The name of the human chakras and their meaning. Cleansing with the help of the flow of grace. Human chakras and their meaning on the subtle plane

What are human chakras and what is their meaning, the difference between the teachings different countries and cultures that are practically unrelated to each other. Information about the meaning, location and possible problems with chakras.

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Human chakras and their meaning on the subtle plane

Human chakras have many names - padmas, energy centers or areas. Translated from Sanskrit, the word "chakra" is translated as a wheel, circle or disk. Perhaps this is a reference to appearance chakra, which can be observed with astral vision. Psychics of all time have described chakras as swirls, circles, or discs. different colors, which differ in size, activity, brightness.

The word "padma" from Sanskrit is translated as "lotus". The main sacred symbol - lotus, which can be seen on the symbolic images of energy centers. Lotus in Eastern culture It has long been considered a sacred plant, and is also related to the energy structure of a person.

The main function of the 7 chakras of a person - receiving energy from the outside world and transforming it according to the value of each point. With the normal functioning of the energy centers, negative energy should come out through the chakras and dissipate in the surrounding space. Positive, on the contrary, is accumulated and used for its intended purpose. Energy is necessary not only to maintain a normal mood, mental and physical state of the individual. With its help, rituals are also performed: energy serves driving force for witchcraft, because without a certain supply of personal power, conspiracies and spells will not work.

Chakras - only part of a full-fledged human energy body. It is known that a person has seven bodies, and only one of them is seen and felt by everyone. - physical body. It corresponds to Muladhara or the root, coccygeal, main chakra. There are six subtle bodies, and all correspond to energy centers in the following order:

  1. Swadhisthana- ethereal body.
  2. Manipura- vital body.
  3. Anahata- astral plane.
  4. Vishuddha- mental plan.
  5. Ajna- karmic body.
  6. Sahasrara- spiritual body.

Together, the subtle bodies form the human aura. They are not randomly mixed: subtle bodies are superimposed on each other, like a layer cake. Closest to the physical body is the etheric, which is superimposed by the vital, then comes the astral, and so on. Beginners in seeing auras and subtle bodies begin to look at auras from the etheric plane, which is the easiest to see.

Human chakras in Western, Eastern and Slavic cultures

Eastern teaching 7 chakras

Indian yogis describe chakras as human energy centers. Each of the seven chakras has its own aroma, stone, color, meaning, set of functions. This is about Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara. This idea of ​​the seven chakras is considered to be traditional. Most researchers are inclined to believe that the doctrine of the chakras appeared among Indian yogis, other cultures changed science in their own way.

In all Eastern teachings about the energy structure of a person, the points of concentration of energy are numbered from below, starting from Muladhara. The European numbering of the human chakras starts from the top: the first is Sahasrara, the crown energy node. In the Eastern teachings, the numbering from below is due to the idea of ​​the flow of energy that comes from below, from the Earth. Surplus goes up into space. The European doctrine of chakras thinks otherwise: the energy flow is directed from top to bottom - energy comes from the Cosmos or from the divine essence, and the excess goes to the earth, like a person after death.

European teaching 9 chakras

In European teaching, the name of the chakras is preserved from primary sources, which were the manuscripts of yogis. The functions of the chakras remained the same. There are two additional chakras in the European system - eighth and ninth. These are paired energy centers: the eighth is on the left and right knees, and the ninth - on both feet. The "foot" chakras are usually identified with the human race, connection with the ancestors and the Earth.

European doctrine of energy bodies was adopted from Indian yogis. Science appeared much later than the first records of the need to concentrate on certain points when performing yoga asanas and pranayamas, during meditation. Most contemporaries consider the Eastern teaching to be true, and the European one to be a late version, supplemented by unknown authors. The oldest sources for chakras are the Upanishads.

The presence of special points of human energy in Tantra, Hinduism and Buddhism is mentioned. In Chinese medicine, there are points that coincide with the main seven energy centers. A similar concept exists in Sufism. In Kabbalah, the structure of man is sometimes identified with the Sefirot. The Slavic spiritual and energy cross to a certain extent borrows the name of the chakras and their functions.

Slavic 9 chakras

According to modern nationalist scholars Slavic mythology, culture and esotericism, the Slavic ancestors had a chakra system, which was called Slavic-Aryan spiritual and energy cross. Scientists A. V. Trekhlebova and A. Yu. Khinevich assure that the system appeared in pagan times. The teaching is closer to the mentality of the Russian people and the traditions of Slavic culture.

The ancient Slavs had nine chakras. The location of energy centers is seriously different from that accepted in the Eastern and Western teachings. It is difficult to say what the system is - a real Slavic doctrine or a remake, at best based on the legends of their ancestors. There are no references in chronicles and other written sources about Slavic chakras.

First point - Source, the black energy center, which is located in the same place as Muladhara. Its functions correspond to the root center - everything that is connected with the physical body and the necessary energy, human survival and material support for existence.

Second point - Zarod, a red energy node located in the region of the sacrum. Responsible for the continuation of the family, like Svadhisthana. We are talking about the ability to conceive and bear a child, and the ability to attract a suitable sexual partner.

Third point - Belly, orange ball in the navel. Similar in function to Manipura: is responsible for the channel of the energy of life, kind and worldly wisdom.

fourth point - Percy, gold, is located in the upper abdomen, closer to the chest. Among the functions are connection with the divine and the energy of creativity.

The fifth point is named after one of the goddesses of the Slavs - Frets. The chakra is green, located in the region of the heart, on the left side chest. Lada is responsible for the channel of intuition and divine warnings, for the state of the heart and blood vessels.

