How to digest food faster? How to help your stomach digest food What you need to do to digest fatty foods

You difficulty digesting food? Is digestion difficult and slow? We investigate the causes (diseases and bad habits), remedies and what to do to relieve symptoms when they occur.

First of all, calm down, digestive problems are a very common disorder: suffice it to say that in Russia 20-30% of visits to the doctor are due to difficulties with digesting food!

In most cases, to eliminate digestive disorders, it is enough to follow simple tips, such as improving your lifestyle or limiting certain foods and drinks; but in other cases, digestive difficulties may mask gastrointestinal or even extraintestinal disease.

Main causes of slow and difficult digestion

Digestive disorders such as heartburn, acidity and heaviness are very common nowadays in the Western world, and are mainly a consequence of lifestyle and diseases such as food or drug intolerance.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Bad habits that slow down digestion

Analyzing the points listed above, it is obvious that the main reasons for slow digestion are derived from personal habits, roughly speaking, not the right image life. Let's look at what aspects negatively affect the digestive system.

When you skip meals or eat a large portion at once, it puts undue stress on the gastrointestinal tract, and given the fact that digestion is much slower and more labor-intensive than usual.

Also fried foods significantly extend the digestion time, especially those that are 100% soaked in oil.

Alcohol is an important factor that delays gastric emptying (the effect depends on the dose: the higher, the longer it takes for gastric emptying).

Cigarette smoke also slows down the secretion of acid in the stomach.

In addition, sedentary behavior may increase gastric emptying time and intestinal transit time.

Difficult to digest foods

Often those who follow healthy image life, may complain of digestive disorders associated with the consumption of certain foods or medications:

  • All starchy foods: You may have difficulty digesting pizza, bread, and cakes that are made using Saccharomyces Cerevisiae yeast or brewer's yeast. The cause may be yeast intolerance. Often, certain sources of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, such as pasta or rice, can also slow down digestion, especially if they are combined with foods containing a lot of fat: in these cases, it is recommended to eat whole grain foods, as well as keep sugar levels under control in blood .
  • Milk: People who are lactose or milk protein intolerant often experience bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking cow's milk. You may suspect intolerance when indigestion is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, or constipation. A solution may be to use vegetable drinks such as soy, rice or almond milk.
  • Meat: It is difficult for all people to digest, especially fatty meats (veal, lamb and pork). The fats contained in it make digestion difficult and increase the time it takes for the stomach to empty.
  • Fish: As with meat, some types of fish can cause poor digestion. Risk areas include eel, mackerel, salmon and tuna.
  • Onion and garlic: They weaken the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, the valve that separates the esophagus and stomach. Their use should be avoided in case of reflux and dyspepsia.
  • Spices: In particular, mint and pepper, which increase the heat and acidity.
  • Cabbage and tomatoes: Vegetables in general, being rich in fiber, speed up the emptying of the stomach and hence do not cause digestive problems. Only a few, particularly cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and turnips), can cause gas and bloating. Some people also complain of intolerance to tomatoes, the consumption of which is accompanied by hives, nausea, and fluid retention.

Taking medications and digestive disorders

Some medications can cause digestive problems, but these tend to occur with long-term treatment:

  • Potassium salts, are suitable for the treatment of hypertension, dehydration and replenishment of potassium deficiency. High doses of potassium salts can cause ulcers, stomach upset and nausea.
  • Alendronates, used to treat osteoporosis, can cause esophageal ulcers, diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain.
  • Antibiotics cause fermentation in the intestines and bloating because they kill intestinal flora.
  • Digitalis, used for heart disease, often causes lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin - one of the most common causes of gastritis and peptic ulcer, because they reduce the protective power of the gastric mucosa and increase the secretion of acidic substances.

Psychological factors - how anxiety and depression affect digestion

Scientists have discovered a close connection between digestive disorders and anxiety in people who evoke somatic emotions. Stress and emotional stress may cause difficulty digesting food, as in the case of hysterical dyspepsia, but the mechanisms are still little known.

Hormonal changes: pregnancy, cycle and menopause

Hormonal changes underlying menstrual cycles can interfere with digestive processes: an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone causes excessive bowel movement, often leading to episodes of constipation, diarrhea and digestive difficulties.

Hormonal changes, along with intense levels of stress, are responsible for poor digestion during menopause and pregnancy.

In particular, during pregnancy, the level of progesterone increases, which has a relaxing effect on the muscles and, accordingly, loss of tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. This makes it easier for stomach contents to rise into the esophagus. In addition, the intestinal muscles do not contract strongly enough, the intestinal contents move slowly and constipation occurs.

Difficulty digesting food appear at the beginning of pregnancy, but the situation worsens from the fourth month, when the stomach begins to grow and the fetus puts pressure on the stomach and intestines. There are very few remedies against digestive difficulties during pregnancy, since such medications, due to their high calcium content, cannot be used by pregnant women.

Diseases and symptoms associated with poor digestion

Digestive disorders occur more often after eating and are often associated with banal gluttony.

But, sometimes the same symptoms can be associated with problems of the esophagus, stomach, liver and biliary tract, for example, if they occur in old age digestive disorders half an hour after a meal, “intestinal ischemia” can be suspected.

On the contrary, an ulcer duodenum gives symptoms directly during meals, and nausea before meals may indicate hepatobiliary dysfunction. Poor digestion is often associated with eating a large dinner after fasting all day.

Often discomfort occurs regardless of food intake, for example during sleep: in the case of people suffering from reflux disease. In this case, it may be useful to raise the head of the bed by 10 cm.

Below we explain, what diseases can cause digestive problems, and what symptoms they manifest.

