How to treat bronchitis in a child: basic and auxiliary therapy. How is bronchitis treated in children with folk remedies What is better for children from bronchitis

Bronchitis is a disease that, according to modern medical statistics, is one of the most common pathologies of the respiratory system. This disease can occur in people of any age. But in children, especially small ones, it occurs most often and proceeds, as a rule, more severely than in adults. Therefore, it is important for parents to know the main symptoms of the disease and methods of its treatment.

In most cases, bronchitis is caused infectious causes, which is why the term infectious bronchitis is quite common.

Although there are cases of non-infectious origin of this disease.

What is bronchitis?

The bronchi are one of the most important parts of the human respiratory system. When inhaled, air passes through the larynx and trachea, then enters the branched system of the bronchi, which deliver oxygen to the lungs. The ends of the bronchi that are directly adjacent to the lungs are called bronchioles. During exhalation, the products of gas exchange formed in the lungs are primarily carbon dioxide, go back through the bronchi and trachea out. The surface of the bronchi is covered with mucus and sensitive cilia, which ensure the removal of foreign substances that have entered the bronchi.

Thus, if the patency of the bronchi is disturbed for some reason, this can negatively affect the respiratory process, and, as a result, cause an insufficient supply of oxygen to the body.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the bronchi. This disease often affects children due to their weak immunity and underdeveloped respiratory organs. The incidence of the disease in children is quite high. Statistics show that for a thousand children a year there are up to two hundred diseases. Most often, children under five years of age get sick. And most cases are recorded in the autumn-winter period, during outbreaks of various acute respiratory diseases.

Bronchitis in a child is divided into several varieties according to the degree of development:

  • simple (catarrhal),
  • obstructive.

Bronchitis is also divided according to the nature of the course into:

  • spicy,
  • chronic.

Chronic bronchitis in children can be discussed when the patient suffers from this disease for about three to four months a year. A variety of bronchitis in children is also bronchiolitis - inflammation of the bronchioles.

Obstructive bronchitis is a type of bronchitis in children, in which there is a strong narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi due to mucus accumulated in them or bronchospasm.

Bronchitis in a child can also affect either individual branches bronchial tree, or all branches on one side, or affect the bronchi on both sides. If inflammation extends not only to the bronchi, but also to the trachea, then they speak of tracheobronchitis, if to the bronchi and lungs, then bronchopneumonia.


The respiratory organs in children are not as well developed as in adults. This circumstance is the main reason that bronchitis in children is much more common than in adults. Respiratory problems in children include:

  • short airways, which contributes to the rapid penetration of infection into them;
  • small lung capacity;
  • weakness of the respiratory muscles, which makes it difficult to cough up sputum;
  • insufficient amount of immunoglobulins in the cells of the mucous membrane;
  • tendency to tonsillitis and inflammation of the adenoids.

Bronchitis in a child in the vast majority of cases is a secondary disease. It occurs as a complication in diseases of the upper respiratory tract - laryngitis and tonsillitis. Bronchitis occurs when bacteria or viruses enter from upper divisions respiratory tract to the lower.

However, primary bronchitis, that is, a disease in which the bronchi are primarily affected, is not excluded. Most experts believe that purely bacterial bronchitis is not very common, and viruses (flu, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses) play the main role in the occurrence and development of the disease.

Bronchitis in a child, accompanied by a bacterial infection, is usually more severe than a viral one. Bacterial bronchitis often results in purulent discharge from the bronchi, the so-called purulent sputum. Bacteria that cause bronchial damage usually include streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus.

Children of different age groups with different frequency are affected by bacteria of various types. Bronchitis caused by mycoplasma is most often seen in children. school age. But in children under one year old, this is usually chlamydial bronchitis caused by chlamydia pneumoniae. Also, with this disease in children under one year old, an extremely dangerous form of the disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus is often observed.

Primary bacterial bronchitis in children is also possible. Usually its cause is the aspiration of small objects, food by young children. After coughing foreign bodies usually leave the respiratory tract. However, the bacteria that got inside at the same time settle on the bronchial mucosa and multiply.

Much less often than viruses and bacteria, bronchitis in children can be triggered by a fungal infection and other microorganisms.

There is also a type of bronchitis known as allergic bronchitis. It is observed as a reaction to some external stimulus - medicines, chemicals, dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.

Factors contributing to the development of bronchitis in children are:

  • low level of immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • too dry air, especially in a heated room, which contributes to the drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs;
  • beriberi;
  • passive smoking;
  • long stay in a close team with other children;
  • comorbidities such as cystic fibrosis.

Bronchitis in children under one year old is relatively rare. This is due to the fact that the child does not communicate with peers, and therefore cannot become infected with viruses from them. Bronchitis in infants can be triggered by factors such as prematurity, congenital pathologies respiratory organs.

Acute bronchitis in children, symptoms

Bronchitis in children has characteristic symptoms that distinguish it from other respiratory diseases. First of all, cough speaks about bronchitis in children. However, coughing can also be associated with other respiratory diseases.

What kind of cough usually occurs in children with bronchitis?

At the onset of bronchitis in children, symptoms include a dry and non-productive cough, that is, a cough without sputum production. The positive dynamics of treatment, first of all, is indicated wet cough. The sputum may be clear, yellow or green in color.

Acute bronchitis in a child is also accompanied by fever. But its value in this type of disease is relatively small in the vast majority of cases. The temperature is only slightly higher than subfebrile and rarely rises to +39 ºС. This is a relatively small indicator compared to the temperature during pneumonia. With catarrhal bronchitis, the temperature rarely exceeds +38 ºС.

Other symptoms of bronchitis in children include signs of general intoxication:

  • headache,
  • weakness,
  • nausea.

Breastfeeding babies usually do not sleep well, do not suck milk.

