Fortune telling for the New Year about love. New Year's fortune telling in the name of the husband: Street fortune telling. History and fiction

Under New Year everything around is shrouded in a fabulous atmosphere: streets, houses, smiles on the faces of passers-by. Every person expects a miracle from the New Year and that the coming year will be happier than the outgoing year. It is the period of the new year that is the most favorable time for creating new goals and plans, as well as for making wishes for their implementation. You can read how to make wishes for the New Year so that they come true. Man has always been curious to look into the future, which is shrouded in mystery.

The traditional and most popular fortune telling on New Year's Eve is the method of writing your wishes on a piece of paper, burning it and draining a glass of champagne along with the ashes. But this method of fortune telling is not the only one. In this article you will find a lot of alternative and interesting fortune telling for the New Year.

New Year's fortune telling

1. Write down your wishes on 12 pieces of paper and put them under your pillow before going to bed. Upon awakening, take out the first 3 leaves that come into your hand - these 3 wishes will be fulfilled in the new year.

2. For the next New Year's fortune-telling, you need to prepare 2 small pieces of paper in advance and mark one of them (with a marker or a regular pencil). On New Year's Eve, make a wish and throw leaves out of the window. The wish will come true if the marked piece lands first.

3. As soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, place it in a container of water. Golden ring. If an even number of circles float on the water, then your wish will come true.

4. Fill the glass with rice and, covering it with your left hand, make a wish. Grab a handful of grain, as much as you can. Recount the number of grains. If the number is even, then the wish will come true; if it is odd, you will have to go through a difficult path to achieve your plan.

5. You need to eat one grape with each subsequent chime, while mentally making wishes. If you make it before the twelfth stroke of the clock, all 12 wishes will come true.

6. This New Year's fortune telling is suitable for those who have a cat at home.

Concentrate and mentally say a question that worries you, to which you can give a positive or negative answer. Call the animal. If a cat runs into the room from its left paw, the answer is yes and vice versa. If the cat does not want to enter the room at all, then the desired answer to your question depends only on your efforts.

7. There is also such an interesting fortune-telling for the New Year. Rub gold chain between your palms for a few seconds and throw it on the floor. Based on the resulting figure, guess what the coming year has in store for you:

heart - love, meeting your future spouse.

snake - you should beware of the enemy, the traitor.

triangle - success in work, business, affairs.

circle - difficulties in business, the way out of which friends will help you find.

stripe - stability and luck.

knot - difficulties.

butterfly - marriage (marriage).

8. Place a piece of bread, a ribbon, and a ring in a small bag. Take, without looking, what comes into your hand first.

ribbon - for travel,

bread - prosperity and wealth all year round,

ring - marriage (marriage), for family - harmony in relationships.

9. Fortune telling for the New Year using a door key (this method is used in the company).

The key must be placed between the pages of the book so that the keychain remains visible. The book is tightly wrapped with tape or strong thread and hung by the keychain from the key to the hook. When the book hangs motionless in the air, everyone takes turns calling their name. The one on whose name the book begins to spin will have a meeting with a life partner or a wedding in the new year.

10. A closed book (any book) is placed in the center of the table. Each participant in fortune telling takes turns touching the book with his left hand and mentally asking a question. Then he opens any page and selects a paragraph with the finger of his right hand. What will be described in the paragraph is the answer to the question.

11. New Year's fortune telling for the betrothed.

On the morning of January 1, go out into the street and ask the first man you meet for his name. This is the name that the betrothed groom will be called.

12. Fortune telling with nuts.

Place in nut shells: a ring, a piece of bread, rice, braid, a piece of paper. Place the filled shells in a bowl of water and blow on the water. Whatever the shell floats closer with is what it expects next year.

ring - love, wedding.

bread is prosperity in the house.

rice - unexpected income, wealth.

braid - roads, travel.

paper - good news and surprises.

Such comic New Year's fortune telling will add variety to any party. Happy new year to you and the fulfillment of all your plans!

New Year's holidays occupy a special place in the series of red days of the calendar and it is no coincidence that they are endowed with the epithets “magical”, “fabulous”, and are associated with us with making wishes and expecting a miracle.

