Lecture: Seven keys of the rainbow. Seven keys of the rainbow Products by menu stages

They are used both for local effects on the mucous membrane of the lower colon (sea buckthorn oil, chamomile infusion), and for resorptive effects on the body (digitalis preparations, chloral hydrate).

20-30 minutes before the medicinal microclyster, the patient is given a cleansing enema.

Possible complications after enemas:
- injury of the rectal mucosa with subsequent bleeding;
- perforation of the intestine with the subsequent development of peritoneal peritonitis;

inflammation of the peritoneum) and bleeding.

Precautionary measures.

· For enema it is necessary to use water of drinking quality with a temperature from 20 ° to 40 ° depending on recommendations and expected effect.

· Before use, the tip should be inspected and burrs and burrs removed, if any, or replaced.

· When inserting the tip, there should be no feeling that he rested against the wall of the intestine or pain. In this case, remove the tip and try to insert it in the correct direction.

With the introduction of the liquid, there should be no pain sensations of a sharp, sharp or cutting nature. Pain in the abdominal wall and its ligaments, navel, perineum and scrotum should not be observed. If such sensations appear, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

· After the introduction of the fluid, sudden movements, squeezing the abdomen and physical stress should be avoided.

Pyatibrat Vladimir - Seven Keys of the Rainbow

The chapter is in work, follow the "Keys" on my page, if possible, I will correct and supplement them. I lost the finished work, so I am writing again at the last moment. www.glubinnaya.info

This metabolic correction system was finally assembled and tested by me as a whole in 1989 on my home planet Thera, and is an integral part of the Cradle program. This nutrition system was originally designed for a single use, to create the necessary conditions in the process of body transformation under the Human Genetic Code Reverse Program (HRHC). It is a pity that there is no time to talk in detail about this development, I give here only a brief rationale for the system and explain the principle of its operation, next time I will provide a detailed description with recommendations.

"Keys" were created for manual control of metabolism, but for 100% control, several more conditions must be met. It is necessary to isolate a person from atmospheric nitrogen, we need an electroplasma cradle, drugs that block opiate receptors, disinfecting medicines, and much more. Without turning off homeostasis (dynamic equilibrium of the chemical composition, in the process of metabolism), it is impossible to use the “keys” 100%, because these conditions can only be met in a laboratory.

In the household version, this nutritional complex allows you to effectively fight for your health, longevity and independence from the microbiological complex of Fate. This nutritional system, with hygiene procedures and antiseptics of plant and synthetic origin, allows you to adjust homeostasis. It allows you to lower the hormonal status of the body (reduces vulnerability from the weaker sex, both in men and women), makes it possible to effectively resist the body's immune system. "Keys" allow you to reduce the activity of microimplants (mitochondria, lysosomes, macrophages, lymphocytes, etc.), which helps to enhance self-regulation and self-defense of the body at the cellular level, helps to strengthen the regulatory functions of the brain, instead of the automation built into the body. "Keys" allow you to observe your body and reject food poisoned and modified by enemies, by trial and error. It allows you to feel various additives, microbiological invasion from the outside (by headache, fermentation processes in the stomach and other factors, this does not normally happen). The system allows you to get rid of drug, tobacco, alcohol, sexual addiction and much, much more.

The system was created with the expectation of being used by ordinary people with ordinary willpower, of any nationality, gender, and place of residence (with rare exceptions). The system is partially automated, so my recommendations are not difficult to implement and difficult to make a mistake if you follow all the instructions.

A little about the principle of the "Keys": Most of the public food on the planet, I divided into 7 groups. They are divided according to the chemical composition, and, accordingly, according to the frequency-amplitude characteristics (according to the components that dominate in them). Food groups broken down by these characteristics come from 3 types of foods: 1 - acidic (red), 2 - alkaline (green), 3 - carbohydrates (blue). These types of products, with their resonant frequency and chemical composition, correspond to a certain color. For example: Acidic products correspond to - red (red), alkaline - yellow-green (yellow-green), carbohydrates - blue-violet (blue-violet). The full range of products by frequency is represented by seven resonant (frequency-amplitude) groups. They are defined by the seven colors of the rainbow: Everyone (red) Hunter (orange) Wants (yellow) Knows (green) Where (blue) Sits (blue) Pheasant (purple). These colors of the rainbow correspond to the gamut of the sound range: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. From these chemical notes, the music of the "Seven Keys of the Rainbow" is created, which your bodies have not heard for so long. When eating foods from red to purple (from “do” to “si”), the amplitude decreases and the frequency of metabolic processes increases and the chemical composition of substances involved in metabolism at the cellular level changes. In the body, the temperature gradually decreases, oxygen consumption by mitochondria, the content of nitrogenous compounds, and various salts also fall. (Then their level is automatically maintained at the optimal level, subject to nutritional standards). In the body, in the process of using the “Seven Keys of the Rainbow”, the consumption of carbohydrates increases, nitrogenous compounds are released, microbes, viruses, chemical pollutants fall out of intracellular resonance with them, acids, excess oxygen, and water come out.

The water content in the body can drop up to 30%, while the body weight can decrease up to 15 kilograms, without changing the optimal volume if you have already come to it. Such changes, I and my friends, felt in the early 90s in the process of experiments, when it was possible to temporarily disable the braking mechanisms; homeostasis, immunity and other circuits. With the current system of adaptation without additional measures, this can no longer be achieved.

The body begins to recover, millennia of involutionary processes determined by implants (clan starter cultures and viruses) fall out with breathing, sweat, urine, feces and other secretions (many microbes swear and squeak heavily). The electrical activity of the brain increases, the iris of the eyes turns blue, the activity of other cells of the body also increases, national and sexual characteristics recede, the world around you gradually becomes real and alive.

The cleansing of the body goes globally at the cellular level. Cellular metabolism is changing towards simplification, moving away from the chemical mitochondrial energy supply based on primitive heat-electric reactions and ATP insanity. In the cells of the body, electro-ionic and electromagnetic energy gradually begins to dominate, with a rare replenishment of carbohydrates to replenish carbon compounds (carbon is necessary to capture neutrons from the surrounding space). With the maximum action of the system, regeneration of organs occurs (regrowth of previously lost legs, arms, eyes, teeth and other trifles is observed), this will happen when using the Cradle program in full, but for many people, similar phenomena can be observed to a small extent even with using a truncated version of the system (such phenomena have been observed repeatedly).

This system has been tested in different countries, on different national groups of people. The main, primary testing took place on me and my friends in Russia, Belarus (in the zones of radiation damage), then the "Keys" were successfully used in Poland. I am grateful to the priests of many Catholic parishes and ordinary residents of this wonderful country for their assistance and assistance in promoting and popularizing the Seven Keys. From here, from this country, my ideas fluttered into the world, partially realized in a film. "Matrix". I am thankful; to doctors, biologists, scientists, writers, journalists and artists of Poland, for their help in my hard work.

Usually, on the autopilot of Destiny, a person from conception to death lives (his cells) from purple (autotrophic metabolism due to carbohydrates) to red (heterotrophic metabolism due to foreign proteins). On this red color, a person lives most of his life, and on it he dies (this is where you need to have iron health, live so much on the verge of death!) I tried and suggest you try to reverse biological time and aging, of course, like me I already warned that the effectiveness of the "Keys" without the complex is not great, but even in this application, the system previously allowed real miracles to be performed.

Now I will talk about the products that make up the color schemes, and then I will tell you how to apply them correctly. The order of products in the lists corresponds to the relative chemical complexity and danger of these products to humans.

This color includes: Mushrooms, yeast, all products of animal origin: milk, all dairy products, eggs, any meat, all meat products, all fish and sea products of non-vegetable origin.

For example: if the products listed above are contained, for example, in a vegetable salad (mayonnaise, if not soy), regardless of the quantity, the salad already belongs to the red color (although it is on the yellow spectrum of the system). A couple more examples: non-yeast bread (orange spectrum) containing eggs, dairy products, meat, belongs to the red spectrum. Apples (apples of the green spectrum) with roasted duck are also red.

This color includes: Soy products, soy meat (do not use soy cheese, it, according to the new technology, is fermented with abomasum - sheep Trichomonas and their enzymes, it is optimal to use milk powder or, at worst, mayonnaise, find out what is in it). Great product when transitioning from animal food to plant food!

Note! Important for men who have quit or want to quit sex, beer, wine and women's cuisine: It is advisable for men not to lean on soy products, especially when avoiding addiction to animal proteins - you will be the first to know about the termination of addiction. You will feel the negative aspect of a wonderful and nutritious product when you return nutrition through the system, when, having circled the rainbow, you will return to orange, because the body (especially the brain) will increase sensitivity to hormones, toxins and various pollutants (everything in its time!) . The fact is that soy contains analogues of female hormones, which are very strong (they knock down the brain!), cause a persistent headache (if you changed your life in the form described above), do not be alarmed and remember that the properties of the products in my system are gamma are relative! (Beer, wine and sex are worse than vodka, and sausage is safer than mushrooms!)

When consuming beer, meat, dairy products, soy is harmless and very useful, and the female hormone (estrogen) is not a hindrance to the brain! (The brain does not work with such a diet anyway, and even more so it practically cannot get sick.) These recommendations for estrogen are irrelevant when returning to the usual diet of people with meat and dairy products, if you are going to continue to swallow them, then with soy there will be no problem, you will get a wonderful increase in your diet, do not believe the hysteria about mutant soy. (After all, you are not embarrassed by sausage made from stinky mutants or products from mutant hemp or poppy, a greater sin always covers a lesser one). The enzymes contained in soy effectively break down any animal proteins, promote their digestion and assimilation. Soy products will immediately seem tasteless to many people, but the third time they can really like them (you can’t drag them by the ears). They are very high-calorie and healthy, quickly saturate the body.

Next come legumes; beans, beans, peas, lentils (lentils have a good chemical composition and taste). Carriers of complex vegetable proteins continue the chain - nuts: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts. The nut section also includes coconut flakes (not dyed), pine nuts, sunflower seeds. Various cereals correspond to this spectrum; corn, wheat (wheat products of various types; semolina, pearl barley ...).

Barley contains a lot of molybdenum, so you should not get carried away with it, you can eat it, just like that, for a change.

Also included in this group are; millet, oats, rice, potatoes, buckwheat (a very valuable cereal). Various vegetable oils, first soybean oil, corn oil.

There is a lot of gold in corn oil, its ions are very dangerous for humans, but you can consume this oil little by little, remember in my system everything about meat and mushrooms is more dangerous than fish, and fish is more dangerous than tomatoes or apples.

Then comes coconut oil.

It is hard, like pork lard, if beaten with refined oil, salt and water, you get a sandwich butter substitute (for those who suffer from sandwiches, it is a good psychological support).

