The best children's cough syrups. Syrups for dry cough for children and adults. Mucus thinners or mucolytics

Cough is a common symptom of various diseases that is experienced by people of all age groups. Drugs are used for treatment various forms, but despite the variety of medications, cough syrup remains the most convenient and popular remedy. When choosing it, you should be guided by three criteria: the type of cough, the age of the patient, and the composition of the drug.

First you need to understand the type of cough. A productive cough develops due to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. Mucus must be removed, coughed up or expectorated, otherwise a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria is created.

A dry cough is the result of stimulation of the cough center of the brain. This occurs when the larynx becomes inflamed and irritated. The attacks are reflexive, they are not associated with the accumulation of mucus in the lower respiratory tract.

Characteristic features of dry cough:

  • lack of discharge (sputum);
  • paroxysmal course;
  • inflammation and irritation back wall larynx;
  • sore throat.

During an attack, the nasopharynx becomes irritated, pain appears in chest. Sound when dry cough goes from the larynx.

The purpose of unproductive cough syrups is to suppress the cough reflex. This allows you to stop attacks of annoying, exhausting cough and improve your overall well-being.

To get rid of cough as a symptom of ARVI and other diseases, adequate therapy is needed. The right decision You will need to consult a specialist at the first signs of discomfort.

Syrups for dry cough act simultaneously in two directions - they suppress the reflex and eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. It is worth noting that some drugs for nonproductive cough contain components with an expectorant effect. They increase the production of natural mucus in the bronchi, thereby reducing chest discomfort. As a result of this therapy, a dry cough turns into a wet one, sputum is removed by expectoration and recovery occurs.

Herbion with plantain

The product contains only natural plant extracts and has a pleasant orange flavor. Herbion with plantain is a dry cough syrup that can be taken by children over 2 years of age.

The basis is made up of extracts of plantain leaves and mallow flowers. The product contains vitamin C and orange oil, which explains the specific aroma and taste.

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition, urolithiasis, gastritis and stomach ulcers, severe kidney pathologies. Possible side effects associated with allergic reactions (itching, urticaria). It should be noted that the preservative E 218 included in the composition is a strong allergen.


The syrup is an antitussive central action. The composition contains butamirate citrate and ethanol. The peculiarity of the medicine is its sweet taste and vanilla aroma. The drug is approved for use by children over 3 years of age. The drug is prescribed to patients whose weight is more than 15 kg.

The syrup should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, or if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the composition. It can cause malfunctions digestive system manifested by diarrhea and nausea.


Linkas is a cough syrup containing 10 extracts of medicinal herbs, including licorice and marshmallow. Used only for dry cough.

Actions of the drug:

  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • stimulates mucus secretion;
  • thins and improves mucus removal;
  • relieves spasm;
  • normalizes body temperature.

The drug is allowed to be used by children over one year of age. The drug is not prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or organic heart disease. The average course of taking the drug is up to one week.

Doctor Mom

A popular syrup that contains natural ingredients. The basis of the drug is 9 extracts of medicinal herbs and menthol, which makes breathing easier. Doctor Mom - cough syrup for children over 3 years old. The components of the product can cause an allergic reaction, so before you start taking it, you should rule out intolerance to the composition.

Due to the herbal composition, the product has a wide list of contraindications, including:

  • high pressure;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • measles;
  • diabetes.

The medicine cannot be used with other cough medications. The syrup should not be taken if you have bronchial asthma.

Althea syrup

Based on marshmallow extract. Marshmallow syrup is a direct action expectorant. Suitable for children from two years old. The drug contains a small amount of alcohol, so children are advised to dilute the syrup with water.

The drug can be taken for both dry and wet coughs.

The peculiarity of the syrup is that it does not have negative influence on the gastric mucosa, and therefore can be used for gastritis and peptic ulcer. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Children under 2 years of age may only use the product as prescribed by a doctor.


Sinekod is a complete analogue of the drug Omnitus. It contains butamirate citrate and ethanol, so it is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. Contraindications and precautions are the same as for Omnitus syrup.

As a rule, this drug is well tolerated by children and adults and does not cause side effects, except in cases of intolerance to the composition.


The drug reduces the intensity of attacks and stimulates the secretion of mucus.

The drug contains several active ingredients:

  • salbutamol;
  • bromhexine;
  • guaifenesin;
  • menthol.

This combination drug, efficiency and pharmacological properties which is caused by the action of the components included in the composition. Ascoril should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Dosages are determined individually for each patient. Askoril cough syrup has a wide list of contraindications and possible side effects.


Bronholitin is a popular mucolytic and antitussive agent. Refers to combination medications. The main active ingredients are the alkaloid glaucine hydrobromide and ephedrine hydrochloride. The product is used when various diseases accompanied by a dry non-productive cough, including bronchial asthma and pneumonia. It has an impressive list of contraindications and side effects.

Has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, therefore must be taken long before bedtime, otherwise there is a risk of developing insomnia.


A syrup with a combined composition that simultaneously suppresses the cough reflex, stimulates sputum production and facilitates breathing. Contains three active components - dextromethorphan, terpin hydrate, levomenthol.

The drug is contraindicated in bronchial asthma and patients at risk of developing respiratory failure.

The syrup is not prescribed to children under two years of age. It has a sweet taste and fruity aroma. The duration of treatment is no more than 4 days. Increasing the course of treatment is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Joset syrup

Another drug with a combined composition containing salbutamol and bromhexine is Joset syrup. The product reduces the cough reflex, stimulates sputum production, reduces chest discomfort and makes breathing easier. Used to treat cough in adults and children over 6 years of age.

