How to open a children's shoe store from scratch? Business plan for a children's shoe store

Children grow up fast. This is especially noticeable in shoes - boots, boots and shoes, bought just a couple of months ago, can now be cramped. In turn, this means that there is always a demand for high-quality and inexpensive goods for babies. Entrepreneurs may view this in a different light. And right now we invite you to learn how to open a children's shoe store.

Step 1. We create a legal framework

It is believed that the most successful option for a children's shoe store is to open an individual entrepreneur. First of all, this is due to the peculiarities of accounting and taxation provided for this form of ownership.

Another question that is often asked by those who are interested in how to open a children's shoe store: "Do I need to issue special licenses to work in this area?" Our answer is no, it doesn't. However, absolutely all products must be certified.

Among other things, before starting work, you will need to obtain permission from the State Fire Inspectorate and SES.

Step 2. Choose a room for a store

How to open a children's shoe store from scratch? One of the most important tasks that you will face is to attract the maximum possible flow of customers. In a highly competitive environment, this is not easy. But a competent choice of premises, one way or another, is a kind of guarantee of future success.

What criteria should be guided by when choosing it?

  1. It is best if the store is located in the city center or in a residential area, on a busy street.
  2. When compiling a business plan for a children's shoe store, many aspiring entrepreneurs try to save on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet. But opening a store with a large area (from 80 m 2) is profitable. In addition to the trading floor itself, you will also need utility rooms, a warehouse and a bathroom.
  3. You don't have to spend money on expensive designs. The main thing is that the store looks neat and tidy.

There are peculiar "chips" that will help you make your store a favorite place for young buyers and their parents. For example, it can be bright racks and drawings of cartoon characters. Or a large TV on the wall - during the fitting, the children will not be capricious and cry. And you can dream up and dress up sellers in funny bright costumes.

Step 3. We are looking for suppliers

Thinking about how to open a children's shoe store, it is better to immediately find reliable product suppliers. The best option is cooperation with 4-5 partners. If there are few suppliers (only 1-2 companies), you risk becoming heavily dependent on them. That is, in the event of force majeure, you will not be able to offer your customers anything.

The most preferred option, no doubt, is direct cooperation with manufacturers. In this case, you save a lot, because all wholesalers take into account their own margin anyway.

Step 4. We plan the assortment

Now is the time to talk about what exactly you will be selling in your store. There are many options, but we will consider the most popular product categories:

  • slippers;
  • demi-season shoes and low shoes;
  • sneakers, sneakers and other footwear for outdoor activities;
  • summer sandals and shoes;
  • half boots and boots;
  • boots;
  • booties;
  • Czechs;
  • a variety of accessories and shoe care products.

The products that will be presented in your store can be targeted at different age groups - for children from birth to 12-15 years old.

In order to attract more customers, you can organize promotions and sell discounted models of past years or seasonal shoes.

Step 5. We buy equipment for the store

If you are interested in how to open a children's shoe store from scratch, you should think about where to get all the necessary shop equipment.

The basic set of equipment must include:

  • shelves for shoes;
  • racks;
  • showcases for related products (accessories, children's toys, shoe care products);
  • mirrors;
  • fitting chairs;
  • rugs;
  • cash machine;
  • table for registration of goods;
  • computer.

It is important that the store has not only benches for kids, but also comfortable soft sofas for adults. Try to choose furniture in colorful, bright colors - your little visitors will definitely like it.

In general, to purchase all the required equipment, you will need about 200-300 thousand rubles.

Step 6. We are looking for employees

If you have already decided on how to name the children's shoe store, have found a suitable premises, completed all the documents, concluded contracts with suppliers and purchased the necessary equipment, you can proceed to the next stage - recruitment.

First of all, you will need trained consultants (3-4 people). Among other things, they must possess such qualities as neatness, politeness and love for children. Each of the consultants should know well the part of the assortment for which he is responsible, and be ready to tell clients about the manufacturers, the subtleties of care and the materials for the production of shoes that this or that company uses. Therefore, the entire range should be divided between employees by category (summer, classic, sports, etc.).

