it means he has had a walk and can be taken home.

There are several factors to consider while walking:

  • The puppy does not need additional loads; you should not force him to run after a bicycle or endlessly throw a stick at him;
  • in the company of relatives, the puppy gets tired much faster, this good way reduce walking time and teach your pet to contact other animals;
  • puppies love active games, they will happily run after a ball or a stick, but you should not harass the animal with such activity.

The older the animal gets, the less time it needs to walk.

Hygiene procedures

The most important thing when caring for a Shepherd puppy is to watch his eyes. If the eyes are red, watery, or pus is oozing from them, then you need to contact your veterinarian and follow all the recommendations prescribed by him.

Other hygiene procedures should be followed:

  • brushing your teeth once every three months using a special toothpaste or powder. Special bones made of leather will help fix the teeth;
  • cleaning the ears once a month using cotton swabs and a special product that is sold in veterinary pharmacies. If inflammation is detected, you must contact a veterinarian;
  • bathing no more than 2-3 times a month only when absolutely necessary.

Caring for puppies is not at all difficult; it is important to maintain basic hygiene.


In the first weeks needs the same food that the breeder fed him to avoid severe stress in the baby. At six months of age, the puppy only needs 2-3 large meals on a specific schedule, the food bowl should be given at a certain time for 20 minutes and then removed.


Every week you need to check the growth chart and if there are strong deviations up or down, regulate this with the help of your diet.

The puppy can be fed both natural food and specialized food for puppies, but the most preferable option is a combination of natural and dry food.

Feed the puppy from the table regular food strictly prohibited, this threatens not only addiction and further begging, but also health problems, for example, obesity.

The puppy should always have a bowl of clean, fresh water within easy reach.

Basic rules for keeping an adult dog

Before accepting a new family member in the person of a German Shepherd, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its care:

  • . The health and life expectancy of an animal depends on nutrition. The main principles: do not feed from the table, do not overfeed, give only the food that the dog can eat and that is appropriate for its age, there should always be fresh water available;
  • health. It is necessary to take your pet for a preventive examination to the veterinarian once a year, but if there is a suspicion of a disease, then treatment should be started as soon as possible;
  • physical activity. You need to provide your pet with enough space to physical activity(for example, an aviary in a private house) or often go for a walk with him. You need to play with your dog for at least one hour a day to release its physical activity;
  • and socialization. At a young age, a puppy needs to be introduced to other dogs and people, and picked up more often so that it gets used to people. In adolescence, you can already begin training, which German Shepherds respond very well to. You can train an animal throughout its life, rewarding it for success, as this not only disciplines, but also brings the pet and owner closer together.

At first, when the puppy is still small, it is necessary to carefully monitor his health - if even a slight malaise is noticed, then you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Purebred animals are prone to diseases inherent to their breed, and if the problem is identified earlier, it will be easier to treat.

Proper nutrition is the second key to success. Without a properly formulated diet, a dog will not grow up happy and healthy.

Caring for a German Shepherd in terms of hygiene is quite simple - brushing the coat twice a week, cleaning the ears and teeth once a month (or when dirty) and bathing as necessary.

Personal place

The best place for a dog in the house is a spacious enclosure, but if it was decided to keep the pet in an apartment, then you need to equip it comfortable place, which must meet some parameters:

  • The size of the bed should be large enough for the animal to lie on it comfortably. Pillowcases or mattresses should be removable so that they can be washed periodically;
  • The bed should be located away from drafts so that the dog does not get sick;
  • It is advisable to place the “bed” away from the passages so as not to disturb the dog while sleeping at home.

You can place the bed next to your own bed if such close proximity to your beloved pet does not bother you. The German Shepherd will carefully guard the owner's sleep.

How to feed?

German Shepherd - pretty large dog which requires a large number of food daily. Each owner chooses for himself how and what to feed his pet, but it is important to follow a number of rules to maintain the health of the pet.

Dry food

With dry food, everything is simple - it does not need to be prepared, it is stored for a long time and has the necessary set of substances for the development of a dog. You should not save on dry food and buy low-grade food - this will not end well, as the body purebred dogs more sensitive to poor quality food.

You need to feed your dog dry food at approximately the same time in limited portions, and fresh food should always be available. pure water.

Natural food

With natural food, everything is more complicated - it needs to be prepared separately for the animal (it is strictly forbidden to give the same thing that the owner eats) and only from those products that are allowed for representatives of this breed.

The proper diet for an adult dog consists of:

  • 30% meat. The dog gets the necessary protein from meat. You can give it raw, cut into small pieces or lightly boiled with boiling water. Chicken, lean pork, and beef are excellent. Meat can be mixed with porridge;
  • offal. All of them are given raw, except for the liver, since there may be helminths there; it is first boiled;
  • cereals. Shepherd dogs can eat any porridge, including milk porridge, except for semolina, which is poorly excreted from the animal’s body;
  • dairy. Cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt should occupy a significant place in the animal’s diet;
  • vegetables and fruits. Shepherd dogs happily eat zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cabbage, and greens. You can give them cut into pieces or grated. Fruits - as a treat in small portions with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream for better absorption.

Feeding with natural food outperforms dry food in terms of variety, but loses in terms of time.

Whatever the dog’s diet, the animal must have clean water around the clock. It needs to be changed daily.