The syrup has a large number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, severe forms renal, liver and heart failure.


Halixol is a syrup with expectorant properties. The main active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. The product is an almost colorless liquid with a slight yellow tint. The composition contains two flavors - strawberry and banana. Indications for use: acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by impaired sputum separation.

The syrup thins mucus, promotes its elimination, relieves cough, but does not affect the cough center of the brain. Thus, the drug does not reduce the frequency of attacks, but facilitates their course.


  • intolerance to ambroxol;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

The product can be used independently for five days. If symptoms do not improve, you should consult your doctor.


Lazolvan is one of the most popular drugs produced in the form of syrup. Main active substance the drug ambroxol is used.

Features of Lazolvan syrup:

  • Available in two dosages - 15 and 30 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup;
  • can be used to treat children over 2 years of age;
  • has a sweet fruity taste;
  • does not contain alcohol or sugar.

The product helps to liquefy mucus and accelerates its elimination. It is used for various diseases of the bronchi, reduces irritation of the respiratory tract, and relieves cough.

Children under 12 years of age are prescribed the drug at a dosage of 15 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup. The syrup in children's dosage is available in different flavors - “peach” and “strawberries and cream”. For children over 12 years of age and adults, the drug is recommended at a dosage of 30 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup. Contraindications for Lazolvan syrup are the same as for Halixol, since both drugs contain the same active ingredient.

Bromhexine Berlin Hemi

Bromhexine 4 Berlin Hemi is an inexpensive cough syrup for adults and children. Contains the expectorant and mucolytic drug bromhexine. The drug is prescribed for any cough that is characterized by increased viscosity of sputum, which prevents its elimination. The product does not contain alcohol and is approved for use in pediatric practice. The drug contains fructose, so it is not used if you are intolerant to this substance.

The syrup is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease and during allergic reaction on the components of the composition. Children under two years of age are allowed to use the drug, but only as prescribed by a doctor.


Ambroxol syrup is an affordable analogue of the drugs Lazolvan and Halixol. It has the same contraindications and side effects. The product is available in a dosage of 15 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup. The method of administration and dosage fully correspond to the characteristics of taking drugs with a similar composition.

Inexpensive but effective wet cough syrups for children and adults

Common problem wet cough- this is the inability to clear the throat due to thickening of the secretion. In therapy, expectorants and mucolytics are used, which thin the mucus and promote its rapid elimination. This prevents the development of secondary infections, since the accumulation of sputum is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Features of a wet cough:

  • presence of discharge (sputum);
  • wheezing and whistling when breathing;
  • irritation of the throat and larynx due to mucus production.

In the vast majority of cases, a wet cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as it characteristic symptom various viral and infectious diseases. Syrups for such a cough quickly relieve symptoms and reduce discomfort.


Syrup based on ambroxol, relieving cough due to thickening of sputum. Contains 15 mg of active ingredient in one measuring spoon (5 ml of syrup). The product is a mucolytic.

Ambrobene has a sweetish taste and raspberry aroma. It is approved for use in pediatric practice. The drug has a weak anti-inflammatory effect and reduces sore throat when coughing.

Syrup is prescribed with caution to patients with severe forms renal failure.Contains fructose and sodium saccharin, which should be taken into account when taking the drug.


An effective remedy for facilitating the removal of phlegm from a wet cough is a carbocysteine-based syrup called Fluditec. It is used for various disorders of bronchial secretion and thickening of sputum. The syrup is available in two dosages - 2% and 5% of the active substance.

Fluditec 2% is intended for children aged 2-15 years. It is a clear orange liquid with a characteristic banana aroma. Adults are prescribed Fluditec 5%. It is a pale green liquid with a caramel aroma and a sweetish taste.

Contraindications – intolerance to the components of the composition, gastric ulcer, pregnancy.

Herbion with primrose

The drug contains only plant extracts: primrose root, thyme herb, levomenthol. The syrup relieves wet coughs, improves mucus removal, and normalizes breathing. Recommended for children over 4 years old.

The drug should not be taken if you have bronchial asthma, gastric ulcers or intolerance to the components of the composition.


An effective and safe herbal preparation with expectorant and mucolytic effects is Gedelix syrup. It contains ivy leaf extract. As prescribed by a doctor, the drug can be used by children 2-4 years old. The drug is contraindicated for children under two years of age.

The syrup contains fructose and should not be taken if you are intolerant to this substance. Concomitant use of Gedelix with other cough medications is not recommended.


Perhaps the most famous time-tested cough medicine is Pertussin. It contains thyme extract and potassium bromide. It has a recognizable taste and specific smell, color - from light to dark brown. The drug can be taken by children over three years of age. Young children are recommended to dilute the drug in water, since the syrup contains ethanol.

The medicine is contraindicated in case of bromide intolerance, low blood pressure, heart failure and during pregnancy.


Prospan is a cough syrup for children over 1 year old. It contains ivy extract. The medicine has an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. It is a light brown syrup with a sweet smell and a distinct cherry aroma.

The product should not be taken if you are intolerant to fructose or any of its components.

Inexpensive but effective cough syrups for little ones

Only a doctor should select medications for the treatment of cough in babies under one year of age. In some cases, it is advisable to use herbal remedies, even prescription drugs traditional medicine. Today, doctors increasingly agree that the most effective ways Treatment of cough in the youngest is optimal air humidity in the child’s bedroom, drinking plenty of fluids and treatment of the underlying disease, the symptom of which is cough.