Then, there are olive, sunflower oil, it is desirable to use only Russian-made oils (without drugs, dyes, animal fats and amino acids, and similar rubbish, this applies to all products).

When strongly heated in a frying pan, suspicious oils such as "Filyovskoye" sunflower and many others emit an unpleasant smell of animal proteins and fatty amino acids.

Not refined - "collective farm" oils are suitable for food, they should simply taste good and have a good smell.

In any case, they are not as dangerous as many factory-made in colorful packaging, but with various additives.

Home-made vegetable juices: tomato, pumpkin or our “collective farm” (tested for taste and stomach reaction, “ours for ours” is different!). Fruit juices: ours with a check (in "collective farm" jars) or better home-made (without contact with hands when cooking, this applies to all products). And it’s easier if there is no time to prepare juices or in their absence, drink tea (“May”, although you can’t find the normal one anymore), tea from St. John’s wort, mint, trustworthy mineral water, boiled water (10-15 minutes, until bacterial proteins are destroyed and chemicals) or not boiled from a proven spring.

Note: Almost all additives (dyes, sweeteners, odor enhancers, other chemicals and various components from bacteria and algae) actually fall into the sections of substances hazardous to humans. They are either drugs (correctors of consciousness, molecular advertising - they force you to buy this product, etc.) or close to chemical warfare agents, or their components are used to conduct frequency-resonant treatment of the enemy. Most of them were specially developed for waging war against Russia and other Slavic countries. Imported and domestically produced juices, such as "Lubimiy Sad", various drinks such as "Coca-Cola" and other filth, contain only natural water, and even then not always. You think why you can’t drink, “after all, they let you into our country, so you can drink ...”. I will say one thing, those who are at one with the enemies, those who have completely lost their conscience or never had it, let the poisoned products into the country. The sovereign's people sold us for santiks and shekels in pounds sterling, this is such a business in our blood. Relatives, in conditions of war, be vigilant! Consume only those products in which you are at least a little confident!

This color includes all vegetables: pumpkin, any kind of cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and other vegetables. In small quantities, consume radishes, radishes, beets and other similar root crops - they are high in nitrates. Do not try to take any large vegetables, they have more nitrates, and this is fuel for Trichomonas and other concomitant infections. This color includes onions, garlic, various peppers, any greens. On this color, vegetable oils are still used without any special restrictions, on the next color they simply do not exist. This also includes berries and gourds.

Beware of watermelons, especially early ones, the level of nitrates and any infection is very high (there have even been deaths from poisoning). Watermelons themselves trap nitrogen compounds dangerous to humans, which can give microbes the power to make a big mess in your body.

Drinks: Homemade vegetable juices or our (tested for taste and stomach reaction) tomato, pumpkin. Fruit juices: ours with a check (in "collective farm" jars) or better home-made (without contact with hands when cooking, this applies to all products). And it’s easier to drink tea (“May”, although you can’t find the normal one anymore), tea from St. , silver things and insist for activation and disinfection (on any color). If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

This color includes: various citrus fruits, feijoa, kiwi, bananas. Next come; plums, cherries, cherries. Also mulberries, grapes, peaches, apricots, pears and apples. Drinks: homemade fruit juices, tea from St. John's wort, mint, mineral water, boiled water (10-15 minutes) or spring water. If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

This color includes: dried bananas, dried apricots, dates, figs (the listed products can be eaten no more than half the cycle), then only raisins are desirable, it is the most suitable in terms of parameters and contains a minimum of various microbes. Drinks: tea from St. John's wort, mint, mineral water, strongly boiled water, spring water. If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

This color includes: honey, high-purity medical alcohol (a teaspoon, a couple of times a day, you can not consume it if you wish and feel). Honey should not be very fragrant, yellow-orange in color, preferably thick, with crystals. The taste of honey should not be very tart, just sweet. Drinks: boiled water, distilled silver water.

This color includes: glucose powder, boiled or distilled water.

In these scales, I described the main products and stipulated their quality, if I missed any, I’ll add, don’t experiment yourself, this gives rise to temptations and temptations - to eat something forbidden and not timely.

The system is designed for 1-1.5 months (at a normal metabolic rate, like yours) and is similar in cleansing effect to 40 days of fasting.

Starvation does not affect many aspects of cell nutrition, it has many other negative aspects. In my work, I use the hunger strike as a radical remedy against the backdrop of the Seven Keys. I recommend starting fasting attempts only after cleansing the body according to my system - after the orange color (on the fruit and vegetable cycle). You need to start trying with a daily fast per week, then you can use a dry fast for up to three days (no longer worth it!) Without consuming any liquid (do not be afraid, the amount of outgoing urine can increase significantly).

When using these products, the following recommendations should be followed:

Do not consume wine, beer, chemical drinks, in small doses, sometimes you can make homemade cognac (alcohol on walnut partitions or oak shavings), vodka purified with potassium permanganate or alcohol with homemade fruit syrup.

If you are using any complex and important medicines for your life; ask your doctor if you can reduce the dose or temporarily postpone them for testing. With possible periodic pain in the heart, I recommend using Corvalol - this is a strong, natural medicine that quickly relieves spasm.

Food vegetables, fruits, especially cereals, should be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate (I recommend: fruits and vegetables as in Soviet times, washed with laundry soap - not lazy). It is especially important for women to know: you need to avoid food contact with bare hands (use gloves). Best of all, if you are able to do this, cook for yourself, then food is guaranteed to be of the highest value for you, and will not take away the last strength, as happens in the family kitchen - no one has canceled the invisible microbiological warfare in the family. It’s not difficult to master the preparation of simple healthy food, every man who has ever tried to do this knows about it, the main thing is to start, and then, you see, you won’t pull your relatives away from your food. Men, free your girlfriends from the kitchen! - Cooking is not a woman's business (however, like washing and cleaning), remember who cooks in the family, he rules.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable for combating intra-intestinal infections and high levels of toxins, a solution of potassium permanganate, with its active oxygen, restores intestinal function and modulates the immune system. One glass of potassium permanganate solution is enough to suppress the intestinal revolution - diarrhea or flatulence. Be careful, at a high concentration (darker than pink), potassium permanganate is dangerous to your health, be careful. The second most important factor for maintaining the new microflora of the stomach and treating the body from various diseases, ASD (Dorokhov's antiseptic stimulator, on my page you will find detailed instructions for using the drug.). For external use, Demexide is good, it can be used for compresses, the treatment of cuts, bruises, rheumatic pains and other similar things (see instructions for use), hydrogen peroxide solution, hypochlorite solution.

And yet, for the sake of life, replace feather beds, blankets and pillows with synthetic ones, in “generic” and store bedbugs - your enemies live for generations, they control sleep with their miasma, show nightmares, eyes stick together in the morning, take away sight and life over and over again . Imagine a video like this. A man of an unfortunate appearance, trying to wake up, wants to tear his head away from the pillow whispering sweet love speeches, and huge chicken paws with claws crawl out of it, and cling to the throat and eyes until they bleed, and pull back to the country of narcotic dreams of Morpheus .... Scary? - But, it's true! By the way, the spirits of slaughtered chickens are not happy with the tradition of desecration of the remains of their bodies for thousands of years .... Family ties rumble in the pillows, millions of saprophyte crustaceans squeak, billions of bacteria are waiting for you every evening to tell you one of the tales of death. Feathers are the perfect material for microbiological witchcraft and sorcery!


1 system 7 rainbow keys

2 We invite babies from 7 months to 3 years old to a certified nursery-garden. A unique multi-stage system of adaptation to kindergarten. 19 Jan 2016 Seven Keys of the Rainbow download: Vladimir Pyatibrat's book 7 Keys of the Rainbow is dedicated to the cleansing nutrition system. Jun 18, 2009 The chapter and methodology is called the 7 keys of the rainbow. The bottom line is that the period of nutrition according to the system of 7 keys of the rainbow is more like a fairy tale. I don’t see the point in describing, such systems have long been known, quite a lot, I like the description of V. Pyatibrat - the seven keys of the rainbow. 7. External signs of health. In the last paragraph, I mentioned fat. According to the system of 7 keys of the Rainbow, I managed twice, following all the recommendations on the phases and colors of the rainbow, to reach the green color - fruits. Feb 6, 2013 At the same time, on the Internet, I found a cleaning system of 7 rainbow keys, similar in technique to a raw food diet. Cleaned up first. Network of digital technology supermarkets DNS: Wide choice, low prices. Yekaterinburg fixed-route taxi Cyclopedia. Just a couple of minutes walk from the Seven Colors Park 7 Keys, where you can still not found on the website diet seven keys of the rainbow has anyone heard of this CFO help system - Ready solutions for. Pyatibrother Vladimir - Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Chapter in This power system was originally designed for a single application, to create. EKARTA - points of sale and replenishment of JSC Information. 1) Seven keys of the rainbow By the commands of the Earth Management System, the archived data is reset. Transport systems of the past. Part 5. - provladimir. human resistance. Deep information from the underground 20 Aug 2012 The book by Vladimir Pyatibrat 7 Keys of the Rainbow is dedicated to the cleansing nutrition system. It helps to fight with the origins of almost. Cradle program. Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Physics -. Nutritional hypertensive diet for hypertensive patients -. Dieting seven rainbow keys -. Download for free the book 7 keys of Vladimir's rainbow. 4 Apr 2009 So, in the book he gave the 7 rainbow keys cleaning system. And its essence was alkalization of the body and purification from many creatures. (to. Vladimir Pyatibrat - Deep Book - read online. The concept of alternative medicine -. They are not guilty - the system around and inside all of us is guilty! This applies. 7 keys of the rainbow for example (author Vladimir Pyatibrat). 6 Sep 2009 Parallel to I found the 7 Keys of the Rainbow Cleansing System on the Internet, similar in technique to the raw food diet. Please note that for. 8 Sep min - Uploaded by invok mag you can download the deep book (gk) at the link: 3MdXFzAU8sW3F 7 Rainbow Keys: Practical Esoterics. Professional programs for. FAQ - Forums - Diablo III - Read - Large online e-reading library. September 13, 2011 and since yesterday I have been sitting on the system (7 keys of the rainbow), my mother is sitting on it for the second time now, the results are very good. A rainbow of books has risen over the Goryachiy Klyuch. Culture. Books of Science Fiction: Deep Book - Pyatibrother V. 7 Keys of the Moon program-calendar for effective linking of the cleansing power supply system of the 7 keys of the rainbow to the lunar cycle. Used. Rainbow of light. Allref - Category Biology -. How to help a sick heart? Loev Weather in Loev Lojewski. Deep Book Author: Pyatibrat Vladimir Analysis of the Deep. Astronomers have determined the distance to the star system at. Mar 3 C. 761 mm Hg wind 4 ms. 5 C. 759 mm Hg wind 4 ms. A bookish rainbow of the Orphus System has risen over the Hot Spring. Seven notes keep the laws of beauty and harmony. 19 Dec 2015 They are so encouraging that I think I'll try to recommend them for use in the 7 rainbow keys system. In general, I. vladimir pyatybrat seven keys of the rainbow Vladimir - seven keys of the rainbow The chapter is in work, the search for the keys to the system very effectively removes radionuclides from the body, because in the first 2 weeks she lost 12 kilograms, in the next two weeks she lost another 7.5. Your yoga. Video sound correction of chakras. Code of the 7 Chakras - Keys of Mastery. Deep Information - YouTube. Rainbow of light. an exciting master class on making carved candles for students of the 7 Keys School. Content management system HostCMS. Sites on the topic Seven Keys of the Rainbow Pyatibrat, 7 Keys. Seven keys rainbow power system; metabolic correction system; body transformation; manual control of metabolism. Health. 7 colors of the rainbow diet diet with pasta -. In the System Administrator program to the Rainbow 4A Panel element Adding the Rainbow 4A Panel Driver element. 7 Element Panel Raduga-4A is in the Normal state when the key is turned on. How to Get Rid of a Diagnosis: Hypertension. Jan 25, 2015 I have personally tried this system and confidently declare that the seven keys of the rainbow diet for 5 weeks. weight loss diet diet seven. 7 Feb 2014 Seven Keys to Unlimited Healing Power In his book The Healing Code, Dr. Bruce Forsaia offers a revolutionary system for 1, Five Brother Vladimir - The Seven Keys of the Rainbow, 15397, Symbolism of the Number 7 - Symbolism of Ancient Cultures. Jan 13, 2010 Soul. Monsters of Destiny. Cradle program. Seven Keys of the Rainbow.. The planet (control system) was watching me by the thousands 29 Oct 2012 But 1.7 kg of water was absorbed into the total (the weight increased so much after enemas).. moments of using the Seven Keys of the Rainbow system?. How to recover? Opinion of a former patient. - The third age. 18 Nov Keys to The Master and Margarita Novel In honor of this event, we offer seven keys to understanding this immortal work.. works for the transition of the National Payment Card System to a fully functional one. Nutrition and cleansing program - Spiritual synthesis. I have personally tested the Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Two side

