Home flowers care dracaena. Proper care of dracaena at home. Feeding and fertilizer

I never understood ornamental leaf plants. I’m a girl, give me flowers, but brighter and more voluminous ones. But when the child was born, she moved in with her mother for a while. And her entire loggia is filled with dracaenas.

At first I didn’t even notice these worthy plants, but when my mother asked for help with pruning, I became interested. And when I returned home, I begged for a couple of pots to decorate the interior. Now I can’t even imagine my apartment without these striped beauties!

These trees or shrubs are related to garden asparagus.

“In the wild” they grow in Africa, less often in the tropics of Central America and South Asia.

The name translates as “dragoness,” that is, “female dragon.” Although in everyday life dracaena is called more simply: “false palm”.

What is special about this species?

Young bushes resemble hedgehogs, studded with sharp leaves. When the dracaena grows, the bush moves up and becomes a crown, and the stem of the plant becomes bare and begins to resemble a pillar. Although there are species whose leaves continue to grow along the stem in a spiral.

Dracaenas are perennials. They grow slowly but surely. And if you buy a small flowerpot, over the years it will outgrow first the cat, then the children, and then you.

In apartment conditions they rarely bloom. The flowers are small, but very fragrant. They look something like this:

You can grow dracaena to decorate a small apartment or a large house. It would also be appropriate in the lobby of a large office or even a hotel.

A brief overview of the most popular types of dracaena

Biologists say that there are several hundred species of this plant. But of course, the majority “frolic in the wild.”

  • Godsepha. A beautiful, low bush, not at all like a dracaena. Round, wide leaves are decorated with white spots. The species is considered the most picky.

  • Sandera (bamboo of happiness). The most popular species, subshrub. Cuttings root easily in a glass of water. The leaves are striped, light green-gray. The bushes are relatively low (up to 80 cm) and do not require special care. The trunk of Dracaena Sander really resembles bamboo, so it is often used in various floriculture experiments with the shape and direction of this stem (pictured).

  • Fragrant. The striped leaves are yellow-green in color and have thin white stripes. They grow up to 1 meter. The plant blooms with small fluffy balls (though only outdoors or in greenhouses - not in an apartment). When flowering it has a strong smell (reminiscent of the aroma of a lily).

  • Compact. A variation of the previous type. The varnished leaves are relatively short, collected in bunches, completely green. Such dracaenas grow quite tall.

  • Reflex (bent). Its leaves actually bend down a little. Each has noticeable light stripes running along the entire length of the leaf.

  • Deremskaya. And these leaves are “painted” with white, green, and slightly light green stripes. Very elegant look!

  • Draconic (draco). A greenhouse-sized tree decorated with bunches of sharp leaves. The sap of the plant is clear, but over time it turns red and thickens (some people call it “dragon’s blood”).

  • Bordered (marginata). Another resident of greenhouses, growing up to 3 meters. Although this plant also does well in an apartment.

What care does dracaena require?

  • Light. In winter, the plant simply needs it, but in summer, our dracaena gets too much sun. Therefore, hide the pot in partial shade, keeping it not even on the windowsill, but next to it. Choose a west or south wall. Better yet, place the pot in the shade of the veranda; dracaena likes a lot of clean air.

An important point: the brighter and more colorful the dracaena leaves, the more light it needs. The same applies to the room temperature: plain leaves do well at 16-17 degrees, while colored leaves do well at 19 and above.

  • Watering. Dig the soil: if it is 2 cm dry, immediately take a watering can. You need to water the dracaena often and a lot (in the summer - about every two days, and in the winter too, if the pot is located close to the radiator). But it is important to remember: even though the plant came from the humid tropics, it is better to forget to water it once than to mistakenly water it twice.

Always defend the water for your green pet, and if possible, filter it.

  • Water procedures. The plant doesn't like our radiators. Therefore, in winter, when the batteries dry the air, spray the bush twice a day. The water should be at room temperature. By the way, dracaena will not be offended if you spray it in the summer too. You can also wear it in the bath and place it under a warm shower.
  • Feeding. Fertilizers for palm trees and other green (ornamental leafy) plants are suitable for you. They can be applied every 2 weeks, from April to September inclusive. Then the plant enters winter hibernation.
  • Room temperature. In summer, dracaena should be kept at 18-20 degrees, in winter - at 12-18.

Pruning: what is it for, how to do it

Sometimes the plant will stretch up several meters and you will end up with a brown stick sticking out of the pot with a few leaves growing on top. Ugly!

Trim the shoots from above (they can be rooted), and also shorten the dracaena trunk to a reasonable size. Fresh leaves will soon grow from the trunk. This way you will get two beautiful dracaenas.

But if you are doing pruning for the first time, you are probably worried - how not to have too much? The correct “technology” will be shown in this video:

Propagation of this flowerpot

So, you have in your hands the cuttings obtained after pruning. It is correct to make it a decent size - from 10 to 15 cm. By the way, it can be not only the apical one. The cut stem can also be “chopped” into cuttings and rooted, like this:

  1. Treat a fresh cut of the cutting with an activated carbon tablet (crushed), and then with the Zircon preparation. Remove excess (lower) leaves. You can also thin out the crown of the cutting, removing either a few or even a third of the leaves.
  2. Fill a small pot with drainage. Next, place the “adult” soil (it is sold in stores and is called “For dracaenas”; soil “For palm trees” is also suitable). Water well.
  3. Plant the cutting in a pot, add more soil if necessary.
  4. Water it and it will sprout roots and become a young bush.