In terms of pay, the proven option is piecework wages with a fixed share. This option is beneficial both for the store owner and for the employees themselves - sellers are always sure that they will receive an amount no less than the guaranteed part, and at the same time they have an incentive to increase sales.

In addition, you will need the services of an accountant, a cleaner and ancillary workers. At the first stage, you can take over all the functions related to management. Over time, when business processes are debugged, it will be possible to think about finding a good manager.

How to open a children's shoe store and become the market leader in this area? Trade in children's goods, including footwear, has its own specifics. What recommendations will help create an attractive and profitable store, loved by children and their parents - read in our article.

It seems to many that it is not difficult to open any store from scratch, especially for children. However, more experienced businessmen will not agree with this point of view. Organizing a successful trade in children's goods is much more difficult than it seems. The children's store requires a special approach.

To stay on the market in conditions of ultra-high competition, you need to come up with something that compares favorably with competitors.

There are departments with children's shoes in almost every "adult" shoe store and, of course, in huge children's hypermarkets. However, this does not mean that this direction of trade is unpromising. Vice versa, narrow specialization can help achieve high quality goods and trade, present an extremely wide range and individual approach.

Demand for children's shoes is high. In addition, for several years, when children grow especially quickly, they have to buy shoes two or three times a year. The children's footwear trade has very good prospects if the entrepreneur is willing to put in the effort and be creative.

Narrow specialization can help achieve high quality goods and trade

How much money to invest

An approximate business plan for a shoe store with calculations can be found on the Internet, but in any case, it will have to be adapted to your situation. The main items of expenditure will be:

  • rental of premises (from 60 to 100 thousand rubles, the cost depends very much on the region);
  • repair and decoration of the premises (if necessary, 50-100 thousand rubles);
  • commercial equipment (showcases, a table with a cash register, sofas for fitting, mirrors (50-100 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of the first batches of goods (about 200 thousand rubles);
  • working capital for the first months of work (50 thousand rubles);
  • security system (about 10 thousand rubles);
  • remuneration of employees (3-4 employees with a salary of 15-20 thousand rubles).

Thus, to open, an amount in the region of 700 thousand - 1 million rubles is required. This relatively small investment, which will pay off in about 8-12 months of work and possibly faster.

What to expect profit

Due to the high competition in the children's goods market, do not expect high profits in the first months of work. Practice shows that it takes 4-5 seasons (a year and a half) for most entrepreneurs to recoup their investments and prove themselves. During this period, you need to constantly adjust the approach to sales, update the range, and collect feedback.

How to choose the right store location

There are several good options for the location of a children's shoe store.

  1. New microdistrict, where young families buy apartments . Children's shoes within walking distance from home will be very popular with young mothers. It is important to correctly assess the number of young families in the microdistrict and its size.
  2. Near nurseries, kindergartens and schools. The idea of ​​buying a new pair of shoes on the way home from kindergarten or school is also a great idea for many parents, as it saves them a lot of time. In addition, unlike microdistricts, children's institutions will not run out of potential customers in a few years.
  3. In the mall where there is a zone of children's attractions and entertainment. Many families go to shopping malls on weekends where they can buy the necessary goods, play games and have a bite to eat. A specialized children's shoe store fits in well with this pastime, and the popularity of shopping centers will ensure a steady flow of customers.

You should not expect high profits in the first months of work

Requirements for the premises

The premises of the future children's shoe store should have several characteristics. Firstly, its area must be at least 70 square meters. Secondly, need for zoning: trading floor and places for fittings, cash desk, warehouses, room for staff. Thirdly, the store should be bright, cozy, possibly decorated for children.

The area of ​​the premises should allow three or four families to be and choose goods at the same time. It is necessary to organize several places for fitting that do not interfere with each other: comfortable sofas with shoe spoons and mirrors.

Formation of the assortment

It is not easy to open a shoe store from scratch: reviews show that For good sales, you need to form a rich assortment. For a specialized children's shoe store, this is the main competitive advantage. The number of goods should significantly exceed the range of hypermarkets. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Hypermarkets sell literally everything from shoes to strollers, which allows them to offer only a limited number of models. A specialized store should exceed this figure by at least 2-3 times.