The sixth point is named after a particularly revered deity - Lely. Padma is blue, located on the right side of the chest, symmetrically to the Lada chakra. Kindness, happiness and love - the energy center of Lelya is responsible for this, by analogy with Anahata from the Eastern teachings.

The seventh point is called Mouth or Mouth. The energy center is blue, located in the throat area. The functions of the throat chakra in the understanding of the Slavs are not too different from the functions of Vishudha - the ability to express thoughts verbally, oratory and much more.

The eighth point is called Chelo. It is located in the same place as Ajna, corresponds to the purple color. Like the center of the third eye, Chelo is responsible for the intellect, clairvoyance and spirituality of a person.

Ninth point - Spring. Painted in White color and almost completely corresponds to the Sahasrara. Spring - channel for receiving energy from outside. The Slavic system, like the European one, implies the flow of energy from top to bottom. - from space to man, from man to earth. The spring is responsible for receiving help from the ancestors and the Gods.

Eastern and Slavic teachings are united not only by the similar location and significance of some centers of the subtle body. These are the three stores, minds or channels of energy. In the east they are called Dian-Tien, the Slavs preferred other names - Active, Conscious and Aware mind.

The Upper Dian Tien or Active Mind connects the throat, frontal and crown points. It personifies the Light of Higher Knowledge and hides the reserves of the spirit, the so-called. the strength of the spirit. If the Active Mind works correctly, the human brain will reveal its full potential.

Middle Dian Tien or Conscious Mind - unification of energy in the region of the heart. Responsible for pure love and sincere compassion, as well as the corresponding chakras.

Lower Dian Tien or Conscious Mind - the union between the lower energy points, in which vital energy is accumulated.

The seven human chakras and their meanings

Human chakras and their meanings are harmoniously combined with each other. This is a single organism, but not the physical, but the energy component of a person. Each chakra, like the organs of the body, performs its own role and has certain characteristics. What is each chakra responsible for and what are the chakras in the traditional yoga teachings?

responsible for everything related to survival and natural needs and instincts. Among the features And the ability to get food, but in our time it is equated with the ability to earn money and achieve material prosperity. Muladhara is responsible for the instincts of reproduction and self-preservation, without which humanity would have died out at the birth stage. Processing the received energy, the chakra generates energy for physical labor. Working with this padma gives vivacity and a surge of strength.

Svadhisthana is responsible for bodily pleasures and pleasures that have nothing to do with spirituality. Like Muladhara, it corresponds to the instinct of procreation, but it is about the ability to attract a partner and conceive a child. responsible for the security and stability of existence. Padme combines male and female energy flows.

Manipura - intermediary between lower and upper energy centers. Responsible for creativity, well-being and partially performs the function of the chakra of prosperity, the ability to ensure existence. called the center of personal power, which helps to find compromises between the spiritual and material components of life.

Sahasrara accepts and transforms divine energy, however, it is difficult to find a person with a well-functioning crown chakra. Padma is responsible for enlightenment, the ability to understand the ideas of the Higher Forces, the unification of man and the Divine Principle. In a more simplified sense, Sahasrara symbolizes spirituality, religiosity and the ability to separate lies from truth.

What problems can arise with human energy centers - chakras

Often in energy nodes are formed blocks. It is difficult to meet a person with completely blocked chakras - usually it is a malfunction of the node due to a partial blockage.

There are two types of chakra blocks:

  • the first is similar to muscle tightness, the energy at the focal point is compressed and does not function correctly;
  • the second is caused by a large number negative energy, with which padma is not able to cope on its own.

In problems with chakras and energy health in general, it is customary to blame not only energy vampirism, evil eye and damage, the influence of hostile entities like larvae or astral inhabitants.

Internal conflicts are also to blame for problems with chakras and aura, psychological problems and complexes imposed in childhood. Certain negative emotions that are strong enough or are experienced regularly have a serious impact.

Hello dear friends! Today we will analyze not only human chakras and their meaning, but also programs for cleansing and opening energy centers. You will learn how to do it quickly and safely.

Chakras - general information

The human chakra is an energy center that performs certain functions. These energy centers look like energy whirlwinds. Energy centers are located along the spine. In total there are 7 main ones and several additional ones. Although the word "additional" is hardly appropriate here. We will analyze with you the 7 main energy centers that are in the physical body of a person, because. First of all, our health and emotions depend on them.

Each energy center has the shape of a cone. One cone is directed forward, the other backward. By the strength of the energies of these flows, one can judge how open or closed the chakra is.

The upper (sahasrara) and lower (muladhara) have one cone up and down, respectively.

Each energy center on the physical plane is responsible for a certain part of the body, its endocrine system. It has its own frequency, which corresponds to a certain note, its own element and its own color. It is also responsible for certain emotions, desires and feelings.

If the energy center is disturbed, problems and diseases of those organs for which this center is responsible begin in the corresponding part of the body.

Cones of energy centers

The rotating energy in the energy center looks like a cone. The stronger the rotation of the vortices in the center clockwise, the more the chakra is open, the healthier the body and the more developed some emotional sphere person.

If the rotation of energy in the center goes counterclockwise, then a person has destructive energies that disrupt the work of this energy center. In this case, a person almost always has diseases in the relevant organs.

The forward cone is responsible for the present. If the thoughts and emotions in the present are in the appropriate areas for which the energy center is responsible, the energy flows freely.

The cone at the back is responsible for the past. If you have problems with the past in your emotions, then the chakra closes behind. Thus, it is possible to have an open energy center in the front, closed in the back and have a disease.

Chakra Diagnostics

Chakras are easily diagnosed by the method. With this method, you can diagnose the general condition of each energy center and find out the blocking programs. Our studies have shown that if the energy center is open by 30% or less, a person develops diseases in the corresponding area. If the chakra is open more than 60%, then the person succeeds in the corresponding qualities. If the energy center is more than 80% open, then genius abilities and the highest inner feelings begin to appear in the corresponding area.