The nature of wheezing in the chest area can also indicate bronchitis in children. With catarrhal bronchitis in a child, when listening to the chest, scattered dry rales are usually heard.

With mycoplasmal bronchitis, the child has a high temperature, but there are no symptoms of general intoxication.

Since bronchitis in a child affects the lower respiratory tract, there are usually no symptoms that indicate damage to the upper ones (runny nose, sore throat, etc.). However, in many cases, bronchitis is accompanied by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, so diseases such as pharyngitis, rhinitis and laryngitis do not exclude the simultaneous presence of bronchitis as a complication.

About bronchitis in children, accompanied by tracheitis, may indicate a feeling of heaviness or pain behind the sternum.

Bronchiolitis and obstructive bronchitis in children, symptoms

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis and bronchiolitis in children are somewhat different than with catarrhal form diseases. By the way, many experts do not separate bronchiolitis and acute obstructive bronchitis in children.

Symptoms in these varieties of the disease also include cough and fever. But with bronchiolitis and obstructive bronchitis in children, symptoms of respiratory failure are added to them: an increase in respiratory rate, a blue nasolabial triangle. Breathing becomes noisier. The abdominal muscles are also included in the breathing process. Noticeable retraction of the skin in the intercostal spaces during inspiration.

In obstructive bronchitis in children, symptoms also include characteristic wheezing, noticeable when listening to the chest. The rales are usually moist and wheezing. Sometimes they can be heard even without a stethoscope, at a distance. Exhalation in this form of the disease is prolonged.

With obstructive bronchitis in children under one year old, a sign of shortness of breath is a respiratory rate of 60 breaths per minute or more, in children aged one to 2 years - 50 breaths per minute or more, in children aged 2 years and older - 40 breaths per minute and more.

With bronchiolitis, shortness of breath can reach even large values- 80-90 breaths per minute. Also, with bronchiolitis, tachycardia, muffled tones in the heart can be observed.


When diagnosing, doctors, first of all, must determine the type of bronchitis (catarrhal or obstructive) and its etiology - viral bacterial or allergic. You should also separate simple bronchitis from bronchiolitis, which is more serious illness, and from pneumonia.

Obstructive bronchitis with respiratory failure should also be differentiated from bronchial asthma.

When diagnosing, data obtained from examining the patient and listening to his chest are used. When a child is hospitalized, they can take a chest x-ray, which will show all the pathological changes in the bronchial structure and lungs. Methods are also used that determine the volume of air passing through the bronchi, sputum examination in order to search for pathogens (bacterial culture, PCR analysis).

Blood and urine tests are also taken. In the blood test, attention is paid to the level of ESR, as well as to the leukocyte formula. An upward change in the total number of leukocytes (leukocytosis) is a sign bacterial infection. A relative decrease in the number of leukocytes (leukopenia) with a simultaneous increase in the number of lymphocytes (lymphocytosis) may indicate viral infections. However, with recurrent bronchitis, an attack of the disease may not be accompanied by changes in the composition of the blood. Such types of studies as bronchogram, bronchoscopy, computed tomography can also be carried out.

Prognosis and complications

With timely treatment of bronchitis detected in children, the prognosis is favorable, and the risk of complications is minimal. However, inflammation of the bronchi is a long-term illness, and the complete recovery of the child, especially younger age may take several weeks. It is important to prevent the transition of simple bronchitis into more severe forms- obstructive bronchitis and bronchiolitis, as well as in even more severe and dangerous disease- pneumonia.

Keep in mind that obstructive bronchitis in children can be life-threatening. This is especially true for young children. The fact is that as a result of the overlap of the lumen of the bronchi with secreted mucus or as a result of their spasm, suffocation may occur.

Under certain circumstances, bronchitis can turn into diseases such as chronic bronchial asthma, recurrent bronchitis, which, in turn, can cause chronic bronchitis.

In the case of the spread of infection throughout the body, the development of such dangerous complications as endocarditis, inflammation of the kidneys is not excluded. This moment can occur in cases where the treatment for children is chosen incorrectly. This happens extremely rarely, since the disease is clearly diagnosed, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

Acute bronchitis in children, treatment

Treatment of bronchitis in children is a complex process that requires long-term therapy. And here you can not do without the recommendations of a doctor, since the disease can occur in various forms, and treatment methods in individual cases can be drastically different.

Treatment of children from bronchitis can be directed both to the causative agents of the disease (etiotropic treatment), and to the elimination of unpleasant for the child, dangerous to health, and even sometimes life threatening symptoms (symptomatic treatment).

At the same time, the alternatives drug treatment No.

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of obstructive bronchitis and bronchiolitis, as a rule, is required in a hospital setting.

Etiotropic treatment of bronchitis

With viral bronchitis, etiotropic therapy, as a rule, is not used. However, in the case of bronchitis caused by the influenza virus, etiotropic drugs can be used:

With bronchitis caused by ARVI viruses (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses), there is no etiotropic therapy, and therefore the treatment is symptomatic. In some cases, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed:

However, these drugs can be used only in exceptional cases, with very weak immunity, as they have many side effects.

With the bacterial form of the disease, as well as with the threat of the transition of viral bronchitis to a more complex, bacterial form, antibiotics are prescribed. The type of antibiotic is selected based on the type of pathogen. It should be noted that it is not recommended to engage in antibiotic therapy on your own, since with viral, and even more so, allergic bronchitis, it will not lead to any positive result, and can only complicate the course of the disease. Most often, antibiotics of the penicillin and tetracycline series, macrolides, cephalosporins (amoxicillin, amoxiclav, erythromycin) are used in the treatment of bronchitis. With mild and moderate course of the disease, as well as in children of school age, drugs are prescribed in tablets. In severe cases of bronchitis, as well as in young children, parenteral administration is often used. But with the improvement of the patient's condition, it is possible to switch to tablet forms of antibiotics.

