What breed of dog is best to choose to guard your home? Guard dog breeds Small guard dog for home

Dogs are amazing creatures. They give us not only devotion, love, teach us kindness, attention, tolerance, but are also indispensable assistants in the service or hunting. Service breed dogs, with proper training, approach to education and training, will become bodyguards and reliable protectors of territory and personal property. Nowadays, it is very important to protect your property and territory from attempts of unauthorized entry. And, despite the presence of a large number of modern electronic devices and security systems, it is difficult to find a better territory guard than a dog. Unlike “smart” devices, which can malfunction or be turned off, a dog is on duty 24 hours a day.

Which breed to choose for protection?

Owners of private buildings and country houses, when deciding to get a dog, often do not know which breed to choose to guard the territory. Please note that not all breeds are suitable for protective guard duty. Security qualities and instincts are inherent in every dog. But at the same time, some breeds, despite their large size, have a calm, balanced disposition and temperament, while others, on the contrary, are more aggressive. For example, representatives of hunting or ornamental breeds They will become true friends, but their protective qualities are not expressed. Breeds that are intended to save people (St. Bernards, Newfoundlands) or representatives of herding breeds are also not suitable as a protector. Undoubtedly impressive appearance and the size is impressive, and in the event of a critical situation, if the beloved owner is in danger, the four-legged friend will be able to stand up for his owner. But it must be borne in mind that protection is not the primary purpose of these breeds. Therefore, in this section we will consider which breeds you should pay attention to, depending on your living conditions and capabilities.

Which breeds are suitable for guarding private territory?

Before choosing one breed or another, you need to think about the conditions for keeping your pet in advance. Most breeders choose large breed dogs for keeping in the private sector. This choice is completely justified. Large dimensions, menacing bark, impressive, frightening appearance. Indeed, such an appearance will scare off any intruder who decides to get into private territory. But we must remember that only a properly raised and trained dog will become true friend and will jealously guard his possessions and territory. Therefore, you definitely need to go with your dog. general course training and special training under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. Otherwise, with the wrong approach to the process of education and training, the dog will turn from an obedient creature into an uncontrollable, uncontrollable monster that will represent real threat not only for those around you, but also for your family members.

Large breeds for the protection of the private sector:

    East Russian Shepherd;

    South Russian Shepherd;


    Bulgarian Shepherd;

According to experienced dog handlers and dog breeders, shepherd dogs are ideal guardians of the territory. protectors of their owners, they are well trained and amenable to training. Therefore, novice dog breeders can choose this breed.

Rottweilers, Caucasians, Boerboels, Dogues de Bordeaux, Cane Corso and other “serious” dog breeds will become obedient and controllable guards only with proper training. Representatives of these breeds are sometimes stubborn, strive to show their leadership, and can show aggression, so it is very important to properly organize the education process from the first days of the puppy’s stay in your home. Rottweilers show anger and aggression only when they see real danger or a threat to the life of the owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Alabais, and Moscow Watchdogs are ideal breeds for year-round kennel keeping. They have an independent disposition, require the right approach to training, are hardy, and have excellent security and protective qualities.

Medium breed dogs for territory protection

Don’t think that only giant or large dogs will be good guards. large sizes. With proper training, medium-sized dogs will become excellent guards and protectors:

    Australian Cattle Dog.

The following breeds also have good guard instincts:

    Afghan hound.

Of course, these breeds require longer training in protective guard training (PDT), but as a result they will become good guards and defenders of personal space.

Not suitable for private sector security:

    Bernese Mountain Dog;

There are a number of breeds, the breeding of which is aimed exclusively at performing security and guard duty and for playing the role of bodyguards. As a rule, all representatives of this category are represented service breeds and belong to the working subgroup “Breeds of dogs for protection”. A guard dog is a profession for representatives of several breeds with special working qualities that meet this category.

As a rule, these are dogs that are easy to control and easy to train. In addition, a valuable quality for a guard dog is the ability to independently assess the current situation and make a decision to attack.

Dogs for guard purposes begin to be trained from puppyhood. Close attention must be paid to the puppy's parents, especially their working qualities. Educational process is extremely related to the conditions in which the future guard will be kept. Limiting all contact with outsiders is one aspect of successful parenting. Various breeds of shepherd dogs are considered the best guards, where the generally recognized leader is German Shepherd.

The most left for consideration main question: Where will the guard dog service take place? This is where the principle of choosing a puppy for these purposes lies.