Children should not be given any medications without a doctor's prescription. Even the most harmless syrup with a herbal composition can cause a severe allergic reaction and lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Mucolytics for babies

Mucolytics are sputum thinners. They are not prescribed for dry coughs, since they do not stimulate the secretory function of the bronchi, but only facilitate the removal of already accumulated mucus. It is not recommended for children to take such medications.

In many countries, mucolytic drugs are prohibited from being used to treat cough in children under two years of age.

This is due to the fact that the baby’s body cannot yet to the fullest cope with the cough reflex. Mucolytics make sputum more liquid, but the child cannot cough up, so the discharge accumulates in the nasopharynx. This can lead to the development of inflammation.

Moreover, the effectiveness of these drugs remains questionable. They do not cure cough or even alleviate its symptoms, but only slightly speed up the process of mucus removal. More gentle means can cope with this task.

  • nasal rinsing;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • air humidification.

If the intensity of the cough does not decrease within several days, you should consult a doctor, but do not try to give your child mucolytics on your own.


While mucolytics help thin mucus, expectorants stimulate mucus secretion. They are used for non-productive cough. The main danger when treating cough in babies in the first months of life is the accumulation of sputum in the nasopharynx, which can cause serious complications. In this regard, it is advisable to use expectorants in children over 1 year of age, but not in newborns.

Syrups approved for children 1-2 years old:

  • Linkas;
  • overslept;
  • licorice root syrup.

All these drugs have a natural herbal composition, do not contain alcohol and are used in pediatric practice. Infants are allowed to take Prospan syrup, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Dosages are selected individually for each patient, depending on the age and weight of the child.

Prohibited means

Any medications for treating cough in a child under 4-5 years of age should be prescribed by a doctor. Inadequate therapy can lead to serious consequences.

The following drugs are prohibited for children under 2-3 years of age:

  • ambroxol;
  • bromhexine;
  • acetylcysteine;
  • carbocisteine;
  • Guaifenesin.

It is important to remember: regardless of the patient’s age and type of cough, be sure to increase the amount of fluid consumed and take care to create an optimal microclimate at home. These simple measures help speed up recovery and quickly get rid of both dry and wet cough.

Cough is a very unpleasant symptom that accompanies a cold in children and adults. Various methods getting rid of this painful symptom involves the use of inhalations, tablets and, of course, syrups.
Cough syrups are the most popular and popular medicines that are approved for use for colds in children. They are usually sold without a prescription, but it is still better to buy such drugs as prescribed by a doctor.

Syrups with expectorant action:

Expectorants are called mucolytics, and their action is based primarily on thinning mucus.
During the disease, the airways become filled with mucus, making it difficult to breathe and causing unpleasant symptoms. By removing sputum, you significantly ease the course of the disease. But at present, doctors recommend not to rush to take an expectorant mixture if the child has a cold. Experts believe that The most effective thinning effect is to drink plenty of fluids.
Even if a mucolytic drug has a “harmless” composition and herbal base, the need to take it in a particular case must be approved by a doctor.

Althea syrup

This drug is probably known to everyone. Its composition includes: plant mucus (up to 35%), betaine, asparagine, starch.
Althea syrup is recommended for respiratory diseases that are accompanied by viscous sputum.
A mixture based on marshmallow fights inflammation, softens irritated mucous membranes and envelops them, creating a protective layer.
The syrup components create a thin layer on the surface of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract that performs protective functions. Inflammatory phenomena are reduced and tissue restoration occurs faster.
The minimum age at which syrup can be given to children is not limited in the annotation. But pediatricians still do not recommend using this drug for children under 1 year of age, because this syrup is a fairly strong allergen.

The price of Althea syrup in a pharmacy, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 60 (produced in Russia) to 220 (produced in Croatia) rubles.


Ambrobene syrup can be prescribed to both children and adults. The active components of Ambrobene dilute mucus and reduce its viscosity. As a result, sputum leaves the respiratory tract much faster.
Indications for taking Ambrobene: bronchitis (acute and chronic process), pneumonia, difficulty in secretion in bronchial asthma.
Under the influence of ambroxol, the main substance in the syrup, the activity of the ciliated epithelium increases.
If prescribed by a doctor, Ambrobene syrup can be used in children from a very early age.

The price of Ambrobene syrup in pharmacies is approximately 120 rubles.

Gerbion syrup for children

Herbion syrup is complex drug, it not only has an antitussive effect, but also successfully fights the bacterial onset of the disease. Another advantage of Gerbion syrup is its immunostimulating effect, which is achieved by adding vitamin C to the drug.
The main indication for the use of Gerbion syrup is an obsessive cough with difficult sputum. There are two types of this syrup - for getting rid of wet cough (the drug is based on primrose root extract) and for dry cough (syrup with plantain extract).
Gerbion syrup is approved for use in children over 2 years of age.

The average price of Gerbion syrup in pharmacy chains is 250 rubles.


Ascoril syrup is a powerful complex syrup based on three components - salbutomol, guaifenesin and bromhexine. All substances enhance the effect of each other and contribute to the rapid removal of phlegm and relief from cough.
Ascoril syrup is indicated for use in children over 6 years of age, and up to 6 years of age, Ascoril Expectorant syrup is prescribed.

A 100 ml bottle of Ascoril syrup will cost you 300 rubles.

Cough suppressant syrups:

In some cases, a sick child develops such severe and painful cough that it is simply necessary to suppress it. For this purpose they use special drugs, acting on the cough center in the medulla oblongata. Similar treatment justified only in cases of prolonged dry cough.