If you want to open the chakras and feel their qualities, download the book « » .

The meaning of the chakras

The study of the human chakras, their meaning, programs of purification and disclosure, let's start with muladhara. More detailed description each energy center and opening program, see the links in each center. Below is a brief summary of the basic information on energy centers, their meanings and the main programs for their opening.

Located in the coccyx area, red. Responsible for animal instinct, survival connection with the Family. On physical level responsible for the legs. If there are problems with the legs (varicose veins, knee pain, etc.), hemorrhoids, lumbar sciatica, constipation, then muladhara does not work well. Often, hypertension can be the cause of closed muladhara.

The work of muladhara is mainly influenced by fears and anxieties, insecurity, a weak will to live.

Removing blockages from Muladhara

It is necessary to understand and realize that our body is for the soul, like a shirt that is thrown away when it wears out. The body will sooner or later go into the earth, and the soul will receive a new body. Our whole life is a game, and we are actors in it. We just play our roles, but we often forget it and start taking our lives seriously.

Learn to see the game of this life, and yourself in it as an actor. Look at the children. They are doing their role very well. It is inconceivable to imagine a child with varicose veins veins or hemorrhoids.

Get yourself a program: all the will of God and don't take life seriously. If you are afraid of something, then you do not trust God. Feel the energy of fearlessness and determination. It is also necessary on an emotional level to remove all claims to parents and their family.

Svadhisthana or sexual energy center. It is located in the lower abdomen near the spine. The color of the energy center is orange. Responsible for relationships with the opposite sex, parents and children. At the physical level, it is responsible for the genitals, kidneys. If this energy center is disturbed, a person develops diseases of these organs, and there may also be allergies, constipation and depression.

Opening Swadhisthana

This energy center can be called a family one and it gives a huge amount of energy. To open this center it is necessary to remove all insults and regrets to opposite sex . Then you need to sincerely internally thank the person against whom you had grievances. This person taught you something, gave you some life lessons. Realize this and thank your teacher.

Thus, the transformation of energy will take place and the energy center will work, after which the corresponding diseases will go away.

Svadhisthana is well opened by remembering pure and pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Remember and remember this state. Try to be in this state always.

In addition, you need to learn to see goddesses in women (if you are a man) and gods in men (if you are a woman). And not only in those that you like, but in all, and especially in those who make you feel uncomfortable.

Understand that everyone's souls are pure and beautiful, and the external manifestation is a set of various programs. These programs can be removed and any person will become beautiful. Learn to see a soul in a person, not a set of programs.

If you don’t like something in another person, then this quality is in you.

Accept all men and women as creatures of God, absolutely everyone. Claims and resentment even against one person can close the energy center and bring disease. Feel love and joy for all women and all men. Feel that you have no more claims to the opposite sex. Now in your memory only pure wonderful relationships. Your health is in your hands.

Located in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus, yellow. Manipura is called the center of the power of joy. On the physical plane, it is responsible for digestion. This center is influenced by your attitude to power, work, relationships with friends and in society.

If you do not have joy from work, you are not satisfied with your relationship with your boss or colleagues, you do not feel needed by people and do not feel in your place, manipura is blocked. Problems with the stomach, pancreas, liver begin.

The liver is strongly affected by anger. If you have liver problems, then you are an angry person. If you have such a problem, check out the material « » . This will help improve the condition of manipura. Anger destroys joy and the center closes.

If manipura is disturbed, gastritis, heartburn, and all kinds of problems with the digestive organs begin.

Programs for removing locks from manipura

Remember, you are responsible for everything that happens to you. Neither the government, nor the country, nor the people are to blame for this. You must take full responsibility for everything that happens to you.

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When you take full responsibility on the level of feelings, you have to accept your position.. Perhaps you have made mistakes and it has taken you nowhere where you would like to be. But this is your path, your mistakes and your victories. Accept them. Accept all the difficult situations that have happened to you, because this is a consequence of your past desires, rash actions. Acceptance is a very important step for opening manipura.

After acceptance, you need to thank all the people who took part in your life for the valuable experience. Thanks to them, you learned and gained experience. Now you know a lot and it is easier for you to make the right decisions.

The next difficult step for many is the lack of control. Every person has their own experience in this life. Never control anyone, not even your children. If you want to change children, guide them, but don't control them. The control closes the manipura and shifts the biofield.

Do only what makes you happy. Learn and then the problem of finding the work of your life will disappear.

Cultivate a sense of joy and love in yourself, take a charity training « » do practice « » Feel how the energy of joy enters you.

The green energy center is located in the region of the heart. It is the center of love and mercy. Anahata blockages lead to heart disease, asma, bronchitis and reduced immunity.

This energy center closes when a person refuses to love himself or people, when he is subject to spiritual wounds and has compassion.

Removing blockages of anahata

People need to be loved for who they are. Every person has a beautiful soul. Learn to love the soul of a person, not his appearance and behavior.

The second strongest blocking of anahata is compassion. It is a negative quality that increases suffering. If you sympathize with the patient, then there are already 2 patients, you and that person.

The program of compassion must be replaced with mercy, when you do not sympathize, but help a person. You need to understand that the emotion of compassion closes the anahata and a person gets sick.

As soon as a person learns to love himself and all people as they are, removes compassion, the heart center will immediately begin to work well. Also, to open anahata, I recommend mastering the practice. Work out the practice.

Located in the throat area, blue. It is the center of communication, emotions and creativity. Problems with this energy center lead to various diseases throat, thyroid.

