Women's hygiene in the postpartum period. Personal hygiene after childbirth: how to wash yourself correctly and with what - intimate hygiene products for the maternity hospital Postpartum infection and its prevention

A) in the early postpartum period:

1) immediately after childbirth, it is necessary to inspect the cervix, soft tissues of the birth canal in the speculum, and suture existing ruptures and incisions.

2) in case of uncomplicated course of labor and satisfactory condition of the mother and newborn, it is advisable to put the baby to the breast early, in maternity ward, which promotes contraction of the uterus, has a beneficial effect on lactation, the formation of a sense of motherhood, and the condition of the newborn

3) within 2 hours after birth, the postpartum woman is in the maternity ward, where the general condition of the postpartum woman, the color of the skin, the nature and frequency of the pulse, blood pressure, the condition of the uterus, the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract are monitored. To prevent bleeding, timely emptying of the bladder is necessary; coldness in the lower abdomen; gentle outdoor reflex massage uterus to remove blood clots accumulated in the uterus. Conducting drug prevention of uterine hypotension in the postpartum period is recommended for women with a large fetus, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, multiparous, age-related primiparous by administering uterotonic drugs (methylergometrine, ergotal, ergotamine), intravenous administration 10% solution of glucose and calcium chloride.

4) before transferring a postpartum woman to the postpartum ward, the doctor of the maternity ward must determine her general state, skin color, pulse rate and character, measure arterial pressure on both arms, body temperature, through the anterior abdominal wall, assess the condition of the uterus (consistency, size, soreness), the amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract, in the absence of spontaneous urination, release urine with a catheter.

5) in the postpartum department, the postpartum woman is monitored daily by a doctor and a ward midwife.

Soon after giving birth, the postpartum woman is allowed to turn on her side. After 2-4 hours you can eat and drink. Getting up early, 4-5 hours after birth, is a prevention of hypotension of the uterus and bladder, constipation, and thromboembolic complications. Stitched tears I-II degrees are not a contraindication to getting up early, however, postpartum women are not recommended to sit down.

B) clate postpartum period:

1) it is necessary to monitor the general condition and well-being (sleep, appetite, mood) of the postpartum woman, compliance with personal hygiene rules, skin color, character and pulse rate, blood pressure, condition of the uterus, amount and nature of discharge from the genital tract, condition of the mammary glands, bladder and bowel function. On the 2nd day after birth, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, diuresis and bowel function should return to normal. The pulse should correspond to the temperature: increased heart rate to 90 beats per minute. at normal indicators temperatures may be the earliest diagnostic sign development of thromboembolic complications in the postpartum period. The body temperature of the postpartum woman is measured at least 2 times a day. A postpartum woman should urinate every 3 hours to improve uterine contractility. If urination is delayed, sometimes it is enough to lift the postpartum patient; less often, there is a need for catheterization of the bladder and the use of medications that increase smooth muscle tone (prozerin, acyclidine, pituitrin, etc.). The stool should be on the 2-3rd day; in its absence, a cleansing enema is given; if necessary, a saline laxative is given on the 3-4th day. In case of a third degree perineal rupture, painkillers and a diet with limited fiber are prescribed in order to retain stool for up to 5 days.

2) for painful postpartum contractions, use aspirin, analgin, suppositories with antispasmodics.

3) on the 2nd day, and then every day the postpartum woman should take a shower. The genitals must be treated 2 times a day; in the first 3 days, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate is used; seam lines are processed alcohol tincture brilliant green or iodine.

4) the postpartum mother needs to be prescribed physical exercise: on the 1st day they are limited breathing exercises, and turn in bed; from the 2nd day, movements in the joints are added (in the supine position), from the 4th day - exercises for the pelvic floor and from the 5th - for the anterior muscles abdominal wall. The duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. Contraindications to gymnastics: significant blood loss during childbirth, increased body temperature, severe gestosis, third-degree perineal ruptures, decompensated forms of diseases of cardio-vascular system, complications of the postpartum period.

5) breast care:

Wash your breasts only with water;

You should not wash your breasts immediately before feeding, as this removes the natural protective fat layer and changes the smell, which the baby can identify with the smell of the mother's breasts;

If the nipples are irritated, they should be lubricated with a small amount breast milk after feeding and keeping the breasts in the open air and in the sun for a while, this will cure the irritation;

The bra worn by a woman should only be made of cotton fabric, specially designed for nursing mothers, suitable in size so as not to restrict air access to the nipples and not cause blockage of the ducts;

If engorgement of the mammary glands or inflammation and cracked nipples occurs, it is necessary to carry out timely and correct treatment.