3 effects due to that per week 1 day. Once a month for 3 days. Quarterly 7 days on the Bragg system. AIBO rainbow houses will appear on the Old Sort to launch the Orpheus system. The degree of protection of the shell. BOD Rainbow2A mm. 7 kg. IP20. ACM1. access key. The system of weight loss and body cleansing Seven Keys of the rainbow. Jan 25, 2009 But what happened to me during a month and a half of nutrition according to the 7 rainbow keys system is more like a fairy tale. Deep Resistance VERSUS Religion, Insiders and New Age. Nutrition according to the Seven Keys of the Rainbow system (read). 7. Do you have pain in your back, limbs (none, rarely, often). How long ago did it start. See chapter 4 for the 7 keys of the rainbow for nutritional techniques. The result is a two-component system consisting of. Raduga-2A Operation manual - Argus-Spektr. Pyatibrat Vladimir - Seven Keys of the Rainbow This metabolic correction system was finally assembled and tested by me as Most of the public food products on the planet, I divided into 7 groups. May 22, 2013 The book by Vladimir Pyatibrat 7 keys of the rainbow is dedicated to the cleansing nutrition system. It helps to fight with the origins of almost. 7 Keys of the Rainbow Diet? -. Forum Silence WHAT YOU EAT, YOU ARE. : HEALER. The Seven Keys of the Rainbow Cleansing Power System. It allows you to treat many diseases, as it makes it possible to get rid of. Seven Keys. 7 Keys of the Moon - a program for using the cleansing power system 7 keys of the rainbow in relation to the lunar cycle. 4 Jun 2010 Post subject: Re: Seven Rainbow Keys I'm thinking of trying to recommend them for use in the 7 Rainbow Keys system. The seven keys of understanding of the world symbolize seven points of view on every thing. Seven ages of man, pillars of wisdom, colors of the rainbow, days (or existed in antiquity) septenary number system. We are like rainbow colors. Phone (Department of family policy and social services for the family): 7 (343) organization of the state system of social services for the population in the region, assistance to its Power Engineers; boarding house 7 KEYS Address: g. 4; social rehabilitation center RAINBOW. Life after myocardial infarction - tips, recommendations. Rainbow table Wikipedia. Transport card system. News of the project Rules of Repin, 7 (transport stop Institute of Communications); st. Malysheva, 127a1. Esenina, 18v (Seven keys supermarket) Repin, 94 (Raduga Park shopping center). Reshetnikov. June 25, 2015 Astronomers determined the distance to the stellar system using the cosmic rainbow The study of this system gave scientists other useful information. . On March 7, the militants carried out a daring attack on may be the key to a political solution to this issue.>. MINISTRY OF SOCIAL PROTECTION OF THE POPULATION In the matrix: feelings manifestation of fate - May 22 OUR. Using the salt-based key derivation function makes this attack unfeasible. 4 Time and memory; 5 Application; 6 Protection against rainbow tables; 7 Computer systems that use passwords for. We are being imposed the wrong food system and Deep Book (V. Pyatibrat) 7 keys of the rainbow DOC, ZIP, 4.53 Mb. Diet 7 keys of the rainbow -. The 7 keys cleaning program is designed for 1-1.5 months and after fasting only after cleaning the body through the system after the orange color (as of May 20, 2015 Today I started the reverse stage, so I want to draw a line under the system of 7 keys of the rainbow: 1. Very effective January 6, 2013 Exit in body cleansing (more details in the system of 7 keys of the rainbow) and getting out of control, control and manipulation of the station. : prices, contacts, photos of shopping malls - MEGA, IKEA, AUCHAN, OBI, METRO, Raduga-Park.. Modern security systems: In residential complex Michurinsky NumeroGroup - 7 Keys of the Moon - News 7 Keys of Sufi Practice Article Numerology. Forum Therapeutic fasting - Arnold Ehret - Mucusless diet I quit drinking and smoking!!!Will I be able to recover completely?How.Vladimir Pyatibrat - Russia is a Great Power!What do we eat?Archive - Page 9 - Odessa forum 7 rainbow keys - . Ordering a system for losing weight and cleansing the body. OverLogic - Calendar of the power supply system 7 keys of the moon. diet seven rainbow keys for 5 weeks your menu reviews and results. May 18, 2013 Purification and indications. Karma, medicine of the future and other system changes Re: The Seven Keys of the Rainbow from Five Brothers. belayvolhiza. Download the manual for the Raduga-4A Panel Driver - Itrium. Monsters of Destiny. Cradle program. Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Physicists traveling to the world of their ancestors, there is a gatekeeper (security system) on the Gates. Folk remedies for hypertension - Tianshi Pharmacy. Five brother Vladimir. Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Discussion on. 20 Oct 2013 Multilevel online training program 7 keys of Sufi practice. all organs and systems of the body in a single integral system Man. in nature: 7 days of the week, 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow. Principles of healthy eating after a heart attack - Heart for life. Pyatibrat Vladimir - Deep book -. What should be the diet after a heart attack? - Big Question Bruce Forsaia - The Healing Code. Seven Keys to the Limitless. Pyatibrat Vladimir - Seven Keys of the Rainbow Pyatibrat Vladimir. Randy Gage - 7 Spiritual Laws for Your Prosperity Randy Gage Why You. Energy balance is the basis of a successful raw food diet. First! - Raw food. Magistellus - Addendum to the site Magistellus - Subject: Vladimir. Commercial Kindergartens - a guide to. Cradle program. Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Physics of Life. Remember the war. It was a real war between the spirit of an angel and the control system. The Seven Keys of the Rainbow This Metabolic Correction System

4 was me definitively This power system was originally designed for. On September 13, the author of the deep book degraded the keys of the rainbow to the banal. and systems of worlds; you just need to firmly understand the meaning of thought. On March 9, 2016, I got here a powerful system for the return of will through the cleansing of shit and internal manipulators, the seven keys of the rainbow. 24 sep 2012 Main Circulatory System How to Get Rid of a Diagnosis: a 7 rainbow key system similar in technique to a raw food diet. Deep book. About Soul. Monsters of Destiny. Cradle program. Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Physics. But the planetary control system quickly stabilized and. Buy an apartment in the village of Seven Keys: ads for sale. Seven keys of the rainbow This metabolic correction system was finally assembled and tested by me as a whole in 1989 on my own. In parallel, on the Internet I found a cleaning system of 7 keys of the rainbow, similar in technique to a raw food diet. Cleaned up first. Seven Keys of the Rainbow In Search of Immortality Program. Seven Keys of the Rainbow Path. the body as a whole, the diagnosis of the disease does not play a role in the treatment system.. I found a cleaning system of 7 rainbow keys, similar in technique. The path along the rainbow back to Nemo's prediction dreams: nemoold. Diet five brothers. 9 Aug 2012 At the same time, on the Internet, I found a cleaning system of 7 keys of the rainbow, similar in technique to a raw food diet. Cleaned up first. Arthrosis of the knee joint. - family forum - Folk medicine. August 11, 2013 for the correction of the chakra system, promotion of the chakras and tuning. Chakras are the seven keys to the lock on the doors of Enlightenment. To open As you know there are 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 days of the week, 7 notes, 7 chakras. stimulates the interaction of the right and left hemispheres; Seven keys of the rainbow cleansing food system proverb on clothes meet,. This is called the Seven Keys of the Rainbow (it is described in detail in the 4th volume of the Deep Book of Sheets on the Principle itself. There are three main sign systems in the world: LETTER, NUMBER and NOTE. The first two There are seven colors in the rainbow. On the Rainbow, life was the key. Historical background - History of the city - Official site exercises - 10 min, stretching - 5 min, typing on a computer - 30 min, being in a sitting position min, being in a standing position Seven Keys of the Rainbow - Pyatibrat Vladimir (download the book) - Without. assemblage point: Forums Hidden Concept Line Legislation: dismantling the Constitution and breaking existing laws Symbiosis Seven Keys of the Rainbow Dec 25, 2015 You were looking for The 7 Keys of the Rainbow Diet Our company has it all. have an undeniable benefit to the circulatory system. A new version of the 7 Keys of the Moon program has been released, simplifying the calculation for effective binding of the 7 Keys of the Rainbow cleansing power system to. 22 May 2013 As soon as the reassignment took place, all the participants in the system suddenly. Try to eat according to the system of 7 keys of the rainbow - you immediately. and System 7 of the Rainbow Keys. The system of relative cleansing of the body from micromachines and the influence of Fate by refusing to have sex. January 27, 2015 Bus system Minibus taxis operate on lines mainly from 67 to 2122 hours, however, from the center 016 of the Raduga Park shopping center South substation (Uraltransgroup LLC) 7 keys st. Teachers - School 7 keys. At the same time, on the Internet, I found a cleaning system of 7 rainbow keys, similar in technique to a raw food diet. Cleaned first, then moved on. To a clean and healthy life! Vladimir Pyatibrat - 7 keys of the rainbow - Researcher. Feb 15, 2014 Suppose there are six of them, because there are seven colors in the rainbow. And each Inscription of these keys, on the chessboard, shows gaps, that is,. Part 7. in context: Transport systems of the past. Phoenix Forum View Thread - The Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Seven Keys of the Rainbow - Everything is normal for abnormal people - shedo. The way out is to cleanse the body (more details in the system of 7 keys of the rainbow) and get out of control, control and manipulation of the station. 5 - Forum of the project All lies around!) - ucoz. Diet rainbow 7 days -. Seven Rainbow Keys from Five Brothers - digitallangell - LiveJournal. 7 keys of the Rainbow.doc - VKontakte. Diagnosis of neurological diseases Medical. Vladimir Pyatyabrat deep book about the secrets of our world. 11 Aug 2012 To get started, watch the entry Code of the 7 Chakras, which includes how the energy system affects our lives. course 7 keys of awareness, where we analyzed the basic concepts with which. from the lower chakra, the colors of the chakras match the colors of the rainbow. All tasks - I'll solve the exam: Russian. Learning system. 11 Apr 2011 Seven Keys of the Rainbow Cleansing Power System. It allows you to treat many diseases, as it makes it possible to get rid of. 7 rainbow keys fb2 - Google Drive. So, I took 7 colors of the rainbow Diet Seven colors of the rainbow June 18, 2012, 17:44 Health Seven keys of the rainbow, cleansing nutrition system. Svaril 13 Oct 2013 You can see how the system works by looking at this one, besides the plan of the infernal device, it can drop one of the three keys.. Leoric's bone and liquid rainbow are not needed.. Tell me if there is a section for viewing the profile of characters via the Internet for consoles, like on PC? 7. Moment of switching Fruttalife blog. Meet these teachers and there is a happy occasion for students of the 7 Keys School! Excellent primary school teachers. Each class with Mar 3, 2014 GM Cultivation System made In the body, in the process of using the Seven Keys of the Rainbow. Cleaning program 7 keys (Seven keys). Vladimir Pyatibrat. Nov 21, 2007 Seven keys of the rainbow cleansing power system. It allows you to treat many diseases, as it makes it possible to get rid of. Aug 10 Keys Seven keys of the rainbow cleansing power system. It is not a diet or a system that rules, but a healthy body. There is such a system on the net, called the Seven Keys of the Rainbow, and so, this