The main reasons for blocking vishuddha are isolation, the accumulation of negative emotions in oneself and unwillingness to reveal one's talents.

Removing vishuddhi blockages

You need to be open to communication. Next, try to feel like an actor in this life who plays roles. At work, you play the role of an employee, in a car as a driver, at home you change the role to a husband or wife or a child caregiver. Never forget that you are just playing this life.

Don't accumulate emotional garbage. As soon as you get offended by some words of other people or they hurt you on an emotional level, vishuddha closes.. You may have noticed that after unpleasant conversations, your neck starts to hurt.

Never argue with anyone. Spores also block this center. Send love to any unpleasant words.

This center opens up creativity very well. Find a creative activity that makes you happy and stick with it. Everyone has creative people the throat center works well.

When ajna is blocked, there may be nightmares, headaches, impaired growth and development.

When ajna is opened, a person receives a gift, he begins to see the game of this world, he receives clarity, understanding and wisdom.

Ajna Opening Programs

It is necessary to understand that there is an information field in which absolutely all information is located. You can access this information through intuition. This opportunity is available to absolutely every person.

Unleash your intuition with

Make a decision that from now on you will get out from under the influence of all external influences and at the same time you yourself will not push anyone through. As soon as you start to push someone emotionally, programs will immediately turn on that block the center of intuition.

Realize your oneness with the whole world. Every thought and emotion you have affects the world, and the world affects you. Feel this interconnection of yourself with the surrounding space.

This energy center is located in the fontanelle area, it purple. If the Sahasrara is disturbed, there may be insomnia, depression, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, autism, chronic fatigue.

The main reason for blocking this center is materiality. This not only happens when a person does not believe in God, but also when a person has a material idea of ​​religion. For example, when "our daily bread...", is perceived as a material object, not a spiritual one.

Sahasrara is also often blocked in various "spiritual" teachings. For example, various sects, channelings, teachings from teachers of "light", etc.

Sahasrara opening

It is necessary to realize that God exists. Realize yourself as a part of a single whole organism. Open the flow of the Holy Spirit. This stream goes all the time. You just need to open up to him and not interfere. Realize your dependence on the flow of the Holy Spirit. Without this flow, a person cannot be complete. Consider people with autism. They blocked this flow.

Always live according to your conscience. Conscience is a joint message with God. If you start cheating, the sahasrara closes.

Removing blockages from energy centers - how to open the chakras

Work your chakras with this meditation. If you do everything that is said in this recording at the level of emotions, your energy centers will immediately begin to work better. We checked it. Meditation taken from .

Opening Methods

There are several methods for opening energy centers:

  1. Emotional. Most effective method. The energy center opens automatically when entering the correct emotional condition. I have detailed this method in my book. "The reference state of the chakras" .
  2. Meditations. A good, but less effective method compared to the first, because the opening of energy centers occurs for a short time.
  3. The embodiment in the material world of what the energy center is responsible for. For example, to open vishuddhi, you need to start doing creativity. My vishuddha started to work 20% better just because I started writing articles for this blog.
  4. Purification through practice. Good, but short term.

The material "Human Chakras and their meaning", prepared in addition to full description the main energy centers from the rubric « » .

How to open the chakras and feel their qualities - see the book "The reference state of the chakras" .

I wish you 100% opening of all energy centers! Sincerely, Lubomir Borisov.

What do you think about the methods of opening the chakras? Let's discuss in the comments!

According to the spiritual practices of Hinduism, a person has 7 main chakras (padm) - energy nodes responsible for certain aspects of life. Each node has a different characteristic and meaning in a person's life. To understand how to open the chakras and look at your spiritual body from a different angle, you should study the description of each padma.


In order to exist and normally interact with the outside world, a person needs energy. Chakras are energy nodes located in subtle body» person (on a spiritual level). They provide the function of "transmitter-receiver" energy that comes to us from outer space.

From Sanskrit, the word "chakra" is translated as "wheel". This is because this ephemeral "organ" looks like a kind of funnel. Invisible to the eye, plasma fields constantly vibrate, transforming the received energy and adapting it to human needs. Each chakra has its own color and yantra (a special symbol consisting of a certain number of "petals").

There are many chakras on the human body, but there are 7 main energy centers. They interact with the physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the nodes is responsible for a certain aspect of life and the normal functioning of one of the organs or systems.

Important! The movement of energy occurs along the spine from the bottom up. If something interferes or blocks this flow, a person may experience health problems, discomfort, impaired spiritual balance, loss of strength and complete apathy.

In addition, if the difficulties of energy flow are not noticed in time, a complete blockage may occur, which leads to an absolute disconnection from the universal energy (in other words, to physical death).

To clear the paths of energy movement and the chakras themselves, affirmations are used - special self-hypnosis formulas. In addition, you can clear the chakras with the help of special spiritual practices, meditations and breathing exercises.

Note that not every person has all 7 chakras open. Each of them corresponds to its own level of consciousness, so the opening of each chakra occurs at different stages of life.

For example, when a person is just born, he still does not know how. Therefore, only the first chakra, which is responsible for basic instincts - hunger, sleep, fear, perception, can open in him.

let's consider full specifications all chakras.

sacred meaning

The sacred (spiritual) meaning of each chakra is different from each other. They are arranged from bottom to top - the first is the most "primitive", and the seventh is "enlightened".


It is the root chakra, has a rich red color. It is located in the coccyx area (between the genitals and the anus). Responsible for the flow of energy into the body and corresponds to the basic human instincts - self-preservation, prolongation of the family, nutrition. Determines the character and temperament, is formed from birth to 5 years.