In case of suspicion of bacterial bronchitis, the appointment of a specific drug is done by choosing the most appropriate one. The doctor determines it by the totality of the features of the course of the disease, as well as by the results of studying the patient's history. The positive dynamics of drug therapy already three to four days after the start of treatment is a signal of the correctness of the chosen tactics and the treatment of bronchitis in a child continues with the same drug. Otherwise, the appointment is reviewed and other drugs are prescribed.

The duration of taking antibacterial drugs is a week in case of acute bronchitis and two weeks in case of chronic bronchitis.

The etiological treatment of allergic bronchitis is to eliminate the agent causing the allergic reaction. It can be animal hair, some kind of chemical (even household chemicals), dust.

Symptomatic treatment of bronchitis

At acute form bronchitis, treatment, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and the cough it causes. It should be borne in mind that the cough itself is defensive reaction an organism seeking to remove foreign agents from the respiratory organs (it doesn’t matter if they are viruses, bacteria, allergens, or toxic substances). For this purpose, the epithelium produces on the walls of the bronchi a large number of sputum, which is then coughed up. The problem, however, is that very viscous bronchial secretions are coughed up with great difficulty. This is especially difficult for young children with their weak lungs and respiratory muscles and narrow airways. Accordingly, in the youngest children, treatment should be aimed at stimulating expectoration.

To facilitate this process, mucolytic and expectorants. mucolytic drugs ( ACC, Ambrohexal, Bromhexine) dilute sputum and make it more convenient for coughing.

  • thinning sputum and increasing its volume (acetylcysteine);
  • secretolytics (bromhexine and derivatives, carbocysteine), which facilitate the transport of sputum.

Expectorants (Ascoril, Gerbion, Gedelix, Prospan, Dr. Mom) facilitate the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract during a cough. Among this group of preparations, preparations based on herbal components are often used (licorice roots, marshmallow, elecampane, thyme grass).

The third group of drugs is antitussive drugs (codeine). They block the activity of the cough center of the brain. This group of drugs is prescribed only for long-term fruitless dry cough. As a rule, a dry cough is characteristic of the onset of the disease. But with active sputum formation, antitussive drugs are not prescribed, since blocking the antitussive center makes it impossible to remove sputum from the bronchi.

Mucolytic drugs are also prescribed with caution, primarily direct-acting drugs (cysteines) in young children (up to 2 years old), due to the risk of increased sputum production, which a young child cannot effectively cough up due to the imperfection of his respiratory system.

There are also drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi and relieve their spasm (Berodual, Eufillin). Bronchodilators are available as tablets or inhaler aerosols. They are usually not prescribed if the bronchi are not narrowed.

Another group of drugs - drugs with complex action - anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator. An example of such a drug is fenspiride (Erespal).

Soda and soda-salt inhalations can also be used as anti-inflammatory drugs.

From the foregoing, it follows that cough treatment is a complex process that has many nuances and independent, without consulting a doctor, prescribing cough medicines to a child is unjustified and may lead to a deterioration in his condition.

Antipyretic, analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen) or their analogues (Efferalgan, Teraflu) are recommended to be given to children only when the temperature rises above a certain limit (+38 ºС - +38.5 ºС.). subfebrile temperature(up to +38 ºС) does not need to be lowered. This is a normal physiological reaction of the body to infection, facilitating immune system fight with her. Medicines such as aspirin and analgin are contraindicated in young children.

With severe inflammation, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed by a doctor. If bronchitis is of an allergic nature, then antihistamines are prescribed to reduce swelling of the epithelium of the bronchi.

Non-drug treatments

However, do not think that drugs alone can cure your child with bronchitis. There are a number of guidelines to follow regarding the creation necessary conditions for recovery.

First of all, it is worth increasing the amount of water consumed by the child - about 2 times compared to the norm. When the temperature rises, dehydration of the body occurs, which must be compensated. In addition, water is required in order to quickly remove toxins from the body. It should also be borne in mind that with rapid breathing associated with obstructive bronchitis in children, fluid loss through the lungs increases, which requires increased rehydration measures.

The drink should be warm enough, but not hot. Hot drinks can only burn the larynx, but will not bring much benefit. Kissels, fruit drinks, juices, teas, warm milk, rosehip broth are well suited.

If a child has bronchitis, then he should observe bed rest. However, it should not be strict, because with a constant stay in bed, congestion in the lungs and bronchi may occur. It is important that the child has the opportunity to move. If the child is small, then you can regularly turn it from side to side. When the condition improves and the air temperature is sufficiently high, even walks are recommended, since fresh air has a beneficial effect on the bronchi.

Special mention should be made of the temperature in the room where the child is. It should neither be too low nor too high. The optimal range is +18 ºС-+22 ºС. Too high a temperature dries out the air, and dry air, in turn, increases the inflammation of the bronchi and provokes coughing fits. The optimal indicator of humidity in the room is 50-70%. Therefore, in the room where the patient is located, periodic ventilation is necessary.

Is it worth it to use the previously popular mustard plasters and jars? Currently, many doctors doubt the high efficacy and safety of such methods for bronchitis in a child. At least they are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. However, in some cases, mustard plasters can help alleviate the condition of the child. It is only important to remember that they cannot be placed on the heart area. If it becomes necessary to put mustard plasters on small children, then they should not be placed directly, but wrapped in diapers.

Banks and mustard plasters, however, are contraindicated in the purulent form of bronchitis caused by a bacterial infection. The reason is that heating the chest can contribute to the expansion of the purulent process to other parts of the bronchi. For the same reason, warm baths and showers are contraindicated in bronchitis. The previously popular steam inhalations are also not recommended.

However, with bronchitis found in a baby, inhalations can be prescribed using nebulizers. Foot warming baths are also helpful.

