Where there is a lot of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega fatty acids in food. Lack and excess of MUFA: causes and symptoms

Omega-3 are polyunsaturated acids present in food products that are essential for the human body. These compounds have a variety of positive effects on organs and systems, participate in metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

There are 3 types of omega-3 fatty acids:

  • eicosapentaenoic acid - EPA;
  • docosahexaenoic acid – DHA;
  • alpha-linoleic acid – ALA.

EPA and DHA are found in foods of animal origin. ALA is present in plant foods. A rich animal source of fatty acids is sea fish. Good plant sources of omega-3 for the body are seeds and leafy greens.

The effects of omega-3 on the human body

Polyunsaturated acids are the most important compounds for the body, performing many functions in tissues and organs. Omega-3 acids in the human body:

  • stimulate metabolism;
  • participate in the formation of nerve fibers, brain tissue and endocrine glands;
  • replenish energy;
  • prevent the development of inflammatory reactions;
  • maintain blood pressure at an optimal level;
  • participate in the construction of cell membranes;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels;
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing heart pathologies;
  • maintain visual acuity, reduce the likelihood of eye pathologies;
  • stimulate the production of certain hormones;
  • prevent the development of skin diseases;
  • reduce symptoms of joint pathologies;
  • prevent baldness, improve hair structure;
  • eliminate chronic fatigue, depression, nervous and mental disorders;
  • increase physical endurance and intellectual performance;
  • participate in the formation of the embryo in the mother's womb.

Daily intake of omega-3

The optimal daily amount of the substance is 1 gram. However, omega-3 intake increases to 4 grams per day for people with the following pathologies:

  • depression;
  • hypertension;
  • senile dementia;
  • tumors;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • predisposition to heart attacks.

Also, the daily dose of a beneficial compound increases in the winter months, and even during intense physical activity.

Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency

Medical experts say that most people's diets are low in fatty acids. A significant omega-3 deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in joint tissues;
  • drying and irritation of the skin;
  • thinning and brittle hair and nail plates;
  • constant fatigue;
  • low concentration of attention.

Due to a long-term lack of polyunsaturated acids, pathologies of the heart and circulatory system, diabetes, and depression can occur.

It happens that a person consumes fatty acids in the required quantity, but the body still experiences an omega-3 deficiency. This phenomenon occurs when there is a lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the body. In order for fatty acids to be absorbed normally, the body must contain in optimal quantities:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin B 3;
  • vitamin B 6;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc.

Vitamin E is especially important for the complete absorption of polyunsaturated acids, as it prevents the oxidation of beneficial substances.

It should be borne in mind that omega-3 acids are poorly absorbed if they are consumed together with hydrogenated fats. Also, polyunsaturated acids are destroyed under the influence of oxygen and light rays, as a result, products lose their beneficial properties and become rancid.

Omega-3 Rich Foods

Seafood and sea fish contain the most fatty acids. But you need to take into account that only fish caught at sea, and not grown on farm waters, are rich in useful compounds. Farmed fish eat feed, so their body accumulates few useful substances.

Plant products rich in polyunsaturated acids include flaxseeds, wheat sprouts, nuts, herbs, and legumes.

The table below shows the concentration of omega-3 in foods.

product list

amount of mg omega-3 per 100 g of product

fish oil

linseed oil


canned cod liver

olive oil

rapeseed oil



leafy greens

wheat sprouts

chicken egg

pumpkin seeds



sunflower seeds

sesame oil

brown rice



Flaxseeds are used as an additional medicine for diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, pathologies of the respiratory system and digestive tract. As can be seen from the table, many polyunsaturated acids are found in various vegetable oils, fish oil, walnuts, and leafy greens. Therefore, these foods should definitely be included in the diet.

In order for the above products to give the body maximum benefit, they must be consumed fresh, pickled or canned, but it is not recommended to heat them. In boiled, fried and stewed food there are practically no useful substances left, and the nutritional value of thermally processed foods is significantly reduced. It is better to eat fish canned in oil, since during canning, vegetable oils prevent fatty acids from being destroyed.

The dangers of too much omega-3

Excessive intake of omega-3 is a rare phenomenon, usually caused by excessive intake of pharmaceuticals containing high levels of polyunsaturated acids. An excess of a substance in the body is a condition no less unfavorable than a deficiency. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • loose stool, diarrhea;
  • decreased blood clotting, which can cause bleeding in any part of the digestive system;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Omega-3 intake by children and pregnant women

As a result of scientific research, it has been established that the mother’s body daily releases about 2.5 grams of polyunsaturated acids to the body of the child developing in the womb. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to include fish or seafood and vegetable oils in their menu every day.