Main characteristics:

  • element - earth;
  • main aspects - earthiness;
  • principles - physical strength and endurance, the ability to exist independently;
  • feeling - smell;
  • hormonal glands- adrenal glands and gonads;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the bone skeleton, spine, teeth and nails;
  • diseases - constipation, hemorrhoids, joint diseases, dermatological pathologies;
  • aromatic oils - patchouli, sandalwood, cedar;
  • energy - vitality;
  • chakra is normal - psychological stability, confidence in oneself and one's actions.


The second chakra is sacred or sexual. Responsible for sexual energy, sensuality, attraction, magnetism. More often well developed in women than in men. This padma promotes the distribution of accumulated energy throughout the body. It helps a person to feel his own individuality, generate new ideas and bring everything he has planned to life.

It is located in the pelvic area and provides for establishing contacts with the opposite sex. plays an important role in search the right partner and strengthening existing relationships. The color of the chakra is orange.

Main characteristics:

  • element - water;
  • main aspects - emotions, sex;
  • principles - procreation, creation;
  • sense - taste and touch;
  • hormonal glands - ovaries, prostate, lymphatic system;
  • chakra-related organs endocrine system, gallbladder, all body fluids (blood, lymph, digestive juices);
  • diseases - allergies, constipation, lack of libido or hypersexuality, infertility;
  • aromatic oils - rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper;
  • energy - creation;
  • chakra is normal - stable sexual relations, no fear of communicating with the opposite sex.


The solar plexus chakra in Sanskrit means "diamond place". It is located in the region of the diaphragm between the sternum and the navel. It signifies the energy of the ego. Responsible for the formation of the worldview and the process of becoming a person. It helps to transform the accumulated information into positive energy and redistributes it throughout the body.

The spiritual mission of the chakra is to find a life purpose and material self-realization. Helps to reveal the potential and find a type of activity that would bring greatest pleasure.

Main characteristics:

  • element - fire;
  • main aspects - desire;
  • principles - personality formation;
  • feeling - sight;
  • hormonal glands - pancreas and adrenal glands;
  • chakra-related organs respiratory system, diaphragm, liver, spleen, gallbladder, sympathetic nervous system;
  • diseases - isolation, problems in the bile, diabetes, gastritis, obesity;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, bergamot, rosemary;
  • energy - inner strength;
  • chakra is normal - well-established views on life, an accurate understanding of one's own desires.


The Anahata heart chakra is interpreted in Sanskrit as "a drum that plays forever." It is located in the chest area parallel to the heart and is a kind of connection between the three lower (primitive) and three upper (elevated) chakras. Its opening and normal functioning allows fully express your own emotions, be open and sensitive.

Another name for this chakra is considered to be "emotional" - it is she who forms all feelings, experiences, mercy and responsiveness. It is considered the center of faith and spiritual balance of man. It has a calm green color and forms the emotional contour of a person.

Main characteristics:

  • element - air;
  • the main aspects are love;
  • principles - devotion;
  • feeling - touch;
  • hormonal glands - thymus;
  • organs associated with the chakra - heart, lungs, immune system, skin, upper back;
  • diseases - diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia;
  • aromatic oils - rose, cedar, sandalwood;
  • energy - harmony;
  • chakra is normal - love for yourself and others, kindness and mercy.


The fifth chakra is called the throat chakra - it is located in the throat area and extends to the seventh vertebra. From a psychological point of view, it is called volitional, as it is responsible for the manifestation of one's own will, the formation of the inner core. Thanks to this chakra, a person acquires the ability to listen to own desires.

In addition, it allows you to self-identify as a person - to separate your own energy from the energy of the "crowd" and put "I" in priority. It has Blue colour, is the center of creative realization. The development of this chakra allows you to unlock the potential and bring to life the most unusual ideas.

Main characteristics:

  • element - ether (akasha);
  • the main aspects are willpower and communication;
  • principles - strengthening life;
  • feeling - hearing;
  • hormonal glands - the thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • organs associated with the chakra - vocal cords, muscles;
  • diseases - headaches, pathologies of the vocal cords, inflammation auricles;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, patchouli;
  • energy - self-expression;
  • chakra is normal - ease of communication, ease of choosing the type of activity, the ability to form accurate goals.


The sixth energy center is translated from Sanskrit as "management area". The purple chakra is also called the "third eye" because of its location in the center of the forehead between the brow ridges. This chakra is responsible for wisdom and memory, spiritual and personal growth, as well as the restoration of normal work. vegetative system.

Some suggest that a developed "third eye" gives a person certain superpowers - the ability to predict the future, communicate with spirits, and see the energy field of other people.

In the article "" you can learn a lot useful information and learn to train your own memory.

Main characteristics:

  • element - radium;
  • main aspects - extrasensory perception;
  • principles - awareness life path;
  • feeling - intuition;
  • hormonal glands - pituitary gland;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the brain and nervous system;
  • diseases - pathologies of the nose and sinuses, headaches, nightmares,;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, geranium, mint;
  • energy - understanding and acceptance;
  • chakra is normal - ease of communication, good understanding of other people, developed intuition.


Spiritual or, as it is also commonly called, the crown chakra, is located in the region of the crown. Her study causes the most controversy, as some scientists endow her with almost unrealistic abilities. The seventh energy center allows a person to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world and himself, to eliminate all possible spiritual boundaries.

People with a developed seventh chakra are quite rare. All information coming from the outside world is perceived by a person in a positive context and is transformed into powerful energy flows. The universe in this context acts as a powerful space that everyone can comprehend.

Main characteristics:

  • element - absent;
  • the main aspects are infinity and spirituality;
  • principles - purity of soul;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the brain;
  • diseases - mental and mental illness, neurological disorder;
  • aromatic oils - jasmine, frankincense;
  • energy is thought.