Stomach diseases

Reflux disease, hernia hiatus aperture The reason is the rise of stomach contents into the esophagus. This occurs due to decreased tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. Excess acidity, bitterness in the mouth, halitosis, pain and burning in the stomach area, insomnia, high blood pressure and tachycardia.
Ulcer Caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which destroys the gastroduodenal mucosa, making the stomach walls susceptible to action gastric juice Heartburn, pain in the upper abdomen.

Intestinal diseases

Irritable bowel syndrome (so-called “nonspecific ulcerative colitis») It is believed that the cause of this condition is an imbalance of intestinal flora, but it is not yet clear how this can cause digestive disorders Bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, side pain
Celiac disease Reduces sugar absorption function and nutrients; nutrients are not absorbed, remain in the intestinal lumen, ferment and form gas Bloating, flatulence, diarrhea

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract

Extraintestinal diseases

Digestive disorders can also cause diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract, such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, inflammation of the adrenal glands and blood vessels, heart and kidney failure.

In all these cases, intestinal transit slows down, bloating and constipation develop, because the effect of the autonomic system decreases. nervous system(part of the nervous system responsible for intestinal motility).

Dyspepsia is a diagnosis of exclusion

If the symptoms are constant or periodic and persist for at least 3 months, then we can talk about functional dyspepsia. This is a diagnosis of exclusion, that is, they talk about it when the doctor excludes everything else. causes of indigestion.

Symptoms of dyspepsia: feeling of heaviness after eating, nausea, vomiting, frequent belching, drowsiness.

Consequences of slow digestion - constipation and bloating

Complications of slow digestion vary depending on the reasons that caused it. If the underlying cause of indigestion is stomach disease, such as an ulcer or reflux disease, then delayed gastric emptying leads to increased secretion of gastric juice. In case of ulceration of the mucous membrane, prolonged presence of food in the stomach can lead to perforation of the stomach wall with bleeding.

Slow digestion in the intestines suggests a slowdown in peristalsis and, consequently, the development of constipation. If digestive waste remains in the intestines for a long time, it mechanically irritates the intestinal walls and causes them to swell.

Slow digestion causes obesity

According to some experts, slow digestion can lead to weight gain: mainly due to constipation and water retention, rather than due to the accumulation of fat deposits.

However, this question is not so clear-cut, because all the foods we eat are well digested and absorbed from the intestines, regardless of the length of the journey, and with slow digestion we absorb the same number of calories as with normal digestion. Rather, the opposite situation may occur - when the stomach remains full for a long time due to slow digestion, the brain does not receive the stimulus of hunger, therefore, as a rule, such people eat less and lose weight.

Effective remedies for digestive problems

Slow and long digestion food may, as we have seen, be a consequence of a disease of the stomach, intestines or, in some cases, may have an extraintestinal cause, but it may also be a consequence of improper food intake.

First digestive aid- this is maintaining a healthy lifestyle in food. Eat slowly, chew properly, reduce stress, move more - in most cases, following these recommendations will solve all digestive problems.

You can also add herbs to tea or use chewable tablets to stimulate bowel function and digestion. These drugs are most effective for functional disorders.

If digestive difficulties persist, it is necessary to consult a doctor and do research to find out the causes of intestinal disorders.

What to eat and what foods to avoid - nutrition rules

What to include in your diet to help slow digestion? In principle, you can eat anything that does not cause bloating and heartburn, the main thing is to make meals too large and with high content protein and lipids.

Other useful tips:

  • Eat a balanced diet, in which nutrients will be divided equally between all meals, so as not to burden digestion.
  • For exacerbation of digestive disorders, it may be helpful to reduce main meals and introduce two snacks in the middle and afternoon so as to more evenly distribute the load on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid Products that are difficult to digest, such as fried and fatty meats, the types of fish mentioned above, fats that slow down stomach emptying and cause a feeling of heaviness.
  • Avoid flour, milk and dairy products, in case of intolerance to these products.
  • When Digestive problems due to reflux It may be useful to exclude garlic, onions, and spicy foods from the diet.
  • If you are suffering from bloating, avoid cruciferous vegetables.
  • Avoid alcohol to speed up gastric emptying and from smoking to reduce burning and acidity.
  • Maintain the correct weight- this reduces pressure on the abdomen, especially when you sleep, this can reduce episodes of reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

Strategy - food diary

To find out which foods cause digestive problems, you must learn to recognize the signals that our body sends. In this light, it is useful to keep a food diary in the following form:

By filling out this chart every day for a week, it will be easier for you to understand which foods cause digestive problems, including the timing of their consumption.

Natural remedies - herbal teas and tablets.

To improve digestion we can use natural herbs in the form of teas or chewable tablets, which should be taken before meals two or three times a day.

Herbs that help us digest food better.

At normal operation organs of the digestive system, a healthy adult takes food 3 to 5 times during daylight hours. It is fully digested and absorbed with the complete breakdown of its nutrients into molecules with further distribution throughout the body, conversion into energy and a resource that ensures the activity of the whole organism. If the food consumed is poorly digested, then the person begins to experience heaviness in the stomach, dyspepsia develops with signs of nausea, vomiting, and watery diarrhea. The most common cause of this pathological condition is a lack of digestive enzymes that are secreted by pancreatic tissue. The presence of other factors and secondary diseases that disrupt the stable digestion of food cannot be ruled out.

All symptoms of reduced activity of the gastrointestinal tract organs in terms of processing consumed food are felt directly by the patient himself and can be observed by loved ones who are in his environment.

Signs that the cooking process is not going well are as follows.