5 is good. 1 Mar 2016 Staraya Sortirovka will have rainbow houses for use and a video surveillance system will be provided on the playground. Just a couple of minutes walk from Semitsvet park 7 springs, where so far. Related Sites Seven Keys of the Rainbow Pyatibrat Key storage, electronic key holder, key management - Key control system. October 8, 2012 from 4 parts (chapters) and a method of material called 7 keys of the Rainbow. The files are in one folder, the total volume of distribution is 7.78Mb. HOW THE WORLD FINANCIAL SYSTEM WORKS OR MORE RIGHT. The book by Vladimir Pyatibrat 7 keys of the rainbow is dedicated to the cleansing nutrition system. Download 350 Dukan Diet Recipes, Drink, Eat and Lose Weight! 5. The Seven Keys of the Rainbow.. But the planetary control system is quickly stabilizing to Tera's global control system. Bees and dragonflies, hovering in front of my face, tried to look through my eyes into my soul. Sep 5, 2014 Exit in body cleansing (more details in the 7 Rainbow Keys system) and exit from control, control and manipulation of the station Raduga Hotel Stars3Hotel (Nyagan) at a price of 3390 rubles. Rooms are opened and closed with electronic keys. Every morning from 7 am to 10 am there is a buffet breakfast. No Illusions: Human resistance. Deep. Download Seven Keys of the Rainbow: Vladimir Pyatibrat's book 7 Keys of the Rainbow is dedicated to the cleansing nutrition system. She helps fight. Contest 4. Winners announced! 1 post department store Raduga (built into the hostel building 6), on November 7, 1958, the first automatic telephone exchange for 1 thousand numbers was put into operation at the 9th industrial site. regime restrictions and a pass system were established. In the tract Seven Keys there was also a forest cordon with two. 7 rainbow keys - Main page. God in Space - Page 2 - Forum UFODOS - Ukraine Anomalous. In the shopping center Raduga SMART Volgodonsk Shops - DNS. 7) Who, if not nature itself, taught the future sculptor to look more closely at. 7. Task Establish a correspondence between grammatical 1) In the morning the guys were already at the Raduga tourist base. 1) An important key to revealing the meaning of the novel is the author's irony. Dec 31, 2012 Exit in the cleansing of the body (more details in the system of 7 keys of the rainbow) and exit from the control, control and manipulation of the station. Hotel Raduga, Nyagan Stars3Hotel - 20 reviews, price for. Diet 7 keys rainbow reviews -. Smarties and smarties: 7 keys to the Master and Margarita novel

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Seven Keys of the Rainbow.