Treatment in a hospital

A very dangerous complication of bronchitis is obstructive bronchitis in children, which is usually treated in a hospital. This is especially true for children who have signs of heart failure.

When diagnosing obstructive bronchitis, children in a hospital are treated with oxygen therapy, removal of mucus from the respiratory tract with an electric suction, intravenous administration bronchodilators and adrenomimetics.

Diet for bronchitis

The diet for bronchitis should be complete, contain all the vitamins and proteins necessary for health, and at the same time easily digestible, not causing rejection in conditions of intoxication of the body. Most suitable are dairy products and vegetables.

Massage for bronchitis

With bronchitis in children, parents can independently conduct a course of chest massage. However, this procedure is best done with the positive dynamics of the main therapy. The purpose of the massage is to encourage the child to cough up. This procedure can be beneficial for children of any age, but especially for infants.

The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes, the number of sessions is 3 times a day for a week. Massage is done very simply: with the help of hand movements along the back of the child from the bottom up, as well as careful tapping movements with the palms or fingertips along the spine. The body of the baby at this time should be in a horizontal position.

Folk remedies

Many folk remedies have long been successfully used in the treatment of bronchitis. However, they should be used only with the permission of the attending physician. It should be borne in mind that many plant components that make up folk remedies can cause allergic reactions.

Folk remedies include taking various decoctions of herbs, drinking breastfeeding, inhalation. Well helps with bronchitis hot milk with honey, radish juice with honey (for dry cough), decoctions of calendula, plantain, licorice, mother and stepmother.

Breast herbal preparations for acute bronchitis

What herbal preparations are most effective for bronchitis? You can use the collection with coltsfoot, plantain, horsetail, primrose (ratio of components (1-2-3-4), herbal collection with licorice root, marshmallow root, coltsfoot leaves, fennel fruits (2-2 -2-1).

Herbal juices for acute bronchitis

The following recipes are also suitable for acute bronchitis. They can be used as an effective expectorant:

  • Carrot juice with honey. To prepare it, you need to use a glass of carrot juice and three tablespoons of honey. It is best to take the composition 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  • Plantain juice with honey. Both components are taken in equal amounts. Take one teaspoon three times a day.
  • Cabbage juice. Sweetened cabbage juice can also be used as an expectorant for bronchitis (honey can be used instead of sugar). It is taken three to four times a day for a tablespoon.
  • Althea root infusion. Prepared as follows. Marshmallow root is ground into powder. A glass of water is taken for 5 g of powder. The powder dissolves in water and settles for 6-8 hours. An infusion is taken 2-3 tablespoons three times a day.

Other treatments for bronchitis

It may also be useful in the treatment of bronchitis, methods such as breathing exercises(inflating balloons, blowing out candles), some physiotherapeutic methods (electrophoresis, UHF therapy, UV irradiation). Physiotherapy can be used as a method of treatment when the patient's condition improves.

How quickly can bronchitis go away?

Acute bronchitis, especially in children, is not among the diseases that go away on their own. To defeat him, the parents of the child will have to make a lot of efforts.

Treatment of acute bronchitis, unfortunately, is not a quick process. However, bronchitis of a simple uncomplicated form should proper treatment pass in one to two weeks. Otherwise, there is a high probability of transition of bronchitis into a chronic form. Relapses of bronchitis in the case of the development of a recurrent form of the disease can have an even longer course - 2-3 months. Cough usually lasts two weeks, with tracheobronchitis, cough can be observed for a month in the absence of other symptoms of the disease.

Adenovirus bronchitis and bronchitis caused by bacterial infections usually have a longer course than bronchitis caused by other types of pathogens.


As a prevention of inflammation of the bronchi effective methods are:

  • hardening,
  • prevention of hypothermia,
  • increased immunity,
  • complete nutrition.

Do not allow the child to be in a smoky room. If there are smokers in the family, then smoking in the presence of a child is also unacceptable. In addition, it is necessary to promptly treat the child with acute respiratory diseases and influenza. After all, often bronchitis is one of the options for complications of influenza and SARS.

For the prevention of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis during remissions, it is recommended spa treatment. Children with chronic bronchitis should be dressed appropriately for the weather, avoiding overheating, which can cause increased sweating.

There is no specific vaccination against bronchitis, although it is possible to get vaccinated against some of the bacteria that cause bronchitis in children, as well as against the influenza virus, which is also the root cause of the disease.

Is bronchitis contagious?

Contrary to popular belief, bronchitis itself is not contagious. The fact is that bronchitis is a secondary disease that appears as a result of a complication of a viral infection. Thus, it is these viral diseases that are contagious, and not the bronchitis itself. As for bacterial bronchitis in children, it is usually caused by bacteria that normally live in respiratory tract any people and exhibit pathological activity only under certain conditions, for example, with hypothermia or a decrease in immunity.

Bronchitis is a disease of the lower respiratory tract, the pathology is often diagnosed in babies, their body is not yet strong, it is susceptible to various viral infections. The disease in most cases occurs in a chronic form or is the result of a previous infectious disease.

Lack of proper, effective treatment leads to the appearance of bronchial asthma, pneumonia. Both conditions negatively affect the health of the crumbs. All parents need to know what causes the disease, the characteristic symptoms, methods of treating bronchitis in a child.


Children get sick much more often than adults, the fact is due to the specific structure of the respiratory system of babies, weak immunity, which is sometimes unable to cope with infections of various etiologies. The respiratory tract of children is characterized by wide, short bronchi, pathogens can easily settle in them than in an adult.

An important role is played by the environment of the crumbs. IN kindergarten or school, one or two people are sure to get sick. Constant contact with a carrier of infection eventually leads to infection of the child. It is almost impossible to protect the baby from such danger, home schooling not all parents welcome. The only way out is to strengthen the immune system, timely treatment bronchitis in the early stages of development.