Test "Which chakra is most developed?"

To determine internal state and find out which chakra is most open, we recommend that you take an exciting test.

I love the physical reality more than any spiritual, emotional or intellectual spheres of being.

I often make compromises, I like risk and adventure.

Fooling around and acting eccentric is fun and doesn't bother me.

It is very important for me to be able to play, have fun, move physically and be with people.

I prefer a secure, stable job that provides a regular paycheck.

I like to analyze and measure the environment.

I believe that the main purpose of my life is to fully experience all physical and sensual pleasures.

Having a permanent job and family seems boring to me.

My life style is flamboyance and eccentricity.

I regularly need physical activity (exercise) or dancing.

I am an analyst, a logician and I think consistently.

I am a quiet and reserved person, but independent and strong.

I believe that true spirituality is to serve people.

Test to determine the most developed chakra






How to open chakras?

Deep work with the chakras is a complex and lengthy process. But first you need to open them so that the energy can freely circulate through your physical body. For this, beginners use 8 simple tricks.

  1. Wardrobe. It is great to have chakra-colored clothes in everyday life - they can be worn every day or used on special occasions. In addition, you can get a couple of things with images of yantras.
  2. Interior. You should decorate your home with items that have harmonized the energy system. To do this, you can use various mandalas, dream catchers, themed tapestries and paintings.
  3. Decorations. Natural stones will help stabilize the energy channels and open the chakras. Depending on which node needs to be opened, the crystal or gem that is responsible for it is selected.
  4. body images. Most often they are applied using cosmetic henna - the pattern is selected for each chakra separately. As a rule, they draw signs characterizing a particular node.
  5. Food. Harmful and high-calorie foods "clog" not only the stomach, but also the mind. Therefore, for those who seek to cleanse themselves and open the chakras. It is better to give up fast foods, fatty, fried and heavy foods. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables.

    Important! When opening the chakras, most often adhere to a vegetarian diet.

  6. Smells. Constant stress accumulates in the body and is reflected in the form of negative emotions. Aromatherapy helps to calm down and relax.

    In addition, the pleasant smells of essential oils will help create a special atmosphere in the house. In addition to pleasant smells, you can calm down in other ways. In the article "" you can find more information on this topic.

  7. Candles. In esotericism, there is a special concept - "chakra candle". It is made in the color of the chakra that should be activated and has a delicate aroma corresponding to it. essential oil. In addition, the contemplation of fire has a beneficial effect on the energy center.
  8. Drinking bowls. It's ancient musical instrument in the form of a deep bowl, making a sound from the vibration of the walls due to touching them special stick. A pleasant and deep sound, filled with overtones, is able to put a person into a light trance and force him to abandon all thoughts surrounding him.

What is blocking?

Chakra blockages are usually manifested by energy imbalances and feeling unwell. It is usually possible to understand that one or more chakras are not functioning properly by the following signs.

  1. Health problems arise. A person's physical strength decreases, problems with weight and nutrition may begin. His general health is unsatisfactory.
  2. Constant difficulties with intimate life, a long search for a suitable partner. The inability to build a strong family or quarrels and conflicts with relatives.
  3. Lack of confidence in yourself and your potential. Frequent thoughts that it will not be possible to achieve what you want, compliance and suggestibility, lack of one's own opinion. Feeling that in any difficult situation"hands down".
  4. Self intolerance. Constant criticism of their own actions and decisions. Attempts to avoid Serious relationships, fear of the emergence of romantic feelings. Emotional "retardation" - the inability to express their feelings fully.
  5. Excessive shyness. It constantly seems that you make a semantic mistake in the dialogue, and you will be ridiculed.
  6. Difficulties of choice. The inability to make an adequate decision when you need to choose between self-interest and a sense of duty. An aggravated sense of guilt even when the solution to the situation depends on other people.
  7. Feeling of total loneliness.

Such factors have a detrimental effect on all spheres of human life. He develops and aggravates already existing health problems, negative thoughts and desires arise. An energy imbalance can unsettle for a long time, into which it is then quite difficult to return.

For each chakra, there are certain factors that can affect their blockage. Below is a list of all blocking "catalysts" for 7 padm in order.

  1. Muladhara. This chakra is always blocked by fear. This may be a fear of physical strength, one's own emotions, experiences, fear of the aggression of others and life in general. All other negative experiences (anger, phobias) are born precisely on the basis of fear. You should not drive your fears "inside" consciousness - to solve the problem, they should be carefully examined and released.
  2. Swadhisthana. The second chakra is blocked by guilt. It is difficult for people with this type of blockage to exist in society - they will always find something to blame themselves for and always, even in the case of minor troubles, they self-flagellate. To solve this problem, you should stop being a victim of your own thoughts and realize that not all problems in this life were provoked by you.
  3. Manipura. Blocked due to feelings of shame and disappointment. From childhood, we are instilled with norms and rules, following which we do not feel a sense of shame. But if you “go too far” and reproach the child for doing everything wrong, at a conscious age it will seem to a person that everything he does is wrong, respectively, shameful.
  4. Anahata. The chakra responsible for love and mercy is blocked by grief and resentment. Usually, during the experience of these emotions, a person is quite apathetic and does not want to work on himself. He is haunted by a depressive state, from which it is difficult to get out on his own. Therefore, to unblock the fourth chakra, it is better to turn to professional psychologist to help you deal with emotions.
  5. Vishuddha. Foul language, condemnation and lies block the fifth chakra. These emotions and character traits great poison life - a person with a blocked fifth chakra experiences emptiness and loneliness. In order to clear and open it, one should ask for forgiveness from the object on which all the negativity was “loaded”.
  6. Ajna. Walking in the clouds can block this chakra. Ajna is responsible for and psychic abilities. Therefore, constant dreams, illusions and exaggeration of one's own skills interfere with its normal functioning. To get it to work, it is very important to accept yourself for who you are.
  7. Sahasrara. The blockage of the most "divine" chakra occurs as a result of excessive attachment to the material - a car, a house, clothes. Besides. Eternal dissatisfaction with oneself, as well as an attempt to try on "someone else's coat" can also prevent its disclosure. To restore this chakra, it is very important to understand that the most important thing in life is spirituality and peace. Listen to your own biorhythms and eliminate all irritating factors.