This is a mystical time when secrets hidden from a person, including those related to his future, become more accessible - that is why at the turn of the old and new years it was customary for our ancestors to tell fortunes.

Due to a change in the chronology system, we We celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1, i.e. not at the time when our ancestors saw off one year and met another, and this introduces some confusion into the situation with predicting the future.

The most traditional, “real”, mystical to this day are considered Christmas fortune telling (from Christmas to Epiphany), and New Year's fortune-telling is less sacred, more harmless and on this basis is perceived by many as innocent fun, fun game. However, this is not entirely correct: fortune telling for the New Year have every right to exist and are also capable of lifting the veil over the future, even if this happens in the atmosphere of a cheerful, carefree, noisy holiday.

You can find out what the coming year has in store for you in a variety of ways. Choose what interests you most - luck, love, money, etc. (or all together), prepare the necessary “material base” - and give your New Year’s holiday an even more magical atmosphere!

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish during the chimes

For the climax of the New Year, you need to prepare not only champagne, but also a tiny piece of paper. You need to write a wish on it, then burn a piece, and pour the remaining ashes into a glass of champagne. Sparkling wine is drunk along with the ashes while the chimes are striking. The point is that all manipulations - from writing a wish to absorbing the contents of a glass - must be carried out while the clock on the Spasskaya Tower is striking. If you have time, it is believed that this guarantees the fulfillment of your desire; if not, you will have to wait.

There is a second option for such fortune telling, which requires less skill. It involves a little preliminary preparation. At exactly 11 o'clock in the evening, take a piece of paper and write your deepest desire on it. In an hour, the first chime will be the signal to set the leaf on fire. If by the time the last blow sounds it burns completely, this means that you can count on your wish being granted.

Fortune telling for the New Year to fulfill a wish using water transfusion

In order to tell fortunes on New Year's Day in this way, you need two glasses and dexterity of your hands. Pour water into one of the vessels almost to the brim. Then the following is done: make a wish and immediately, instantly, quickly pour water from one glass to the second.
After this, look carefully at the surface on which you did all this. If you spill no more than three drops of water on the table (or anywhere else), this promises you a wish come true in the coming year. But if there are many more drops, and even more so if a whole puddle has formed, then, unfortunately, you will have to wait until your wish comes true.
It should be especially noted that no preliminary training to increase hand virtuosity is unacceptable - as well as repeated transfusions in order to obtain best result. All these tricks make fortune telling invalid.

New Year fortune telling for the future using a mirror, water and candles

The “toolkit” you need for this fortune telling is a carafe of water and three candles. A full decanter is placed in front of a mirror and surrounded on three sides with lit candles. To understand what future awaits you in the new year, look in the mirror through the thickness of water poured into the decanter.
Relax, give free rein to your imagination - and rest assured, the magical combination of water, fire and glass will do its job and will definitely produce some kind of picture.

New Year's fortune telling for love using a coin and saucer

For this type of New Year's fortune telling, you need a coin - not a simple one, but... no, not gold, but an old one. It will be simply wonderful if you inherited it from your ancestors. If no one left you an inheritance of this kind, you can take an ordinary coin from your wallet as an attribute of fortune telling, but do this in advance: 3-5 days are needed to charge it with your energy, carrying the coin closer to the body (for example, in a chest pocket or bag). Ask your loved one to hold the coin in his hands for a couple of minutes before fortune telling (of course, if such an opportunity exists). But an old or charged new coin is not all you need: you also need to get black ink and a round porcelain saucer white. They begin this fortune-telling strictly at midnight.

So, let’s assume that all the conditions are met, we can begin the process!
Place the saucer on the table, divide it into 4 parts along the axial lines and write its designation in each sector:

  • Top left - HE.
  • Top right - SHE.
  • Bottom right - Me.
  • From below - WE.

Now take a coin and, placing it on its edge in the center of the saucer, sharply rotate it around its axis and slightly to the side. In which sector the coin will end up after stopping, this is the result:

  • HE is the problem.
  • SHE - you have a rival.
  • I mean the problem is you.
  • WE - you will be together.