6) correct attachment of the baby to the breast - prevention of cracked nipples. In the first 1-2 days, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast for 3-4-5 minutes, gradually increasing the time; on the 3-4th day, the duration of feeding is on average 15-20 minutes. When putting the baby to the breast, he should be held close to the breast; it is necessary that as much as possible most of If the areola ends up in the baby's mouth, it must compress the milk sinuses, allowing the milk to come out effectively. Feeding occurs in a sucking/swallowing/breathing cycle. A newborn requires feeding every 1-3 hours for the first 2-7 days, but maybe more often. It is necessary to feed the baby at night to stimulate the cycle of milk formation and secretion and maintain its quantity at a certain level. From the moment lactation is established, feeding occurs 8-12 times every 24 hours. It is not recommended to set restrictions or feeding schedules.

7) the mother’s diet must be balanced, since the quantity and quality of breast milk depends on it. The total food ration during normal lactation increases by 1/3 compared to normal, since lactation requires significant energy expenditure. The daily caloric intake of a nursing mother should be 3200 kcal. The daily amount of protein is 120 g, and 67 g should be animal proteins; fats – 90 g, of which about 30% are vegetable; carbohydrates – 310-330 g. Liquid consumption – up to 2 liters per day. Required vitamins A (1.5 mg), E (15 IU), B12 (4 mcg), folic acid(600 mcg), pantothenic acid (20 mg), ascorbic acid(80 mg), a nicotinic acid(21 mg), thiamine (1.9 mg), riboflavin (2.2 mg), pyridoxine (2.2 mg), calciferol (500 IU). Requirement for minerals: calcium salts - 1 g, phosphorus - 1.5 g, magnesium - 0.45 g, iron - 25 mg. A nursing mother's diet should include foods such as kefir, cottage cheese, butter, eggs, legumes, buckwheat, liver, spinach, vegetables, fruits and berries. Spicy foods, canned food and hard-to-digest alcoholic drinks are not recommended. Diet: 5-6 times a day; it is recommended to take it 20-30 minutes before breastfeeding.

Hygiene is an important component of any person’s life. It is not for nothing that the word “hygiene” comes from the Greek “healing”. Cleanliness of the body and timely care for it are the key to good health!

As a rule, women are more likely to take care of their own hygiene. This is understandable - any representative of the fair sex wants to smell fragrant and be a model of cleanliness and neatness. In addition, personal hygiene is often simply necessary for a woman due to physiological reasons. Today we will talk about hygiene after childbirth - a period when cleanliness and proper care are extremely important for your health and the health of your baby.

Why is hygiene after childbirth so important?

The need for special hygiene after childbirth is explained by several reasons:

1. Physiological state of the internal and external genital organs after childbirth

After childbirth, the genitals present an extensive wound surface - even if the birth took place without complications. In addition, the vagina and cervix remain slightly open for 4-6 weeks, which facilitates access to infection.

It will take some time for the uterus, vagina and perineum to return to their original state. And during this time, especially careful hygiene.

2. Discharge from the uterus during the first weeks after birth

During the first weeks after birth, lochia is released from the uterus - postpartum bloody issues. To prevent inflammation or infection from developing in the genital tract, it is necessary to promptly hygiene after childbirth: take a shower and change postpartum pads.

3. Condition of the vaginal mucosa

Prevails in the vagina after childbirth alkaline environment(not sour as usual). This is due to lochia. However, an alkaline environment significantly reduces the protection of the genitals from negative impact external environment, and therefore the need for hygiene after childbirth increases.

4. Decreased immunity after childbirth

After childbirth, your immunity leaves much to be desired. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, immunity has not yet recovered after a decline during pregnancy. Secondly, birth stress and hormonal changes organisms make themselves felt. In this regard, after childbirth, special protection of your health is necessary.

5. Presence of seams and other mechanical damage

Childbirth sometimes results in tears or cuts in the perineum or vagina. Naturally, such situations are a risk factor for infection entering the birth canal. The placement of sutures and their subsequent care necessitate careful hygiene after childbirth.

Due to all these factors, it is necessary to take hygiene after childbirth extremely seriously.