Glycodin syrup contains the substance dextromethorphan. This component can relieve coughs of any origin.
It should be remembered that long-term use of Glycodin syrup causes a hypnotic and analgesic effect, so the course of treatment is always short. The effect of the syrup can be felt within half an hour after administration, and lasts up to 9 hours (in children).
Glycodin syrup is approved for use in children from one year of age.

The price of Glycodin syrup is about 100 rubles.


The basis of Sinekod syrup is butamirate. This substance has a special effect; it reduces the sensitivity of those parts of the brain that are responsible for the cough reflex.
It becomes clear that Sinekod syrup is symptomatic remedy, which copes well with the cough itself, but while eliminating the symptoms, it does not eliminate the disease itself. The inflammatory focus in the respiratory tract persists, so Sinecod syrup should be considered only as part of the treatment.
Sinekod syrup is approved for use in children from 2 months of age.

The price of Sinekod syrup varies from 350 to 400 rubles.

Combined cough syrups:

Combined cough syrups are drugs that contain two substances with different effects - an expectorant and a suppressor of the cough reflex. In addition, such a syrup may include other components - analgesics, antiallergic, decongestants.

Codelac Neo

Codelac Neo syrup contains butamirate citrate, a non-opioid substance. The syrup eliminates cough, at the same time helps to expectorate sputum and reduce inflammation.
Codelac Neo syrup is recommended for whooping cough and prolonged dry cough. Approved for use from three years of age.

The approximate price of Codelac Neo syrup is 140 rubles.


Combined medicine Bronholitin is a syrup with basil oil, ephedrine and glaucine.
Basil oil is a unique product that relieves spasms and fights germs. The action of the drug is based on the expansion of the bronchi, which is achieved by the effect of ephedrine. In addition, swelling of the mucous membrane is relieved.
Bronholitin syrup is approved for use in children no earlier than 3 years of age.

The approximate cost of Bronholitin syrup in pharmacies is 100 rubles.

Inexpensive and effective cough syrups for children:

Some drugs have won the trust of parents and doctors due to their effectiveness, despite their low cost.


Pertussin syrup is based on a herbal mixture (liquid thyme extract), which has an expectorant effect. The syrup also contains potassium bromide.
Thyme extract helps thin thick mucus, after which it can be removed from the respiratory tract. A dry cough turns into a wet one, and the little patient’s well-being improves.

Pertussin syrup can be given to children from 3 years of age.

The cost of Pertussin syrup is low - from 20 to 40 rubles.

Liquorice root

Syrup based on licorice root extract includes polysaccharides, various essential oils and as many as 27 flavonoids! This drug has been tested for generations, and it really fights coughs. Licorice root syrup is used for both dry and wet coughs.

Licorice root syrup costs about 50 rubles.

Ambroxol syrup

We have already talked about a drug such as Ambrobene syrup, which is based on the substance ambroxol. There is also Ambroxol syrup, which costs much less, and the effect of taking it is the same.
Ambroxol removes liquefied mucus from the bronchi. This syrup is prescribed for pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, COPD.

Ambroxol syrup costs about 60 rubles.

List of the most effective children's cough syrups:

The drugs that we will tell you about next can be used not only by children, but also by adults, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Syrups for children up to one year:


Gedelix syrup is a drug plant origin(contains ivy extract). The medicine effectively relieves spasms and fights cough.
Gedelix syrup does not contain flavorings, dyes or sugar, so it can be safely used in children from birth. After just a couple of days of treatment with Gedelix, the little patient will experience improvement - the sputum will become less thick and will begin to drain from the bronchi.

The price of Gedelix syrup in a pharmacy is 350-400 rubles per 50 ml bottle.


Prospan syrup is used in children to relieve wet and dry coughs. This drug is considered absolutely safe even for infants, therefore it is the drug of choice for such young patients. Prospan syrup has a soft fruity taste, which makes it much easier for the child to take the drug.

The price of Prospan syrup is about 400 rubles for a 100 ml bottle, and about 700 rubles for a 200 ml bottle.


Eucabol syrup contains extracts of two plants that help cope with cough - plantain and thyme. Syrup can be prescribed from 7 months of age. This medicine cope with dry and wet cough.

The price of Eucabol syrup is 250-300 rubles.

Cough syrups for babies over 1 year old:

Dr. Theiss

Like many other cough medications, Dr. Theiss syrup contains plantain extract. This herbal principle gets rid of phlegm.
Interestingly, in addition to the classic Dr. Theiss syrup, you can buy another type of syrup at the pharmacy, recommended for use at night. This type of medicine contains extracts of thyme, chamomile, lemon balm, and vitamin C. The drug is indicated for children over one year of age.

The price of Doctor Theiss syrup is about 200 rubles per 100 ml bottle.

Doctor Mom

A dry cough that often accompanies bronchitis can be treated with Doctor Mom syrup. This medicine can be taken by children after 1 year, and it is also not contraindicated for pregnant women.
The safe composition of the drug is one of the main advantages of the syrup.
In Doctor Mom syrup you will find ginger, turmeric, elecampane, licorice, basil, and aloe.

The price of Doctor Mom syrup ranges from 150 to 200 rubles.

Syrups for children over 2 years old:

The syrups we talked about before are also allowed from the age of two. Among them are especially effective: Doctor Mom syrup, Gerbion, Pertussin.

Syrups for children over 3 years old:

In addition to the above drugs, after three years, some other effective cough medicines are approved for use.


Lazolvan syrup contains a base already known to us - ambroxol. This syrup is free of ethanol and sugar, so it can be used by small and adult patients suffering from diabetes and allergies.


This drug is homeopathic; in its composition you will find a whole list of active substances.
Stodal syrup copes well with coughs and expels phlegm. It is necessary to take into account that this mixture contains alcohol and sugar.