To protect open areas, it is preferable to use large and powerful dogs with a sufficient degree of aggression. These include Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. They tend to live outdoors. They are not psychologically dependent on the owner, they make their own decisions and work reliably in pairs.

A breed endowed with a menacing bark and a specific appearance is perfect for working as a watchman. Rottweilers, Briards and South Russian Shepherds are used to guard objects. IN Lately people increasingly began to give preference to the Tibetan mastiff, a professional guard from the times of ancient Chinese monks, for its menacing appearance and gigantic size.

The selection of dog breeds for human protection is quite scrupulous. In this matter, a number of factors and preferences from the protected object itself must be taken into account. Working-bred Dobermans, German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Malinois and French Bouviers are excellent human guards.

To guard premises, large and medium-sized short-haired dogs of classic Western breeds, such as the American Bulldog or Staffordshire Terrier, are used.

Representatives of the breed

    The Australian Shepherd was developed in the United States in the 1800s by crossing the Pyrenean Shepherd with various collie breeds (Border Collies, Collies, and Smithfield Collies).
    27,000 –30,000 rub.

    See the article Central Asian Shepherd Dog.
    The average price for puppies is 19,234 rubles.

    The American Akita is an offshoot of the Akita Inu breed, and the American traces its origins to the ancient Akita Inu dogs.
    From 700 to 100 US dollars.

    The White Swiss Shepherd appeared in Switzerland only in the early 70s. The first representative of this breed in Switzerland was an American male named Lobo, born on March 5, 1966. The descendants of this male were listed in the Swiss Stud Book (LOS). On
    10,000 -15,000 rubles.

    This is a breed service dogs, can also be used as a hunting and security guard.

    Nowadays, well-trained Neapolitan Mastiff puppies are successfully used both for personal protection and for property protection. Thanks to his physical characteristics, he can easily drive away an unwanted visitor from his “domains”.
    20-60 thousand rubles

    The German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds all over the world. In addition, it is also one of the oldest dogs domesticated by humans. The ancestor of the breed is considered to be a male named Horand von Grafrath.
    300-800 US dollars

    Herding dog, guard dog, rescue dog, drug and explosives detection, sport dog, companion dog.
    15-70 thousand rubles.

The main function of a protection dog is to protect a person personally. The International Canine Association recognizes only four breeds of dogs to protect humans from attack:

  • - Rottweiler;
  • - Giant Schnauzer;
  • - boxer;
  • - Doberman.

Representatives of the above breeds have the ideal combination of physical and psychological abilities for protective service. Each of them has a high degree of temperament and a dry physique. They are endowed with such properties as excellent vigilance, observation and average degree aggression. In the course of work on breeds, breeders placed special emphasis on such quality as an adequate response to negative stimuli.

Another important characteristic unites these breeds into the category of protection dogs. This is the instinct of possessing an object. The instinct of possession is used by trainers to transform the non-vector process of protecting the dog's property into protecting its own owner.

It is also worth noting that these breeds have a clearly expressed ability to cope with themselves in the face of unpleasant stimuli, high level patience and a significantly reduced pain threshold.

All of the above does not mean that only these breeds can have a protective function, and only they have similar qualities. A large number of breeds have excellent makings of protectors. These include many representatives of the herding order: Scottish, Belgian, Bug Shepherds. The versatile German Shepherd breed is endowed with unique qualities that allow it to be used for both security and protective purposes. Easy to train, it remains the most common and sought-after breed.

You can also use some guard breeds dogs for protection, such as Flanders or Black Russian Terriers, Dogue de Bordeaux or some varieties of Bootes. But these breeds have a slightly different psychology of perception of the surrounding world. They need an experienced trainer who knows the breed well and is able to transfer guard qualities to the protection function.

It is also worth mentioning some breeds that should never, under any circumstances, be used for protective purposes: Newfoundland and St. Bernard, as well as northern dogs - Samoyed, Malamute and Laika.

As for small breeds, there is no doubt that their use is not even considered, because it is completely useless.

Representatives of the breed

    The Australian Shepherd was developed in the United States in the 1800s by crossing the Pyrenean Shepherd with various collie breeds (Border Collies, Collies, and Smithfield Collies).
    27,000 –30,000 rub.