Characteristic symptoms

The main signs and symptoms of bronchitis in children:

  • at first the child becomes weak, appetite disappears, headaches appear;
  • then parents notice the appearance of a dry cough or with a small amount of sputum. Over time, pain in the throat increases, distinct wheezing appears, barking cough, runny nose.

On average, body temperature rises to 38 degrees, for mild forms, a mark of 37.5 degrees is typical. A week later, a dry cough turns into a wet one, facilitating the process of expectoration, the baby can be completely cured in 14–21 days. Improper treatment can lead to complications, a longer course of the disease.

In case of recurrence after recovery, consult a doctor, sometimes the cause of re-illness is hidden chronic diseases, weakened immunity. In this case, you will need to take a course of antibiotics, which are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Treatment at home

Bronchitis in children can really be cured at home, for this they apply special medicines, facilities traditional medicine. Only in the case of elevated body temperature, which does not subside, the presence of complications, deterioration of the crumbs, hospitalization is necessary. It is forbidden to self-medicate children under one year old, incomplete functioning of the respiratory system can lead to serious complications, a sad outcome of events.

An important role in the treatment of bronchitis in children is played by the observance of certain rules aimed at normalizing the condition of a small patient, removing pathogens from the body.

In the first three days of illness, provide the baby with complete bed rest, ventilate the room regularly. After a few days, small walks in the fresh air are allowed, provided that there is no elevated body temperature.

Follow a special diet: lean on cereals, dairy products, do not forget about natural vitamins- Fresh vegetables and fruits. If someone in the family smokes, protect the baby from tobacco smoke, the irritant adversely affects the recovery of the baby.

Liquefaction of sputum is achieved by drinking a large amount of warm drink. Aspect helps to remove accumulated toxins from the body. Besides, clean water recommended for taking vitamin drinks (decoctions of rose hips, raspberries, linden, mint, chamomile tea, milk + honey).

It is important with a dry cough to moisten the room in which the small patient is located. Do the manipulations with a special humidifier. Daily carry out wet cleaning, cleaning the "atmosphere" in the room of a sick baby.

Drug therapy

Many parents ask themselves: are antibiotics needed for bronchitis? In most cases, this therapy is inappropriate. Antibiotics will not help in any way if there is a flu, a cold. Strong immunity to cope with the problem on its own, there is no need to use potent drugs. Antibiotics are prescribed only if the temperature lasts for more than four days, purulent sputum has formed, and the general condition deteriorates sharply.

Required medicines:

  • with a strong fever, elevated temperature, pediatricians recommend giving the baby antipyretics for children. Paracetamol in syrup is perfect for these purposes;
  • antitussive drugs. The treatment of dry cough consists in taking the combined remedy Sinekod, when switching to wet cough, expectorants are prescribed: Gedelix, Mukaltin, Altein Syrup, Prospan, Bronchicum, breast fees.

Very young children are forbidden to take most medicines. There is a proven folk remedy that helps the baby to expectorate if he does not know how to do it on his own: regularly turn the child from one side to the other. The sputum gradually moves down, irritating the bronchi, which leads to a reflex cough.

Home inhalations

Inhalations for bronchitis have been used for a very long time, therapeutic pairs enter directly into the bronchi, quickly cope with the disease. To carry out the procedure at home, use a nebulizer, with the help of a special device, the procedure is quick and easy.

Only pour into the nebulizer pharmaceutical products, for home remedies, use a saucepan of hot water: the baby tilts his head over the container, covers himself with a towel on top, the child inhales the beneficial vapors.

For home inhalation, the following recipes are suitable:

  • take a tablespoon of dry raspberry leaves, currants, sea buckthorn (twigs), pour a liter of boiling water, use as directed;
  • for two liters of boiling water, take 10 drops of iodine, add a tablespoon of salt, increase medicinal properties solution will help 4 drops of propolis tincture. Let the finished remedy brew for 10 minutes;
  • mix in equal proportions breast collection(sold in a pharmacy) with eucalyptus leaves. Use 50 grams of raw materials obtained per liter of boiling water, as the volume of water increases, add the amount of herbs.

Important! At elevated temperatures, inhalation is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this rule leads to an aggravation of the situation.


Therapeutic manipulations contribute to the removal of sputum, restore blood circulation in the bronchi, and prevent possible complications.

Doctors distinguish several massage techniques for bronchitis in children:

  • drainage. It is performed on the back in such a position of the body that the head is lower than the torso;
  • point. Certain areas are massaged (neck, chest area), used as aid to basic manipulations;
  • chest massage. Do the procedure carefully, with patting movements;
  • vibration. Perform tapping movements along the entire back;
  • honey. It is no different from the usual, but slightly warmed honey is additionally used. It is allowed to carry out only in the absence of an allergy to beekeeping products;
  • jar. The method is outdated, but some still use it. For this type of massage, you will need special jars.

Folk remedies and recipes

Folk remedies for bronchitis:

  • potato. Grind the vegetable cooked in the uniform, add a little vegetable oil, 2 drops of iodine. Put the resulting mass on the chest, throat of the child, be sure to wrap the treated areas. Perform manipulations before going to bed;
  • spruce buds + milk(in a ratio of 1:10). Boil the mixture of ingredients for 10 minutes, minimum dose for a child - 200 grams per day, it is allowed to drink up to 1 liter of funds per day;
  • rubbing with pork fat. Effective method used for many centuries: melt the fat, rub it on the back, neck, throat, wrap it up, leave it overnight.

Disease prevention

Protecting a child from bronchitis is not easy, but try to cure all colds, strengthen the immune system of the crumbs, temper children's body, regularly give multivitamin preparations. If possible, limit contact with sick children.

When a child develops bronchitis, do not despair, there are proven remedies that will quickly help to cope with the disease. Study carefully medicinal recipes, be healthy!