The price of Stodal syrup is approximately 260 rubles.

When choosing cough syrup for children, you must understand that you should not expect immediate relief from the disease. Most of the drugs presented are removed obsessive symptom, however, this may take several days.

Take only those medications prescribed by a specialist, and be healthy!

The list was created for general information about existing modern drugs, whose main task is to convert a non-productive cough into a productive one.

List and names of syrups for dry cough

Marshmallow syrup. Refers to herbal syrups for dry cough and other ENT diseases. The drug is characterized not only by an anti-inflammatory effect, but also by an expectorant effect. Developed from the root of the plant. It also contains sodium benzoate, purified water and sucrose.

Indications for use: prolonged pathology of the respiratory system. If you have hypersensitivity to the components of the syrup, intolerance to fructose or glucose-galactose malabsorption, you should not use this syrup.

Method of administration and dosage: babies up to one year old are prescribed one teaspoon of the drug dissolved in one glass warm water. For adults and children over 12 years of age – a tablespoon of the drug per 0.5 liters of water. The syrup is taken after meals. There should be 4-5 doses per day. The duration of treatment is approximately two weeks.

Licorice syrup. One of the most common drugs for treating cough. An expectorant that facilitates the removal of mucus. Due to the properties of the main component, licorice root, the drug has a number of contraindications for use:

  • the presence of viscous sputum;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • obesity 3 or 4 degrees;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance.

The daily dose of syrup for children from one to 3 years old is no more than 20 ml; from 4 to 9 years – 7.5 ml-22.5 ml; from 10 to 12 years – 22.5-40 ml; adults are prescribed from 45 to 60 milliliters. The drug does not need to be diluted, just drink plenty of warm water. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day.

Omnitus. The main component of the drug is butamirate. The drug helps to suppress the effects on the cough center and reduce the cough reflex. Contraindications are the period of breastfeeding, the first trimester of pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components. Also, the medicine is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

The daily dose depends on age: children from 3 to 6 weighing less than 22 kg are prescribed 10 ml 3-4 times a day; from 6 to 9 years (22-30 kg) – 15 ml of syrup; adults are recommended to take 30 ml.

Side effects include minor dizziness, nausea, and intestinal upset.

Stodal. Homeopathic medicine, which helps get rid of dry cough. Dosage: children under 12 years old – 5 ml of syrup 2 times a day; adults – 15 ml three times a day. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and is determined by a specialist.

There is no information about overdose. To avoid undesirable consequences, you should not prescribe doses yourself.

Dry cough syrups for children

Cough is one of the most common symptoms in children, regardless of age. It can be wet or dry and be allergic, bacterial or viral in nature. Severe coughing attacks exhaust children. In addition, a dry cough is very dangerous. It is accompanied by severe headaches, high temperature, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. When the first symptoms appear, the help of a doctor is necessary.

Modern medicine offers many effective syrups that help relieve coughing attacks and thin mucus. The choice of drug depends on the age of the child. You should not self-medicate. Only a qualified specialist will be able to select the most effective remedy that will not harm the baby.

The most effective and safe syrup for dry cough up to 1 year - Gedelix. It is based on herbal components and has an antispasmodic effect. The active element of the syrup is ivy extract. Within a few days, coughing attacks will noticeably decrease.

According to the instructions, children under one year of age should take the drug once a day, 2.5 ml. However, the doctor may prescribe a different dosage, depending on the baby's condition.

Storage conditions: the drug must be stored out of the reach of small children at a temperature of 5 to 25°C. A closed bottle can be stored for 4 years. After opening, it is allowed to be taken for 6 months.

Ambrobene– syrup for dry cough from one year. The drug is prescribed for acute bronchitis, asthma, pathologies of the respiratory system. The syrup helps increase mucociliary transport of sputum.

To take the drug, it is recommended to use a special measuring cup: for children from one to two years old - 2.5 ml (half a cup) twice a day; 2-6 years – 0.5 cup three times a day; 6-12 years – 5 ml two/three times a day. The drug can also be taken by adults. A single dose is 10 ml (two cups) 3 times a day. The syrup is taken after meals. For maximum effectiveness during the treatment process, it is advisable to drink plenty of fluids.

Shelf life - 5 years. An open bottle can be stored for a year. After this period, the use of syrup is strictly prohibited.

Syrups for dry cough for children over 2 years old:

  • Gerbion. The drug helps relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract, providing an antibacterial and enveloping effect. The base is an aqueous extract of plantain. The drug is taken three times a day. Children from 2 to 10 years old - 5 ml, adults - 10 ml. The intake of syrup does not depend on food intake;
  • Linkas. Developed based on plant components. Recommended for children under 3 years old single dose is 0.5 teaspoon (3 times a day); from 3 to 8 years – a teaspoon (three times a day); 8-18 years – teaspoon (4 times); adults – 2 teaspoons (3 times);
  • Pertussin. It is an expectorant. Active substances– thyme extract and potassium bromide. The drug calms the central nervous system and suppresses coughing attacks. For children under 3 years of age, syrup is prescribed three times a day, half a teaspoon. Regarding interactions with other drugs, it is worth noting that the drug should not be taken with syrups that are used to treat wet cough.