    From 500 to 1000 US dollars

    The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is one of the oldest herding breeds in the whole world. It is believed that this dog originates from the Tibetan Great Dane breed. There is evidence that during the Russian-Turkish wars, Caucasian Shepherd dogs were used as guard dogs, and they were also trained
    From 20 thousand rubles for one puppy.

    The Cane Corso is considered one of the most ancient representatives of the Mollos (Mastiff-like) group. There are facts indicating that the ancestors of Cane Corso Italiano were ancient Roman fighting mastiffs, which were used at that time as dogs for training.
    15,000 – 20,000 rubles per puppy

    Kishu, the national breed of Japan, was bred in the Middle Ages to hunt large forest animals.
    From 4000 US dollars

    Mastino Neapolitano - a descendant of fighting mastiffs ancient Rome. Since ancient times, they have been used to bait gladiators in battles, or for dog fights, which were the privileged entertainment of the Roman nobility.
    From 500 to 1500 dollars

    The Moscow Watchdog is one of the youngest breeds in modern cynology. She was developed by crossing St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and piebald hounds.
    From 350 to 2500 US dollars.

    The Great Dane is considered the national breed of Germany. These dogs trace their ancestry back to the ancient Roman fighting dogs with whom gladiators fought. In the 19th century, targeted breeding of representatives of this breed began.
    From 500 to 1000 US dollars

    Pit bull terrier means fighting bull terrier. Pit bull terriers are often called pit bulls for short. But this is incorrect, since pit bull means fighting bull.

    The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is one of the most ancient breeds in the world, coming from the Molosser group. Scientists believe that the blood of Tibetan mstiffs, ancient shepherd dogs of nomadic tribes, Mongolian shepherd dogs, and fighting dogs of Mesopotamia flows in the veins of these dogs.
    From $400 per puppy.

City residents get dogs mainly as friends and companions, but residents of the private sector primarily see the four-legged pet as a protector of the family and the owner’s property. About what kind of dog is better to get in a private house in the article later.

A breed suitable for guarding a private home must meet the following specific criteria:

  • medium-large or large size;
  • wool suitable for a dog to live outdoors all year round (thick undercoat);
  • wary attitude towards strangers: the pet should not trust strangers;
  • easy care and maintenance;
  • good learning and training abilities;
  • endurance and powerful strength;
  • indifference towards other animals.
  1. Genetically, they have a friendly and indifferent attitude towards people, and the hunting instinct greatly interferes with keeping them among other animals that are usually in the household.
  2. Breeds, such as, were bred to participate in battles; they are strictly forbidden to develop aggression.
  3. Breeds without undercoat. In winter, such pets are kept in a warm home. If you do not plan to move the animal home for the winter, pay attention to other breeds.
  4. Rescue dogs(Newfoundland, and others). These breeds were bred to help people: there is absolutely no malice in them. They are unlikely to scare away criminals and thieves.

Attention! Before getting a dog to guard a private home, you need to study special literature on this issue so as not to make a mistake with your choice. Not every breed is suitable for this important mission.

Optimal guard dogs for a private home

German Shepherd

Important! German Shepherds are very active, so the owner must devote a lot of time to the pet and provide physical activity.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Important! Alabai needs to be walked often so that he releases excess energy.

Giant Schnauzer

Additionally, visually check out the video below on how to choose a guard dog:

If you intend to have a four-legged friend and have already managed to get the consent of the family, you are probably tormented by the question of how to choose the right dog. It’s not surprising, because it’s not difficult to get lost in a sea of ​​wet noses and curious eyes.

It has been known since childhood that a dog is a man’s friend. The dog is the first animal that man tamed. The dog is an eternal helper and companion, personifying selfless love and devotion.

In this article you will learn what considerations need to be taken into account when choosing a dog.

Selecting a dog breed for yourself and your child

When choosing a dog, many people are guided by the breed. They relegate character to the background. An expensive dog is part of the image along with expensive car, a luxurious mansion and clothes from a famous brand. This approach to choosing a four-legged friend is wrong.