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in children in the following video:

The child coughs - the alarm “rings” in the mother’s chest. With bronchitis, the child coughs especially hard, causing parents to literally panic. Meanwhile, the signs and symptoms of bronchitis in a child are not yet a verdict on his health. We will tell you in detail how to adequately treat bronchitis in children, avoiding complications.

Darkening in the sternum, clearly visible on x-ray- an obvious "hint" of bronchitis in a child.

What kind of "beast" is this - bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which are part of the airways and are the tubular branches of the trachea necessary to connect it to the lungs. Doctors, not devoid of romance, appearance bronchi resembles trees with branched crowns, which at the base of the trunk are securely attached to the trachea, and with the tops of the branches they "dig" into the delicate tissue of the lungs.

At the junction with the trachea, the bronchi are essentially two massive hollow tubes, the deeper into the lungs, the more shallow and branched the structure becomes at the bronchi. We need this organ so that the air that we inhale safely reaches the lungs.

It is no secret that in the air, no matter how clean it is, there are always all kinds of viruses, bacteria and allergens. Which with every breath rush into our body.

At any point along the way, they can “attach” to the mucous tissue, “settle” there, “take root” and begin to multiply, thereby causing an inflammatory process. If this happens in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx), we get diseases such as laryngitis, sinusitis, or for example or.

And it also happens that hostile viruses, microbes or allergens penetrate deeper - into the lower respiratory tract - that is, into the bronchi and the lungs themselves. In this case, inflammation usually has such frightening names as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

We repeat: the "branches" of the bronchi in structure resemble a kind of hollow tubes. When inflammation occurs in them (to be more precise, it occurs on the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the bronchi), then this “tube”, through which air should normally flow freely into the lungs, swells strongly (which means it narrows!).

In addition, in response to inflammation, an increased amount of mucus begins to form on the inner surface of the bronchi. To rid itself of a possible blockage, the bronchi (through contraction of the outer muscular layer) begin to produce a kind of spasm. Doctors are able to listen to this phenomenon with a stethoscope. They usually refer to such contractions in the bronchi as "bronchospasm".

The first thing a pediatrician does when a child is suspected of having bronchitis is to listen to his lungs.

So three things: swelling of the bronchi, increased production of sputum in the bronchi and bronchospasm give reason to physicians, including pediatricians, to make a diagnosis - "bronchitis". Alas, only one, but the most expressive, symptom is available to parents at home - it is really difficult for the baby to breathe. And especially when trying to take a deep breath.

Why is bronchitis dangerous for children?

Since the patency of the airways is greatly reduced with bronchitis, this disease is primarily dangerous because it worsens the ventilation of the lungs in a child. Less oxygen enters the lungs - which means that less oxygen penetrates into the blood. As a result - temporarily all organs and tissues of the body receive less vital oxygen.

In addition, it is bronchitis that is the most favorable condition for the development of pneumonia - that is, inflammation of the lungs. It happens something like this: due to temporary obstruction of the bronchi, the lungs are poorly ventilated. However, viruses and bacteria still penetrate there. Having settled on the area of ​​the inner surface of the lungs, which is temporarily deprived of ventilation, the "treacherous guests" begin to multiply instantly. The inflammatory process caused by this activity is pneumonia. Alas, in children, pneumonia is one of the most common complications of bronchitis, especially with improper treatment.

By itself, bronchitis is a serious and dangerous disease, which even adults sometimes “surrender” with difficulty. Children also suffer from bronchitis even more - because sputum clots accumulate deep in the bronchi, and babies are almost deprived of the opportunity to get rid of them on their own.

The fact is that the human body can remove mucus from the respiratory tract only with the help of the so-called respiratory muscles, which are still poorly developed in children under 6-7 years old. Simply put, children can cough even at the age of one and a half, but they can cough up effectively only when their respiratory muscles get stronger - that is, at about the age of 6-7 years.

This explains the fact that most respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, are more severe and more difficult in children than in adults.

Bronchitis: symptoms in children

The most common and obvious symptoms of bronchitis in children are:

  • high temperature, fever;
  • Labored and "noisy" breathing;
  • Rapid and not deep breathing;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • General weakness;
  • Drowsiness;

All of the listed symptoms of bronchitis in children are related to the most common form of the disease - bronchitis caused by viruses. But in fairness, it is also worth mentioning the symptoms of bacterial bronchitis, which is much more difficult than its viral counterpart.

Bacterial inflammation of the bronchi (no more than 1% of all cases of bronchitis) is different:

  • Extremely serious condition of the child (often with loss of consciousness);
  • intense heat;
  • Signs of intoxication (possible vomiting, headache, nervous disorders and so on.);
  • The absence of a runny nose against the background of extremely difficult breathing (wheezing, coughing, etc.).

Even the slightest suspicion of bacterial inflammation of the bronchi requires immediate hospitalization of the child.

If the doctor has difficulty in diagnosing bronchitis in a child, then simply a clinical blood test will definitely dispel all doubts.

Causes of bronchitis in children

In the vast majority of cases, bronchitis in children occurs against the background and is caused by the activity of viruses. There is a whole group of viruses that most often “take root” on the bronchial mucosa. It is believed that, for example, influenza viruses especially "like" to multiply precisely on the inner surface of the bronchi, provoking the development of bronchitis. This means that your child may well get sick with bronchitis, just by contacting another baby with SARS.

It is important to understand that the occurrence of bronchitis in a child is not directly related to factors such as:

  • Hypothermia (you can catch bronchitis even while sitting by a hot fireplace, if at the same time your interlocutor is a carrier, for example, of the influenza virus);
  • Precedent disease of bronchitis in the past (in contrast, for example, whether the child had bronchitis once or not yet - does not play any role);
  • Nasal congestion, inability to carry out nasal breathing (viruses will enter the bronchi through the nose or through the mouth - it does not matter);

There is a very common myth: they say that bronchitis can develop when the inflammation that began in the nose, in the trachea or in the larynx, "falls" lower. That is, bronchitis, in the eyes of the inhabitants, is often a continuation of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. In fact, if inflammation has arisen on the mucous membrane, say, of the nose or larynx, then it cannot move to any other areas.