Syrups for dry cough for children over 3 years old:

  • Doctor Mom. Helps improve cough productivity, facilitates the process of sputum discharge. Dosage: children over 3 years old are recommended to take 2.5 ml of the drug three times a day after meals; if necessary, the syrup can be diluted with a small amount of warm water; adults – 1 measuring cup three times a day;
  • Sinekod. The active ingredient of the drug is butamirate. The syrup has a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is taken three times a day: children from 3 to 6 years old - 5 ml; from 6 to 12 – 10 ml; from 12 – 15 ml. According to reviews, the syrup helps relieve coughs and removes phlegm as quickly as possible;

  • Lazolvan. The active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. Children from 3 to 7 years old are recommended to take 2.5 ml of syrup three times a day; from 7 to 12 years – 10 ml (5 ml 2/3 times a day); from 12 years – 30 ml (10 ml 3 times a day).

Syrups for dry cough for adults

Today many effective medicines designed to combat cough. Syrups occupy the leading position. They can be purchased without a prescription and have a pleasant aroma and taste.

The most popular modern drugs are:

  • Ascoril. The drug contains guaifenesin, salbutamol, bromhexidine. Eliminates spasms and has an antitussive effect. Doses: adults – 10 ml of the drug three times a day; children from 6 to 12 years old – 5/10 ml 3 times a day; children under six years old – 5 ml 3 times a day;
  • Codelac. The substances of the drug penetrate the infected body and begin to act after half an hour. Helps stimulate mucous secretion of the bronchi, which leads to the removal of sputum. Patients who represent an adult age group, take 3 teaspoons of syrup at a time. The frequency of administration is 4 times a day. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the drug or drink it with water. The syrup is prescribed to children 3-6 years old - a teaspoon three times a day; 6-12 years – 2 tsp. 3 times, over 12 years old – 3 teaspoons;
  • Plantain syrup is an old proven remedy that to this day helps get rid of a dangerous dry cough. The active ingredients of the syrup destroy pathogenic bacteria and remove phlegm. The syrup is used regardless of meals. Dosage: adults - two teaspoons 3/5 times a day; children from 7 to 14 years old - the same amount of the drug, but three times a day; from 2 to 7 years – one teaspoon.

Dry cough requires compulsory treatment. To speed up the healing process and select effective methods therapy, you should undergo examination.

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of acute respiratory infections. This reaction allows microbes and harmful phlegm to be removed from the body. This clears the airways. That is why the cough itself, as a rule, does not need to be treated. It needs to be transferred to the category of productive, which will speed up recovery. Let's find out in more detail which drugs can be used in this case, and which of them are the most effective.

Child's cough

This unpleasant symptom appears at the beginning of damage to the respiratory system. At the same time, phlegm is expelled from the lungs along with air. This happens, for example, with bronchitis. Mucus is coughed up from the respiratory system. This process speeds up recovery.

Parents should remember that fever and runny nose are not a disease. This is only a protective function of our body, its immediate response to hypothermia or the invasion of a virus that causes a decrease in immunity.

As a rule, at the very beginning of the disease, the child coughs frequently and hysterically. He has a sore throat. A dry cough causes quite a lot of discomfort. Further, if you carry out proper care, which consists of drinking plenty of fluids and maintaining optimal air humidity, the cough will turn into “wet”. The process of sputum separation will begin. At this point, it is very important to continue giving your baby warm drinks. This will prevent the bronchial secretions from drying out. Violation of the drinking regime and humidity causes negative consequences. In this case, the sputum begins to move away from the mucous membrane with difficulty, as it becomes viscous. Entire colonies begin to develop in her environment pathogenic bacteria, which leads to complications. The child’s temperature rises again, and this process can only be extinguished by taking antibiotics.

Types of cough

Clearing the airways in the presence of acute respiratory infections can be productive, or “correct.” This name is given to a cough in which sputum easily leaves the mucous membrane. In this case, the child is given medications that thin the mucus and help it leave the respiratory tract as quickly as possible. If the drug is chosen correctly, the sputum is liquid, light in color and coughed up in full.

The situation is more complicated with non-productive cleansing of the respiratory tract. This hysterical dry cough is a symptom of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. In this case, the baby must be given medications that reduce irritation and soften the cough.

How to treat?

Today, the most popular product is cough syrup for children. A good drug for each specific case can be chosen from a huge assortment of similar products.

Cough syrups offered by manufacturers differ in composition and number of components. Before using these products, parents should familiarize themselves with the ingredients they contain. This will avoid possible manifestation allergic reaction.

A good phlegm-thinning cough syrup for children is needed if the child has unproductive clearing of the respiratory tract. With the “correct” process you will need

Benefits of syrups

1. It is convenient to dose. As a rule, syrups are sold with a measuring cup or measuring spoon.
2. It is a ready-made formula that can be given to the baby immediately.
3. Tastes sweet.
4. It is produced in a large assortment and has different price categories.
5. Some of these products do not contain sugar.

Separation by operating principle

Cough syrups may have an effect on children's body different influence. Depending on their action, drugs are divided into:

1. Antitussives. Such syrups eliminate the cough reflex when affecting the brain.
2. Expectorants. When using these syrups, the production of mucus in the respiratory tract is stimulated and its separation is improved.
3. Mucolytic. When taking syrups of this type the viscosity of sputum decreases.
4. Antihistamines. Such syrups are prescribed if there is allergic forms cough. When using them, the risk of allergies is reduced.

Indications for use

Cough syrup for children - good drug, which is worth purchasing if the symptoms indicate that the child has:

ARVI, as well as such inflammatory diseases respiratory system (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.);
- manifestations of allergies;
- bronchial asthma.

Types of syrups

Exist various options medications that allow the child to quickly get rid of the painful symptoms of ARVI. A good cough syrup for children is herbal. It contains natural raw materials such as licorice, ivy, marshmallow, plantain or thyme. These herbal components have an excellent effect on cough, eliminating it.