If the coin stops at the border, then the result is mixed, depending on the share of the coin in some sector. For example: if 1/3 of a coin is in the “I” sector, and 2/3 is in the “WE” sector, then you will be together and everything will be fine, but it doesn’t hurt you to work on yourself, because in case of discord there will be more of you in it guilt than his.

Fortune telling for marriage using a decanter and a glass of water

To tell fortunes for your betrothed using this method, you need a glass and a carafe of water.
Transfer water from larger vessel to a smaller one, while saying the phrase: “You’ll get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.” They pronounce this phrase three times, and do it with a gentle intonation, tuned in to the positive, wishing well to a still unknown person.
Then the decanter and glass of water should be placed at the head of the bed, after which you can go to bed and dream with a sense of accomplishment. In one of them, the one destined for you will certainly appear.

New Year's fortune telling for love using a Christmas tree

This New Year's fortune telling becomes possible if there is a decorated New Year's tree in the house, and toys on it different colors. If Christmas tree decorated in a fashionable “one-color” style, you will have to go to the neighbors. In addition, you will need an assistant who will spin the blindfolded fortuneteller several times in a clockwise direction, and then lead him to the tree. The fortuneteller's task is to reach out to her and remove the first toy he comes across. Next you need to see what color it is.

  • White color means that personal life will remain the same as last year.
  • Black - unhappy love awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Pink, red or orange are a sign of passionate love feelings.
  • The green color of the toy foreshadows a new love affair in the new year, and what it will lead to will become known only in a year.
  • If the toy turns out to be purple or blue, this means that there will be cooling in the love couple.
  • A silver or golden toy portends a rich gentleman.

New Year's wish fortune telling using paper

Set aside a little time for fortune telling on New Year's Eve - as much as is enough to write your most cherished desires on small pieces of paper.
After the papers are signed, they need to be folded and placed under the pillow. On January 1, after waking up, your first action should be to remove one of them from under your pillow. What is written on this piece of paper is most likely to come true in the new year, or, in any case, the chances of its implementation will be the highest.

Fortune telling using a phone

If you want to know what future awaits you in the new year, then instead of clinking a glass of champagne loudly and devouring a delicious festive table, you will have to go outside with a mirror, which you will first douse with water. It is necessary to go out into the cold strictly at midnight. You need to wait until the water on the mirror turns into a frozen pattern, after which you can return home and examine what happened.

  • If the ice lies on the surface of the mirror in circles, this indicates that you will not be in financial need.
  • A pattern in the form of squares promises an abundance of all kinds of difficulties.
  • Triangles indicate that you will be Fortune's favorite in whatever you undertake.
  • The paws of a spruce or pine tree portend hard work.
  • Straight, clear lines indicate that your existence in the coming year will be calm and problem-free.
  • Smooth, curving lines promise that you will be caressed by the warmth and good attitude of people towards you.
  • A surface covered with icy zigzags communicates that loneliness and emotional hunger are not clearly in danger of you.
  • The abundance of dots means that all started tasks will be successfully completed.
  • If you see the outlines of a face or figure, then thanks to the appearance of a new person in your life, a lot will change in it.
  • Chaotic various divorces have appeared - this means that your fate is not yet clearly defined, you will create it yourself step by step.

Fortune telling to determine the sex of the unborn child using a needle

With the help of New Year's fortune-telling, you can find out who - a boy or a girl - a pregnant woman will give birth to.
Thread a thread 20 centimeters long eye of a needle, turn the woman’s palm towards you “in interesting position"and hold the needle and thread suspended above it for some time. Most likely, the needle will begin to move, and if it moves in a circle, this foreshadows the birth of a girl, and a needle swaying from side to side indicates that a girl will be born. future husband rank.

Fortune telling using glowing windows

Without opening the book, place it on it left hand With your palm down, ask the question you are interested in out loud. After this, with your left hand, open the book to any page, place your palm on it and read the line that is under your thumb.