It is necessary to purchase goods from several manufacturers: domestic, foreign, well-known and only beginners. Models in most sizes should always be in stock. All goods can be conditionally divided into two varieties: seasonal and off-season.

Seasonal items are associated with the season: warm boots in winter, rubber boots for autumn and winter, light sandals in summer. At the end of the season, it is imperative to carry out a sale of all old models. During the season, on the contrary, prices should be kept higher.

Off-season shoes are the ones that a child needs all year round. These are sports sneakers, sneakers, shoes, ballet flats (for replacement shoes in the kindergarten), slippers. For the little ones, a variety of booties is a must. The newest and most popular models should be placed closer to the entrance, the least relevant - deep into the hall.

It is enough to replenish the product range once a month. After a few seasons of work, it will become apparent that some categories or firms are selling better. They will need to be emphasized: expand the range, duplicate the size range. Conversely, models that sell worse should be ordered in smaller volumes or removed from sale altogether.

At the end of the season, it is necessary to carry out a sale of all old models.

How the right atmosphere will help increase sales

One of the features of a shoe store for children is the need to maintain a comfortable environment inside. Most children really dislike long shopping trips. This means that you need to create an environment that will be pleasant for them. For example, pick up a special playlist with children's songs.

Maybe, it is worth installing a TV and broadcasting cartoons and children's movies. Trying on shoes should be fun, perhaps with special baby shoe spoons. It will be very useful to have toys, coloring books, puzzles in the store.

The main goal is to make the stay and shopping in the store a pleasant and memorable event for children and parents. A trip for shoes to you should be associated in a child with a holiday and a game, and not with endless trying on different pairs of shoes, stuffiness and boredom.

Employee Requirements

Usually women sell children's shoes. The main requirement for sellers in this industry is not experience in trading, but the ability to find a common language with adults and children. A good employee should be friendly, be able to please the child, captivate him and at the same time know the assortment perfectly, quickly select the right models and convince parents of the need to buy from you.

The success of the entire enterprise depends on how well the sellers work. Children do not like strict, gloomy and serious people. The seller should please them at first sight and captivate them with purchases. It is advisable to remember regular customers, to be interested in the quality of previously purchased shoes.

Salespeople are usually paid based on sales success. The salary consists of a minimum fixed part and a percentage of completed sales. Practice shows that such a principle of wage formation increases the interest of employees and, as a result, helps to achieve sales growth.

The seller should like them at first sight and captivate them with purchases

Franchise work

Currently, several children's shoe stores of the All-Russian level sell franchises. How profitable is it to work under someone else's brand? At first glance, it seems that it is easier to buy the right to use a popular name, get professional advice and assortment rules. It is likely that the franchisor will take over the purchase and supply of goods. This is very profitable: along with the franchise, the entrepreneur will receive a full set of instructions for opening a store, working with staff, and so on.

On the other hand, the cost of opening a store will increase. In addition to all the funds for the premises, equipment and the purchase of the first batches of goods, you will need to pay an initial (lump-sum) fee. In addition, monthly you will need to pay a percentage of your profits and report to the copyright holder.

There is no children's shoe store on the Russian market that would be known to all parents and would guarantee high profits in the first months of operation. That's why it is more logical to invest in the development of your own brand, independently arrange supplies and service.

Is selling children's shoes online profitable?

An online store allows you to significantly reduce the number of costs: paying rent, utilities, salaries to employees. However the specificity of children's shoes is such that few parents decide to buy them without trying them on. Therefore, a "real" store is needed.

On the other hand, it will be useful to make a website in addition to physical trading. There you can also organize the sale of goods, for example, at reduced prices. It is useful to tell customers about the rules for choosing children's shoes, products that are presented in your assortment, different models of shoes and other useful information. Place a forum on your site where customers can ask questions about products and communicate with each other.