There are also combined remedies. The formulation of such syrups includes both plant and synthetic ingredients.

Getting rid of dry cough

Today there is a fairly large assortment of products that can eliminate. Moreover, they all differ in the composition of the active ingredients.

In terms of its effectiveness, the best cough syrup for children is Gedelix. It is recommended because of its excellent antispasmodic and thinning effect. This best syrup for dry cough is prescribed for children from infancy.

The main active element of the drug is ivy extract. The leaves of this plant contain vitamins such as A and E, as well as pectin and tannins, organic acids and resins. However, the most valuable components of ivy are saponins and iodine. It is their antibacterial effect that makes it possible to inhibit the reproduction and growth of pathogenic fungi.

It is not without reason that, according to many doctors, Gedelix is ​​the best dry cough syrup for children. It is an excellent remedy that actively affects dry sputum. This helps to liquefy and remove it as quickly as possible. In addition, the drug eliminates tension in the muscles of the bronchi, which makes breathing freer and easier. "Gedelix" not only relieves cough symptoms, but also treats it. This occurs due to the improvement of the microflora of the respiratory organs when exposed to this antibacterial and antifungal agent.

If parents do not know which cough syrup is best for children, then they should pay attention to a drug such as Prospan. This is an almost ideal syrup that fights tickling. It is based on high concentration ivy extract. The drug has a cherry flavor and is good at eliminating dry cough. Its only drawback is its high price. Today, many doctors recommend Prospan to their young patients. This medicine does not contain harmful substances, dyes and sugar. The safety of Prospan allows it to be given to children from birth.

What other good cough syrup for children is there? Reviews from pediatricians and parents note the high effectiveness of the drug Tussamag. It is based on liquid thyme extract, and the composition is rich essential oils, flavonoids and tannins. This good cough syrup is prescribed to a child aged one year or more. The drug has an expectorant effect, belonging to the category of mucolytics. If Tussamag syrup is used according to the instructions, it will promote effective liquefaction and rapid removal of sputum.

Which cough syrup for children is better for bronchitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis? Travisil helps with such diseases. This product has a plant base and perfectly eliminates inflammatory processes, thins mucus, facilitating its removal.

The composition of "Travisil" includes extracts of black and long peppers, adagoda and licorice, justice and turmeric, medicinal emblica and ginger, common fennel and acacia betel, berelik and chebul, holy basil and alpinia, as well as prayer abrus. Often parents do not know what to give if their child has a dry cough. Which syrup is better? Judging by the reviews, Travisil will help your baby cope with a severe cough. It significantly relieves soreness thanks to its rich natural composition and an auxiliary substance such as menthol.

Eucabal syrup helps children get rid of dry cough. Its composition is based on thyme extract. This preparation also contains an extract from plantain. Eucabal syrup has anti-inflammatory and expectorant, as well as antispasmodic and mucolytic effects. When taking the drug, liquefaction, dissolution and enhanced transportation of bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract occurs. Pediatricians recommend this drug for tracheitis and rhinitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis and bronchitis.

Doctor Mom is considered a good syrup for dry coughs for children over three years old. This remedy is very effective for various acute respiratory infections and does not contain alcohol. Doctor Mom syrup contains a complex of medicinal plant extracts and oils, healing properties which have been tested not only scientific research and centuries-old homeopathic traditions. The drug is produced in India, where since ancient times nature has been revered and used to heal people.

Due to the contents of the product large quantity components, caution must be exercised when taking it, as an allergic reaction may occur. The syrup effectively reduces the size of inflammation and ensures the normal functioning of the bronchial mucosa.

Inexpensive drugs

Among dry cough syrups for children that have a budget price, one can highlight the drug "Gerbion". It is a complete expectorant and antimicrobial agent, including extracts of mallow flowers and plantain leaves. "Gerbion" is recommended in complex treatment infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This is a good cough syrup for a child (2 years and older).

From available medicines You can also highlight a drug such as Lazolvan. Its main active element is ambroxol. For many years, doctors have referred to this syrup as excellent tool from dry cough not only in children, but also in adults. This drug does not contain any alcohol or sugar-containing components. That is why it can be safely given even to those patients who suffer from allergies.

Syrups for wet cough

Medicines of this kind reduce the viscosity of the resulting sputum. They affect respiratory system, relieving irritation of the mucous membrane. This allows you to block the cough reflex.

Which syrup is better for wet coughs for children? This is the well-known "Bronholitin". “Stoptussin” is not inferior to it in efficiency. These are the best wet cough syrups. Children are relieved of painful symptoms by their healing plant components. These drugs block inflammatory processes in the larynx, relieve spasms and eliminate irritation. At the same time, thanks to “Bronholitin” and “Stoptussin”, the viscosity of sputum decreases and its expectoration increases. Plant-based syrups are recommended for children of any age.

A good wet cough syrup for children is Doctor Theiss. This is a fairly popular medicine today and is highly effective. Doctors recommend Doctor Theiss syrup to their young patients, as it is harmless to the body. The product contains only environmentally friendly natural ingredients. Among them are mint oil and honey. The recipe also contains sugar beet syrup. The medicine is especially effective thanks to plantain. This active ingredient has an expectorant effect and relieves the symptoms of colds. Prescribed for children one year and older.

Ambrobene syrup is good. Its main active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. The syrup is prescribed to children, starting from infancy, for bronchitis and pneumonia, laryngitis and bronchial asthma, as well as tracheitis. This syrup should be given to your baby only after prior consultation with a pediatrician to avoid the risk of sputum stagnation. The drug has a positive effect on local immunity and eliminates foci of the inflammatory process.

