Nikolai Tsiskaridze biography personal life children. Nikolai Tsiskaridze - biography. Nikolay Kolyada Nikolay Kolyada

Lamara Nikolaevna really wanted to have children. But Soviet medicine gave her a disappointing diagnosis: she would never be able to give birth. Then the woman decided to ask the Virgin Mary for help. She went high into the mountains, to the place where the ruined temple stood. Only one wall with the angelic face of the Mother of God on it has survived from the former building. Lamara Nikolaevna offered prayers that were heard.

Shot from the program “The Fate of a Man”

“I was born when my mother was already 43 years old, and her gynecologist called me a miracle all the time,” Tsiskaridze said. The boy grew up surrounded by love and affection. His mother was a theatergoer, and from the age of three Nika went with her to performances, concerts and exhibitions. It was the mother who ignited in the heart of the child an insatiable passion for art. And when Nikolai showed the ability to ballet, she made every effort to ensure that her son received the best education.

Lamara Nikolaevna had to leave a prosperous and settled life in Tbilisi in order to bring Nikolai to the Moscow Choreographic School. Her husband, who was much younger, refused to leave his familiar place. And my mom made a tough decision. “She just stood up and said that between a son and a husband, she chooses a son. There was no dispute, ”recalled Nikolai Maksimovich.

The brilliant dancer appreciated the maternal feat: “I was the meaning of her life. And at the age of 55, it was very difficult for her to leave absolutely everything: work, home, friends, husband, to go to a city that you not only don’t like, which evokes some difficult memories for you. Lamara Nikolaevna passed away when Nikolai Tsiskaridze was only 20 years old. From that moment to this day, he relies in life only on his own strength.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze was born in Tbilisi. His mother, Tsiskaridze Lamara Nikolaevna, was a teacher in high school, taught physics and mathematics. Father, Tsiskaridze Maxim Nikolaevich, was a violinist. Mom Tsiskaridze loved art and often visited theaters. Visiting theaters with his mother, little Nikolai got acquainted with the performing arts.

    After the tour of the theater S.V. Obraztsov in Tbilisi, Nikolai became seriously interested in puppet shows. He even started making dolls himself. His love for this art form remained with him for the rest of his life. As an adult, he amassed a large collection of dolls. But in the first place, Tsiskaridze always had his favorite dances.


    The first serious step towards a future profession for Nikolai Tsiskaridze was admission to the Tbilisi Choreographic School in 1984. Nikolai's education was very successful, and it soon became clear that for further education he needed to go to Moscow. The next school that Nikolai Tsiskaridze entered was the Moscow Academic. Here he studied under the guidance of Professor Pyotr Antonovich Pestov, who was simply a wonderful teacher.

    Tsiskaridze grasped everything on the fly and made great strides. He danced some of the most difficult works during his school years (pas de deux from the ballet "Flower Festival in Genzano", "Classical pas de deux" by V. Gzovsky, etc.). Tsiskaridze was noticed by representatives of the New Names International Charitable Program, which celebrates young talents in various arts. As a result, Tsiskaridze became a scholarship holder of this program.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze - Pharaoh's Daughter

    Career of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

    Graduated from the Moscow Tsiskaridze Academic College in 1992. And Yu.N. was immediately invited. Grigorovich to the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. And although life in the theater was very difficult, Tsiskaridze noted that he was very lucky with mentors, especially mentioning Nikolai Romanovich Simachev, Marina Timofeevna Semenova, and Galina Sergeevna Ulanova. Nikolai met with Ulanova after the death of his mother, and she became his guardian angel. She taught him a lot.

    Tsiskaridze combined his work in the theater with his studies at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute. He studied at the specialty "Ballet dancer. Teacher". He graduated from the institute in 1996.

    Like any aspiring artist, Nikolai Tsiskaridze danced almost the entire corps de ballet repertoire before he was given more complex parts. These were the French doll from The Nutcracker and the Entertainer from The Golden Age. This was followed by leading roles in performances of both the classical repertoire (Swan Lake, Giselle, The Nutcracker) and modern ones (The Queen of Spades, Paganini).

    Soon the work of Nikolai Tsiskaridze was awarded various awards. They included a silver medal at the fourth International Ballet Competition in Osaka (Japan) in 1995. And in 1997, at the eighth Moscow International Ballet Competition, Tsiskaridze received not only a gold medal and the first prize, but also a personal prize "For the Preservation of Classical Heritage Traditions" by Peter Vanderslott. Gradually, Tsiskaridze gained fame, they began to write and talk about him. He had fans who constantly attended performances with his participation.