Unusual severity

Immediately after lunch, breakfast or dinner, severe heaviness occurs in the stomach cavity. It seems as if a stone was placed inside the stomach. At the same time, the person has the feeling that the stomach has completely stopped and temporarily stopped its functional activity.

Lack of appetite

In the morning, a person feels that his stomach is empty and the urge to eat is really present. As soon as he has had breakfast, heaviness is followed by complete apathy towards food. Appetite disappears until the evening and quite often people suffering from insufficiently good digestion go to bed with the same feeling of pathological fullness as in the morning when the dish was just eaten. The desire to eat returns again only the next day.

Nausea and vomiting

Throughout the day, the patient experiences stomach cramps, which sometimes intensify, then the condition stabilizes and for a while it seems that the disease has subsided. In some cases, the digestive system cannot cope with the load and all the food that was eaten the day before comes back in the form of vomit. At the same time, the feeling of hunger is completely absent.


Almost immediately, when the process of food digestion stops, the gastrointestinal tract begins an urgent evacuation of those food debris that are in different departments intestines. In addition to vomiting, loosening of the stool is also used. In this regard, the patient develops liquid diarrhea, which can have a one-time manifestation or occur 3-5 times a day.

In especially severe cases, watery stools appear every 2-3 hours after the next meal.

Weakness and dizziness

Due to dehydration of the body due to diarrhea, as well as the lack of sufficient amounts of nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as the main component of energy metabolism in the body, the process of gradual depletion of cells of all human tissues and organs begins. Therefore it decreases arterial pressure, there is a loss of strength and physical weakness, bordering on a state of drowsiness.

Pain inside the abdomen

In the area where the stomach and intestines are located, a stable pain syndrome, which intensifies as the patient’s general well-being worsens. If the reason for poor digestion of food is a lack of digestive enzymes, then acute pain appears in the left hypochondrium, where the pancreas is located.

Temperature increase

Disturbances in the digestive system are always stressful for the whole body. With prolonged dysfunction, the intestinal mucosa begins to become inflamed, the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microflora is disrupted, which can cause a slight increase in body temperature to a level of 37.1 - 37.6 degrees Celsius.

In some cases, the pathological condition intensifies in patients when meat, animal fats, legumes, butter, bacon. This is explained by the fact that the gastrointestinal tract needs to spend much more effort, energy and enzymes on these types of products in order to ensure not only their digestion, but also high-quality absorption. Therefore, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to limit yourself in taking products of this type.

Why food is poorly digested in an adult, the causes of the disease

There are a large number of factors, the presence of which negatively affects the performance of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder and other vital functions. important organs. Despite this, the following reasons for poor cooking of food are identified, which are most often found in medical practice:

  • alcohol abuse, smoking and narcotic substances(all these harmful addictions cause intoxication of the body of varying severity, which inevitably leads to the accumulation of poisons in the liver and the development of dyspeptic manifestations);
  • overeating and improperly organized diet (eating foods with low biological benefits, saturating the menu with fatty, smoked, pickled, spicy dishes, leads to gastrointestinal upset);
  • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the pancreas (this pathological condition of this organ is fraught with the fact that it ceases to synthesize the required volume of digestive enzymes that ensure stable and high-quality digestion of food);
  • hormonal imbalance with a decrease in secretions responsible for the tone of muscle fibers that ensure the functioning of organs abdominal cavity;
  • chronic cholecystitis (a disease that affects gallbladder when an insufficient amount of bile comes from its cavity and all the fats consumed during the meal are not digested, which causes an emergency stop of the stomach, or a significantly reduced activity);
  • oncological processes in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract (a cancerous tumor completely destroys all layers of the epithelium in the area of ​​its localization, so poor digestion of food can also occur for this reason);
  • food poisoning when products were consumed that were stored improperly temperature conditions, which ultimately led to their damage;
  • entry into the gastrointestinal tract of severe strains of bacterial, viral and fungal infections that provoke an acute inflammatory process and prolonged indigestion;
  • recently transferred surgical intervention on the abdominal organs, after restoration of which the patient’s appetite returns again, and the digestive process returns to normal.

Also, quite often, this kind of problem with digesting food develops against the background of gastritis, peptic ulcers, erosion of the mucous membrane of the duodenum, viral damage to the liver (various strains of hepatitis), and intestinal obstruction.

Treatment - what to do if the stomach does not digest food?

If you notice symptoms indicating a lack of digestive cycle, you should immediately make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It is quite possible that due to a prompt examination and prescribed therapy, it will be possible to avoid a large number of complications and quickly get rid of secondary ailments that caused bad work gastrointestinal tract.

The most commonly used therapeutic methods are aimed at restoring stable digestion of food:

  • preparations containing artificial digestive enzymes that compensate for the lack of secretions produced by the pancreas;
  • antibacterial and antivirals if the cause of the pathological condition of the gastrointestinal tract is due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the body;
  • sorbents providing absorption toxic substances with their further evacuation outside the body in order to facilitate the work of the liver and kidneys;
  • antispasmodics (used to relieve attacks of nausea and vomiting if all food has already been removed from the digestive system, and stomach spasms continue to bother the person);
  • tablets and intramuscular injections containing synthetic hormones when there is an imbalance of these substances in the patient’s body;
  • cleansing enemas and laxatives, when poor digestion of food is caused by fecal blockages and the patient suffers from constipation for a long period of time;
  • chemotherapeutic agents for a certain category of patients whose examination results revealed the presence of foreign neoplasms of a malignant nature in their body;
  • drugs intended to cleanse liver tissue (these are special medications that relieve the workload of this digestive organ, increasing its activity in the absorption of fats).