Hygiene after childbirth: basic rules

Hygiene rules after childbirth are not as complicated as they seem. The main thing is to carry out thorough hygiene after childbirth systematically and not to be lazy about taking an extra shower. So what are hygiene rules after childbirth:

Change your postpartum pad every 2 hours, regardless of how full it is;

After giving birth, wear only loose underwear made of natural materials (preferably cotton) without seams in the crotch area or special disposable postpartum panties;

Change your underwear and bed sheets: panties and nightgown - every day, bra - once every 3-4 days, bed linen - once a week;

Every 2 hours, and also after each visit to the toilet, wash clean water in the direction from the pubis to the anus;

Wash the perineal area with baby soap morning and evening;

If you have stitches, do not touch them with your hands until they heal, but to hygiene after childbirth use the shower;

After performing genital hygiene, rinse the perineal area with an antiseptic (for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine);

If you have hemorrhoids after visiting the toilet, do not use toilet paper, replacing it with washing;

After washing, gently, without pressing, blot the perineal area with a clean, soft towel;

Carry out breast hygiene after childbirth 1-2 times a day - wash it with soap or shower gel;

There is no need to wash your breasts before each feeding, and to prevent cracked nipples, it is enough to express a drop of milk after feeding so that it dries, as well as a few drops before feeding.

To quickly heal vaginal injuries and return the genitals to their original state, it is necessary to combine hygiene after childbirth and treatment of wounds and sutures. This can be done with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, or chlorhexidine solution, but this is inconvenient.

Vaginal suppositories Depantol® – yours faithful assistant in the postpartum period!

* Before use, carefully read the instructions or consult a specialist.

The main task of managing the postpartum period is to protect the postpartum woman from possible harmful effects and contribute to the normal physiological course of this period.

To achieve this, our maternity hospitals carry out a number of activities that are inextricably linked. The most important of them are the creation of the most favorable sanitary and hygienic environment and compliance with all rules for protecting wounds from infection, strict adherence to the regime necessary for rest nervous system and rapid restoration of the mother's strength, careful observation and careful care for her and, finally, appropriate therapeutic measures.

All activities related to the management of the postpartum period are carried out in the maternity hospital by medical personnel, but this does not mean that the postpartum woman herself can be passive towards them. The most critical are the first weeks of the postpartum period. Much depends on the behavior of the postpartum woman at this time, on her conscious fulfillment of doctors’ orders and compliance with the regime. Sometimes you have to observe how the unreasonable behavior of a woman in labor (shaking the thermometer, standing up without the doctor’s permission, unauthorized expression of milk, etc.) leads to serious complications in the postpartum period.

In the first days of the postpartum period, bed rest should be observed. A postpartum woman needs not only rest for the nervous system, but also physical rest. However, it would be a mistake to require her to lie quietly on her back. Prolonged immobility has an adverse effect on both the general condition of the postpartum woman and the reverse development of the genital organs. Lying on your back for a long time can lead to posterior displacement of the uterus, contribute to urinary retention and constipation, and also lead to circulatory problems (slowing blood flow in the veins). A healthy postpartum woman can turn on her side by the end of the first day. A small stitched tear in the perineum is not an obstacle to this, but if there are stitches in the perineum, you should turn without spreading your legs. For large perineal tears, the woman in labor should lie on her back for at least 3 days.

A healthy woman, if she feels strong enough, can carefully sit up in bed on the 3rd day after birth (by this time, superficial cracks and abrasions of the external genitalia heal), sit on the 4th day and stand up for a short time on the 5th day. e day. It is not recommended to get up earlier, since on the 3-4th day after birth, as we indicated, a rise in temperature is observed. The height of this rise can be used to judge whether the postpartum period is proceeding correctly. Of course, you shouldn’t get up until this is clarified. If there are stitched perineal ruptures, you can sit and stand up only after the sutures are removed (the sutures are removed on the 6th day, and sometimes a little later). For poorly healing, as well as large perineal ruptures, it is advisable to first stand up and walk, and only then sit.

Every mother in labor must remember that she has the right to turn and sit only after receiving permission from a doctor. After a difficult or operative birth, in the presence of any diseases that arose both in connection with pregnancy (toxicosis) and those that preceded it, as well as in the presence of various kinds of abnormalities during the postpartum period (fever, poor uterine contractions, etc.) d.) the postpartum woman is considered sick and is prescribed the appropriate regimen and treatment.

For the correct course of the postpartum period, it is very great importance has hygiene of the postpartum mother. It must be emphasized that it is especially important to keep the external genitalia, perineum and adjacent areas clean. skin, which are easily contaminated by postpartum secretions.

Postpartum discharge always contains many microbes and decomposes relatively quickly. Therefore, the external genitalia and adjacent skin should be thoroughly washed at least twice a day.