Completely different factors can disrupt the energy balance. For example, it may be a psychological trauma that happened in early childhood. Or simply a lack of awareness in adulthood.

In any case, all these problems are solvable. It is never too late to cleanse the chakras of negativity and normalize the movement of energy.

How to clear chakras?

Purification of the chakras, as well as their preliminary opening, is necessary for the correct movement of energy flows. It happens that negative thoughts, fears, unresolved problems "clog" the chakras and thus "clog" the consciousness of a person.

First of all, unprepared people use special mantras (words or syllables that have a special sacred meaning and are focused on solving a particular problem). Mantras are repeated dozens of times aloud to relaxing music.

For each chakra there is a separate mantra that has its own meaning.

  1. "LAM" is the mantra for the first chakra. Its meaning is “I am who I am. I'm sure they love me."
  2. "MAM" is a mantra for cleansing the second chakra. The meaning of the phrase is “I love and respect myself today, as on any other day.”
  3. "RAM" - with the help of this phrase, the third chakra is cleansed. “I am the author of my reality and I like it,” she means.
  4. "IAM" is a syllable that is aimed at clearing the fourth chakra. Its meaning is "I have love and full recognition of the environment."
  5. "HAM" - cleaning the fifth chakra is carried out with this mantra. sacred meaning this phrase - “I am the creator of my life. Any choice is always mine.
  6. "OM" or "AUM" - syllables with which the penultimate chakra is cleansed. “Seeing the truth will not harm me” these phrases mean.
  7. The sedum of the last seventh chakra takes place in silence. “I feel real. I am in it” - with such a phrase a person mentally programs himself. In addition, in order to get rid of "garbage", they use various.


ABOUT normal operation of all chakras can be judged by the state of health of a person, as well as his general well-being. When all the padmas are open and not blocked, the following changes take place in life.

  1. There is a feeling of stability and stability. A person is “grounded” - he feels all the vital needs of the physical body and can satisfy them, he has enough vitality and good health.
  2. There is acceptance of one's sexuality. At this moment, a person begins to understand all his desires, accepts feelings and can fully enjoy all the joys of life.
  3. With the opening and purification of the chakras comes the awareness of life's purpose. There is confidence in oneself and one's own actions, an understanding of all the necessary normal life tasks. The fear of dominance recedes and a protective barrier is formed.
  4. A feeling of complete peace is formed, there are no more negative thoughts, fears and complexes.
  5. There is a desire to share your thoughts and feelings with the world, and this is easily done. There are no more problems with expressing feelings, others perfectly understand all your fears and desires.
  6. Intuition develops, you can accurately predict what will be good and what will be bad. In addition, the understanding and “reading” of the characters of others is enhanced, which greatly simplifies life.
  7. As the apogee of the normalization of the work of the chakras, one feels unity with the Universe and awareness of one's own spirituality. This highest degree of self-knowledge opens up a new world for a person - full of wisdom and sacred meaning.

Chakras are called clots of energy that are in motion, connecting the physical level with higher possibilities. With the help of these elements, the cells of the body are saturated with energy. The meaning of interaction with them lies in the performance of exercises that are aimed at cleansing and developing energy clots. The main methods of work are meditation and the study of each center separately.

There are 7 main points that are located near the vital important glands. Schematically, they are located along the length of the entire human spinal column. It is worth considering that each of the energy centers has its own area of ​​​​location and significance. Work on their disclosure and purification should be carried out only in an individual way.

The value of each of the energy centers must be considered separately.

  1. Muladhara is responsible for maintaining health, developing instincts, the ability to survive, and providing for their basic needs. Muladhara is also responsible for the function of the reproductive system, the ability to give birth to children, the health of the lower extremities.
  2. Svadhisthana is responsible for human emotions, sexual development, sound self-esteem, the ability to feel pleasure, maintain interpersonal relationships, and the attractiveness of one's appearance. Under her authority is the function of the ovaries, the lower vertebral sections.
  3. The vital energy element, or Manipura, is responsible for individuality, willpower, and the achievement of goals. Under her influence is central region spine, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, adrenal glands.
  4. The heart center or Anahata is responsible for love relationship, joy, sympathy, the ability to show compassion. Regulates the function of the heart, lungs, upper spine.
  5. The throat center, or Vishuddha, is responsible for the ability to express one's own thoughts through words, to convince, to think creatively. Under her rule is the health of the neck and throat.
  6. Ajina is responsible for the wisdom of a person, the development of a good memory, higher consciousness. Regulates the nose, ears, eyes.
  7. Lotus or Sahasrara governs personal development, spirituality, openness to the world. Follows the skull, brain, pituitary gland.

In order to develop a harmonious personality, it is necessary to open each energy clot.

Each chakra has its own location and color.