For the proper development of the body, it is useful for young children to take dietary supplements based on fish oil or vegetable oils. However, the child's intake of medications should be carried out under the supervision of parents or a pediatrician to prevent overdose.

Food supplements containing omega-3

If the diet is low in fatty acids, then adults and children are advised to take pharmaceutical food supplements that include omega-3. These supplements are usually sold in capsule form. At the pharmacy you can ask for fish oil, flaxseed oil, as well as vitamins and medications, including EPA, DHA and ALA.

These drugs are good sources of omega-3 for people with a predisposition to hypertension, stroke, and heart attack. Medicines are also prescribed to improve the condition of patients suffering from lupus erythematosus, arthritis, depression, and scleroderma.

With proper and nutritious nutrition, it is impossible to encounter a pronounced deficiency of polyunsaturated acids. It should be borne in mind that omega-3 acids from food are absorbed better than from pharmaceuticals. Therefore, every person should daily enrich their menu with animal and plant products saturated with fatty acids.

Scientists have proven that vital omega-3 fatty acids are better absorbed from natural foods than from dietary supplements. Fortunately, most of these products are quite affordable and can be found in any store. So for the sake of beauty and health, it is enough to add only a couple of items to your diet.

Photo: Getty Images/Westend61

What is the benefit

Omega-3 acids are fatty acids that are essential nutrients. They are a group of three fats: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The body uses them to regulate blood clotting, build cell membranes and maintain cell health. These are fats that are good for the cardiovascular system, they help reduce the level of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood - the so-called bad cholesterol.

In addition, omega-3 fats can suppress various inflammations. On the one hand, inflammation is a normal part of the body's immune response. On the other hand, research shows that they also underlie many serious diseases, including cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.

These substances have found use in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, asthma, bipolar disorder, lupus, high blood pressure, eczema, diabetes, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Omega-3 is recommended to be taken during pregnancy.

It's important to remember that not only are this type of fatty acid important for health, omega-3s are also essential. In the human body they are not synthesized independently, so it is very important that they come with food.


Signs that you are lacking omega-3 acids

Nutritionists believe that most omega-3s are not getting enough. A serious lack of fatty acids of this type is signaled by:

Joint pain;

Increased fatigue;

Dry and itchy skin;

Brittle hair and nails;

Inability to concentrate.

In addition, a lack of omega-3 acids can lead to type 2 diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular diseases.

There is another side to the problem: sometimes a person consumes large doses of these acids, but the symptoms of deficiency still remain. Here we can talk about poor absorption of omega-3. For their complete absorption, the body must have adequate amounts of nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin B3, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc.

Vitamin E protects omega-3 fats from oxidation, so it should also be present in your diet. In addition, the activity of omega-3 fats reduces the consumption of saturated and hydrogenated fats: fatty meats, for example, margarines and products made from them.

Omega-3 fats, like all polyunsaturated oils, are extremely sensitive to heat, light and oxygen. They oxidize or, more simply put, go bitter. This affects not only their taste and smell, but also their nutritional value.

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Where to look for the right fats

Doctors recommend consuming 500 to 1000 mg of omega-3 acids per day. This, by the way, is not so difficult, and it’s also delicious. One of the best sources of omega-3 is seafood. For example, a hundred-gram jar of canned tuna contains exactly the same amount of fatty acids in its own juice. Also rich in omega-3 fatty fish: halibut, herring, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines.

Another excellent source of omega-3 fats are oysters, lobsters, squid, and shrimp. What’s nice is that these products do not make you feel better. And the body also receives a good portion of high-quality protein.

An important factor is the origin of the seafood. Only those caught in natural conditions are rich in essential acids. Farmed fish are fed fishmeal and algae additives, making them less healthy.

Where else?

Plant sources

Pumpkin and flax seeds, walnuts and peanuts are also rich in omega-3 acids, as is the oil squeezed from them. Flaxseed is considered especially generous with this type of fat. It can be added to porridges and salads, bake bread, buns and pies with them. Omega-3 fats are also found in soybean, mustard and rapeseed oils.

There are omega-3s in vegetables, especially a lot of these acids in green leafy ones: Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, for example, spinach, parsley and mint. A good source is pumpkin. Vegetarians are advised to eat more beans - especially red beans - to get their omega-3 fats.

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Meat and eggs

Meat is a potentially good source of omega-3 acids, but it's not that simple. If the animal was kept on a grass diet, then yes, there will be a lot of proper fats in the meat. If he was fed grain, there will be less omega-3. If you use compound feed, there will be almost no omega-3 at all.

In eggs, omega-3 acids are found mainly in the yolks, which many avoid eating due to the presence of saturated fat and cholesterol.