Depending on whether the patient has one or another symptom, concomitant diseases, it is possible that the attending gastroenterologist will decide to include other categories of medications in the therapeutic course. The type of drug, its dosage and duration of administration are selected according to individually to the characteristics and specifics of the functioning of the digestive system of each patient individually.

Diet and its quality play a big role. There are foods to improve digestion, but we often carelessly choose fast food, which, unfortunately, leads to atrophy of important functions of the digestive system. In addition, fast foods, instant products, sweet carbonated drinks, and chemical additives lead to thinning of the intestinal walls and the entry of harmful substances into the blood, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication such as loss of energy, headache, irritability, etc., i.e. . worsen the quality of life and our health.

In addition, there are many other causes of digestive disorders, such as low fluid intake during the day, lack of exercise, stress, certain diseases (low blood pressure, diabetes, etc.), side effects medicines, etc.

How to reduce the load on the body during consumption and digestion of food? Which foods are good for digestion, and which ones should you avoid or limit their consumption? These questions have long been of concern to nutritionists. Having studied this topic thoroughly, they came to the conclusion that not all products are equally beneficial for the body, some of them improve the functioning of the digestive system, while others, on the contrary, slow it down.

Light and heavy foods

Substances that inhibit the functioning of the stomach and intestines include heavy foods for digestion, the peculiarity of which is their high calorie content and difficulty of digestion. Such products include baked goods made from premium flour, meat and meat products, semi-finished products, sweets, pies and cookies, and fatty dairy products. Heavy foods include some vegetables, fruits and berries: potatoes, corn, bananas, avocados, grapes. Nuts are considered heavy due to their calorie content.

Light foods for digestion, on the contrary, are characterized by a reduced amount of calories and ease of digestion. This is mainly the majority of vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as some types of meat (lean turkey, chicken, quail, veal), low-fat dairy products, etc.

But in order to divide products into 2 types, it is necessary to take into account not only chemical composition, but also the method of preparing food. The same product may be light when boiled or baked and heavy when fried. For example, a soft-boiled egg has a low calorie content and is much easier to digest than scrambled eggs.

In addition, it is important to consider the combination of foods during meals. For example, a cutlet or milk without bread is digested easier and faster than with it, and even more so with a bun, as in fast foods.

10 Essential Foods for Digestion

And yet, it cannot be said with certainty that light foods are foods to improve digestion, and heavy ones are not. It's not a matter of calories, but the presence and quantity of the main assistant digestive tract- fiber in the product. It is fiber that mainly contributes to the rapid and complete absorption of food and, in particular, nutrients.

Nutritionists identify 10 main foods that promote digestion:

  • Bran and wholemeal bread products.

In terms of their prevalence and availability, they occupy first place among products for improving digestion. A significant amount of fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals, make whole grain bread an invaluable aid to the digestive system. Rye bread is considered the most useful, which is often included in diets to normalize digestion.

  • Cereals.

Preference should be given to whole grains, which contain more vitamins and nutrients. Alternatively, you can use flakes. The most common and useful option breakfast - oatmeal cereal with fruit. A worthy replacement is flakes made from a mixture of cereals, also rich in fiber and vitamins.

But sprouted wheat is rightfully considered the most useful product for the health of the digestive system, as a source of youth and renewal of the entire body.

  • Legumes.

Beans, lentils, peas, beans are not only rich sources dietary fiber, but also valuable suppliers of minerals necessary for our body, such as zinc, iron, calcium, etc.

  • Nuts and seeds.

Despite their high calorie content, they are essential suppliers of fiber, unsaturated fats and nutrients. The optimal consumption rate is 100 g per day.

  • Pear.

The well-known sweet and tasty fruit gives not only pleasure, but also great benefits, thanks to the significant amount of fiber and vitamins in ripe fruits. It not only promotes the digestion of food, but also has a fixing effect, which equates it to medicines for intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea. The pear is also useful for the pancreas, facilitating its work. Sugar in this amazing fruit is presented in the form of fructose, which does not require insulin produced by the pancreas for its absorption.

  • Avocado.

An exotic fruit rich in dietary fiber. A typical fruit contains approximately 12 g of fiber, which normalizes digestion. Avocado jam or puree improves microflora and intestinal function, which is an excellent prevention of constipation.

  • Flax-seed.

This inexpensive product has a number of useful properties. It contains two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble in sufficient quantities. Linseed oil is an excellent laxative, and the seeds themselves and products made from them can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. The seeds are also useful for gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the large amount of mucus released when ingested, flaxseed protects the walls of the esophagus and stomach from irritating factors and prevents the absorption of toxic substances. Flax seeds help remove undigested food debris and waste products, which helps improve the situation with constipation or obesity.

  • Berries.

Blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries and raspberries are also famous for their good fiber content: 2.5 g or more. These are delicious and healthy foods to improve digestion.

  • Dried fruits.

Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs, dates, dried apricots, etc. have a beneficial effect on intestinal function. They are recommended to be taken between meals.

  • Green vegetables.

Leafy vegetables are not only a valuable source of insoluble dietary fiber, they also provide the body with vitamins and minerals. But it's not just leafy vegetables that are rich in fiber. Beets, many types of cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, asparagus, carrots, and celery are in no way inferior to their counterparts.

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Digestive foods for constipation

Very often, digestive problems are accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as constipation. Difficulty with defecation not only causes discomfort, but also causes irreparable harm to our body. Stagnant feces cause distension of the large intestine, which in turn puts pressure on other organs, which negatively affects their activity.