The children's footwear trade is a specific line of business that requires a combination of pedagogical and marketing talent. Narrow specialization in the sales of only one type of product allows you to significantly improve the quality within your direction, thoroughly study the market, and cooperate with a variety of suppliers. When organizing a children's store, creativity and a sincere desire to provide children and parents with the best choice are necessary.

In order to organize his business, a novice entrepreneur analyzes its relevance. If you do not take into account how much the product that you plan to sell in a particular area is in demand, then there is a high probability of not being successful in this business. If you decide to open a children's shoe store, the first thing you should do is to study the demand. First, you need to find out how densely populated the area in which you plan to open a store. If this is a new residential area, then there are probably many families with children, on the contrary, if this is an old area with poor infrastructure, in which there are no kindergartens and schools, then there will be much fewer buyers. The second thing you should analyze is the competition. Be sure to find out how many direct competitors will be in your area. If you are planning to open a store in a shopping center, you should also consider how many children's shoe stores there are in this center, what shoes they sell and at what prices, find out which brands they have and which ones are most popular in your area. It is better to start trading with the most popular models. Study reviews on the Internet, you can just chat with moms in the nearest sandbox. If you have your own child, then answering this question is not difficult.

Buying with the eyes

Having decided on the location of your store and identified the most popular models of children's shoes on your own or with the help of consultants from a wholesale company, such as our online store for children's clothing and shoes "Botika", you need to think about the design. The first thing customers see is the sign at the entrance. Signage should be informative and pleasing to the eye. It is better if the main background is light enough, and the inscriptions are bright, indicating that children are expected here. We also decide on the interior of the store, which should be a continuation of the outdoor sign. A feature of the children's store is that it should be designed for both children and their parents. The height of the shelves should be slightly lower than in regular stores selling adult shoes. Accordingly, for preschool children, it is better to place shoes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir eyes, at a height of 1-1.4 meters. The store should be light and comfortable, light, unobtrusive music is possible. For the convenience of fitting, there should be soft, pleasant to the touch ottomans. Every pleasant sensation, be it visual, auditory or tactile, must be pleasant so that the customer wants to return to this store. In addition, the space should be as safe as possible for children. Shelves and racks must be securely fastened and free of sharp edges that could be dangerous.

The seller is the face of the store

And, of course, one of the most important components is recruitment. Now there are not many professional salespeople who are trained in the technology and psychology of sales. Most likely, you will have to train the staff yourself. Many aspiring entrepreneurs complain that while they stand behind the counter on their own, everything goes well, but when they hire an outside person, sales fall. This is because you yourself are a deeply motivated salesperson. Your task at the initial stage is not to go into negative territory, to earn the trust of customers, to “stuff” regular customers. Therefore, when hiring a seller from outside, it is also recommended to motivate them, that is, the salary of the seller should largely depend on sales. In addition, you will have to be a real psychologist, to understand how adequate the person who gets a job with you is, his social portrait. His attitude towards people in general is also important. If this person is a sociopath or aggressively opposed to society, then you should not hire him. It is also worth recognizing immediately a lazy person. Many entrepreneurs agree that young people do not have enough desire to work and only want to earn money without really bothering themselves. There is some truth here, but still each person is individual. And young people are more often more active and ambitious, which is why they make their way. Here it is important to teach the staff to work in accordance with existing sales technologies, which include four sales stages: preparatory, product presentation stage, work with objections and completion of the sale. In the first preparatory stage, not only the seller works, but the whole room. The requirements for the premises are described above. It also affects what assortment will be in your store. As already advised above, it is better to start with the most popular brands of children's shoes, gradually introducing new, less recognizable brands. The price is not unimportant either. Moreover, if your store is located in the city center, in a large shopping center, you can collect the highest quality and most expensive shoes, and if your store is located in a residential area where the purchasing power of the population is not so high, then it is better to focus on high-quality, but not expensive children's shoes.

Many sellers of children's shoes, in order to avoid possible confusion and red tape, are looking for a supplier who will fully satisfy the needs of their store. Our wholesale store of children's shoes "Botika" has in its assortment many models of children's shoes of domestic and foreign manufacturers, many of which are known to customers and are in constant demand. And there are also cheaper models that are affordable to buyers with low purchasing power.