It is important to remember that any substance, even the most useful one, turns into poison in large doses. Studies have shown the risk of hemorrhagic stroke and bleeding in people with blood thinning diseases from excessive consumption of omega-3 acids, so if you are predisposed to such diseases, it is worth being careful. And in any case, before taking any dietary supplements or radically changing your diet, you should consult your doctor.

“Products that are sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are very expensive and inaccessible to the vast majority of the population in developed countries. These are seafood and meat from wild or free-range domestic animals.

But it is impossible to buy linseed oil in good quality. It is almost always sold already rancid. The reason is a violation of storage conditions. The only option to buy it is to live near the place of production. It should be stored in a dark container and in the refrigerator, but in stores it is always at room temperature and usually in transparent glass. If you still decide to save money and buy it, smell it before each use. The smell of fresh flaxseed oil should be nutty and sweet. If it smells like rancid fish, it has already gone bad. Throw it away.

The preventative dose of omega-3 is 1 gram per day. If you have certain diseases or expect a therapeutic effect from omega-3, it is recommended to increase the dose to 2 grams per day.

In recent years, publications have often appeared in the media about the value of Omega fatty acids, and even the food industry has begun to produce a large number of products that contain, for example, “Omega-3 acids.” Therefore, it is not surprising that people who care about their health are interested in new facts about the benefits of fats.

How many omega-3 fatty acids are needed per day?

Table of omega-3 content and nutrients in foods


(in grams)

Total fat content (grams)
Fatty fish, about 100 g
Common herring 1,8 9,8
Anchovy, canned in oil 1,8 8,3
Common salmon 1,8 10,5
Chinook 1,7 11,4
Common mackerel 1,1 15,1
Rainbow trout 1,0 6,1
Less fatty fish and seafood, about 100 g
White tuna, canned 0,7 2,5
Halibut 0,5 2,5
Flounder 0,5 1,3
Shrimp 0,3 1,0
Light tuna, canned 0,2 0,7
Catfish 0,2 6,8
Cod 0,1 07
Plant based products ALC

converted to omega-3(in grams)*

Total fat content (grams)
Linen, 2 tbsp. spoons 3,2 6
Walnuts, 30 g (14 halves) 2,6 18,5
Canola oil, 1 tbsp. spoon 1,3 14
Soy nuts, ¼ cup 0,7 11

*About 35% of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is converted to Omega-3

Beneficial conjugated fatty linoleic acid (CFA) is found in dairy foods and some meat products (beef, lamb). Find a place in your diet for nuts, olives, avocados - they also contain healthy oils. However, when consuming these products, you should observe moderation, remembering their high calorie content.

This is interesting!

Does vegetable oil contain fewer calories and fat than animal oil? Because liquid vegetable oils are concentrated and solid animal fats may contain small amounts of ingredients other than fat, vegetable oils generally contain slightly higher amounts of fat and calories.

Which oil is healthier - sunflower or olive? One tablespoon of olive oil contains about 14 grams of fat and 120 calories, while sunflower oil contains 12 grams of fat and 100 calories. The main difference lies in the types of fatty acids contained. Olive oil contains more healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, sunflower oil contains more saturated fatty acids.

Which has more fat - salmon or chicken? Salmon meat contains about 200 calories and 10 g of fat per 100 g of cooked serving; Fried chicken with skin also has 200 calories and 10 grams of fat in the same serving size. Skinless chicken contains about 160 calories and 3 grams of fat. However, the potential benefit of salmon lies in its Omega-3 fatty acid content.

Fashion for a healthy lifestyle is very good, but you shouldn’t be too zealous. For example, chasing around pharmacies for all possible vitamins. The so-called Omega-3, -6, -9 have been mentioned especially often in the last few years. Are all of them as necessary for our body as Omega-3? Why is it beneficial to take fatty acids and for whom?

What are unsaturated fatty acids?

We all know that foods contain three main categories of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But not everyone knows why they are useful or harmful. Proteins and carbohydrates are the building materials of most cells in our body, which makes them vital. But we perceive fats as something completely unnecessary and even harmful (excess weight, atherosclerosis, etc.) for beauty and health. But why then do doctors recommend drugs such as Omega-3 to us? Their price is low, and we often neglect them.

First of all, because fats are the energy reserve of our body. Their amount in the diet of a healthy person should be at least 40%. In addition, they are a nutrient medium for cells; on their basis, many compounds necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems are synthesized.

But fats are very different in their effects on the body. An excess of animal origin in food leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity, and a lack of them leads to dry hair and skin, lethargy and general irritability, and depression.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and -9 are essential for our health. They are involved in most chemical processes in the body. But Omega-3 acids are considered the most valuable, as well as the most deficient. Pregnant women and young mothers know best why it is beneficial to use them.

What are the benefits of Omega-3?