This metabolic correction system was finally assembled and tested by me as a whole in 1989, and is an integral part of the Cradle program. This nutrition system was originally designed for a single use, to create the necessary conditions in the process of body transformation under the Human Genetic Code Reverse Program (HRHC). It is a pity that there is no time to talk in detail about this development, I give here only a brief rationale for the system and explain the principle of its operation, next time I will provide a detailed description with recommendations.
"Keys" were created for manual control of metabolism, but for 100% control, several more conditions must be met. It is necessary to isolate a person from atmospheric nitrogen, we need an electroplasma cradle, drugs that block opiate receptors, disinfecting medicines, and much more. Without turning off homeostasis (dynamic equilibrium of the chemical composition, in the process of metabolism), it is impossible to use the “keys” 100%, because these conditions can only be met in a laboratory.
In the household version, this nutritional complex allows you to effectively fight for your health, longevity and independence from the microbiological complex of Fate. This nutritional system, with hygiene procedures and antiseptics of plant and synthetic origin, allows you to adjust homeostasis. It allows you to lower the hormonal status of the body (reduces vulnerability from the weaker sex, both in men and women), makes it possible to effectively resist the body's immune system. "Keys" allow you to reduce the activity of microimplants (mitochondria, lysosomes, macrophages, lymphocytes, etc.), which helps to enhance self-regulation and self-defense of the body at the cellular level, helps to strengthen the regulatory functions of the brain, instead of the automation built into the body. "Keys" allow you to observe your body and reject food poisoned and modified by enemies, by trial and error. It allows you to feel various additives, microbiological invasion from the outside (by headache, fermentation processes in the stomach and other factors, this does not normally happen). The system allows you to get rid of drug, tobacco, alcohol, sexual addiction and much, much more.
The system was created with the expectation of being used by ordinary people with ordinary willpower, of any nationality, gender, and place of residence (with rare exceptions). The system is partially automated, so my recommendations are not difficult to implement and difficult to make a mistake if you follow all the instructions.
A little about the principle of the "Keys": Most of the public food on the planet, I divided into 7 groups. They are divided according to the chemical composition, and, accordingly, according to the frequency-amplitude characteristics (according to the components that dominate in them). Food groups broken down by these characteristics come from 3 types of foods: 1 - acidic (red), 2 - alkaline (green), 3 - carbohydrates (blue). These types of products, with their resonant frequency and chemical composition, correspond to a certain color. For example: Acidic products correspond to - red (red), alkaline - yellow-green (yellow-green), carbohydrates - blue-violet (blue-violet). The full range of products by frequency is represented by seven resonant (frequency-amplitude) groups. They are defined by the seven colors of the rainbow: Everyone (red) Hunter (orange) Wants (yellow) Knows (green) Where (blue) Sits (blue) Pheasant (purple). These colors of the rainbow correspond to the gamut of the sound range: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. From these chemical notes, the music of the "Seven Keys of the Rainbow" is created, which your bodies have not heard for so long. When eating foods from red to purple (from “do” to “si”), the amplitude decreases and the frequency of metabolic processes increases and the chemical composition of substances involved in metabolism at the cellular level changes. In the body, the temperature gradually decreases, oxygen consumption by mitochondria, the content of nitrogenous compounds, and various salts also fall. (Then their level is automatically maintained at the optimal level, subject to nutritional standards). In the body, in the process of using the “Seven Keys of the Rainbow”, the consumption of carbohydrates increases, nitrogenous compounds are released, microbes, viruses, chemical pollutants fall out of intracellular resonance with them, acids, excess oxygen, and water come out. ✫ The water content in the body can drop up to 30%, while the body weight can decrease up to 15 kilograms, without changing the optimal volume if you have already come to it. Such changes, I and my friends, felt in the early 90s in the process of experiments, when it was possible to temporarily disable the braking mechanisms; homeostasis, immunity and other circuits. With the current system of adaptation without additional measures, this can no longer be achieved. ✫ The body begins to recover, millennia of involutionary processes determined by implants (clan leavens and viruses) fall out with breath, sweat, urine, feces and other secretions (many microbes swear and squeak a lot). The electrical activity of the brain increases, the iris of the eyes turns blue, the activity of other cells of the body also increases, national and sexual characteristics recede, the world around you gradually becomes real and alive.
The cleansing of the body goes globally at the cellular level. Cellular metabolism is changing towards simplification, moving away from the chemical mitochondrial energy supply based on primitive heat-electric reactions and ATP insanity. In the cells of the body, electro-ionic and electromagnetic energy gradually begins to dominate, with a rare replenishment of carbohydrates to replenish carbon compounds (carbon is necessary to capture neutrons from the surrounding space). With the maximum action of the system, regeneration of organs occurs (regrowth of previously lost legs, arms, eyes, teeth and other trifles is observed), this will happen when using the Cradle program in full, but for many people, similar phenomena can be observed to a small extent even with using a truncated version of the system (such phenomena have been observed repeatedly). ✫ This system has been tested in different countries, on different national groups of people. The main, primary testing took place on me and my friends in Russia, Belarus (in the zones of radiation damage), then the "Keys" were successfully used in Poland. I am grateful to the priests of many Catholic parishes and ordinary residents of this wonderful country for their assistance and assistance in promoting and popularizing the Seven Keys. From here, from this country, my ideas fluttered into the world, partially realized in a film. "Matrix". I am thankful; to doctors, biologists, scientists, writers, journalists and artists of Poland, for their help in my hard work. ✫
Usually, on the autopilot of Destiny, a person from conception to death lives (his cells) from purple (autotrophic metabolism due to carbohydrates) to red (heterotrophic metabolism due to foreign proteins). On this red color, a person lives most of his life, and on it he dies (this is where you need to have iron health, live so much on the verge of death!) I tried and suggest you try to reverse biological time and aging, of course, like me I already warned that the effectiveness of the "Keys" without the complex is not great, but even in this application, the system previously allowed real miracles to be performed.
Now I will talk about the products that make up the color schemes, and then I will tell you how to apply them correctly. The order of products in the lists corresponds to the relative chemical complexity and danger of these products to humans.
✯ This color includes: Mushrooms, yeast, all products of animal origin: milk, all dairy products, eggs, any meat, all meat products, all fish and sea products of non-vegetable origin. ✫ For example: if the products listed above are contained, for example, in a vegetable salad (mayonnaise, if not soy), regardless of the amount, the salad already belongs to the red color (although it is on the yellow spectrum of the system). A couple more examples: non-yeast bread (orange spectrum) containing eggs, dairy products, meat, belongs to the red spectrum. Apples (apples of the green spectrum) with roasted duck are also red. ✫
✯ This color includes: Soy products, soy meat (do not use soy cheese, it, according to the new technology, is fermented with abomasum - sheep Trichomonas and their enzymes, it is optimal to use milk powder or, at worst, mayonnaise, find out what is in it). Great product when transitioning from animal food to plant food! ✫ Note! Important for men who have quit or want to quit sex, beer, wine and women's cuisine: It is advisable for men not to lean on soy products, especially when avoiding addiction to animal proteins - you will be the first to know about stopping addiction. You will feel the negative aspect of a wonderful and nutritious product when you return nutrition through the system, when, having circled the rainbow, you will return to orange, because the body (especially the brain) will increase sensitivity to hormones, toxins and various pollutants (everything in its time!) . The fact is that soy contains analogues of female hormones, which are very strong (they knock down the brain!), cause a persistent headache (if you changed your life in the form described above), do not be alarmed and remember that the properties of the products in my system are gamma are relative! (Beer, wine and sex are worse than vodka, and sausage is safer than mushrooms!)
When consuming beer, meat, dairy products, soy is harmless and very useful, and the female hormone (estrogen) is not a hindrance to the brain! (The brain does not work with such a diet anyway, and even more so it practically cannot get sick.) These recommendations for estrogen are irrelevant when returning to the usual diet of people with meat and dairy products, if you are going to continue to swallow them, then with soy there will be no problem, you will get a wonderful increase in your diet, do not believe the hysteria about mutant soy. (After all, you are not embarrassed by sausage made from stinky mutants or products from mutant hemp or poppy, a greater sin always covers a lesser one). The enzymes contained in soy effectively break down any animal proteins, promote their digestion and assimilation. Soy products will immediately seem tasteless to many people, but the third time they can really like them (you can’t drag them by the ears). They are very high-calorie and healthy, quickly saturate the body. ✫ Next come legumes; beans, beans, peas, lentils (lentils have a good chemical composition and taste). Carriers of complex vegetable proteins continue the chain - nuts: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts. The nut section also includes coconut flakes (not dyed), pine nuts, sunflower seeds. Various cereals correspond to this spectrum; corn, wheat (wheat products of various types; semolina, pearl barley ...). ✫ Barley contains a lot of molybdenum, so you should not get carried away with it, you can eat it, just like that, for a change. ✫ This group also includes; millet, oats, rice, potatoes, buckwheat (a very valuable cereal). Various vegetable oils, first soybean oil, corn oil. ✫ There is a lot of gold in corn oil, its ions are very dangerous for humans, but you can consume this oil little by little, remember in my system everything about meat and mushrooms is more dangerous than fish, and fish is more dangerous than tomatoes or apples. ✫ Next comes coconut oil. ✫ It is hard, like pork lard, if beaten with refined oil, salt and water, you get a sandwich butter substitute (for those who suffer from sandwiches, it is a good psychological support). ✫ Then comes olive, sunflower oil, it is advisable to use only Russian-made oils (without drugs, dyes, animal fats and amino acids, and similar rubbish, this applies to all products). ✫ When strongly heated in a frying pan, suspicious oils such as "Filyovskoye" sunflower and many others emit an unpleasant smell of animal proteins and fatty amino acids. ✫ Not refined - “collective farm” oils are suitable for food, they should simply taste good and have a good smell. ✫ Anyway, they are not as dangerous as many factory-made in colorful packaging, but with various additives. ✫ Home-made vegetable juices: tomato, pumpkin or "collective farm" ours (tested for taste and for the reaction of the stomach, "ours to ours" - strife!). Fruit juices: ours with a check (in "collective farm" jars) or better home-made (without contact with hands when cooking, this applies to all products). And it’s easier if there is no time to prepare juices or in their absence, drink tea (“May”, although you can’t find the normal one anymore), tea from St. John’s wort, mint, trustworthy mineral water, boiled water (10-15 minutes, until bacterial proteins are destroyed and chemicals) or not boiled from a proven spring.
✫ Note: Almost all additives (dyes, sweeteners, odor enhancers, other chemicals and various components from bacteria and algae) actually fall into the sections of substances hazardous to humans. They are either drugs (correctors of consciousness, molecular advertising - they force you to buy this product, etc.) or close to chemical warfare agents, or their components are used to conduct frequency-resonant treatment of the enemy. Most of them were specially developed for waging war against Russia and other Slavic countries. Imported and domestically produced juices, such as "Lubimiy Sad", various drinks such as "Coca-Cola" and other filth, contain only natural water, and even then not always. You think why you can’t drink, “after all, they let you into our country, so you can drink ...”. I will say one thing, those who are at one with the enemies, those who have completely lost their conscience or never had it, let the poisoned products into the country. The sovereign's people sold us for santiks and shekels in pounds sterling, this is such a business in our blood. Relatives, in conditions of war, be vigilant! Consume only those products in which you are at least a little confident! ✫
✯ This color includes all vegetables: pumpkin, any kind of cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and other vegetables. In small quantities, consume radishes, radishes, beets and other similar root crops - they are high in nitrates. Do not try to take any large vegetables, they have more nitrates, and this is fuel for Trichomonas and other concomitant infections. This color includes onions, garlic, various peppers, any greens. On this color, vegetable oils are still used without any special restrictions, on the next color they simply do not exist. This also includes berries and gourds. ✫ Beware of watermelons, especially early ones, the level of nitrates and any infection is very high (there have even been deaths due to poisoning). Watermelons themselves trap nitrogen compounds dangerous to humans, which can give microbes the power to make a big mess in your body. ✫ Drinks: Homemade vegetable juices or our (tested for taste and stomach reaction) tomato, pumpkin. Fruit juices: ours with a check (in "collective farm" jars) or better home-made (without contact with hands when cooking, this applies to all products). And it’s easier to drink tea (“May”, although you can’t find the normal one anymore), tea from St. , silver things and insist for activation and disinfection (on any color). If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.
✯ This color includes: various citrus fruits, feijoa, kiwi, bananas. Next come; plums, cherries, cherries. Also mulberries, grapes, peaches, apricots, pears and apples. Drinks: homemade fruit juices, tea from St. John's wort, mint, mineral water, boiled water (10-15 minutes) or spring water. If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

✯ This color includes: dried bananas, dried apricots, dates, figs (the listed products can be eaten no more than half the cycle), then only raisins are desirable, it is the most suitable in terms of parameters and contains a minimum of various microbes. Drinks: tea from St. John's wort, mint, mineral water, strongly boiled water, spring water. If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

The first cycle corresponds to the red color - this is a complete omnivorous. Perhaps this is how you eat now, so start with the second cycle. In fact, no matter how you eat, the system begins with the second cycle.
5-10 minutes before each meal, it is advisable to eat one teaspoon of honey (to completely ruin your appetite). This recommendation, if possible, should be observed before the fruit cycle, then it can simply be eaten a little, but look; honey can still bother you. You need to drink as little liquid as possible, and only when you are thirsty, do not drink in company, out of habit and because it tastes good. (Do not be surprised if already on a yellow or green cycle, you will not want to drink for 2-3 days).
You can eat as many times as you need, any number of times when you eat according to the system, so as not to feel hungry. Do not eat out of greed or out of habit, follow your feelings. You can safely eat (with that said) without being afraid to get better or fall asleep with a full stomach (this is not meat and dairy products for you).
But, do not forget, you can only eat food that matches your cycle, the one you are on at the moment. The first 2-3 days you may want to eat very much, eat more, then the body will balance.
From the listed products, you can cook any dishes, in various combinations, without violating the boundaries of these groups. As an exception, in the first couple of days, the beginning of the fruit cycle, you can eat nuts; walnuts or hazelnuts, they will support you in spirit (besides, they are poorly digested and beneficially weaken the intestines). The main nutrition of the cycle are those products that correspond to it. In addition, you can eat everything that you can eat on subsequent cycles, but you can’t eat what was on the previous ones! But it is better to keep the distinction. It's cheaper and the products will work much more efficiently. This rule is important, because if, due to forgetfulness or for other reasons, you eat something that you cannot eat, the effect of the system is lost, the frequency resonance is disturbed, and you have to start all over again.
The moment of transition to the next cycle is determined individually. This is done in this way: while you are eating according to the system, you need to collect urine in a jar to control the cleansing process, but preferably in two. You fill one, the previous jar is already standing, waiting for verification. Urine settles in it, various substances are structured and separated in it, various spores of microorganisms hatch, fungi germinate. With such a collection of urine, it will be easier to analyze it for color, texture, smell and taste (no, you don’t need to drink, just with your finger and on your tongue, so you and your body will understand what is happening to you and what to do next). What usually happens is that for the first one to three days, the urine has a normal color. Then, it begins to darken, become cloudy, urine acquires a very strong smell - the process of purification is underway. Urine remains like this or similar for 3 to 7 days, then it becomes lighter again. ✫ One morning you can look into a jar and not believe your eyes - urine can be: like tea, jelly, milk, with a lot of sediment, etc. Don't be scared, the cleansing is coming! There were cases when they refused to take such urine for analysis, because they did not believe that the contents of the jar were urine. When, nevertheless, microbiological analysis was done out of thin air, cool experts said - you are dying, viruses and bacteria leave your body, this happens only before death or at the moment of dying itself. Or chemical analysis showed the entire periodic table, and experts tried to find out what we gave them for analysis, they themselves could not figure it out! ✫ This is the moment when you need to move on to the next cycle, the body has gone out of frequency resonance, due to cleaning, or the homeostatic mechanism, the immune system, has turned on. After 1-2 days of a new cycle, the urine darkens again and acquires pronounced purification parameters, then the body again breaks out of resonance, the urine brightens, becomes transparent or normal; at that point you move on to the next cycle, and so on. If such radical changes are not observed and the color of the urine and its smell does not change, then go to the next cycle in 5-7 days, perhaps the weakness in the control of your system of containment and inhibition of the body is on another higher cycle and color.
For a good cleansing effect, it is usually enough to reach the sixth cycle. Those who feel good after the fifth cycle and are ready to go through the sixth can do it. There is no particular point in going through the seventh cycle in a truncated version of the system, except that if something started to work out for you in the previous cycle and you want to figure it out, it is advisable to consult a doctor you know, if possible.
Return to normal nutrition is carried out in reverse order. Unlike other feeding and fasting systems, the exit back to red is not equal to the duration of the entry. You can return to your normal diet at any time. Starting the return journey of your biochemical pendulum, the return of each cycle is best done in the morning. On each of the previous cycles, eat one day (if you have patience, you can 2-3 days; for many people, the backwash can be stronger). Let's say you've completed the fruit cycle and decide to stop. So, the next day, eat salads, and the next day, stewed vegetables, and on the third day, you can eat any food. I do not recommend going back to red completely, although you can try and compare your “rainbow dreams” about meat with its real “reality” taste, for the first time you can feel what made you feel bad or very good all your life. Mushrooms, yeast, dairy products and meat, it is better not to eat at all, it is too dangerous. From proteins, you can leave fish and other seafood, provided that they can be eaten with soy milk or eating soy meat or mayonnaise for their proper breakdown and absorption. Not more than a few days a month and only after the full moon, not earlier than after 3-4 nights.
This entire power system was developed in relation to the rhythms of the control technology of the lunar complexes of Destiny. Starting from the young moon, until the full moon, the power of the microbiological effect on the human body increases, so you need to simplify nutrition on the growing moon, and you can eat fish only with a weakening of the positions of microflora and fauna in your body. Of course, you can start the system on any lunar day, but eat protein food for more than a few days, it is better only on a flawed moon. It is better not to test and tempt Fate in this way, not to give her additional reasons to strengthen her power over you.
Several warnings. In the process of your passage through the system, there may be a slight exacerbation of old diseases, which disappears within 1-3 days. But I will say the following, for many years, with the correct use of the “Keys” system, it certainly has not become worse for anyone. There were no cases where there was no help from its use. Diabetics can use a lightweight option: go through the second, third and fourth cycle without honey before meals and with a minimum of sweets. The system very effectively removes radionuclides from the body, because they accumulate in the nitrogenous compounds of complex proteins, which are disassembled using the "Keys". The system is effective for everyone who wants to lose weight and cleanse their body. It's not hard to get through the system. There is no excruciating feeling of hunger, and weakness can only come on the fifth or sixth cycle. The system has a positive effect on mental activity, perception is sharpened, the world becomes brighter and more real, thoughts are clearer, more humane, human malice and the psychology of a sexually preoccupied predator are leaving. A special lightness appears in the body, life becomes more interesting, an understanding of the essence of things comes and the possibility of victory over injustice and death, takes on real outlines and ways. Now you have the opportunity to check it, you have at least a small, but alternative, to see the world differently, as I see it.