Are vaccinations necessary?

Vaccination is a great way to avoid many diseases and further health problems for your animal.

They need to be done according to a specific schedule:

  • The puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis at the age of 1.5 months, and two weeks later, as prescribed by the veterinarian, they are re-vaccinated;
  • The puppy is vaccinated against canine distemper at three months, and again after 6 months;
  • Vaccinated against leptospirosis at 4 months;
  • At 6 months they are vaccinated against rabies and repeated every year.

The listed vaccinations must be done according to schedule, otherwise it cannot be avoided serious problems with health. There are also a number of vaccinations that owners do at will (vaccinations against microsporia, trichophytosis, parainfluenza).


Wool is one of the indicators good health animal. If it is faded, dull and falls out, then you should take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination.

Start off hygiene care The fur should be taken care of as soon as the puppy arrives in the family, so that it gets used to the procedures. This is not the most pleasant process for dogs, so you will have to be patient.

There are two types of shepherd dogs:

To care for fur, you need to purchase the following equipment from a pet store:

  • massage comb with metal teeth (long for long-haired dogs, medium for short-haired dogs);
  • a slicker comb for brushing a dog during shedding;
  • metal comb for combing hair;
  • specialized shampoo and conditioner for animals.

Twice a year the dog begins to actively shed, during this period you need to comb the animal with a slicker comb, during the rest of the period 1-2 times a week you need to go through the fur with a massage brush to avoid the formation of tangles.

You only need to trim the hair in the neck area and hind legs for the dog's convenience. Only long-haired Shepherds require a haircut.

How to properly maintain an apartment?

If it has been decided to keep a German Shepherd in an apartment, then you need to arrange a cozy place for it in the living room (you cannot place the dog in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway or balcony) away from drafts and heat sources.


Shepherds shed a lot, so it is important to regularly clean the apartment, especially if children, pensioners, or allergy sufferers live there.

What accessories and toys are needed?

Before you bring your dog into your home, you need to purchase all the accessories necessary for it, such as:

  • bowls for food and water (ceramic ones are preferable, they are more stable, preferably on a stand so that the pet does not have to bend over too much);
  • a bed of a suitable size;
  • everyday comb, slicker brush;
  • hair shampoo, conditioner;
  • hygiene products (for washing eyes, cleaning ears, etc.);
  • collar and leash (for shepherd dogs you need strong, thick, durable material, but not the chain);
  • toys.

Shepherds, especially at a young age, love to play, and toys will only please them. These can be rubber bones, balls, sticks, ropes and any other toys. The owner must be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy new toys often, since shepherd dogs have quite strong jaws and strong teeth.

Walking rules

If the shepherd lives in an apartment, then you need to walk with it at least 1.5-2 hours a day. You need to walk your pet in a spacious, open area, where he can run around to his heart's content, frolic, and play with a stick.

Ideal options would be:

  • forest or forest belt;
  • field;
  • vacant lot;
  • big park.

If there are a lot of people around, especially children, then you need to walk the dog on a leash, even if it is very well-mannered. During play, a massive dog may not notice the child and knock him down, which in the future can cause problems for the owner of the animal.

As for walking in winter, in most cases shepherds do not need clothing - these dogs feel quite well at temperatures down to -10 degrees. But if the weather is too cold, then you can buy a jumpsuit for your pet.

How to trim nails and clean ears correctly?

From infancy, you need to accustom your dog to having its teeth brushed periodically. If you do everything correctly, then in adulthood the pet will tolerate this procedure calmly.

For cleaning you need to purchase:

  • a special brush for dogs;
  • special toothpaste.

You need to brush your teeth once a month and at a time when the dog is calm. Best time- after an active walk, when the animal is tired and does not resist. You need to brush your teeth once every 1-2 months.

Trimming the nails of an inexperienced dog breeder can cause a lot of trouble, since shepherd dogs' nails are black and not translucent; it is not visible where the void ends and the living tissue begins. The best option will take your dog to a professional for nail trimming.

How to bathe?

You need to bathe your shepherd dog as it becomes dirty, preferably no more than 1-2 times a month, otherwise the shampoo will wash away the protective substances from its fur, which can lead to diseases. If the dog is slightly dirty after a walk, you can rinse it with warm water, it is not necessary to use detergents.

It is best to bathe in the bathroom using a shower. First, you need to wet the coat, then apply shampoo, lather and rinse thoroughly, and then treat the dog with conditioner.


If you do not completely rinse the detergents from the animal's fur, severe irritation may appear on its skin.

How to train?

The German Shepherd is highly trainable, but it is important to start teaching it commands from infancy. If you miss this period, then in the future the dog will perceive the owner’s commands much worse.

In no case should you hit or severely punish a dog for failures, but you can and even need to punish for disobedience. If the puppy resists something and misbehaves, then you need to lightly press him by the scruff of the neck to the floor and sternly say “Ugh!” So, without violence, the pet will very quickly understand what this signal means and will obey it.

The German Shepherd is an ideal guard and good friend, loyal, loving and very brave. Representatives of this breed are ready to protect their owner and their family members until their last breath. They are very smart and quick-witted and that is why they can easily become full-fledged members of the family.

Useful video

Video about training and keeping a German Shepherd:

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