The managers of our online store are competent specialists who will help you navigate the whole variety of models of children's shoes presented in the catalogs. They will tell you which models are in the best demand in a particular season, they will help you form the assortment of your store. Our success is interconnected with your success, so we strive to make cooperation with each client the most comfortable and mutually beneficial!

Entrepreneurs are increasingly wondering how to open a children's shoe store from scratch? From the very beginning, it is important to correctly assess the profitability and draw up a business plan.

Trade in children's shoes is a business that is always relevant. The fact is that children grow at an amazing rate, and the purchase of shoes is an important element in the life of every parent. That is why the opening of such a project is not only an opportunity to help thousands of parents once and for all solve the problem of shoes for children, but also a chance to receive regular profit at low cost.

It is important at an early stage to assess your capabilities, draw up a competent business plan for a children's shoe store and decide on its location.

A great idea would be to create a personal website where a potential consumer can get acquainted with the assortment, get answers to all his questions, as well as place an order, take part in promotions and project development.

Advantages and disadvantages

Even with an average investment, opening a children's shoe store is an extremely promising activity, since the demand for this product exists regularly. The obvious advantages of this project are the following factors:

  • The ability to make big profits with the right advertising and convenient store location.
  • Return on investment in the shortest possible time.
  • Lack of large investments at an early stage of doing business.
  • The production of children's shoes creates a high competitiveness, which helps to quickly pay for the process.
  • Children's shoes, the business of which is extremely popular today, makes a profit even in the face of severe competition.
  • It is profitable to open a children's shoe store because a vast territory is not required for the sale of goods at an early stage.

People who are interested in how to open a children's shoe store from scratch should also be aware of the shortcomings of this production and sales process, which are quite few:

  1. Quite large-scale expenses for paying rent for the premises and monthly payments to employees.
  2. Difficulties in finding a regular supplier of appropriate quality.
  3. The presence of a large number of experienced competitors.

Competitive advantages

The shoe business is popular because a person regularly needs shoes. Young children need this product much more often, since the growth of the baby is much faster than the growth of an adult. Business planning involves creating a series of benefits that will draw attention to your store and make the buyer turn to you. The competitive advantages of a shoe store can be the following points:

  • The presence of a variety of goods suitable for every taste, wallet and age.
  • Affordable prices for families with different budgets.
  • Regular promotions to attract customers, discounts.
  • Sophisticated design of the store, a zone for children's games at the time of choosing a purchase.
  • Pleasant staff who know how to work with children and attract them to your store.
  • Convenient store location.
  • Availability of programs for regular customers.

There are a lot of shoe stores for children, and you can win the competition only if you have competent advertising. The key to the success of a profitable business is the presence of both regular and new customers, who can be attracted both through the media and through the presence of your own website with an assortment presented on it.

There are a number of opportunities through which it is easy to tell about your business to a large number of people:

  1. Regular advertising in the media of a particular city or town.
  2. Active work in social networks.
  3. Informing people by distributing promotional brochures.
  4. Availability of announcements in public places.
  5. Holding events independently, participating in city events as a partner.

Note! A business plan with calculations suggests the presence of a bright and attractive sign that attracts the attention of even casual passers-by. This is the only way you can get positive feedback and attract parents with children to your store.

Here you can download for free to use it as a sample.

Starting a business

If you decide to create shoes yourself, and only then sell them, you will need equipment for production. In this case, the costs increase significantly, therefore it is much easier to establish contacts with a factory that has been mass-producing such a product for many years.

The manufacturer will certainly set a favorable wholesale price at which the risks and losses will be minimal, while you will not have to spend money on additional personnel and raw materials for manufacturing.


Any business must be officially registered - this is the only way you can fully realize all your ideas without problems. To begin with, it is recommended to decide on the type of registration - it can be either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC.

It is necessary to collect a package of documents in advance and apply with it to the tax office at the location of the business. At the same time, it is possible to choose a simplified form of taxation, which will significantly save money.