  1. Muladhara is located at the base of the spinal column. Its second name is Kundalini. This energy clot has a red color. It is possible to determine whether this clot is harmoniously developed if a person is active, self-confident and does not have complicated health problems.
  2. A couple of centimeters down from the navel is the Sacred clot, which also has such a name as Svadhisthana. He has Orange color. A harmoniously developed clot is manifested by satisfaction with one's appearance, the absence of problems with sexuality, and active socialization.
  3. IN yellow colored Manipura, which is located near the solar plexus in the region of the ribs, just below the sternum. A developed clot gives a person self-confidence, allows him to quickly achieve his goals, and have a high income.
  4. Anahata is depicted in green. It is located between the nipples in the center of the chest. Developed Anahata enables a person to enjoy life, eliminate any love problems.
  5. Vishuddha is indicated by a blue tint. It is located at the base of the throat. A harmoniously developed clot allows a person to easily imagine himself, maintain communication, and actively realize his creative potential.
  6. Third Eye - Ajin is colored blue. It is located in the frontal area between the eyebrows. A developed third eye allows you to have intuition, wisdom, the ability to feel the experiences of other people.
  7. Sahasrara is located in the crown zone, it is distinguished by a purple color. Harmoniously formed Sahasrara allows you to feel the connection with God, with the world, with society, gives you an awareness of your own uniqueness.

This video is about human chakras.

For the harmonious development of any of these centers, it is necessary to cleanse and open them. This need is due to the lack characteristic features development of one or another clot.

To learn how to open the chakras, you need to regularly meditate, clean energy zones. Meditation accompanied by mantras will facilitate this process. It is also necessary to perform exercises specific to the opening of each zone:

  • Muladhara: you need to let all your fears through yourself, understand the nature of their appearance and let them go;
  • Svadhisthana: it is required to analyze a situation that gives rise to a feeling of guilt, for which you need to forgive yourself;
  • Manipura: you need to look at your own worldview from a different angle, remove any prejudices;
  • Anahata: it is necessary to give love to people, to be kind to every person around, to block any negative thoughts;
  • Vishuddha: one should constantly speak only the truth;
  • Ajin: you need to assess yourself sensibly, the world, its own capabilities in it;
  • Sahasrara: you need to learn to let go of material wealth, express your feelings, accept them.

In order for the energy zones to be easier to open, they need to be cleaned regularly.

Chakra cleansing

Several techniques are used to cleanse energy clots. Most often, this process takes 10-30 minutes. If during the cleansing a person has any negative emotions, the procedure must be repeated. This is due to the fact that these zones instantly absorb any negativity. The most effective methods:

  • meditation and self-hypnosis;
  • hand flows: if flows are opened in the limbs, they need to be brought to a certain area, it will gradually clear itself;
  • mantras: sounds create vibrations that allow you to partially clear the selected center.

In addition to the above methods of cleansing, there are others, for example, asanas, which contribute to partial cleansing, activation of internal resources. It is worth considering that the work of opening and cleaning the chakras is lengthy. In the process, you will need to work hard on yourself, manage your own thoughts and emotional mood. Otherwise, undeveloped zones will be filled with negative energy and blocked.

This video will show you how to open and tune a person's chakras. Do not forget to leave your questions, wishes and to the article.


At the level of the coccyx is Muladhara. It is believed that its color is red, the element is earth. She is responsible for physical survival, strength, endurance, the ability to defend oneself. The basic needs on this chakra are security, shelter and food. A strong and balanced Muladhara gives perseverance and courage, confidence, pragmatism, diligence. Among the negative manifestations of Muladhara are fear, aggressiveness, indecision, complexes, timidity, nervous tension, irritability, rudeness, greed, lasciviousness, cruelty. Physically, the chakra is associated with gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver.

Just below the navel is Svadhisthana (“abode life force"). Its color is orange and its element is water. This chakra is responsible for sexuality, creative self-realization, it gives optimism, emotional balance, sociability. If there is a lack of energy in the chakra, it is oppressed, then this can manifest itself as reduced sexual activity, boredom, despondency, irritability, and resentment. If there is an excess of energy, aggressiveness, sexual hyperactivity can be observed. On the physical level, Svadhisthana is associated with the spleen, liver, pancreas.

Manipura is located in the region of the solar plexus: the color is yellow, the element is fire. It is responsible for the ability to adapt in life, survive in society, process information, as well as for efficiency, activity, confidence, self-esteem, energy, success in business and society, the ability to influence others and lead, to be an authoritative and charismatic person, the ability to to complete the task, to take responsibility. The chakra is associated with the digestive organs and vision.

Heart chakra - center

Anahata is located in the chest area - the heart chakra, its color is green, and the element is air. She is responsible for the ability to love and accept love, to be open to the world and people, to be compassionate, to enjoy life, to respect oneself, to respect others and to take care, the ability to build harmonious relationship. When the chakra is depressed, a person can be overly sensitive, strive to please, feel sorry for themselves and others, experience fears, be depressed and depressed. Anahata is associated with the lungs and the heart. It provides a connection between the upper and lower energy centers.

Upper chakras

Vishuddha is located at the base of the throat, its color is blue. It gives a person self-confidence and self-respect, sociability, the ability to express themselves, eloquence, prudence and self-control, inspiration, the ability to be a mentor, express their thoughts and feelings, convey their thoughts to people, independence of opinion and inner freedom, diplomacy, the ability to follow their own ways to showcase your creative talents. Chakra is associated with thyroid gland, hearing and vision, the voice depends on it.

Ajna (forehead area) is called the "control center" or "third eye". Color - blue. From Ajna, the rest of the energy centers are controlled. She is responsible for the mind and intuition, memory, mental abilities, will, knowledge, conscious perception of the world around, balance between the hemispheres of the brain, the ability to concentrate, wisdom, peace of mind.

The seventh chakra Sahasrara above the crown (purple color) is responsible for the connection with the divine principle, awareness of oneself as part of a single whole, spirituality. IN Everyday life it is little involved and can be revealed, for example, during