  1. Before buying a dog, think about whether you have enough time to raise a pet. Do not ignore the organization of living conditions for keeping your dog.
  2. Aboriginal breeds are popular - Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, huskies and samoyeds. Undoubtedly, the plastic psyche of an animal is capable of adapting to a new habitat, but living in a city apartment is not suitable for these breeds.
  3. When choosing a dog, keep in mind that treatment and maintenance of the animal is fraught with financial costs.
  4. When choosing, consider temperament and character. If a person is choleric, you should refuse to buy a Dalmatian, dachshund or fox terrier. It is better to choose a spaniel or retriever.
  5. Fighting dog breeds need proper training and a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will become uncontrollable and dangerous. There are many known stories of fighting dogs that ended tragically.
  6. A pet will limit your freedom of choice in the field of recreation and travel. If you are planning to go on vacation, someone should look after the dog.
  7. Once you have a dog in your house, you will have to clean more often. You need to prepare in advance to fight the hair that appears on upholstered furniture and carpets.

Having a pet is not difficult, but remember the responsibility towards the animal. Otherwise, your four-legged friend will become unnecessary and end up on the street or in a shelter.

Breed selection

The best breeds for a child

If a child asks to buy him a puppy, do not be afraid of puddles on the floor and eaten slippers. Puppies behave this way only at first.

The child will become a harmonious personality. A shaggy companion will protect you from loneliness. A child, having become attached to a dog, will get rid of the complexes that often arise during communication with peers.

Children share secrets with a dog. The dog will listen carefully, understand and sincerely sympathize. In infantile children, a puppy helps develop responsibility. A dog can entertain a child regardless of age. Communication with a puppy has a positive effect on the child’s discipline and life interests.

When choosing an animal, be guided by the character, temperament and personal qualities. Prepare for the fact that the child refuses to raise and train the dog, and the solution to this problem will fall on the parents’ shoulders.

Video tips

I offer a list of breeds that are great with children.

  1. Collie. Kind, soft and calm. They are kind to children.
  2. Poodle. Unpretentious in maintenance, suitable for active and temperamental children.
  3. Beagle. Small, smart and friendly dogs, perfectly trainable.
  4. Golden retriever . Tolerant of children's pranks. Sociable and friendly.
  5. Yorkshire Terrier . small dog with an amazing temperament. Ideal for a girl.

If your child insists on getting a puppy, forget about principles and do it. I can say with confidence that such a New Year's gift or birthday surprise will change a child's life, making it active, fun and eventful.

Home guard dogs

Guard dogs differ significantly from their guard dogs. They not only warn the owner about a stranger on the territory of a suburban area, but also attack the uninvited guest.

Giant schnauzers, black terriers, shepherd dogs and Rottweilers have remarkable guarding qualities.

I will describe the listed breeds in detail.

  1. Shepherds are classic home protectors . They are suitable for protecting large territories and are excellent for training. The owner must train; shepherd dogs do not trust strangers. When a stranger enters a protected area, the shepherd dog exhibits protective qualities. If guests come, it is better to lock the dog in an enclosure.
  2. Black Terrier is a specially bred breed for guard and service functions.. Such a dog becomes strongly attached to its owner and often does not recognize loved ones and relatives. The Black Terrier needs socialization with early age. The dog is active and loves games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer - used in guarding since the beginning of the last century. Security qualities are excellent. The dog is family friendly. Needs special care due to long hair.
  4. Rottweiler - police dog. Security and guard instincts are excellently developed. The Rottweiler has a calm character and is capable of responding with an assertive attack. Although the dog has short hair, the harsh Russian winters are not scary.

Small dogs are not suitable for home guarding. They are focused on aesthetic pleasure; protective functions are too much for them. Representatives of small breeds bark loudly, but they will not be able to scare away an uninvited guest.

How to choose a puppy

Let's talk about places where you can go to get a puppy.

  1. Nursery. On the Internet you will find contacts for the nursery of the breed you are interested in. I can say with confidence that there are many such establishments in the vicinity of your city. Remember, a dog with a pedigree is not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Shelter. By visiting the shelter, you will pick up a puppy who, with proper training, will become an excellent protector. True, the protective qualities of a dog directly depend on training, physical activity and nutrition.
  3. Market. You can buy a dog at the market, but good result You can't count on it unless you're lucky. The owners of the animal are trying to make money by selling the puppy; they are not interested in other aspects.

Let's pay attention to the choice.

  1. If you buy a puppy from a kennel, you have adopted correct solution. Be sure to ask to see photos of the puppy's parents and tell them a little about them.
  2. Ask about the diet of the puppy's parents. A dog's nutrition and appearance will tell a lot about its future.
  3. If you prefer a shelter, talk to its representatives and ask for help in choosing.

Nurseries are distinguished by breeding and care about the preservation of certain qualities and health. The nursery provides ample information opportunities and will provide complete information about the puppy and the pedigree of the parents.