Another variation of this fortune-telling is that at the very beginning you need to name an arbitrary line number (count from the top), after which the book is opened on the first page that comes across, the hidden line is counted and what is written in it is read. Of course, in both versions, what you read cannot be considered a direct answer to the question posed; it must be comprehended and projected onto your own situation.

Fortune telling about the occupation of the future husband using various objects

Every girl wants to know what profession her future husband will be. To find out this using fortune telling, you need to arm yourself with a variety of objects.
In the original version of fortune telling, bread (peasant), keys (merchant), book (priest), coal (worker) were used, but this list clearly does not correspond to today's realities.
Here you need to show your imagination: for example, the organizer will symbolize business man, a mouse or flash card for a programmer or system administrator, a collection of laws for a lawyer, a comb for a stylist, etc. and so on. Accordingly, the more imagination and diligence in searching for appropriate items is shown, the more interesting, firstly, the fortune-telling will be, and secondly, the more its results will correspond to the girls’ expectations.

Fortune telling for the groom “Bridge” using the rods of a broom or comb

In order to see the appearance of your future life partner, you need a broom. Break out several twigs from it and, when going to bed, build a miniature bridge out of them, which must be placed under the pillow, while saying: “My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”
Then all that was left was to go to bed and see the desired image. For the same purpose, you can put a comb under your pillow, but you don’t need to comb your hair before going to bed. Putting the comb under the pillow is accompanied by saying the phrase three times: “Betrothed-mummer, comb my head.” You can also send a mirror to accompany the comb under the pillow. In this case, the following words are pronounced: “Come, comb my hair, look and show yourself.” Try to remember the appearance of the person you dreamed about: in the new year you will meet him.

Fortune telling using frozen water

In the evening, take a saucer, pour water into it and place it somewhere on the street (you can take it to the balcony) - let it stand like that until the morning. The next day, take a close look at the ice.

  • If peculiar waves have formed on its surface, this means that the year will be “variegated”, that there will be both failures and victories.
  • The frozen water has formed a smooth surface - this means that nothing will disturb your peace of mind, no violent shocks are expected.
  • The rising ice foreshadows a year filled with accomplishments and joys.
  • If a hole has formed in the surface of the ice, it means that the coming year is unlikely to be happy, troubles are coming.

Fortune telling using a chain

As you might guess, such fortune telling requires a chain. Find yourself in a place where no one will disturb you, sit in such a way that there is a tabletop or any other flat surface in front of you. Take the chain in your hand and rub it lightly between your palms for a few minutes. When the feeling of warmth begins, transfer the chain to your right hand, shake it several times in a clenched fist and with a sharp movement throw it onto the surface of the table (or something that replaces it). Your fate in the new year will be predicted by the figure in the form of which the chain is located.

  • If the chain lay down straight line, this indicates a good time, that the fortuneteller will have good luck.
  • Snake - be careful: somewhere nearby there is a person who will betray you.
  • Triangle - in business, in love you will be lucky.
  • Circle - the coming year is preparing a difficult situation for you, a way out of which will only be found with great difficulty.
  • Oval - more than once you will find yourself in the center of everyone’s friendly attention.
  • Heart - someone loves you.
  • A knot is a sign of material losses or health problems.
  • Bow - for marriage.
  • Cloud - you will have a wonderful dream, to which you will strive with all your soul.
  • Loop - in the new year there will be everything: losses and gains, achievements and defeats.
  • Zigzag - the new year will be very stormy, you will experience a lot of emotions.
  • Flower - there are many pleasures and joys ahead.

But fortune telling on the eve of the New Year is not as often as at Christmas time or at baptism. This tradition originated relatively recently. Why not? Why not on such a bright (despite the fact that it is night) holiday. Light in mood, in attitude, in spiritual disposition.

It is very difficult to separate fortune telling before the New Year, during New Year's Eve and in the morning. This is very conditional. For example, telling fortunes on a mirror, although a little scary, is traditional. And this can be done both after the New Year’s Eve and directly on New Year’s Eve. Still, it’s more interesting at night.

1. On the mirror. Sit in front of the mirror, place a decanter in front of the mirror and two candles on either side of the decanter. What then? But this is a matter of luck. But you'll see something...