Until birth wounds have healed, the strictest adherence to the rules for protecting wounds from the entry of microbes is required.

In the maternity hospital, washing (toileting the external genitalia) is done in the same way as dressing wounds in surgical practice: using sterile instruments, using sterile cotton wool. Poorly used for irrigation disinfectant solution potassium permanganate, etc. After washing, an oilcloth treated with a disinfectant solution and a lining diaper, disinfected by sterilization with hot steam in an autoclave or ironed with a hot iron, are placed under the puerperal mother.

It is important that the postpartum mother carefully follows the rules of personal hygiene. She should wash her face and brush her teeth twice a day (morning and evening).

Particular attention should be paid to hand cleanliness. Nails should be cut short, hands should be washed often with soap and always before each feeding of the baby (if your hands are dirty, you can infect the baby and get an infection on the nipples).

As soon as the postpartum woman receives permission to get up, she should wash herself when performing the morning toilet. warm water with soap mammary glands, since this is one of prophylactic agents against mastitis.

  • During pregnancy and childbirth, the uterus and vagina undergo significant stretching. IN postpartum period The uterus and cervix do not shrink to their original size immediately, but gradually. After separation of the placenta, a large wound surface remains in the uterus in place of the separated placenta. Open access to this surface through the cervix, which has not yet contracted, makes the prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications, part of which are hygienic procedures, especially relevant. In addition, postpartum discharge from the uterus (lochia) is an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction and development of pathogens that can cause inflammation of the uterine mucosa during the postpartum period.
  • During childbirth, the baby, moving along birth canal, occupies the entire volume of the small pelvis, thus pressing the rectum and bladder to the walls of the pelvis. This leads to reversible changes in nerve endings these organs, as a result of which their sensitivity is temporarily lost. That is, even with a full bladder, a woman does not feel the urge to urinate. The urge to defecate occurs 2-3 days after birth. In such conditions, timely bowel and bladder emptying becomes especially important.
  • During pregnancy or childbirth, due to a deterioration in the outflow of blood through the veins of the rectum, a complication such as hemorrhoidal dilatation of the veins of the rectum is possible. This condition can cause painful sensations and create additional difficulties when performing hygiene procedures.
  • If the birth took place with the help caesarean section, an incision was made in the perineum or a rupture occurred, then there is a need for special care of the seams.
  • It is also necessary to remember that the mother is in constant contact with the baby, so the hygiene products used must be not only useful for the mother, but also harmless for the child.

How to take care of yourself?

Genital hygiene. After each urination and defecation, as well as in the morning and always before bedtime, the genitals should be washed with warm water. You cannot use highly alkaline (so-called laundry) soaps and a saturated disinfectant solution (soda, a strong solution of potassium permanganate) for washing, which leads to the destruction of the protective water-lipid-mucus-salt layer. You need to wash the perineum with a cleanly washed hand, in the direction from the pubis to the anus. First, wash the external genitalia, then the skin of the thighs, and lastly the area anus(it is unacceptable to sit in the basin while washing).

To wash, you can use baby soap or other types of toilet soap that do not irritate the skin. After this, rinse the perineum with warm water or an antiseptic liquid (for example, a weak, pale pink solution of potassium permanganate - this solution can be obtained by adding 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate to a glass of water).

If stitches were placed on the perineum after childbirth, try not to touch them with your hands until the tears heal - just point a stream of water at the area of ​​the stitches. If you have a problem like hemorrhoids, do not use toilet paper, and after defecation, wash yourself with cool running water (its temperature should be about 30°C). After the hygiene procedure, use ointments or rectal suppositories that the doctor recommends to you.

After washing, the skin of the perineum should be dried by applying a clean towel or, better yet, a diaper to it. Let us emphasize: the movements when wiping should not be rubbing, but rather blotting.

Douching (introducing disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and other liquids into the vagina using an enema) is not recommended, especially during menstruation, because The vagina has its own chemical microenvironment that protects the internal genital organs from the effects of microorganisms. Vaginal douching should only be performed on the recommendation of a doctor.

In the first 3-4 days while you are in the maternity hospital, lie down on an ice pack more often (such bubbles are usually stored in refrigerators located in the department). This promotes the outflow of uterine contents and contraction of the uterine muscles. An ice pack can also be placed on the stomach, but always through a layer of fabric (towel or diaper).