Video tips

If you adopt a puppy from a shelter, you are a noble person. Here you can find a good animal, distinguished by its desire to protect new family.

Rules for choosing Yorkie puppies

Choosing York is a serious task, the solution of which should be approached as responsibly as possible. If you take into account all the little things at the time of purchase, your pet will never disappoint.

Before choosing, find a serious breeder, visit several kennels and talk to Yorkie owners.

During the conversation, ask about the age of the puppies, the pedigrees of the parents, the quality of food and maintenance. If the shelter or breeder's house has dirty floors and an unpleasant smell, and the fur is disheveled and the puppies are kept in cages, it is better to refuse cooperation. Surely they will not provide dog metrics and veterinary passports.

Let's consider the points that should not be ignored.

  1. Round paws and straight limbs indicate the health of the Yorkie. Movements should be unconstrained and coordinated. If the puppy is limping or has a hump on its back, do not adopt it.
  2. Carefully examine the puppy by picking it up. The nose should be cold, black and moist. The nose is warm only after sleep. There should be no unusual discharge or white border along the edge of the nose.
  3. Be sure to inspect oral cavity. U healthy dog gums pink. Each jaw has two canines and six incisors. Pincer or scissor bite.
  4. A three-month-old Yorkie should have a closed fontanel. It is determined by palpating the crown. If your ears don't stand up, you shouldn't be afraid. As they age, they will assume a normal stance.
  5. If you choose a Yorkie with a curly coat, remember that the coat will not straighten with age.
  6. Don't neglect your Yorkshire Terrier's tail. It should be smooth, without creases or thickening.

Labradors are raised in nurseries. If you like dogs with a balanced character, it is better to purchase a purebred animal from such an establishment. Must be at least 45 days old.

Labradors are friendly, fearless and inquisitive dogs. At a young age, they are highly active and do not show aggression. Labrador puppies calmly react to being separated from their sisters and brothers.

  1. When choosing a Labrador, pay attention to nutrition. A healthy puppy is well-fed and agile, with a pleasant smell and shiny coat.
  2. If there are pimples and scratches on the skin, it itches all the time, the nose is dry, and the eyes are watery, it is not worth buying.
  3. Important point— exterior. Regardless of age, the dog must have a powerful head, strong and wide bones, and strong paws. Often the choice is complicated by the non-standard growth of the animal. Don't be discouraged, the Labrador's development ends at 1 year.
  4. Look at the tail. The dog is a true protector; it never tucks its tail between its paws.
  5. You can determine the condition of the puppy by the expression of its muzzle. The breed is not characterized by sad eyes. The typical Labrador always greets people with a warm and friendly look.
  6. Color: yellow, black or chocolate.

Choosing a German Shepherd puppy

The German Shepherd is a universal helper. There's no dog job she won't do.

First, decide why you need such a dog. If you plan to become a breeder, choose a girl. Female shepherd dogs are easier to train and have a more flexible psyche.

Keep in mind that raising puppies is difficult. If you have little time, no patience, or just need a four-legged friend, buy a male dog. It's a lot less hassle.

  1. It is better to take a shepherd dog from a country kennel, where the puppies stay fresh air. They are more hardened and strong.
  2. Sometimes a nursery offers many identical-looking puppies. To do right choice, everyone should be carefully examined.
  3. The puppy's bite should be strictly scissor bite. Coat color is black. The German Shepherd acquires its true color as it ages.
  4. Until the age of three months, puppies' ears lie down. If they got up earlier, this indicates certain problems.
  5. Examine the muzzle. If it's sharp, then everything is fine.
  6. U healthy puppy thick and strong paws, straight back, strong and long neck. Ideally, he resembles a well-fed bear cub.
  7. If the puppies look the same, study their behavior. You can call the puppies to you. Whoever comes running first is a leader and very active.

When the puppy grows up, he will need a lot of space. If you have city ​​apartment, I do not recommend buying a puppy of this breed. This way you will ruin the life of yourself and your dog. If you have a country house, best solution You can't find anything better than a German Shepherd.

Before buying a dog, be sure to surf the Internet or read an encyclopedia that describes the breeds in detail. This way you will determine what kind of dog you need.

Having a dog at home comes with additional worries. When buying a pet, prepare for this. If this doesn't scare you, grab your wallet and head to the nursery for a new friend. Good luck!