2. According to the book. Fortune telling from a book is very exciting, but it is, however, all-season. You need to put your left hand on a closed book and ask out loud what you want to know. Then open the book and read the line that your eye falls on. And then you interpret this line, which requires some effort, knowledge and imagination. For New Year's fortune-telling, take the appropriate book - you shouldn't ask telephone directories about your plans for the future.

3. On rice. One of the most famous New Year's fortune telling is fortune telling on rice grains. You need to put a plate of rice on the table. Then raise your hand over the plate and make a wish, then take some rice from the plate and pour it onto the table. Count the grains: an even number is a positive answer, an odd number is a negative answer. You probably need to guess until midnight, then most of our fellow citizens will not be able to count grains of rice or apples.

4. In the snow. And here is the most New Year's fortune telling. Go outside directly on New Year's Eve. Fall backwards into the snow, then get up and walk away without looking back. Come back in the morning and look at your print. Different interpretations are possible: if the trace from you is deep, it will happen more than once. If it’s smooth and beautiful, life will be successful. But if your tracks are covered up, problems are possible in the new year. Well, if your print was trampled by stray dogs or drunk neighbors piled on them, then the fortune telling was unsuccessful. You can repeat “falling into the snow” on Christmas night - just choose a snowdrift away from noisy places.

5. On coffee grounds. The morning of the New Year is the most suitable time for such an interesting and mysterious activity as fortune telling on coffee grounds. Your imagination will tell you exactly how to interpret the drawings formed on the saucer coffee grounds. New Year's wax fortune telling is also fortune telling for the future. You need to melt the wax over a fire, and then try to understand what you see in the cooled wax version.

6. On the windows. For two weeks after the New Year, it is customary to tell fortunes “on luminous windows.” When it gets dark, go out into the yard and, closing your eyes, make a wish. Then open your eyes and count the number of luminous windows. Only in your own home, and not in the entire area. If you count an even number, your wish will come true, if it’s odd, you’ll have to wait until next year, that is, you are unlucky this year.

On New Year's Eve, people not only celebrate and hope for the best. There are many folk traditions and beliefs that help you find out what will happen next and help you fulfill your desires. New Year's fortune telling is very fun and interesting. Yes, the probability of the prediction being fulfilled is high. A whole company of like-minded people who have good feelings for each other creates an excellent energetic background for the embodiment of joyful and good things, the destruction of unfavorable forecasts. Of course, it is better to guess about the secret in solitude. But the night is long, there is time for everything!

New Year's fortune telling 2019 in the company

The most desirable goals in your society are written on small pieces of paper. It is better to choose something global and valuable. For example, almost everyone dreams of owning an apartment (or expanding it), exotic countries and so on. Choose something that your friends might like and make them happy. Write everything down. Now you just need to distribute pieces of paper - wishes. You can do this as in, by placing it in a large vase and inviting everyone to choose. Can be hung on the Christmas tree.

It’s better to buy a Pig in advance and place the notes in a basket or special bag with his image. Let the animal, which will be in charge of the situation, “distribute” wishes. Everyone will be pleased. If you want everything to be fair (after all, not everyone can be lucky). Then leave one piece of paper blank. This will mean an unfavorable turn of events.

New Year's fortune telling on a pie

This is a gourmet act. You need to bake a cake or pie in advance, in which symbols - predictions - are placed. This New Year's fortune telling is similar to Chinese fortune cookies.

At night the magic cake is cut and eaten. Each guest receives his own prediction. The symbols are:

  • Coin - to win money.
  • Beans - acquisition of property.
  • A note - good luck with documents.
  • Ring - marriage ahead.
  • The ring is a new romantic acquaintance.
  • Thread is a vehicle.
  • A piece of fabric is a “carpet – an airplane”, a fulfillment of the sacred.
  • Caramel - sweet life.
  • Yagoda is a situation of temptation with an unknown outcome.