This metabolic correction system was finally assembled and tested by me as a whole in 1989 on my home planet Thera, and is an integral part of the Cradle program. This nutrition system was originally designed for a single use, to create the necessary conditions in the process of body transformation under the Human Genetic Code Reverse Program (HRHC). It is a pity that there is no time to talk in detail about this development, I give here only a brief rationale for the system and explain the principle of its operation, next time I will provide a detailed description with recommendations.

"Keys" were created for manual control of metabolism, but for 100% control, several more conditions must be met. It is necessary to isolate a person from atmospheric nitrogen, we need an electroplasma cradle, drugs that block opiate receptors, disinfecting medicines, and much more. Without turning off homeostasis (dynamic equilibrium of the chemical composition, in the process of metabolism), it is impossible to use the “keys” 100%, because these conditions can only be met in a laboratory.

In the household version, this nutritional complex allows you to effectively fight for your health, longevity and independence from the microbiological complex of Fate. This nutritional system, with hygiene procedures and antiseptics of plant and synthetic origin, allows you to adjust homeostasis. It allows you to lower the hormonal status of the body (reduces vulnerability from the weaker sex, both in men and women), makes it possible to effectively resist the body's immune system. "Keys" allow you to reduce the activity of microimplants (mitochondria, lysosomes, macrophages, lymphocytes, etc.), which helps to enhance self-regulation and self-defense of the body at the cellular level, helps to strengthen the regulatory functions of the brain, instead of the automation built into the body. "Keys" allow you to observe your body and reject food poisoned and modified by enemies, by trial and error. It allows you to feel various additives, microbiological invasion from the outside (by headache, fermentation processes in the stomach and other factors, this does not normally happen). The system allows you to get rid of drug, tobacco, alcohol, sexual addiction and much, much more.

The system was created with the expectation of being used by ordinary people with ordinary willpower, of any nationality, gender, and place of residence (with rare exceptions). The system is partially automated, so my recommendations are not difficult to implement and difficult to make a mistake if you follow all the instructions.

A little about the principle of the "Keys": Most of the public food on the planet, I divided into 7 groups. They are divided according to the chemical composition, and, accordingly, according to the frequency-amplitude characteristics (according to the components that dominate in them). Food groups broken down by these characteristics come from 3 types of foods: 1 - acidic (red), 2 - alkaline (green), 3 - carbohydrates (blue). These types of products, with their resonant frequency and chemical composition, correspond to a certain color. For example: Acidic products correspond to - red (red), alkaline - yellow-green (yellow-green), carbohydrates - blue-violet (blue-violet). The full range of products by frequency is represented by seven resonant (frequency-amplitude) groups. They are defined by the seven colors of the rainbow: Everyone (red) Hunter (orange) Wants (yellow) Knows (green) Where (blue) Sits (blue) Pheasant (purple). These colors of the rainbow correspond to the gamut of the sound range: Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. From these chemical notes, the music of the "Seven Keys of the Rainbow" is created, which your bodies have not heard for so long. When eating foods from red to purple (from “do” to “si”), the amplitude decreases and the frequency of metabolic processes increases and the chemical composition of substances involved in metabolism at the cellular level changes. In the body, the temperature gradually decreases, oxygen consumption by mitochondria, the content of nitrogenous compounds, and various salts also fall. (Then their level is automatically maintained at the optimal level, subject to nutritional standards). In the body, in the process of using the “Seven Keys of the Rainbow”, the consumption of carbohydrates increases, nitrogenous compounds are released, microbes, viruses, chemical pollutants fall out of intracellular resonance with them, acids, excess oxygen, and water come out.

✫ The water content in the body can drop up to 30%, while the body weight can decrease up to 15 kilograms, without changing the optimal volume if you have already come to it. Such changes, I and my friends, felt in the early 90s in the process of experiments, when it was possible to temporarily disable the braking mechanisms; homeostasis, immunity and other circuits. With the current system of adaptation without additional measures, this can no longer be achieved. ✫

The body begins to recover, millennia of involutionary processes determined by implants (clan starter cultures and viruses) fall out with breathing, sweat, urine, feces and other secretions (many microbes swear and squeak heavily). The electrical activity of the brain increases, the iris of the eyes turns blue, the activity of other cells of the body also increases, national and sexual characteristics recede, the world around you gradually becomes real and alive.

The cleansing of the body goes globally at the cellular level. Cellular metabolism is changing towards simplification, moving away from the chemical mitochondrial energy supply based on primitive heat-electric reactions and ATP insanity. In the cells of the body, electro-ionic and electromagnetic energy gradually begins to dominate, with a rare replenishment of carbohydrates to replenish carbon compounds (carbon is necessary to capture neutrons from the surrounding space). With the maximum action of the system, regeneration of organs occurs (regrowth of previously lost legs, arms, eyes, teeth and other trifles is observed), this will happen when using the Cradle program in full, but for many people, similar phenomena can be observed to a small extent even with using a truncated version of the system (such phenomena have been observed repeatedly).

✫ This system has been tested in different countries, on different national groups of people. The main, primary testing took place on me and my friends in Russia, Belarus (in the zones of radiation damage), then the "Keys" were successfully used in Poland. I am grateful to the priests of many Catholic parishes and ordinary residents of this wonderful country for their assistance and assistance in promoting and popularizing the Seven Keys. From here, from this country, my ideas fluttered into the world, partially realized in a film. "Matrix". I am thankful; to doctors, biologists, scientists, writers, journalists and artists of Poland, for their help in my hard work. ✫

Usually, on the autopilot of Destiny, a person from conception to death lives (his cells) from purple (autotrophic metabolism due to carbohydrates) to red (heterotrophic metabolism due to foreign proteins). On this red color, a person lives most of his life, and on it he dies (this is where you need to have iron health, live so much on the verge of death!) I tried and suggest you try to reverse biological time and aging, of course, like me I already warned that the effectiveness of the "Keys" without the complex is not great, but even in this application, the system previously allowed real miracles to be performed.

Now I will talk about the products that make up the color schemes, and then I will tell you how to apply them correctly. The order of products in the lists corresponds to the relative chemical complexity and danger of these products to humans.

This color includes: Mushrooms, yeast, all products of animal origin: milk, all butter, dairy products, eggs, any meat, all meat products, all fish and sea products of non-vegetarian origin. ✫ For example: if the products listed above are contained, for example, in a vegetable salad (mayonnaise, if not soy), regardless of the amount, the salad already belongs to the red color (although it is on the yellow spectrum of the system). A couple more examples: non-yeast bread (orange spectrum) containing eggs, dairy products, meat, belongs to the red spectrum. Apples (apples of the green spectrum) with roasted duck are also red. ✫

This color includes: Soy products, soy meat (do not use soy cheese, it, according to the new technology, is fermented with abomasum - sheep Trichomonas and their enzymes, it is optimal to use milk powder or, at worst, mayonnaise, find out what is in it). Great product when transitioning from animal food to plant food! ✫ Note! Important for men who have quit or want to quit sex, beer, wine and women's cuisine: It is advisable for men not to lean on soy products, especially when avoiding addiction to animal proteins - you will be the first to know about the termination of addiction. You will feel the negative aspect of a wonderful and nutritious product when you return nutrition through the system, when, having circled the rainbow, you will return to orange, because the body (especially the brain) will increase sensitivity to hormones, toxins and various pollutants (everything in its time!) . The fact is that soy contains analogues of female hormones, which are very strong (they knock down the brain!), cause a persistent headache (if you changed your life in the form described above), do not be alarmed and remember that the properties of the products in my system are gamma are relative! (Beer, wine and sex are worse than vodka, and sausage is safer than mushrooms!)