Note! To sell shoes, a form of IP is enough, because most entrepreneurs open a business in this form. This greatly simplifies both the registration procedure and further difficulties in doing business.

Room selection

The choice of premises plays a huge role in running a successful shoe business. It is important to find a building that will be located in a crowded place. It is advisable to choose an area near children's shops, playgrounds and other places where children and their parents often visit both together and separately.

It is recommended to find a place with good parking, as well as close to a public transport stop. If the exit is located on a busy street, this only adds to the benefits and increases the chance of active sales and making big profits.

Premises can be rented both in a separate building and on the territory of a large shopping center. At the same time, forty out of sixty square meters will be directly occupied by the trading floor, where the assortment will be displayed, as well as the cash desk.

It is necessary to take care of the children's area - kids should spend time with interest while their parents decide on a purchase. It is also important to install comfortable seating for fitting and equip the room with mirrors.

We will also have to equip a service room where sellers can put their personal belongings. A warehouse for leftover goods would be useful, and a bathroom is a must, and it is recommended to make it available to the buyer - parents with small children will certainly appreciate this important bonus.

The key role is played by the renovation of the premises - the colors should be bright and attractive to children, the presence of fairy-tale characters is welcome. This will not only keep the buyer, but also make him come back to you again.


To sell the goods, you will need specialized equipment, which must be purchased in advance. The table below provides an approximate list of what you will need to open a store and active sales:


In the work of a children's shoe store, a huge role is played by the staff working with the client. It is important to select people who communicate well with young children - this way you will be able to attract more attention to your store. It is recommended to hire two or more sellers to work in shifts, while the average salary will be fifteen thousand rubles each.

You also need to pay attention to the order in the room - for this you will have to hire cleaners for cleaning in shifts with a payment of eight thousand rubles or more.


The number of different types of shoes in your store will help increase the chances of successful business development. In order for a customer to leave your trading floor with a purchase, you must offer the following types of goods:

  • casual shoes (according to the season);
  • sport shoes;
  • weekend shoes;
  • slippers.

It is also important to form a range of sizes, starting with shoes for babies, ending with the thirty-sixth size - this way you will attract consumers of different ages and reach the maximum number of customers.

Video: how to open a children's shoe store - choosing a supplier.

Expenses and income

At the initial stage, the average price tag of the shoe business is seven hundred thousand rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

It should be understood that in addition to the initial investment, you will also need funds for monthly payments:

The possibility of obtaining a high income lies both in the correct pricing and in high-quality advertising. The location of the store also plays a big role. You should not underestimate the cost of goods and set a margin of only 30-40 percent, so you are unlikely to recoup your investment even in a couple of years.

The best margin option is considered to be a range of 60 to 80 percent - so the client will receive shoes at an affordable price, and you will receive a profit that covers all necessary expenses.

It is recommended to calculate revenue based on a specific region, the traffic of your outlet and the price that you set for your product. If every day at least five people make purchases in the amount of two thousand rubles or more, the monthly profit will be three hundred thousand rubles, which will help to easily recoup all investments and move to a new stage in entrepreneurship.

It is important to take a reasonable approach to every moment in running a shoe business, and then the consumer will definitely appreciate the high quality, affordable price and service in your store.

Children's goods is a very profitable segment of the trade. Many entrepreneurs, especially women, choose this niche due to the constant demand for goods. In this article, we will talk about how to open a business selling children's shoes and what methods to promote it in your city.

Business Format

Why children's shoes? The answer is simple, children are constantly growing, and shoes for them are bought at least 3-4 times a year, while for the next season it is already small again and parents go for another pair of shoes or sneakers for the baby. The demand is very high, but the competition is not small, so only with the right approach you can get good results in the trade of children's shoes.

Here are some of the main formats of work:

- trade in the clothing market. Usually in such outlets they sell cheap shoes, but at the same time there is always a demand for this product. For an entrepreneur, this type of trade is the least expensive, since you can spend minimal money on rent and advertising.