    The hard work of Nikolai Tsiskaridze has been deservedly awarded with many different awards. Only the national award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Actor" he received three times - in 1999, 2000 and 2003. State Prize of the Russian Federation - in 2001 and 2003. There were other awards that noted his contribution to choreographic art.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze on stage

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze managed to achieve outstanding results largely due to the unique natural data. The unique combination of high growth, remarkable proportions, attractive appearance, musicality and plasticity give Tsiskaridze great opportunities. But all this is nothing without the patience inherent in Nikolai, diligence, constant work on oneself and complete dedication. Nikolai Tsiskaridze mastered the school of classical dance to perfection, achieving both technical and aesthetic perfection of movements. And that's not all. A deep understanding of the dance, filling the meaning of each movement, the spiritual filling of the role being played - this is what, along with technical perfection, makes Tsiskaridze's dance so fascinating, emotional, and does not leave any spectator indifferent to what is happening on stage.

    Although Nikolai Tsiskaridze performed many bright roles on the stages of various theaters, I would especially like to note his role as Quasimodo in the ballet Notre Dame Cathedral, staged at the Bolshoi Theater in 2003 by Roland Petit. The ugliness of the character entrusted to Tsiskaridze is conveyed not through a sham humpback or special make-up, but only through the choreography and unique plasticity of the artist. The choreographer not only effectively draws the appearance of the character, but also expresses the state of his soul. Through this role, he raised his level of skill to an even higher level. Tsiskaridze himself notes that after this role, he began to dance many parts differently. This role changed something inside him.

    Tsiskaridze is excellent at roles in both classical and modern performances, long parts and small miniatures. To a large extent, this is due to the very responsible preparation of the artist for each role. This is an analysis of the character of the hero, a close acquaintance with the music of the performance, participation in the creation of stage costumes. And of course, perfecting every movement.

    The life of an artist

    Tsiskaridze lives in Moscow. Currently he is the Premier of the Bolshoi Theatre. True, recently the artist has conflicts with the main employer, which are resolved in court. In 2011, he became a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art. He teaches at the department of male classical dance and duet-classical dance of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze - The Nutcracker

    Of course, the main place in the life of an artist belongs to the art of dancing. However, he finds time for other hobbies, such as music and opera, and has amassed a large record library. Most of all, Tsiskaridze likes singers whose vocal abilities are complemented by acting skills, for example, Maria Callas and Tito Gobi. Nikolai also loves to read and travel.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze- Russian ballet dancer, teacher, TV presenter. Ex-premier of the Bolshoi Theatre, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, multiple winner of the Golden Mask and the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

    Biography of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze was born on December 31, 1973 in Tbilisi (Georgia). His father, Maxim Nikolaevich Tsiskaridze, was a violinist, but the boy was raised by his stepfather, a teacher by profession. Nikolai's mother, Lamara Nikolaevna, was also a teacher, she taught mathematics and physics at school. A great influence on the boy was his Ukrainian nanny, who spent a lot of time with him. To expand the cultural horizon of the child, he was taken to museums and theaters from an early age.

    The Giselle ballet made an indelible impression on Nikolai: when he saw it, he fell in love with the art of ballet. Parents were against their son's hobby, my mother wanted him to follow in her footsteps and become a teacher. But one day Nikolai saw an ad for admission to the Tbilisi Choreographic School, independently wrote an application for admission there and passed the selection. Only when he was accepted did he tell about it at home. At first, my mother was categorically against it, but the teachers of the school convinced her that the boy had a talent and he needed to be developed.

    So in 1984, Nikolai Tsiskaridze began to study ballet. The student's progress was so obvious that parents were advised to continue their studies in Moscow. In 1987 he entered the Moscow Academic Choreographic School, in the class of P.A. Pestov. He graduated from college in 1992, being the best student in the class. Nikolai continued his education at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute, the pedagogical faculty of which he graduated in 1996.

    Creative career of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

    After graduating from college, Yuri Grigorovich drew attention to Nikolai Tsiskaridze at a viewing at the Bolshoi Theater, who insisted that the talented young man be taken into the troupe. He prepared his first roles at the Bolshoi with Galina Ulanova and Nikolai Simachev, later Marina Semenova and Nikolai Fadeechev were his tutors.

    By tradition, Nikolai Tsiskaridze began with performances in the corps de ballet. In 1992, he received the role of Entertainer in The Golden Age, in 1993 - Don Juan in the ballet Love for Love, French Doll in The Nutcracker, Prince Fortune in Sleeping Beauty, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet .

    Already in 1995 he danced the main part in The Nutcracker, James in La Sylphide, Paganini in Paganini. In The Sleeping Beauty, Nikolai Tsiskaridze began with the Blue Bird, in 1997 he received the role of Prince Desire. In La Bayadère, he first played the role of the Golden God, and since 1996 - Solor. With this role, he made his debut on the stage of the Paris National Opera in 2001.

    In 2001, in "Swan Lake" staged by Yuri Grigorovich, Nikolai Tsiskaridze began to play both main male roles: Prince Siegfried and the Evil Genius.

    In the same year, the French choreographer Roland Petit approved Tsiskaridze for the lead role in The Queen of Spades in his production at the Bolshoi Theater. After this joint work, Petit suggested that Nikolai Tsiskaridze choose the next project, and he unexpectedly settled on the role of Quasimodo in Notre Dame Cathedral to the music of Jappa.

    In 2002, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, together with Svetlana Zakharova, danced at a gala concert in memory of Rudolf Nureyev on the stage of La Scala in Milan. In 2004, he performed in the Moscow Operetta as Death in the musical Romeo and Juliet. In 2005, Nikolai Tsiskaridze took part in Andris Liepa's project - the production of Scriabin's "The Blue God" on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Ethan Stiefel, Johan Kobborg and Angel Coreya became in 2006 the first participants in the Kings of Dance project, which toured New York and California. In 2008, he again danced in New York as part of the Stars of the 21st Century project.

    At concerts, he also dances Fokine's "Vision of the Rose", Goleizovsky's "Narcissus", pas de deux from the ballets "Le Corsaire", "Flower Festival in Genzano".

    In 1995, Nikolai Tsiskaridze received a silver medal at the International Ballet Competition in Osaka and the Rising Star Award from Ballet magazine. In 1997 he won the first prize and a gold medal at the Moscow International Ballet Competition. In 1999, at the Benois de la Danse festival, he was named the best dancer of the year. Three times, in 1999, 2000, 2003, Tsiskaridze received the Golden Mask award. In 2001 and 2003 he became a laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. In 2001 he received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

    Every year on his birthday on December 31, Nikolai Tsiskaridze takes the stage of the Bolshoi Theater in the ballet The Nutcracker. As the artist admitted, this is the best way for him to celebrate his birthday, because the Nutcracker has been associated with the holiday since childhood.

    In 1998, Nikolai Tsiskaridze participated in the Vivienne Westwood show in New York.

    On tour in Paris, Nikolai Tsiskaridze suffered a knee injury, during the examination, doctors discovered a serious injury to the cruciate ligament in the knee joint, with which the artist danced for a year and a half, not noticing the pain.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze gained all-Russian fame thanks to television. In 1997, he became the hero of the talk show My Profession. When the Kultura TV channel appeared, he began to conduct the ballet section of the Masterpieces of the World Musical Theater program. On the channel "Russia" he participated in the popular shows "Dancing on Ice" and "Dancing with the Stars" as a member of the jury.

    Nikolai Tsiskaridze about "Dancing with the Stars": "Outstanding athletes participated there. In the first part - almost all Olympic champions. It was interesting to get to know them. Television is a completely different life, for me it's like going to a resort. In addition, work on television is very well paid. For one shooting, I was paid two, or even four times more than for a month of very hard work at the Bolshoi Theater.

    Since 2004, Nikolai Tsiskaridze has been teaching at the Moscow Academy of Choreography and teaching at the Bolshoi. In 2011, he was at the center of a scandal when he criticized the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater.

    “It seems to me that this absolutely monstrous situation was systematically encouraged by the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater. The international scandal that occurred, which quickly attracted everyone's attention, caused significant damage not only to the theater, but also to the legal system of Russia. And, first of all, Russia itself.”

    A few months later, the theater administration announced that it was terminating the contract to work as a teacher-tutor ahead of schedule. After Tsiskaridze called the decision illegal and promised to sue, he was reinstated before the expiration of the contract - June 30, 2012.

    But a year later, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was fired from the Bolshoi. Back in March 2013, Tsiskaridze noted that he was afraid of being fired, as two severe reprimands were imposed on him for violating labor discipline. One of these reprimands, for an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in April 2013, was withdrawn. Tsiskaridze was interrogated more than once in connection with the assassination attempt on the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet Sergei Filin - he was splashed with acid in the face. According to Tsiskaridze, the press service and the theater management used the situation with the assassination attempt to put pressure on the objectionable.