Fortune telling with New Year's glasses

Papers with wishes are glued to the bottoms of glasses or glasses. At the same time, do not seat guests. Let everyone choose their own place and “container”. After the chimes, offer to turn the glasses over and read what is written there. If the people gathered are not very close, then you can not write wishes, but glue colored pictures. Let everyone, to the extent of their “gaiety,” determine what is destined for them.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve for the betrothed

This New Year's fortune telling is recommended not only for girls, but also for boys. After midnight, it is recommended to go for a walk (short if you don’t want to wander for a long time). If the first person you meet is a person of the opposite sex, then in the New Year 2019 you will meet your love. If it’s yours, then it’s too early to dream about serious relationship. But that is not all. The first person of the opposite sex should be asked for their name. This is what your betrothed will be called. Do not be shy! It's New Year's Eve! Any miracle is possible! You can even meet your real betrothed at this very moment.

Serious fortune telling for the New Year

When the holiday has already passed, you can begin serious rituals that will give a more accurate forecast for the coming Year of the Pig. For yourself, it is recommended to write down twelve goals that arouse your greatest interest. Fold the leaves in the same way. Place all this under your pillow before going to bed. In the morning, immediately after waking up, select only one note. Read it. This wish will definitely come true!

This fortune telling is for purposeful people who are not afraid to make grandiose plans. You need to worry about wish cards in advance. To do this, pictures indicating your desires are glued onto pieces of cardboard of the same size. Left alone on New Year's Eve, take the prepared “deck” and pull out five cards one by one. This will be the order of execution of your plans in the coming year of the yellow earthen Pig. It is advisable to save the pictures so as not to forget the results of New Year's fortune-telling.

Fortune telling on chains

If using the methods described above you can tell fortunes on any New Year's Eve, then there are special rituals that are used in the year of the yellow Earth Pig. For example, this one.

Take gold chains (or gold-colored jewelry). They should be thin. In principle, one will do, just a long one. They throw it into a crystal vase and shake it, thinking about a wish to themselves. Then you need to remove the chains. Look. If they are tied in knots, then count their number. Here are the results:

  • There are no nodes - it will not be fulfilled.
  • One – there is a high probability of execution.
  • Two - there is a chance, but unexpectedly the execution may fail.
  • Three - it will definitely come true.
  • More than three is vanity.
  • If you didn’t make a guess, then the prediction is as follows:
  • No knots - calmness, even melancholy.
  • One – life is bright, but there will be difficulties.
  • Two nodes - you will be lucky in your personal life, but there will be troubles at work.
  • Three - everything is great! I'll be lucky all year. Try to make more plans. Everything is being realized.
  • Four - serious trouble awaits.
  • Five – fun all year, a lot of money.
  • More – vanity and confusion.

Special fortune telling for the year of the Pig

Our ancestors were very close to living nature, especially to domestic animals. There were even special fortune telling for livestock.

Fortune telling by a pig's tail

In Rus' there was such fortune-telling. When they slaughtered a pig for the Christmas table, young people always kept the tail for themselves. It was divided according to the number of participants, and then everyone stuck their piece between the floorboards. They called the dog and saw whose piece he would choose. If part of the ponytail belonged to a guy, it was believed that he would definitely get married. For the girl, this meant marriage in the new year.

Of course, now it’s not easy to find a pig’s tail. But you can prepare a piglet in advance from scrap materials by making a tail out of twine. Then divide the twine among the fortune tellers and place the pieces around the room. If there is no dog, cat or other pet, you can blindfold one of those guests who are already married or in a relationship, because... According to the rules, only those who do not currently have a partner can guess. Whoever finds a piece of twine will have a romantic story in the New Year.

Fortune telling for the future using a pig

In the old days, they used to guess like this: they would go into a barn and see how the pig would behave.

If the animal began to scratch its right side, this promised a successful year in all respects. If the pig scratched its left side, it promised failure, a lot of small troubles that would require a lot of effort to eliminate.

If the pig continued to lie serenely in its place, the new year did not promise any special problems, but success came only to those who made an effort.

Now the barn is almost exotic, but there are still several modern versions of this fortune-telling. The first is to type “pig” or “piglet” into a search engine in the video section and see what the animal will do there. The second option is to go on December 31 or January 1 to petting zoo where there is a pig, and observe the behavior of the animal.