- Renting a store in a shopping center. It is also a good option, especially if the shopping center has been operating for several years and has regular customers. In this case, you will also save on advertising.

- stand-alone shop It is more difficult here, because in order to attract customers, you will need to actively work with advertising, and this is always additional money. But if the product is unique or a store with a narrow focus, for example, only sports shoes for children, then yes, this trading format is quite suitable.

— sale of used children's shoes (thrift store). Also a wide niche, especially in times of crisis. The main thing is to work with goods that are not very worn out and offer discounts to your customers.

- online trading. Having your own website or promoting groups in social networks can allow you to make good money with a minimum start-up capital, especially for start-up entrepreneurs. You will be able to test the niche and get loyal customers. Over time, you can launch an offline store.

As you can see, there are many formats, you just need to choose the one that suits you.

Search for premises and purchase of equipment for trade

Before you open a children's shoe store from scratch, you will need to take care of the most important thing, namely the selection of a good place to trade. We already wrote above that with such goods it is best to rent retail space either in already promoted shopping centers or in clothing markets where there is a constant flow of customers.

The size of the premises for the sale of children's shoes should be from 25 sq.m. This area is the most optimal for demonstrating the main range of goods.

Of the commercial equipment, you will need, first of all, these are racks with shelves on which the goods will actually be placed. They come in both wood and glass.

Also, we need boxes for storing the entire range of sizes and a special stand for selling sports shoes.

Also consider that you will need to organize a workplace for the seller.

Range and suppliers

The business of opening a children's shoe store requires a very thorough analysis of the market and the compilation of a high-quality assortment of goods. People love to choose and your goal is to give them that choice. When analyzing competitors, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following main factors:

  • product quality
  • price segment
  • stock availability
  • Are there discounts and promotions?
  • weaknesses in the assortment.

Your goal is to improve the assortment and provide the buyer with the most profitable and high-quality options in a different price range.

  • winter shoes
  • demi-season shoes
  • sneakers
  • shoes
  • rubber boots
  • baby booties
  • Crocs
  • slippers
  • Czechs
  • Summer shoes
  • slippers and more.

From the additional assortment in the business of selling children's shoes, shoe care products and devices, socks and more can be presented. It is up to you to decide whether to put the entire range at once or start working with a narrow segment of categories. Much will depend on the initial capital, and sometimes this option is the most promising.

To find suppliers, you need to go to clothing wholesale markets and look for those suppliers with whom you will cooperate. So, for example, there you can evaluate the quality of the goods and agree on favorable purchase conditions.

There is also an option to search for sales representatives of large manufacturers of children's shoes in your region and start cooperating with them.


Like any business, a children's shoe store requires investments in promotion to attract customers and form a base of regular customers. Here is a list of the main marketing moves that you can apply and determine for yourself whether it is profitable for you to use them or not. Over time, you will make the perfect "mix" of advertising, which will give the maximum effect on the money invested.

  • advertising in local media;
  • distribution of flyers with discounts
  • banners around the city with a demonstration of the discount program
  • Internet advertising. This includes search engine promotion and contextual advertising.
  • promotion of profile groups in social networks. After all, children's clothing is one of the goods that are profitable to trade on the Internet.

At first, you will need to include in the business plan of your children's clothing store a fairly serious investment in an advertising campaign. Over time, word of mouth will work for you and young parents will recommend your store to each other, provided that you save a constant update of the product and its quality.

How much money do you need to start?

It’s not enough to say I want to open a children’s shoe store, you need to correctly calculate everything and take into account the entire sector of costs for organizing this business. Depending on the level of investments, store location and assortment, starting investments can vary significantly. But we give you a list of the main expenses.

  • Room rental - $200 - $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $12,000 - $18,000
  • Purchase of equipment - $1000 - $1500
  • Advertising - $450 (+ Internet advertising)
  • Shipping costs - $60.

How much can you earn?

Everything will depend on the assortment, the choice of a place for trading, customer service and other factors. In our business ideas section, we indicate only the average markup on the goods, which in the case of children's shoes will be - 45% - 90%.

From these figures, you can estimate how much sales your store can generate profit.