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids most affect the functioning of the following functions and systems of our body:

  • Cardiovascular system. A sufficient amount of this substance ensures a normal level of cholesterol in the blood, that is, it reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Also, the use of Omega-3 in the treatment of cardiac problems reduces the risk of blood clots and makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic.
  • Musculoskeletal system. Omega-3, Omega-6 promote better absorption of calcium, thereby strengthening bone tissue, protecting against osteoporosis. Omega-3 also protects joints, makes them more mobile, that is, prevents arthritis and its varieties.
  • With a long-term lack of Omega-3 in the human diet, communication between the nerve cells of the brain is disrupted, which provokes the development of diseases such as chronic fatigue, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and some others.
  • Skin, hair, and nails are the first to reflect Omega-3 deficiency. Why is it useful to take this vitamin in capsules? This way you can quickly get the external effect: your hair stops flaking, becomes smooth and shiny, acne disappears on your face, and your nails become strong and smooth.
  • Many oncologists claim that a lack of Omega-3 can cause the development of breast, prostate and colon cancer.

Omega-3 for pregnant women and children

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are most necessary for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During pregnancy, they actively participate in the formation of the baby’s brain and peripheral nervous system, so the female body gives the child about 2 grams of Omega-3 every day. Capsules with natural fish oil or synthesized acid will be very effective in this case, since ensuring the supply of the required amount of vitamins with food can be problematic, especially with toxicosis.

If you do not provide a pregnant woman with the necessary Omega-3 norm, then there may be a threat of late toxicosis, premature birth and depression.

Signs of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency

The most obvious sign of a deficiency of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Hair becomes dull and dry, with split ends and dandruff. Pimples on the face, rashes and peeling of the skin can also indicate a lack of this acid in the body. Nails begin to peel and break, becoming dull and rough.

Other signs include depression, constipation, joint pain, and hypertension.

Daily norm

When determining the daily intake of Omega-3 will be or consumption with food - it does not matter) we must remember that these acids are not synthesized by the body, accordingly, we must constantly receive the entire supply from the outside. Every day a healthy person should receive from 1 to 2.5 grams of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and from 4 to 8 grams of Omega-6.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman’s need for Omega-3 increases to 4-5 grams per day. In addition, the recommended dose of Omega-3-based drugs (instructions for use must be carefully studied) is increased in the following cases:

  • in the cold season;
  • for cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • with psychological depression, depression;
  • in the treatment of oncological diseases.

In the summer and with low blood pressure, it is recommended to limit yourself to products containing Omega-3.

Foods High in Omega-3

There are three main categories of foods that contain the maximum amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are vegetable oils, fish and nuts. Of course, Omega-3 is also found in other foods, but in much smaller quantities. The table will tell you more about the content of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in 100 grams of products available to us.

The content of useful and nutritious substances in certain products depends very much on the method of their cultivation, preparation and consumption. For example, when salting or smoking fish, its entire supply of Omega-3 is lost, but canning in oil preserves fatty acids.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor not only the diet, but also the correct preparation of dishes.

Omega-3: instructions for use

If you nevertheless decide to replenish the deficiency of fatty acids in the body with the help of pharmaceutical drugs, then it is best to consult your doctor and read the instructions for the recommended product.

The standard method of using all drugs containing Omega-3 (their price depends on the quality of the raw materials and starts at 120 rubles per package) involves two options - treatment and prevention.

If a deficiency of these fatty acids is detected in the body, the drug should be taken 2-3 capsules per day after meals for a month. The doctor's recommendation may differ from the doses prescribed in the instructions depending on the patient's condition.

For the purpose of prevention, the whole family can take a drug with Omega-3 during the cold season, for which it is useful for children over 12 years of age and adults to take 1 capsule per day for three months. For a younger child, the dose should be prescribed by a pediatrician.


Omega-3 preparations should be taken with caution and under medical supervision by people with kidney, liver and stomach diseases, as well as by the elderly.

  • if you are allergic to fish oil;
  • with renal failure and stones in the gall or bladder;
  • during active tuberculosis;
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland.

How to properly consume fatty acids?

Of course, the maximum nutrients and vitamins are found in fresh or minimally processed foods. The same should apply to products high in Omega-3, for which it is useful to follow the following rules:

  • Use vegetable oils in salads, since during frying most of the fatty acids will be destroyed. By the way, you need to store the oil away from the sun - in dark glass bottles.
  • It is also better to add flax seeds raw to salads or as a seasoning in ready-made dishes.
  • You need to choose raw fish, not frozen.
  • By eating 5-10 walnut kernels, you will provide yourself with your daily requirement of Omega-3.

Remember that high-quality and healthy foods can fully provide us with polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a properly designed diet, you will not need any additional medications.