Alteyka syrup will also help relieve a child from a wet cough. This drug, prescribed to children over one year of age, has an excellent expectorant effect. When taken orally, the syrup envelops the mucous membrane. This makes the cough less painful. In addition, the drug reduces the production gastric juice, which helps protect the bronchi from damage hydrochloric acid. Alteyka syrup is recommended for whooping cough and asthma, laryngitis and tracheitis. It eliminates inflammatory processes and pneumonia.

A good syrup with expectorant, mucolytic, and bronchodilator effects is medicine"Joseth." Its main active ingredient is salbutamol. This is a bronchodilator that relaxes the muscles of the bronchi and relieves bronchospasms. This action makes it easier for the patient to breathe and promotes the rapid release of sputum.
Joset syrup also contains bromhexine. This component helps loosen mucus and reduce its thickness. Guaifenesin also thins bronchial secretions. This component is also included in the Joset syrup. The drug's recipe also contains menthol. It reduces irritation of the bronchial mucosa, which can significantly reduce the cough reflex.

Almost all colds accompanied by a cough. Why do we cough? Cough is natural protection our respiratory tract from infection and irritation in the throat. With the help of coughing, with sputum, pathogenic microbes and viruses are removed from the body. In this article we will look at the most popular and effective cough syrups and their types.

Types of cough

There are two types of cough: dry and wet.

Dry cough

This is a cough when the mucus or phlegm that usually accompanies it does not form, or it has become too viscous that it is impossible to cough it up. The patient, especially at night, is tormented by coughing attacks again and again, preventing him from falling asleep. It severely irritates the mucous membrane, causing severe pain in the chest and throat. Cough syrups and compresses are good for dry coughs.

Dry cough causes

  1. viral infection. Dry cough caused by viruses can last several weeks or longer and often occurs at night;
  2. laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  3. allergy;
  4. exposure to irritants such as dust, fumes and chemicals;
  5. asthma. Chronic dry cough may be a sign of mild asthma;
  6. obstruction of the respiratory tract.

Moist cough

Cough, when mucus accumulates in the respiratory organs, which is difficult to get rid of, there is a feeling of tightness in the chest, and you can hear a hoarse sound when breathing. It is usually accompanied by chills, sore throat, chest pain, runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes.

Wet coughreasons

  1. respiratory tract infections such as sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc.
  2. long-term treatment with drops for a runny nose;
  3. pneumonia;
  4. whooping cough;
  5. Chronical bronchitis;
  6. smoking;
  7. asthma;
  8. tuberculosis;
  9. lung tumor.

Dry cough Cough syrups

Herbion plantain syrup

The drug, enveloping, has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, bronchi and lungs. Thanks to its multi-component natural composition, the syrup reduces inflammation, irritation, and promotes the separation of mucus and phlegm. Made in Slovenia. Price 292 rub.

Doctor Mom

Multicomponent natural syrup for dry cough. Made in India. It has a relaxing and dilating effect on the bronchial muscles, expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. Price 164 rub.

Bronchicum syrup

Contains liquid extract of thyme herb. Made in France. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Helps cope with dry cough at any stage of the disease. Price 223 rub.


Syrup for dry cough with the active ingredient butamirate citrate. Made in Switzerland. It is applied for symptomatic treatment dry cough with laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and flu; cough suppression during exercise surgical operations, bronchoscopy and whooping cough. Price 258 rub.

Dr. Theiss

Herbal syrup for dry cough with plantain, without sugar. Made in Germany. Used to treat dry cough due to acute respiratory infections and influenza. Gently eliminates cough, cleanses the bronchi from phlegm, mucus, relieves inflammation and eliminates bacterial and viral infection. Price 212 rub.

Ambroxol, lazolvan

Ambroxol (made in Germany), lazolvan (made in Austria) - cough syrups with copious sputum with the main active ingredient ambroxol hydrochloride, which thins sputum making it easier to pass, relieves inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, improves breathing. Made in Germany. Price 171 rub.

Wet cough Cough syrups


The syrup facilitates the passage and removal of accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract during a wet cough. Affordable and inexpensive wet cough syrup based on thyme, thyme and potassium bromide. It has a stimulating, thinning, expectorant and soothing effect. Made in Russia. Price 23 rub.


Syrup with primrose for wet cough contains thyme extract, primrose root, levomenthol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate and sucrose. The syrup relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract well and improves sputum discharge. Prescribed for bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis. Made in Slovenia. Price 307 rub.


Herbal syrup for wet cough with ivy leaf extract, anise and mint oils. It has antimicrobial, mild antispasmodic, mucoltic, antitussive effects. Liquefies mucus and makes it easier to cough up. Made in Germany. Price 344 rub.


Expectorant syrup based on sialic transferase. It tastes good. Made in France. Liquefies mucus making it easier to clear. Helps restore the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Used for acute and chronic diseases bronchi and lungs accompanied by a wet cough, with difficult to separate sputum - bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, asthma, as well as with rhenitis, sinusitis and otitis. Price 380 rub.

Doctor Mom

Syrup for wet cough. Made in India. The syrup contains only natural ingredients: aloe, basil, elecampane, turmeric, ginger and others medicinal herbs. The drug gently but effectively thins and eliminates mucus from the upper respiratory tract. Price 164 rub.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • Appeared suddenly coughing. The condition may indicate a hit foreign body into the respiratory tract.
  • Cough lasting more than 3 weeks.
  • Cough with high fever and severe weakness.
  • With blood and pus in the sputum.
  • Cough with shortness of breath, tachycardia, chest pain.

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