How to treat bronchitis in children

Antibiotics are useless! No matter what parent you ask, every second believes that the treatment of bronchitis in children is necessarily associated with a course of antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics, even the most modern and effective, in 99% of cases of bronchitis are completely useless. Because, as we have mentioned more than once, bronchitis - in 99 cases out of 100 - is a viral disease! And therefore, any antimicrobial drugs in the fight against it are completely helpless. Why, then, do doctors themselves often prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis in a child?

The fact is that most doctors seek to prevent the occurrence of childhood pneumonia in this way - we have already mentioned that against the background of bronchitis, pneumonia (which, unlike bronchitis, occurs due to the activity of pathogenic bacteria, not viruses) is very likely. However, this preventive antibiotic therapy not justified.

A popular pediatrician, Dr. E. O. Komarovsky: “Prescribing antibiotics for acute viral infections, including bronchitis, does not reduce, but rather increases the likelihood of complications”

So, bronchitis in a child cannot be treated with antibiotics. But how to carry out adequate treatment of bronchitis in children?

Step 1: Drink plenty of water. Plentiful drink thins the blood - this is a well-known fact. At the same time, many medical studies have proven that the density of blood and the degree of density of mucus on the mucous membranes are directly related. Therefore, the more liquid the child's blood, the less dried mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract, including in the bronchi.

Simply put: rather than puzzle over how to help the baby cough up excess sputum from the bronchi, just do not let it accumulate there and dry up to the walls. The more liquid the baby drinks, the easier it is for him to breathe.

Step 2: Use of antipyretics. If the child's temperature rises rapidly, and passes the mark of 38 ° C, he should be given an antipyretic.

Step 3: Humid and cool climate in the room where the child lives. The drier and hotter the air that the baby breathes, the more mucus is formed in his respiratory tract, and the faster it shrinks into dangerous clots. In order to prevent sputum from accumulating in the bronchi, it is enough to change the climate in the children's room - ideally, the humidity should reach 65-70%, and the temperature should not exceed 21 ° C.

Step 4: Special massage. With bronchitis in children, mucus accumulates in the bronchi, which partially dries up, literally “sticking” to the walls of the respiratory tract. If the baby is not able to cough it up on his own, he can be helped with a special massage:

  1. Lay the child on your lap (face down) so that his butt is just above his head. Such an inclination to the floor is necessary in order to use the force of attraction - it will also contribute to the removal of sputum from the bronchi.
  2. Then, with your fingertips, gently but firmly tap him on the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. The movements of your fingers should be slightly "raking" - as if you are trying to dig a small hole in the ground with your hand. Perform these "raking movements" strictly in one direction - "row" from the lower back to the head.
  3. Then abruptly put the child on your lap and ask to cough.
  4. These manipulations can be repeated 2-3 times in a row.

Please note that in no case should massage be carried out while it is hot. And also it is not recommended to do it for those children who cannot yet cough “on command”.

Step 5: Go for a walk. It is obvious that with an acute form of bronchitis, no one takes children outside for walks. And not because a sick child has fresh air and sunlight harmful - on the contrary, they are extremely necessary for him. Just in the presence of heat ( high temperature) and general feeling unwell It's really hard for him to walk. But if you can organize a “half-walk” for the baby without leaving home (dress warmly and let him sit / lie down on the balcony or on the veranda) - this will only benefit his respiratory system. Indeed, in order to reduce the activity of viruses in it, fresh air is needed, banal ventilation of the lungs is necessary. Which naturally occurs during a walk in the fresh air.

Bronchitis in young children is more common than SARS or a cold. Mucosal edema resulting from inflammatory processes causes a dry, agonizing cough in a child. Start treating bronchitis on time, and it will not cause unnecessary problems! Along with medicines, the use of folk remedies gives a good effect.

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs

long time ago effective means traditional medicine, decoctions and infusions of herbs are considered to increase immunity.

We offer several proven recipes:

  • infusion of linden flowers has a strong disinfectant, expectorant effect. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour;
  • accelerate the treatment of bronchitis in children, an infusion of blackcurrant leaves, known for its high content of vitamin C. It has an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic, vitaminizing effect;
  • to increase sweating, use decoctions based on black elderberry, mint and chamomile flowers. 20 g of dry material should be poured into a glass cold water and boil under the lid for 10-15 minutes;
  • in accompanying bronchitis, an infusion of marshmallow leaves will provide invaluable assistance. The characteristic of this plant is high content polysaccharide mucous substances;
  • infusion of oregano herb has antiseptic and expectorant properties;
  • with a dry irritating cough, an infusion of ipecac root will cope;
  • decoction and tincture of coltsfoot leaves are considered good sputum thinners;
  • treatment of bronchitis with thyme infusion is indicated in the absence of strong sputum production. This plant has a sedative, expectorant, bactericidal effect.
  • difficult to separate sputum will effectively remove the infusion of anise fruits;
  • a decoction of wild rosemary will calm a coughing fit, relieve a sore throat;
  • sage leaves, pine buds, tricolor violet herb have a pronounced mucolytic effect;

  • decoctions of birch, parsley and juniper will strengthen the patient's immunity. For the same purpose, the use of echinacea tincture is recommended;
  • treatment of bronchitis in the acute stage is effective with a decoction of sage in milk. Mix 200 g milk and 1 tbsp. l. dried finely chopped sage, bring the mixture to a boil. Strain the broth through cheesecloth and evaporate on fire for another 3 minutes. At one time before going to bed, the child should drink the entire dose.