Fortune telling by pig figures

Prepare in advance 6 or 8 piglets cut out of thick paper. Half the piglets should be happy, half should be sad. This fortune telling is suitable for both a company and one person.

It is necessary to put all the piglets in some kind of bowl or container. Then think of three questions, the answer to which will be yes or no. Then mentally or out loud ask a question to the bowl of piglets and eyes closed pull the pig. If the pig is happy, the answer is yes. If the pig is sad, alas, the answer is no.

This is such an interesting fortune telling. We wish you good predictions, happy holidays, and do not forget correctly!

The content of the article:

New Year is the most long-awaited holiday for both young children and adults. Many girls do fortune-telling at this time, and this is not at all surprising, because a simple ritual performed on a festive evening will help lift the veil of a mysterious future. You can start guessing from December 25 until the old New Year.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

Before you start guessing, you need to remember that the likelihood of predicting the truth increases if you take it seriously. Any rituals of fortune-telling are loved full immersion and silence. That is why if the New Year is celebrated in a noisy company, it is worth postponing fortune telling for Christmas or the old New Year. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the likelihood of receiving a correct prediction increases if there is a cat in the house at that moment. The main thing is to believe in the ritual being performed and then everything will work out.

But, the most important thing is not to overdo it or go too far. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained in some way, you should not just believe in fortune telling. In this case, it is best to treat the ritual as a fun pastime. In addition, if you have ever attended a reception with a real fortune teller, you could hear that there are times when cards or otherworldly forces simply do not want to “speak,” and it does not matter at all how complex or simple the ritual was.

If by chance you have discovered the ability to look into the future, and soon all the predictions begin to come true, it is best to stop. They say that excessive passion for such things can lead to not the most pleasant consequences - the future can be guessed. There is an opinion that the future could have been the way it was seen, but as a result of constant interference in it, dramatic changes occurred. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with going to fortune-tellers or astrologers.

It is worth remembering that not all fortune telling can be used by inexperienced beginners, since many of them are truly dangerous. During New Year's holidays You can use fortune telling on cards or with a variety of objects. The fact is that this particular time is considered open to otherworldly forces that can tell about the future.

Today it is known a large number of various fortune-telling, besides, it is worth paying attention to the dreams you had on the festive night. There is a belief that it is a dream that determines the future for the coming year.

Wax fortune telling

This is one of the simplest and most accessible options for New Year's fortune-telling. First you need to melt a small amount of wax, then quickly pour it into a cup previously filled with cold water.

Now you need to carefully look at the resulting figure - it is this that determines the future for the entire coming year. Standard figures can also be formed - for example, a heart speaks of love, a ring predicts an imminent wedding, a dog is the personification of finding a new friend.

Perhaps someone will see a figurine that will have some meaning for him. In this case, the interpretation will be individual.

Fortune telling by candle

The light is turned off and the candle is lit, then a saucer is taken, which must be turned upside down. Paper is placed on top of the saucer and then lit with a candle.

It is important to let the paper burn completely. Then it is taken with your fingers, but very carefully, since you cannot disturb the outlines of the ashes, and it is brought to the wall so that the light from the candle falls on it and a shadow is cast.

It is in this shadow that what will happen in the new year will be predicted.

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of wishes on New Year's night