General hygiene procedures. You need to wash in the shower, take a bath and visit the bathhouse during this period is not recommended. Showering is allowed the very next day after birth. You can wash in the bath on the 10-12th day after giving birth, but not for long, especially if you had a perineal dissection during childbirth. For washing, you can use any soaps and shower gels, preferably those with a softening effect. Preference should be given to those products that you have already used before giving birth and which you know for sure will not cause you allergic reaction and skin irritation. Detergents should be washed off thoroughly, as upon contact with the baby’s skin, some of their components can cause irritation and an allergic reaction.

We should not forget about such a basic hygiene procedure as hand washing. Since you are constantly in contact with the baby and his care items, your hands should always be clean.

After childbirth, it is necessary to empty your bladder regularly, even if you do not have the urge to urinate. In the first 2-3 days, until normal sensitivity is restored, go to the toilet every 3-4 hours.

Underwear and pads. During the postpartum period, it is preferable to wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics that does not restrict movement and does not fit tightly to the genitals (tight-fitting synthetic underwear creates conditions favorable for the proliferation of pathogens; in addition, if there are stitches after episio- and perineotomy, tight underwear increases pain in the seam area). In the first weeks after childbirth, it is convenient to use disposable underwear.

During the postpartum period, it is necessary to change underwear and bed linen more often than usual. Panties should be changed daily, and more often if necessary. The bra is changed once every 3-5 days. After childbirth, it is convenient to use bra pads, which should be changed when wet or after each feeding, otherwise milk will get on the underwear and there will be a need to change the bra daily. The nightgown must be changed daily. Bed linen is changed once every 5-7 days. In the maternity hospital, a diaper is laid over the sheet, which is changed daily.

Pads should be changed as they become saturated with secretions, preferably after each visit to the toilet, without allowing them to dry out, which will prevent injury to the skin of the perineum. Do not use one pad for more than 4 hours, remove pads from front to back to prevent microorganisms from entering the vagina from the anus. It should be said that in different maternity hospitals hygiene rules somewhat different. Somewhere in the first days after childbirth, they are not allowed to use pads; in this case, you need to use loose underwear to secure the diapers. There are maternity hospitals where the use of underwear is prohibited, this causes some inconvenience, but the rules of the maternity hospital are often immutable. In maternity hospitals, where there are no strict restrictions, you can use pads (in the first days, “night pads” are suitable) and loose underwear to fix them.

Caring for seams. The seams should be treated daily with a solution of brilliant green until they heal - 7-10 days. While you are in the maternity hospital, this will be done by the midwife of the postpartum ward; at home, this procedure can be carried out independently or with the help of someone close to you.

Breast care. Breasts should be washed with soap or shower gel no more than 1-2 times a day. You should not wash the mammary glands before each feeding; after feeding, it is enough to express a few drops of milk and let it dry; Before feeding, you also need to express a few drops. This care helps prevent cracked nipples.

Hygiene plus gymnastics

It is good if a young mother performs exercises to strengthen the perineum as often as possible (this increases blood circulation in the perineal area and thereby accelerates its healing and the return of the pelvic organs to their prenatal position). Such exercises can be mastered already on the first day after birth.

  1. Lying, standing or sitting, tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks for 5-8 seconds. Repeat the exercise at least 6 times.
  2. Lying or standing, squeeze the anus. Hold the tension for 5-6 seconds, then relax the muscles for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise at least 6 times until you feel slightly tired.
  3. While sitting or standing, tense and relax the vaginal muscles, hold the tension for 5-6 seconds, then relax the vagina for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Every day you can make classes longer and gradually increase the number of repetitions of each exercise to 50.

Spend enough time on hygiene, do not try to save minutes on your health and the health of your baby. To correctly perform the necessary procedures at home, consult your doctor about this before leaving the hospital.

Sevostyanova Oksana Sergeevna

In the first days and weeks after childbirth, the woman still continues to have bloody discharge from the genital tract (the so-called lochia), and from 3-4 days milk begins to flow, sometimes very intensely. During this period, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene with special care, monitor the cleanliness of hands, bed, and linen, since blood and milk are an ideal environment for the proliferation of various microorganisms, including “own” microbes that inhabit the skin and mucous membranes.