Harmful substances from feces (slags) enter the bloodstream, poisoning the entire body. This leads to intense work of the liver, kidneys, lungs, glands and skin - secondary organs of excretion. Working in an intensive mode, they quickly wear out, immunity decreases and many problems arise. various diseases, starting from the simplest allergic reactions and ending with dangerous cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

We conclude: we need to fight constipation in order to protect our body. But how to do that? First, change your lifestyle from sedentary to active. Next, reconsider your attitude to nutrition, giving preference to foods that improve digestion. These foods contain large amounts of fiber, which helps in the rapid digestion of food and the removal of processed foods from the body.

Give preference to raw vegetables and fruits. In this regard, vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, beets, broccoli, and spinach are very useful. For some stomach diseases, eating raw vegetables is undesirable. In this case, you can use sauerkraut and carrots. Cauliflower, spinach and beets are useful in raw, baked and boiled form, the main thing is not to subject them to long-term heat treatment.

From fruits it is better to choose apples, avocado, peach, tangerines, grapes, banana. In this situation, it is better to eat pears with the skin.

Of the dried fruits, prunes have a fairly strong laxative effect, as well as raisins and dried apricots.

Many fruit and vegetable juices have a laxative effect for constipation: apple, plum and grape juices, juice from asparagus, potatoes, cabbage, prune drink.

Include flaxseed in your diet. Ground flax seeds with milk are an excellent remedy for constipation.

Limit your consumption of white bread, preferring wholemeal products or loaves with bran. Include bran products in your diet, which are now available in almost all stores. But do not forget that consuming fiber in large quantities requires increasing the amount of water you drink. In any case, water consumption should be at least 2.5 liters per day.

Forget about snacks and dry food. Soups, borscht, weak meat and vegetable broths are suitable foods for constipation. Avoid fast foods and convenience foods, which only complicate the situation.

Don't take medications for constipation. Foods that improve digestion help active work intestines to remove feces from the body, and medications simply do this job for it, which leads to addiction. Subsequently, the body simply cannot do this work on its own.

If you feel heaviness in your stomach during or after eating, or if you already have problems with your stomach and pancreas, include foods that contain digestive enzymes in your diet. This will help quickly and efficiently process food and absorb the beneficial substances contained in it, improve intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins and free radicals that damage human DNA, which leads to genetic disorders and the occurrence of cancer.

So what foods will help our digestive system easily cope with a heavy load?

  • Fermented milk products: kefir and yogurt.
  • Sauerkraut in its own juice.
  • Live kvass (you can easily prepare it yourself using rye bread).
  • Apple vinegar(add it to salads, marinades, sauces).
  • Tea mushroom(used as a drink).
  • Sprouted wheat in the form of porridge.
  • Exotic fruits: papaya, pineapple, avocado, bananas, mango.
  • Various nuts, sesame, soy.
  • Garlic, horseradish.
  • Cowberry.
  • Beef tripe.
  • Malt.
  • Cottonseed oil.
  • Soy sauce.

As you can see, it is entirely within our power to help our body. Digestive problems often arise during the holidays with an abundance of fatty and heavy foods. Don't forget to include the above products in your menu and the problem will be solved. If you are suffering gastrointestinal diseases, then products to improve digestion containing enzymes should always be present on your table.

And finally, let’s dwell on a point that will interest people who are overweight and women who always strive to be slim and beautiful.

There are 3 main ways to combat excess weight:

  • With the help of physical activity.
  • Through strict or gentle diets.
  • In a natural way with the assistance of appropriate foods.

Let's focus on the last method. Dietitians recommend regulating your weight by eating foods to speed up digestion. It is not only tasty, but also healthy, as it does not create additional stress on the body. Such products improve metabolism and help burn fat, promoting weight loss and rejuvenation of the whole body.

Products to improve digestion for weight management:

  • Fermented milk products: yogurt, low-fat kefir, yogurt.
  • Drinks: coffee, quality green tea.
  • Almond nuts.
  • Turkey meat.
  • Fruits, especially grapefruit, apples, kiwi, lemon.
  • Spinach.
  • Beans.
  • Broccoli.
  • Spices and seasonings: ginger, curry, cinnamon, black pepper, bay leaf, turmeric, nutmeg.
  • Soy milk.
  • Cereals, bran.

It turns out that for a healthy diet and maintaining the body normally, it is enough to eat the healthy foods we are familiar with and give up unhealthy and heavy foods. Then you won't need medications.

Eat right, eat foods that improve digestion, and you can avoid many health problems.

Sometimes, without being a doctor, it is worth delving into the details of the digestion process, assessing how long food passes through the gastrointestinal tract, and comparing the absorption of foods by duration. Why know how to digest food quickly? The body is good at this matter, let it deal with it itself. Because the unconscious choice of unsuccessful combinations makes the stomach harder and provokes complications. Let's see why it is important to know the digestion time of food.

How long does it take for a person to digest food?

Fuel consumed in the form of food is essential for the functioning of the body. Without the necessary nutrients, cell development, restoration and protection are impossible. The foods you eat go a long way before they become building blocks needed by the body, but the energy required for processing and the time it takes to digest food greatly depend on the food class it belongs to.

The answer to the question of how long food is digested in the stomach may surprise you with its range: from half an hour to 6 hours. What determines the time it takes to digest foods? How long does it take for food to enter the intestines? After 7-8 hours of progress along small intestine with parallel breakdown, food passes into the large intestine, where it can remain for about 20 hours. Let’s summarize how long it will take for food fuel to be processed into feces (we apologize for the terminology “not for the table”): around 1.5 days.

Digestion time in the stomach:

It is worth separating the concepts of “digestion” and “assimilation”. The first determines how long food remains in the stomach, undergoing processing in the form of splitting into simple chemical compounds. The second involves the absorption of the obtained elements and their use to replenish energy needs, regenerate cellular tissues, and maintain the viability of organs and systems.