When consuming beer, meat, dairy products, soy is harmless and very useful, and the female hormone (estrogen) is not a hindrance to the brain! (The brain does not work with such a diet anyway, and even more so it practically cannot get sick.) These recommendations for estrogen are irrelevant when returning to the usual diet of people with meat and dairy products, if you are going to continue to swallow them, then with soy there will be no problem, you will get a wonderful increase in your diet, do not believe the hysteria about mutant soy. (After all, you are not embarrassed by sausage made from stinky mutants or products from mutant hemp or poppy, a greater sin always covers a lesser one). The enzymes contained in soy effectively break down any animal proteins, promote their digestion and assimilation. Soy products will immediately seem tasteless to many people, but the third time they can really like them (you can’t drag them by the ears). They are very high-calorie and healthy, quickly saturate the body. ✫

Next come legumes; beans, beans, peas, lentils (lentils have a good chemical composition and taste). Carriers of complex vegetable proteins continue the chain - nuts: peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts. The nut section also includes coconut flakes (not dyed), pine nuts, sunflower seeds. Various cereals correspond to this spectrum; corn, wheat (wheat products of various types; semolina, barley ...). ✫ Barley contains a lot of molybdenum, so you should not get carried away with it, you can eat it, just like that, for a change. ✫ Also included in this group are; millet, oats, rice, potatoes, buckwheat (a very valuable cereal). Various vegetable oils, first soybean oil, corn oil. ✫ There is a lot of gold in corn oil, its ions are very dangerous for humans, but you can consume this oil little by little, remember in my system everything about meat and mushrooms is more dangerous than fish, and fish is more dangerous than tomatoes or apples. ✫ Then comes the coconut oil.. ✫ It is hard, like pork lard, if beaten with refined oil, salt and water, you get a sandwich butter substitute (for those who suffer from sandwiches, it is a good psychological support). ✫ Then, there are olive, sunflower oil, it is desirable to use only Russian-made oils (without drugs, dyes, animal fats and amino acids, and similar rubbish, this applies to all products). ✫ When strongly heated in a frying pan, suspicious oils such as "Filyovskoye" sunflower and many others emit an unpleasant smell of animal proteins and fatty amino acids. ✫ Not refined - "collective farm" oils are suitable for food, they should simply taste good and have a good smell. ✫ Anyway, they are not as dangerous as many factory-made in colorful packaging, but with various additives. ✫ Home-made vegetable juices: tomato, pumpkin or our “collective farm” (tested for taste and stomach reaction, “ours for ours” is different!). Fruit juices: ours with a check (in "collective farm" jars) or better home-made (without contact with hands when cooking, this applies to all products). And it’s easier if there is no time to prepare juices or in their absence, drink tea (“May”, although you can’t find the normal one anymore), tea from St. John’s wort, mint, trustworthy mineral water, boiled water (10-15 minutes, until bacterial proteins are destroyed and chemicals) or not boiled from a proven spring.

✫ Note: Almost all additives (dyes, sweeteners, odor enhancers, other chemicals and various components from bacteria and algae) actually fall into the sections of substances hazardous to humans. They are either drugs (correctors of consciousness, molecular advertising - they force you to buy this product, etc.) or close to chemical warfare agents, or their components are used to conduct frequency-resonant treatment of the enemy. Most of them were specially developed for waging war against Russia and other Slavic countries. Imported and domestically produced juices, such as "Lubimiy Sad", various drinks such as "Coca-Cola" and other filth, contain only natural water, and even then not always. You think why you can’t drink, “because they let you into our country, so you can drink ...”. I will say one thing, those who are at one with the enemies, those who have completely lost their conscience or never had it, let the poisoned products into the country. The sovereign's people sold us for santiks and shekels in pounds sterling, this is such a business in our blood. Relatives, in conditions of war, be vigilant! Consume only those products in which you are at least a little confident! ✫

This color includes all vegetables: pumpkin, any kind of cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and other vegetables. In small quantities, consume radishes, radishes, beets and other similar root crops - they are high in nitrates. Do not try to take any large vegetables, they have more nitrates, and this is fuel for Trichomonas and other concomitant infections. This color includes onions, garlic, various peppers, any greens. On this color, vegetable oils are still used without any special restrictions, on the next color they simply do not exist. This also includes berries and gourds. ✫ Beware of watermelons, especially early ones, the level of nitrates and any infection is very high (there have even been deaths due to poisoning). Watermelons themselves trap nitrogen compounds dangerous to humans, which can give microbes the power to make a big mess in your body. ✫ Drinks: Homemade vegetable juices or our (tested for taste and stomach reaction) tomato, pumpkin. Fruit juices: ours with a check (in "collective farm" jars) or better home-made (without contact with hands when cooking, this applies to all products). And it’s easier to drink tea (“May”, although you can’t find the normal one anymore), tea from St. , silver things and insist for activation and disinfection (on any color). If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

This color includes: various citrus fruits, feijoa, kiwi, bananas. Next come; plums, cherries, cherries. Also mulberries, grapes, peaches, apricots, pears and apples. Drinks: homemade fruit juices, tea from St. John's wort, mint, mineral water, boiled water (10-15 minutes) or spring water. If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

This color includes: dried bananas, dried apricots, dates, figs (the listed products can be eaten no more than half the cycle), then only raisins are desirable, it is the most suitable in terms of parameters and contains a minimum of various microbes. Drinks: tea from St. John's wort, mint, mineral water, strongly boiled water, spring water. If there is no thirst, it is better not to drink at all.

This color includes: honey, high-purity medical alcohol (a teaspoon, a couple of times a day, you can not consume it if you wish and feel). Honey should not be very fragrant, yellow-orange in color, preferably thick, with crystals. The taste of honey should not be very tart, just sweet. Drinks: boiled water, distilled silver water.

This color includes: glucose powder, boiled or distilled water.

In these scales, I described the main products and stipulated their quality, if I missed any, I’ll add, don’t experiment yourself, this gives rise to temptations and temptations - to eat something forbidden and not timely.

The system is designed for 1-1.5 months (at a normal metabolic rate, like yours) and is similar in cleansing effect to 40 days of fasting. ✫ Hunger strike does not affect many aspects of cell nutrition, it has many other negative aspects. In my work, I use the hunger strike as a radical remedy against the backdrop of the Seven Keys. I recommend starting fasting attempts only after cleansing the body according to my system - after the orange color (on the fruit and vegetable cycle). You need to start trying with a daily fast per week, then you can use a dry fast for up to three days (no longer worth it!) Without consuming any liquid (do not be afraid, the amount of outgoing urine can increase significantly). ✫

When using these products, the following recommendations should be followed:

Do not consume wine, beer, chemical drinks, in small doses, sometimes you can make homemade cognac (alcohol on walnut partitions or oak shavings), vodka purified with potassium permanganate or alcohol with homemade fruit syrup.

If you are using any complex and important medicines for your life; ask your doctor if you can reduce the dose or temporarily postpone them for testing. With possible periodic pain in the heart, I recommend using Corvalol - this is a strong, natural medicine that quickly relieves spasm.

Food vegetables, fruits, especially cereals, should be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate (I recommend: fruits and vegetables as in Soviet times, washed with laundry soap - not lazy). It is especially important for women to know: you need to avoid food contact with bare hands (use gloves). Best of all, if you are able to do this, cook for yourself, then food is guaranteed to be of the highest value for you, and will not take away the last strength, as happens in the family kitchen - no one has canceled the invisible microbiological warfare in the family. It’s not difficult to master the preparation of simple healthy food, every man who has ever tried to do this knows about it, the main thing is to start, and then, you see, you won’t pull your relatives away from your food. Men, free your girlfriends from the kitchen! - Cooking is not a woman's business (however, like washing and cleaning), remember who cooks in the family, he rules.

✫ A weak solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable for fighting intra-intestinal infections and high levels of toxins, a solution of potassium permanganate with its active oxygen restores intestinal function, modulates the immune system. One glass of potassium permanganate solution is enough to suppress the intestinal revolution - diarrhea or flatulence. Be careful, at a high concentration (darker than pink), potassium permanganate is dangerous to your health, be careful. The second most important factor for maintaining the new microflora of the stomach and treating the body from various diseases, ASD (Dorokhov's antiseptic stimulator, on my page you will find detailed instructions for using the drug.). For external use, Demexide is good, it can be used for compresses, the treatment of cuts, bruises, rheumatic pains and other similar things (see instructions for use), hydrogen peroxide solution, hypochlorite solution.

And yet, for the sake of life, replace feather beds, blankets and pillows with synthetic ones, in “generic” and store bedbugs - your enemies live for generations, they control sleep with their miasma, show nightmares, eyes stick together in the morning, take away sight and life over and over again . Imagine a video like this. A man of an unfortunate appearance, trying to wake up, wants to tear his head away from the pillow whispering sweet love speeches, and huge chicken paws with claws crawl out of it, and cling to the throat and eyes until they bleed, and pull back to the country of narcotic dreams of Morpheus .... Scary? - But, it's true! By the way, the spirits of slaughtered chickens are not happy with the tradition of desecration of the remains of their bodies for thousands of years .... Family ties rumble in the pillows, millions of saprophyte crustaceans squeak, billions of bacteria are waiting for you every evening to tell you one of the tales of death. Feathers are the perfect material for microbiological witchcraft and sorcery! ✫

The first cycle corresponds to the red color - this is a complete omnivorous. Perhaps this is how you eat now, so start with the second cycle. In fact, no matter how you eat, the system begins with the second cycle.

5-10 minutes before each meal, it is advisable to eat one teaspoon of honey (to completely ruin your appetite). This recommendation, if possible, should be observed before the fruit cycle, then it can simply be eaten a little, but look; honey can still bother you. You need to drink as little liquid as possible, and only when you are thirsty, do not drink in company, out of habit and because it tastes good. (Do not be surprised if already on a yellow or green cycle, you will not want to drink for 2-3 days).

You can eat as many times as you need, any number of times when you eat according to the system, so as not to feel hungry. Do not eat out of greed or out of habit, follow your feelings. You can safely eat (with that said) without being afraid to get better or fall asleep with a full stomach (this is not meat and dairy products for you).

But, do not forget, you can only eat food that matches your cycle, the one you are on at the moment. The first 2-3 days you may want to eat very much, eat more, then the body balances out.

From the listed products, you can cook any dishes, in various combinations, without violating the boundaries of these groups. As an exception, in the first couple of days, the beginning of the fruit cycle, you can eat nuts; walnuts or hazelnuts, they will support you in spirit (besides, they are poorly digested and beneficially weaken the intestines). The main nutrition of the cycle are those products that correspond to it. In addition, you can eat everything that you can eat on subsequent cycles, but you can’t eat what was on the previous ones! But it is better to keep the distinction. It's cheaper and the products will work much more efficiently. This rule is important, because if, due to forgetfulness or for other reasons, you eat something that you cannot eat, the effect of the system is lost, the frequency resonance is disturbed, and you have to start all over again.