The soap you use to wash your face should be divided into 2 pieces: one for your hands, face, mammary glands, the other for washing your perineum (for this it is better to use ordinary soap, not toilet soap). laundry soap, despite bad smell, it perfectly disinfects the skin). You should wash your perineum at least 6-8 times a day and always after bowel movements. Every time after using the toilet, the pad is changed (at least every 4 hours); You can buy it cheaper, because... Absorbency doesn't matter here. When changing the gasket, try to take it from clean places. Before replacing a sanitary pad and after replacing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap (preferably laundry soap), rinse with warm water and dry with a towel designed for this purpose. The pad should not “plug” the vagina tightly; there should be free access of air. It is for this reason that wearing panties was previously strictly forbidden in maternity hospitals. Now there are less “strictness”. But try to take off your panties as soon as you lie down on the bed so that the discharge flows freely. During the entire postpartum period, vaginal tampons should not be used under any circumstances.

The bathtub and toilet you use must be immaculately clean.

Don’t forget to wash your hands very thoroughly not only in the morning, after visiting the toilet, but also before each feeding and expressing milk, and, of course, when coming from outside.

Wash the mammary glands in the following order: first the nipple, then the mammary gland itself and, finally, the armpit.

You should not take a bath during this period, limit yourself warm shower at least twice a day. You can take a bath only when the discharge from the genital tract completely stops.

Change underwear and bed linen at the slightest contamination. To avoid staining the mattress, place an oilcloth on it and cover it clean sheets. Wear only clean, sweat-absorbing clothes made from natural fabrics (preferably cotton), especially underwear.

While there is discharge from the genitals and you are breastfeeding, do not swim in a river, lake, or sea, because various bacteria can enter the genitals and cause inflammation.

After giving birth, it is very important not to get too cold for 4-6 weeks, especially in the legs, pelvis and genitals, because hypothermia can also cause inflammation.

We should not forget that after childbirth, the inner surface of the uterus remains an extensive wound for a relatively long time, which is covered with a new mucous membrane only after 7-8 weeks.

Since the uterine cavity communicates through the still slightly open cervix with the vagina, a considerable risk of postpartum infections is created. To ensure that the uterus contracts better and that blood clots, which are a breeding ground for microorganisms, do not accumulate in its cavity, it is necessary to lie on your stomach several times a day, and also monitor the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines.

Immediately after giving birth, many women do not feel the urge to urinate, and because of this, the bladder becomes full, preventing the uterus from contracting. Therefore, try to empty your bladder every 2-3 hours and before feeding your baby. A simple physiological reflex of an urge in response to a stream of water pouring from a tap can help with this. If this method does not help, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Stool after childbirth, as a rule, occurs on the 3-4th day; in the future, you need to take care of daily bowel movements, this also contributes to contractions of the uterus. Often women after childbirth have problems with this. You should tell your doctor about this right away; do not try to take it yourself. laxatives, this will cause digestive and stool upset in the child. The doctor will recommend a diet that stimulates the intestines, harmless to the child, and, if necessary, will prescribe a cleansing enema.

Very often, a woman in labor is bothered by hemorrhoids that arise after childbirth. IN acute period Cold compresses (applying ice cubes) will help; you should empty your bowels only with an emollient suppository with glycerin. Replace toilet paper with cotton wool, be sure to wash yourself cold water after every visit to the toilet. After using the toilet, you can leave a cotton swab with olive or sea buckthorn oil in the anal area. The stool should be “soft”, this is achieved by using large quantity vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil. Special anti-hemorrhoidal suppositories can only be used after consultation with a doctor, i.e. because many of them contain potent drugs that penetrate into milk.

Those women who have sutures placed on the perineum are not recommended to sit down until the sutures are removed; in this case, feeding the baby is done lying on its side. The seams must be treated several times a day with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). If healing is going well, you can sit on the end of a hard chair with your legs tightly pressed together. It is recommended to follow this regimen at home for 7-10 days.

Calling on a woman to be more attentive to herself after childbirth, we also want to remind her husband: protect your wife, who has withstood a difficult test. Help her around the house and with caring for the baby, do not allow her to lift heavy objects.

And one more mandatory rule. Sex life permissible no earlier than 8 weeks after birth. Before resuming sexual activity, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will examine you and recommend a method of contraception. It is very important! Even if you decide that this child will not be your only one, you still need to think about how to temporarily avoid pregnancy. It is best when a woman gives birth again after 2-3 years. During this time, her body rests and gets stronger.

Avoid during a certain period unwanted pregnancy– the duty of both spouses. This is especially important in the first year after childbirth. However, it often happens that women, despite the fact that not even a year has passed after giving birth, turn to the doctor with a request to terminate the pregnancy.

If you want to avoid pregnancy, contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. In each specific case, the doctor will recommend suitable remedies and teach you how to use them correctly. You should not use the advice of your girlfriends and do not trust rumors. Know that what works for one woman may not work for another.