The completion date of protein processing differs significantly from the indicators of how much carbohydrates and fats are absorbed over the same period. For the first, the splitting process coincides with the moment of digestion, facilitating further absorption; for the second, digestion spreads to the intestines (complex carbohydrates), delaying penetration into the blood.

It is important to understand how much food is in the stomach, to distinguish between the time of digestion of foods and the time of assimilation. Doctors do not recommend mixing meals, throwing in a new batch of “fuel” until the old one is completely processed, and taking into account the total time, how long the food is digested in the stomach. In our article, digestion will also mean complete assimilation for ease of orientation.

What is absorbed most quickly (table)

The period indicating how long it takes for food to enter the intestines after processing in the stomach is the rate of digestion. Products sometimes differ in directly opposite characteristics regarding this parameter.

A table of food digestion by time will help systematize indicators and divide food into groups.

Digestion time of food in the human stomach: table

Category Products Time
Fast absorption (carbohydrates) Berries, fruit and vegetable juices, fruits(except banana, avocado), vegetables

No more than 45 minutes.

How long does it take to digest fruits - 35-45 minutes

Medium digestion (proteins with some fat) Eggs, seafood, poultry, dairy products (except cottage cheese and hard cheese)

About 1-2 hours.

How long does it take for fish to be digested - 1 hour

Long-term absorption (complex carbohydrates) Potatoes, cottage cheese, hard cheese, cereals, mushrooms, legumes, bakery products, nuts

Approximately 2-3 hours.

How long does it take to digest porridge - 2 hours

Not digestible Canned fish, stewed meats, pasta (from durum varieties), tea and coffee with milk, animal meat, mushrooms

More than 3-4 hours or it just disappears.

How long does pork take to digest - up to 6 hours

It became clear how much food is digested in the human stomach. The table reflects approximate product grouping vectors, presenting the overall picture. However, certain ways of processing and mixing ingredients can affect the absorption of food. Let us highlight three stages of complicating life in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Same digestion time, no heat treatment, no added fats or sugar.
  • Same digestion time, added sugar or butter, spices.
  • Different time digestion, various processing and cooking methods, added oils or fats.

In the third situation, it will be especially difficult for the body to assimilate the incoming fuel due to fats, which create a film that repels gastric juice, and the lengthening of the processing time of the “material”. As you can see from the table, meat and mushrooms take the longest to digest. Take this into account when planning a menu, especially for children: quickly digestible food is preferable for a child

The feeling of heaviness and lack of appetite will tell you how long the food is actually being digested. A simple combination of components according to the processing time and pacification of fanaticism from fats will improve overall well-being.

A competent analysis of data on how much food is digested will allow you to build an infallible nutrition system that is ideal for the body. There are a number general rules, following which will greatly facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

1. Try not to mix products of different time parameters so as not to burden the stomach.

2. Aim to create recipes and combinations within the same time group.

3. Adding oils increases the duration of food digestion by an average of 2-3 hours and, consequently, the total time that food remains in the stomach after eating.

4. Diluting undigested food with any liquid will reduce the concentration of gastric juice, complicate the processing of the “material” and clog the intestines with undigested residues susceptible to fermentation.

6. Boiled and fried foods lose some of their beneficial properties and are deprived of their original structure, so the digestion time increases by 1.5 times.

7. Cold food is processed faster and can lead to obesity due to disruption of the absorption process. The feeling of hunger returns faster, the processes of absorption and utilization are disrupted, and the intestines undergo rotting processes. This rule especially applies to protein foods, which must be digested for at least 4 hours, and when cold, leave the body in 30 minutes.

8. Keep in mind that the most favorable time for processing “material” is lunchtime, so the thirst for mixing incompatible categories can be quenched without consequences. Breakfast and dinner are not characterized by such activity, so try to select foods that have the same digestion time and rapid absorption.

9. When asked whether food is digested during sleep, the answer will be a call to simple logic. Night time is a period of rest and recovery for the entire body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Eating too much before going to bed is tantamount to filling your stomach with useless rotten food, since the body will only digest and absorb the fuel fermented overnight in the morning.

Despite the visual isolation and independence of the gastrointestinal tract, the indicators of how many hours food is digested in the stomach sometimes directly depend on our conscious choice. Make it easier for your body to work.

How the stomach digests food: video

Best time for different foods

The indicator of how many hours food is digested in the stomach directly depends on the nature of the material itself. This topic has already been touched upon in the above table “Digestion time of foods in the human stomach”; now let’s look at the categories in more detail.

Cereals and legumes

  • Let's take cereals. Buckwheat - digestion time will stop at 3 hours.
  • The digestion time of rice in the stomach is 3 hours.
  • Digestion time for millet porridge is 3 hours.
  • How long does pearl barley take to digest? Also 3 hours.
  • Digestion time oatmeal is 3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest oatmeal in water (from flakes)? Only 1.5 hours.
  • Is corn digestible in the human body? Yes, if there is enough weight in the body to secrete the necessary enzymes. The procedure will take 2.3 hours (corn grits).
  • Let's move on to legumes. How long does it take to digest lentils? The answer is 3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest peas (dry) - 3.3 hours.
  • The digestion time of green peas will stop at 2.4 hours.
  • How long does it take for beans to be digested in the stomach? At least 3 hours.

Many people are interested in how long rice porridge is digested in the stomach - the same amount as regular rice, - 3 hours. The absorption time of semolina porridge is slightly less - 2 hours. Boiled corn takes approximately 2.5 hours to digest, depending on the ripeness of the cob. And the most easily digestible cereals, as you probably already understood, include one familiar from childhood - an ideal, quickly digestible porridge for children and adults.