The moment of transition to the next cycle is determined individually. This is done in this way: while you are eating according to the system, you need to collect urine in a jar to control the cleansing process, but preferably in two. You fill one, the previous jar is already standing, waiting for verification. Urine settles in it, various substances are structured and separated in it, various spores of microorganisms hatch, fungi germinate. With such a collection of urine, it will be easier to analyze it for color, texture, smell and taste (no, you don’t need to drink, just with your finger and on your tongue, so you and your body will understand what is happening to you and what to do next). What usually happens is that for the first one to three days, the urine has a normal color. Then, it begins to darken, become cloudy, urine acquires a very strong smell - the process of purification is underway. Urine remains like this or similar for 3 to 7 days, then it becomes lighter again. ✫ One morning you can look into a jar and not believe your eyes - urine can be: like tea, jelly, milk, with a lot of sediment, etc. Don't be scared, the cleansing is coming! There were cases when they refused to take such urine for analysis, because they did not believe that the contents of the jar were urine. When, nevertheless, a microbiological analysis was done out of thin air, cool experts said - you die, viruses and bacteria leave your body, this happens only before death or at the moment of dying itself. Or chemical analysis showed the entire periodic table, and experts tried to find out what we gave them for analysis, they themselves could not figure it out! ✫ This is the moment when you need to move on to the next cycle, the body has gone out of frequency resonance, due to cleaning, or the homeostatic mechanism, the immune system, has turned on. After 1-2 days of a new cycle, the urine darkens again and acquires pronounced purification parameters, then the body again breaks out of resonance, the urine brightens, becomes transparent or normal; at that point you move on to the next cycle, and so on. If such radical changes are not observed and the color of the urine and its smell does not change, then go to the next cycle in 5-7 days, perhaps the weakness in the control of your system of containment and inhibition of the body is on another higher cycle and color.

For a good cleansing effect, it is usually enough to reach the sixth cycle. Those who feel good after the fifth cycle and are ready to go through the sixth can do it. There is no particular point in going through the seventh cycle in a truncated version of the system, except that if something started to work out for you in the previous cycle and you want to figure it out, it is advisable to consult a doctor you know, if possible.

Return to normal nutrition is carried out in reverse order. Unlike other feeding and fasting systems, the exit back to red is not equal to the duration of the entry. You can return to your normal diet at any time. Starting the return journey of your biochemical pendulum, the return of each cycle is best done in the morning. On each of the previous cycles, eat one day (if you have patience, you can 2-3 days; for many people, the backwash can be stronger). Let's say you've completed the fruit cycle and decide to stop. So, the next day, eat salads, and the next day, stewed vegetables, and on the third day, you can eat any food. I do not recommend going back to red completely, although you can try and compare your “rainbow dreams” about meat with its non-fictional “reality” taste, for the first time you can feel what made you feel bad or very good all your life. Mushrooms, yeast, dairy products and meat, it is better not to eat at all, it is too dangerous. From proteins, you can leave fish and other seafood, provided that they can be eaten with soy milk or eating soy meat or mayonnaise for their proper breakdown and absorption. Not more than a few days a month and only after the full moon, not earlier than after 3-4 nights.

This entire power system was developed in relation to the rhythms of the control technology of the lunar complexes of Destiny. Starting from the young moon, until the full moon, the power of the microbiological effect on the human body increases, so you need to simplify nutrition on the growing moon, and you can eat fish only with a weakening of the positions of microflora and fauna in your body. Of course, you can start the system on any lunar day, but eat protein food for more than a few days, it is better only on a flawed moon. It is better not to test and tempt Fate in this way, not to give her additional reasons to strengthen her power over you.

Several warnings. In the process of your passage through the system, there may be a slight exacerbation of old diseases, which disappears within 1-3 days. But I will say the following, for many years, with the correct use of the “Keys” system, it certainly has not become worse for anyone. There were no cases where there was no help from its use. Diabetics can use a lightweight option: go through the second, third and fourth cycle without honey before meals and with a minimum of sweets. The system very effectively removes radionuclides from the body, because they accumulate in the nitrogenous compounds of complex proteins, which are disassembled using the "Keys". The system is effective for everyone who wants to lose weight and cleanse their body. It's not hard to get through the system. There is no excruciating feeling of hunger, and weakness can only come on the fifth or sixth cycle. The system has a positive effect on mental activity, perception is sharpened, the world becomes brighter and more real, thoughts are clearer, more humane, human malice and the psychology of a sexually preoccupied predator are leaving. A special lightness appears in the body, life becomes more interesting, an understanding of the essence of things comes and the possibility of victory over injustice and death, takes on real outlines and ways. Now you have the opportunity to check it, you have at least a small, but alternative, to see the world differently, as I see it.

Vladimir Pyatibrat.

The chapter is in work, follow the "Keys" on my page, if possible, I will correct and supplement them. I lost the finished work, so I am writing again at the last moment.

This metabolic correction system was finally assembled and tested by me as a whole in 1989 on my home planet Thera, and is an integral part of the Cradle program. This nutrition system was originally designed for a single use, to create the necessary conditions in the process of body transformation under the Human Genetic Code Reverse Program (HRHC). It is a pity that there is no time to talk in detail about this development, I give here only a brief rationale for the system and explain the principle of its operation, next time I will provide a detailed description with recommendations.

"Keys" were created for manual control of metabolism, but for 100% control, several more conditions must be met. It is necessary to isolate a person from atmospheric nitrogen, we need an electroplasma cradle, drugs that block opiate receptors, disinfecting medicines, and much more. Without turning off homeostasis (dynamic equilibrium of the chemical composition, in the process of metabolism), it is impossible to use the “keys” 100%, because these conditions can only be met in a laboratory.

In the household version, this nutritional complex allows you to effectively fight for your health, longevity and independence from the microbiological complex of Fate. This nutritional system, with hygiene procedures and antiseptics of plant and synthetic origin, allows you to adjust homeostasis. It allows you to lower the hormonal status of the body (reduces vulnerability from the weaker sex, both in men and women), makes it possible to effectively resist the body's immune system. "Keys" allow you to reduce the activity of microimplants (mitochondria, lysosomes, macrophages, lymphocytes, etc.), which helps to enhance self-regulation and self-defense of the body at the cellular level, helps to strengthen the regulatory functions of the brain, instead of the automation built into the body. "Keys" allow you to observe your body and reject food poisoned and modified by enemies, by trial and error. It allows you to feel various additives, microbiological invasion from the outside (by headache, fermentation processes in the stomach and other factors, this does not normally happen). The system allows you to get rid of drug, tobacco, alcohol, sexual addiction and much, much more.

The system was created with the expectation of being used by ordinary people with ordinary willpower, of any nationality, gender, and place of residence (with rare exceptions). The system is partially automated, so my recommendations are not difficult to implement and difficult to make a mistake if you follow all the instructions.

A little about the principle of the "Keys": Most of the public food on the planet, I divided into 7 groups. They are divided according to the chemical composition, and, accordingly, according to the frequency-amplitude characteristics (according to the components that dominate in them). The product groups broken down by these characteristics come from 3 types of products:

1 - acidic (red),

2 - alkaline (green),

3 - carbohydrates (blue).

These types of products, with their resonant frequency and chemical composition, correspond to a certain color.

For example:

Corresponds to acid products - red color (red),

alkaline - yellow-green (yellow-green),

carbohydrates - blue-violet (blue-violet).

The full range of products by frequency is represented by seven resonant (frequency-amplitude) groups. They are defined by the seven colors of the rainbow:

Each (red)

Hunter (orange)

Desires (yellow)

Know (green)

Where (blue)

Sitting (blue)

Pheasant (purple).

These colors of the rainbow correspond to the gamut of the sound range:

From these chemical notes, the music of the "Seven Keys of the Rainbow" is created, which your bodies have not heard for so long. When eating foods from red to purple (from “do” to “si”), the amplitude decreases and the frequency of metabolic processes increases and the chemical composition of substances involved in metabolism at the cellular level changes. In the body, the temperature gradually decreases, oxygen consumption by mitochondria, the content of nitrogenous compounds, and various salts also fall. (Then their level is automatically maintained at the optimal level, subject to nutritional standards). In the body, in the process of using the “Seven Keys of the Rainbow”, the consumption of carbohydrates increases, nitrogenous compounds are released, microbes, viruses, chemical pollutants fall out of intracellular resonance with them, acids, excess oxygen, and water come out.

✫ The water content in the body can drop up to 30%, while the body weight can decrease up to 15 kilograms, without changing the optimal volume if you have already come to it. Such changes, I and my friends, felt in the early 90s in the process of experiments, when it was possible to temporarily disable the braking mechanisms; homeostasis, immunity and other circuits. With the current system of adaptation without additional measures, this can no longer be achieved. ✫

The body begins to recover, millennia of involutionary processes determined by implants (clan starter cultures and viruses) fall out with breathing, sweat, urine, feces and other secretions (many microbes swear and squeak heavily). The electrical activity of the brain increases, the iris of the eyes turns blue, the activity of other cells of the body also increases, national and sexual characteristics recede, the world around you gradually becomes real and alive.

The cleansing of the body goes globally at the cellular level. Cellular metabolism is changing towards simplification, moving away from the chemical mitochondrial energy supply based on primitive heat-electric reactions and ATP insanity. In the cells of the body, electro-ionic and electromagnetic energy gradually begins to dominate, with a rare replenishment of carbohydrates to replenish carbon compounds (carbon is necessary to capture neutrons from the surrounding space). With the maximum action of the system, regeneration of organs occurs (regrowth of previously lost legs, arms, eyes, teeth and other trifles is observed), this will happen when using the Cradle program in full, but for many people, similar phenomena can be observed to a small extent even with using a truncated version of the system (such phenomena have been observed repeatedly).

✫ This system has been tested in different countries, on different national groups of people. The main, primary testing took place on me and my friends in Russia, Belarus (in the zones of radiation damage), then the "Keys" were successfully used in Poland. I am grateful to the priests of many Catholic parishes and ordinary residents of this wonderful country for their assistance and assistance in promoting and popularizing the Seven Keys. From here, from this country, my ideas fluttered into the world, partially realized in a film. "Matrix". I am thankful; to doctors, biologists, scientists, writers, journalists and artists of Poland, for their help in my hard work. ✫

Usually, on the autopilot of Destiny, a person from conception to death lives (his cells) from purple(autotrophic metabolism due to carbohydrates) to red (heterotrophic metabolism due to foreign proteins). On this red color, a person lives most of his life, and on it he dies(that's where you need to have iron health, so much to live on the verge of death!) I tried and I suggest you try to reverse biological time and aging, of course, as I already warned, the effectiveness of the “Keys” without a complex is not great, but even in this application, the system previously allowed to work real miracles.

Now I will talk about the products that make up the color schemes,

and then I'll tell you