Treatment of children with the help of folk remedies requires prior consultation with a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences.

Treating bronchitis with garlic

The main advantage of garlic - essential oils which have many useful properties.

You can use it in different ways:

  • Grate 3 cloves of garlic, squeeze out the juice, add to a glass of warm milk. This remedy is used to defuse phlegm and strengthen the immune system;
  • chop 3 cloves of garlic, a head of onion, pour a glass of milk. Put on fire, boil until softened onions and garlic. When the mixture has cooled, add a spoonful of honey to it;
  • grease a towel with oil, apply grated garlic (a few cloves) on it. Put a towel on the back of the child, wrap it with a scarf. Keep no longer than 15 minutes, so as not to provoke an overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • chop 1-2 heads of garlic, place in an enameled container, pour honey. Put the saucepan on the fire and heat until the mass becomes homogeneous, then remove from heat, then heat again, without bringing to a boil. Let the mixture cool and strain through cheesecloth. Store the syrup in the refrigerator. This remedy can treat bronchitis, starting from the age of 3. You should take 1 tsp. each hour.

Warning! Treating bronchitis in children with garlic and honey can cause an allergic reaction.

If you are going to use such folk remedies, make sure that the child does not have susceptibility to any of the components!

Rubbing and warming compresses

Help to treat bronchitis in children and various compresses, rubbing:

  • For "" you will need: 2-3 tbsp. L. Flour, 1 tbsp. L. Dry mustard, honey, sunflower oil and vodka. Mix everything thoroughly and heat with a water bath. Fold a piece of gauze in 4 layers and apply the dough on it (it should be sticky). Apply a compress to chest, cover with oilcloth, wrap with a warm scarf. Leave for half an hour. It is better to carry out this procedure before going to bed, repeating several days in a row.
  • Treatment of bronchitis with the help of "potato cakes" is no less effective. Boil a few potatoes, mash them right in the skin, mix with soda. Form 2 loaves. Put one on the chest, the second on the back of the child. Wrap them up with a towel. When the cakes have cooled, wipe the baby's skin dry and put to bed.
  • Try honey-vodka: smear the baby's chest with honey, and put a cloth dipped in vodka diluted with water (3: 1) on top. Secure everything with a towel. You can use the tool both at night and throughout the day.
  • You can treat bronchitis, potato-. Boil 6-7 potatoes in their skins, crush, add a glass of alcohol to the resulting mass. Wrap the cakes in separate gauze bags and apply on the chest and back of the baby at night, securing with a towel.
  • Rubbing with the following mixture gives a good result: pour potato flowers (1 cup) with a liter of heated vegetable oil, put in a dark place for 10 days. Rub your baby's chest and back with this remedy regularly at bedtime. Then wrap the patient in a blanket.

  • It is very effective to treat bronchitis with one of the "harmless" recipes - bread compresses. Cut a 2 cm wide piece from the loaf, sprinkle with water, warm in the oven. Wrap the compress in several layers of fabric, then apply the wet side to the back or chest of the patient.
  • On early stage diseases use simple compresses from honey. Soak a piece of cloth in melted honey, apply every evening to the bronchial area. The first time in the morning the fabric will be almost dry. When you notice that the compress is sticky in the morning, the treatment of bronchitis can be stopped.
  • Well proven ointment from melted butter with the addition of garlic. She needs to rub the chest and back of the patient.

Juice therapy in folk medicine

Natural juices have a positive effect on the body of a sick child:

  • The most famous of folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis in children is radish juice with honey. There are two versions of this recipe.

First: a hole is made in a black radish, filled with honey. The juice that appears is taken in 2 tbsp. l. before meals and at bedtime.

The second option: grated black radish, squeeze 1 liter of juice. Next, it must be mixed with 400 g of honey. Take in the same way as in the previous recipe.

  • For the treatment of chronic bronchitis, the following recipe is effective: mix 100 g of goat fat, butter and honey with 15 g of aloe juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of warm milk and drink 2 times a day.
  • Beetroot juice is said to be the most effective in cleansing the blood of toxins as well as boosting platelet levels, which helps treat bronchitis. You can’t use it fresh, you need to grate the beets, and put the squeezed juice in the refrigerator for 4 hours. You can drink no more than 100 ml per day.
  • Treatment carrot juice with the addition of honey in a ratio of 2: 1 soothes coughs, lingonberry - perfectly removes phlegm from the body.
  • This mixture will help discharge sputum: mix 20 g of aloe juice with 100 g of goose fat, butter, honey and 50 g of cocoa powder. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of warm milk and take 2 times a day.
  • You can treat bronchitis with the help of honey mixed in equal parts. To do this, pre-cut large aloe leaves, wrap in paper and put in the refrigerator for 5 days. To get juice, the leaves must be scrolled through a meat grinder, and then squeezed through cheesecloth.

Inhalations: recipes and rules

Effective folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis are inhalations. Even in advanced cases, this method will help alleviate a dry cough and regulate sputum production.

Traditional medicine offers a large number of recipes:

  • inhalation over potatoes, familiar from childhood, does not lose popularity and effectiveness;
  • a simple heated mineral water will help to safely treat bronchitis;
  • the simplest solution can be made from water with soda (4 tsp soda per 1 liter of water);
  • dilute 6 drops of iodine, 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. soda and on the tip of the Asterisk knife. Boil the mixture and let the child breathe over it;
  • garlic gruel helps, over which you can also breathe;
  • dilute honey with boiled water heated to 40 degrees, in a ratio of 1:5, and let the child inhale the steam;
  • using needles of cedar, pine, juniper, oak leaves, eucalyptus, birch, chamomile, mint, wormwood, lavender, sage. These plants have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. For best effect it is worth using fees.