Many people are interested in how long it takes for meat to be digested in the stomach? It depends on what kind of meat you prefer in your gastronomic preferences.

  • How long pork is digested depends on the part: tenderloin - 3.3 hours, loin - 4.3 hours.
  • The digestion time for lamb converges to 3.3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest chicken breast? About 3.2 hours.
  • How long does it take for duck meat to be digested? Approximately 3.3 hours
  • How many hours meat (beef) is digested does not depend on the part. Approximately 3.3 hours.
  • How long do dumplings take to digest in the stomach - 3.3 hours.
  • The digestion time for lard can exceed a day.

The rate at which meat is digested in the human stomach also depends on the method of its preparation. For example, the time it takes to digest ground beef will be reduced if you add pureed vegetables such as zucchini or carrots when preparing ground beef patties. But jellied pork feet will take a very long time to digest - more than 5 hours. Chicken jellied meat is digested a little faster - about 3-3.5 hours.


  • How long fish takes to digest depends on the variety: low-fat (cod) takes 30 minutes, fatty (herring, salmon, trout) - 50-80 minutes. Hake is quickly digested in the stomach - no more than 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest shrimp? About 2.3 hours.
  • The absorption of sea cocktails will take approximately 3 hours.

When creating a menu, do not forget about such a factor as the compatibility of various products.


  • How long does it take to digest potatoes? Young - 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest fried potatoes? It's already 3-4 hours. Boiled - only 2-3 hours. How long does it take to digest a baked potato? Young - about 2 hours.
  • How are carrots digested raw? In 3 hours. The question of why carrots are not absorbed without oil is not entirely correct: vitamin A is poorly absorbed because it is fat-soluble. With oil, carrots take longer to digest, but the benefits are greater.
  • How long does it take to digest fresh cabbage (white cabbage) - 3 hours.
  • How much is digested? sauerkraut in the stomach? About 4 o'clock.
  • How long does it take to digest boiled beets? This will take approximately 50 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest a cucumber? On average 30 minutes (like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, herbs).
  • The corn vegetable cannot be digested for longer than 45 minutes (cook without oil).

Now you know which vegetables are poorly digested: cabbage, fried potatoes, and celery root will also take a long time to digest. The rate of absorption of lean cabbage soup also depends on the time of absorption of cabbage and will be approximately 3 hours. Why else can soup take a long time to digest: tough meat for the broth, the use of too fatty a piece of meat for the broth, a high content of vermicelli and long-digesting cereals.


  • Consider the kiwi. Digestion time will be 20-30 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest an orange - 30 minutes.
  • How long do tangerines take to digest - also 30 minutes.
  • Let's take grapefruit. Digestion time is 30 minutes.
  • How long does it take for an apple to be digested? The process will take 40 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest a banana? Approximately 45-50 minutes.
  • Wondering how long it takes to digest pineapple? The answer is 40-60 minutes.
  • How long does it take to digest a mango? About 2 hours.

There are other types of fruits that take a long time to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. For example, do you know how long it takes to digest persimmons in the human stomach? Almost 3 hours! Therefore, you should not eat this product at night.

Animal products

  • How long does it take for milk to be digested? - 2 hours.
  • How long does it take for cottage cheese to be digested? Approximately 2.5 hours. Is the cottage cheese low-fat? About 2.4 hours.
  • How long does cheese take to digest - 3.3 hours.
  • I wonder how long it takes for kefir to be digested? From 1.4 to 2 hours (low-fat - fatty).
  • The digestion time for fermented baked milk will be 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest yogurt? Approximately 2 hours.
  • For gourmands: how long does ice cream take to digest? The process takes 2.3 hours.
  • How much is digested? boiled egg- 2.2 hours. What about egg white? The same indicators.
  • How long scrambled eggs are digested depends on the volume. A dish of two hard-boiled eggs - 2-3 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest an omelet? A little over 2 hours.

Flour products

  • The time it takes for bread to be digested in the stomach depends on the type of flour: from 3.1 hours (wheat) to 3.3 hours (rye).
  • The question of how long the bread takes to digest is difficult. The product contains a lot of fiber (100 grams = 4 loaves of rye bread), which takes a long time to digest.
  • How long does it take to digest pasta? Approximately 3.2 hours.

Sweets (honey, nuts, chocolate)

  • How long does it take for marshmallows to be digested - 2 hours.
  • The digestion time for chocolate will be 2 hours.
  • How long does it take to digest halva? Approximately 3 hours.
  • Peanuts, like other nuts, take an average of 3 hours to digest, but the process can be speeded up if the product is crushed and soaked.
  • Let's take dried fruits. Digestion time varies from 2 hours (raisins, dates) to 3 (prunes, pear).
  • The digestion time for honey is 1.2 hours.


  • Coffee with milk is not digestible, since tannin and milk proteins form an indigestible emulsion.
  • The digestion time of tea in the stomach will be about an hour.
  • How long does water stay in the stomach? Together with food - about an hour. Liquid drunk on an empty stomach immediately enters the intestines. About 350 ml is absorbed at one time (applies to water and food).
  • How long does it take for soup to digest? Vegetable broth - 20 minutes, meat broth - depends on the base and ingredients, difficult to determine.

The time food spends in the human stomach is an extremely variable value, but it can easily be brought under control. Follow simple rules when eating, combine the ingredients at the right time to avoid overloading the gastrointestinal tract and causing fermentation, choose the right time. It's easy to be healthy.

Gone are the hungry times when people earned their food through hard work, but the habit of people to eat enough for future use remains. The need to know how to quickly digest food in the stomach becomes important for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Slow digestion contributes to constipation, which provokes inflammatory processes in the intestines, which can serve as a manifestation serious illnesses internal organs. Food that stays in the intestines for a long time rots, poisoning the body.