    The conflict with the management, which dragged on for several years, ended with the dismissal of the eminent dancer, and Tsiskaridze was also fired from the post of teacher-tutor. Nikolai Tsiskaridze worked at the Bolshoi Theater for over 20 years.

    On October 28, 2013, by decision of the Russian Ministry of Culture, Tsiskaridze headed the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, and a year later was elected its rector.

    Personal life Nikolai Tsiskaridze

    Officially, Nikolai has never been married and is one of the most interesting creative bachelors in the capital.

    Nikolai has an adult daughter, whom he did not tell anyone about until 2019. In general, the artist's personal life has always been carefully hidden by him.

    The unique dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze, according to many, has a complex character and does not like to talk about his personal life. To immediately cut off all leading questions, he says that wife of Nikolai Tsiskaridze- the concept is purely theoretical and he is not going to marry yet. Perhaps this is due to the fact that he is completely absorbed in work, and there is no time left for his personal life.

    According to Nikolai Maksimovich, he does not have the opportunity to take care of girls for a long time, to make romantic dates for them, but he does not deny that novels in his life happen periodically. And the famous dancer explains that the secular news does not contain information about this or that potential wife of Nikolai Tsiskaridze by the fact that he does not advertise his relationship and knows how to disguise himself well. In any case, he would not want details relating only to him personally to be put on public display and discussion.

    In the photo - Nikolai Tsiskaridze

    But Nikolai Maksimovich is not at all opposed to the fact that someday he will become the father of a family, but he is in no hurry to part with his bachelor life. Tsiskaridze considers himself a very responsible person in everything, including in creating a family, which he was going to think about somewhere after forty years. This year, Nikolai will be forty-one years old, so the time he mentioned is already approaching, and it is quite possible that something will change in his personal life.

    It is difficult for Tsiskaridze to find a life partner - his demands are very high. Nikolai Maksimovich is looking for a beautiful girl not only in her face, but also in her soul, and these searches have not yet been crowned with success. It would be boring for him to live with a beautiful dummy, so the future wife of Nikolai Tsiskaridze should be not only beautiful, but also a wise, self-sufficient girl, not for going out, but for a long family life, and finding one now, in his opinion, is very difficult especially for such a busy person.

    At one time, when Nikolai Tsiskaridze was a ballet dancer, all his time was occupied by rehearsals and performances, and now he has reached a different level, becoming the rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. The new position requires great responsibility from Nikolai Maksimovich and even more time, which, again, will be stolen from the personal life of this wonderful artist and interesting person. Nevertheless, I would like to hope that he will meet the one who will make his happiness.

    For the first time in a long time, Nikolai Tsiskaridze was published. The former soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, and now the rector of the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova, talked to reporters. Nikolai explained his absence by the fact that he was simply not interested in appearing in public. At the same time, he admitted that he thought he would worry, but this did not happen. “I very easily parted with the artistic profession. I am surprised myself,” said Tsiskaridze.


    Nikolai explained that a professional in his field, for example, a musician, athlete or ballet dancer who "plows", loses strength over time and cannot maintain the high bar he has taken. Now Tsiskaridze has another activity that gives him joy. “I already dance in a different way. My students dance. But I put so much effort into them that when they go on stage, I have a complete feeling that I continue to dance,” said Nikolai.

    At the same time, Tsiskaridze noted that sometimes he goes on stage in a production where he plays a characteristic role. But he does this in order to remind himself that he is an artist by profession. Nicholas does this exclusively for himself. He himself is surprised that he is not at all drawn back to art. “When you have fully developed, it is very difficult to keep the bar,” Nikolai explained.

    After the interview of the choreographer appeared on the Web, users noted at once that the usually incredibly slender Nikolai had changed a lot - as some bloggers put it, he had “become slicker”. However, according to them, it even benefited Tsiskaridze. Say, he became "more natural" and "real", closer to ordinary people.

    By the way, in a recent interview, Nikolai admitted. that he never went on a diet. “I was lucky with genetics. At school I was very thin, we were weighed 4 times a year, and each time I had a lack of weight. Then they called me at home and said: “Well, yours is lacking again.” At 30 it started to appear superfluous, but it left at the beginning of the season. It stopped leaving at 40. I decided to fast and lost a lot of weight - it turned out that I shouldn’t have eaten meat. In general, I advise my students, girls, not to eat after three days. Nothing, "- Tsiskaridze said at the Taurida forum in Crimea last summer.