It is believed that the most cherished desires and dreams come true. The most important thing is to make the right wish and wish it with all your heart. To find out when your dream will come true, you can use one of the fortune telling below, which should be carried out on New Year's Eve.
  • Fortune telling No. 1. You will need to take paper, pen, saucer, lighter, champagne glass and champagne. When the chimes strike, you need to open the champagne and fill the glasses of all guests. On paper (you need to use a small piece of paper), write your most cherished desire. It is advisable to think through everything in advance and formulate your thoughts as clearly and concisely as possible. Then the paper is burned, and the resulting ashes are poured into a glass pre-filled with champagne. You should try to complete all these actions during the time the chimes are striking.
  • Fortune telling No. 2. Take a handful of rice and pour it onto the table, but you can use any other grain. Now you need to make a wish. The palm is moistened with water, after which it is placed on top of the rice and pressed as tightly as possible to the table. Then you need to carefully raise your hand, turn it over and count how many grains are stuck to it. If possible even number grains, it means that your wish will come true in the very near future.
  • Fortune telling No. 3. For this version of fortune telling, you will need to take 2 glasses. One glass is filled clean water to the very edges. Now a wish is made, and water is poured from one glass into the second. These actions are performed only once, and no preliminary training is allowed. If too much water spills, it means that the wish will not come true, but if only a couple of drops spill, the dream will soon come true.
  • Fortune telling No. 4. You will need to take a large bowl of water and fill it with plain water. Then pieces of paper are thrown into it, on which wishes and dreams are written in advance. A candle is lit and placed in the middle of the bowl. Next you need to wait until the candle sets fire to one of the floating pieces of paper. The wish that will be written on it will come true in the coming year.

Love fortune telling for the New Year

Probably, not a single girl will refuse to look into her own future and find out who will become her betrothed. And this is very easy and simple to do if you use New Year’s fortune telling.
  1. Fortune telling by name. Take several sheets of paper on which different words are written. male names. Then these leaves are placed under the pillow, and in the morning one of them is pulled out, but you must not peek. This fortune telling will help you find out the name of your betrothed.
  2. Fortune telling with a thread. This version of fortune telling can be used by any unmarried girl. Fortune telling is best done in company. Each girl takes one thread in her hand - it is important that they are the same length. Then the threads are set on fire at the same time, and the one who burns to the end the fastest will get married first.
  3. Fortune telling with matches. Take a box of matches and stick a match on its sides, after which they are set on fire. As soon as the matches burn out completely, you need to carefully look at how they are leaning - towards each other or towards each other. different sides. If the matches turn towards each other, it means that you are destined to be together with your chosen one, and when they turn in different directions, separation soon awaits, which most likely will happen in the coming year.
  4. New Year's fortune telling. Unmarried girl can find out the name of her future spouse in another way. On New Year's Eve you need to go outside. Having met the first man, you need to ask what his name is - this will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling in the old New Year for the betrothed

You can tell fortunes not only on a festive night, but also on the Old New Year. There are beliefs that fortune telling carried out on the night of January 13-14 gives the most truthful answers.

Most fortune telling for your betrothed comes down to the fact that you need to place certain objects under the pillow or perform some special actions in order for the one and only to appear in your dream. One of the most interesting fortune telling is the following:

  1. You will need to take several broom rods from which the bridge is laid out.
  2. This bridge is placed under the pillow on the night of January 13-14.
  3. Before going to bed, the following words are said: “My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”
  4. In a dream, the future husband should come and lead you across the symbolic bridge.
You can also place scissors with bread under the pillow instead of broom rods, but you need to be very careful not to accidentally cut yourself in your sleep.

Fortune telling for the future in the New Year

  1. For fortune telling, you will need to take 3 glasses, which should be opaque.
  2. The glasses are filled with water, but only halfway.
  3. Then sugar is poured into one glass, salt into the second, and bread crumbles into the third.
  4. The fortuneteller closes his eyes and takes one of the glasses at random.
  5. If a glass with sugar is chosen - happiness awaits, salt - tears, bread crumbs indicate financial well-being.
  6. You can also put another glass in which the ring is placed. It will mean a wedding or engagement.
For those who have a well-developed imagination, the following version of New Year's fortune telling is suitable:
  1. Take a not very large mirror and douse it with water.
  2. At the moment when the chimes strike, you need to take the mirror out onto the balcony or outside and leave it for a while.
  3. As soon as patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, you need to bring it into the house and carefully examine what the frost has “drawn.”
  4. If circles are visible, wealth awaits you in the coming year, a triangle means luck and success will accompany you in all endeavors, a fir branch means hard work, and squares speak of difficulties in life.
Having considered various options New Year's fortune telling for love, fulfillment of desires and the future, you can choose for yourself the most interesting option. Holiday fortune telling is a great way to have fun with company.

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