It is difficult to answer definitively the question of how long it takes the stomach to digest food. Nutritionists have compiled an extensive table of the dependence of the length of the process on the predominance of vital nutrients. However, the table loses sight of many related factors: diet, method of preparing food, metabolism, type of activity, mental state, age and gender of the person.

For example, if you swallow a fatty piece of fried meat on the go with a glass of orange juice, the gastrointestinal tract will not digest the food received, but will send it straight to the cecum. Boiled meat breaks down faster than fried meat, fatty meat slower than lean meat. Meat eaten at breakfast is digested more slowly than lunch meat.

Taking certain medications, the presence of pathologies or diseases of internal organs significantly affect the rate of food processing, accelerating or slowing down the effect of gastric juice and the overall performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of assistance

There are many ways to help quickly digest what you eat at the table:

  • change in diet and attitude towards nutrition
  • lifestyle change
  • drug

Chewing correctly

Chewing thoroughly helps to digest food. Keeping food in the mouth for a long time saturates it with salivary enzymes, which have a beneficial effect on digestibility. Grinding food into small pieces greatly increases the surface area of ​​contact of the consumed product with gastric juice, and the rate of breakdown and absorption increases. The loss of teeth, especially molars, leads to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract does not digest food well.

More on the topic: Gastritis of the stomach with high acidity

Water is life

Sufficient moisture intake reduces the likelihood of constipation because... how it softens the stool.

A glass of water taken before lunch stimulates digestion, saliva production, and stabilizes the body's water balance. However, fluid intake during administration should be kept to a minimum. Liquid drunk during meals dilutes gastric juice, worsening digestion properties.

Water is of paramount importance for the normal functioning of the body and the digestive organs in particular. When eating dry foods, an increased amount of acid is released. Sodium bicarbonate, produced in the stomach, protects the organ by neutralizing acid in the mucous membrane. Excess salt obtained during chemical reaction, when dehydrated, changes the structure of mucus. It becomes heterogeneous, acid gets on the walls, causing pain. A constant lack of fluid leads to erosion of the walls, turning into an ulcer.

Not all milk is healthy

After forty years, the stomach does not digest milk well. Characteristic manifestations are bloating, diarrhea, or, conversely, difficult bowel movements. You should limit your consumption of the product by replacing it with fermented milk derivatives - kefir, cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), yogurt, etc. Lactic acid bacteria stimulate the production of saliva and gastric juice and normalize intestinal function.

Acting as antagonists of putrefactive bacteria, they suppress their reproduction. You need to know that the use fermented milk products Contraindicated in patients with pancreatitis, ulcers due to the additional load due to the production of lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria.

We crush and recover

To answer the question of how to make the stomach serve a person for a long time, without causing trouble, split meals will help - reducing portions with increasing approaches. The volume of food eaten remains the same, and the digestive system, which is not overloaded, functions without failures. The likelihood of constipation with this diet is low. It is recommended to eat at least 4-5 times a day in reduced portions. What you eat is absorbed faster, and your weight stabilizes.

Fractional meals have a beneficial effect on the performance of its duties by the transition of the esophagus into the stomach. The task of the specified place is to prevent the exit, eaten back. Stomach acid, which, together with the remains of what was eaten, rushes back, corrodes the walls of the esophagus, causing painful sensations. Constant exposure to the transition of an acidic environment gives rise to erosion of the surface of the mucous membrane, which, without necessary treatment develops into stenosis or chronic ulcer of the esophagus.

Physical education for health

Regular exercise and sports help normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Particularly useful are leisurely walks, recreational jogging, skiing and skating. It is recommended to conduct the training 2-3 hours after lunch or breakfast, when the initial processing of consumed products occurs.

More on the topic: Malignant tumor of the stomach: how long do people with this diagnosis live?

Accelerating the breakdown of food in the stomach, physical exercise reduce its presence in the colon. Fecal water is less absorbed by the body, feces acquire a plastic consistency and bowel movements are less painful.

Let's rest properly

Organized rest is important for the gastrointestinal tract. Sleeping immediately after a heavy dinner interferes with the restoration of digestive organs. It is recommended to lie on your left side. Processes in the stomach occur more efficiently as the pressure on the organ decreases. You should go to bed after a pause of 2-3 hours. In this case, the body receives complete rest.

You can't do without enzymes

The gastrointestinal tract processes kilograms of food every day. The problem of how to make the stomach act for the benefit of the whole body is solved by digestive enzymes. A lack of enzymes leads to functional disruptions of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system disorders.

For normalization, medicine offers a varied range of drugs (Pancreatin, Abomin, Mezim, Somilase, Acidin-pepsin, Nigedase), etc. Long-term use enzymes can only be used under the guidance of a qualified specialist. It is advisable to take the drugs in capsules that deliver the active substance to the destination.

Such different problems

The activity of the gastrointestinal tract of people of different age categories has its own characteristics and differences.

Special attention to children

The gastrointestinal tract of infants is sensitive to changes in diet. Loose stool, belching part of what has been eaten is a frequent occurrence in a baby’s life. Special attention Parents should pay attention if the child does not digest food for a long time. Manifests bad mood and part of the undigested food in the feces. A sure sign that the baby needs to be examined by a doctor. A knowledgeable specialist will be able to determine the cause of the infant’s digestive upset.

Old age is not a joy

A characteristic feature of old age is the deterioration of the body. General performance decreases; the stomach in older people functions more slowly due to a decrease in metabolic rate. Despite the reduction in the amount of food eaten, constipation and intestinal blockage are a common occurrence, requiring enemas at least once a week.