As for the trimmed "old man", pour paraffin on the shortened stem - this will seal it from drying out and rotting. Water the old plant too, and it will delight you with new green shoots.

Transplant: What you need to know

  • “Young plants” can be replanted annually, older plants less often (every 2-3 years).
  • The best time for such a procedure is from March to April. Although there are no contraindications against summer, autumn or winter transplantation either.
  • It is better to use the transshipment method.
  • The pot should be made of clay. Before planting, it is doused with boiling water; this will disinfect the vessel.
  • To prevent the roots from rotting, you can place a large clay shard, preferably in the form of a saucer, at the bottom (under the drainage). Place it “bottom” up, excess liquid will drain under it.
  • After transplantation, dracaena may become ill. Place it immediately in the shade, spray the leaves - this will make it easier for it to acclimatize in the new “house”.

What is the plant afraid of?

  • Insects. The pests that threaten dracaena are quite common: spider mites, thrips, aphids, scale insects, mealybugs. As soon as you see these uninvited guests, wash the leaves with soap (the mites will go away only if the soap solution is no colder than 50 degrees), and then treat them with a store-bought insecticide.
  • The leaves are falling. If they turned pale and wilted before this, the dracaena was frozen. Maybe the roots are rotting - then cut off the top and re-root. Cause of rot: regular overwatering or hypothermia of the soil in the pot.
  • The plant is rotting. This is either an infection (this is indicated by wet areas on the leaves or stem, and then the situation is bad - the dracaena may not survive), or poor soil (too heavy), or banal neglect (you overwater the plant, it is cold, it is too dark near the pot). Cut off rotting areas. Sprinkle these places with crushed coal, take better care of the flower - maybe it will go away.
  • Dracaena is drying up. Brown, dried-out “islands” scream: we are not sprayed enough, and the air is too dry. Another reason: soil. It has either not been changed for years and has become salty, or you have stuffed it too much with fertilizers.
  • The leaves are turning yellow. If only from below, it’s not scary - the leaves have simply outlived their usefulness, and you just have to cut them off. If young leaves turn yellow, you are either overwatering or (most likely) watering your pet too rarely.

This video will tell you more about the diseases of this worthy houseplant:

Housewives love dracaena for its not picky nature and beautiful appearance. It is reminiscent of the tropics, thanks to its external resemblance to a palm tree. And its oblong leaves will decorate any room. The “indoor palm tree” is also popular in office spaces, where it becomes part of any interior.

Dracaena (lat. Dracaena) is native to Africa, although some members of this family are native to South Asia and Central America. There is even a legend associated with the latter. A beautiful love story tells the story of a warrior. The young man fell in love with the leader's daughter, but the strict father was not going to give her as a wife to a stranger. He agreed to allow the young people to get married on the condition that the warrior stuck a stick into the ground and on the fifth day leaves appeared on it. According to legend, this is how the first “palm tree”, Dracaena, grew, which has since been called the tree of happiness.

It is not for nothing that Dracaena is called a tree or shrub. The leaves form rosettes on straight stems that resemble a tree trunk. The plant can reach a couple of meters in height. Dracaena grows from five to 15 years, depending on care and type, of which there are more than a hundred.

Types, varieties of dracaena houseplants and photos of the most common types

Each type of indoor dracaena is unique and interesting in its own way. Despite the variety of shapes, sizes and colors of leaves, they all have distinctive features. Let's look at the most common types of this amazing plant, which is compared not only to a palm tree.

Dracaena marginata. This type of “tree of happiness” has long, narrow leaves that resemble a tousled hairstyle. They are concentrated at the top of the trunk. When the leaves fall, their base forms a characteristic pattern on the trunk. Dracaena fringe can reach three meters in height.

Dracaena deremensis. You will recognize this species by its wider leaves with an unusual color. In addition to the green color, white stripes appear on them, which makes the plant unusual.

Dracaena sanderiana. If Dracaena fringed is more like a palm tree, then this species is compared to bamboo. The twisted green shoots gave Sandera another name. Although the effect of a spiral trunk without leaves was achieved artificially. If you do not do this, you will get an ordinary upright dracaena with leaves that have yellow-green stripes.

Dracaena Fragrant - this species can bloom even at a temperature of +10 degrees Celsius

Dracaena fragrans. It got its name from the inflorescence of white fragrant flowers. Dracaena blooms, and even low temperatures of up to 10 degrees are not a hindrance. Otherwise, it is similar to its relatives with long narrow leaves with characteristic silver-gray stripes in the center.

Dracaena reflexa. The stem of this species branches almost from the root, and the leaves of the dracaena are inclined downward and indeed slightly bent. They are distinguished by a golden edging around the edge.

Dracaena Godseffiana. It is completely different from other species. Its leaves are oval and the plant forms a bush shape. But the most interesting thing is their colors: specks of golden and cream color. This dracaena looks very elegant and bright even without flowering.

Dracaena Dragon (Dracaena Draco). It grows up to 20 meters in height in nature, and up to one and a half meters indoors. It is called false palm. It has a straight stem-trunk and sword-shaped leaves with reddish edges.

Transplanting a plant

Have you bought a dracaena at the store and are unsure whether it is worth replanting? Pay attention to the appearance of the plant. If the dracaena is young, you can transplant it into a new pot. But if the plant is already quite large, then it is better to wait until spring.

Check with the seller to see if the dracaena was brought from abroad. Then a special substrate is used for transportation and the tree needs to be replanted.

Before deciding how to replant the dracaena, you need to decide on a flower pot. Its size will depend entirely on the root system and height of the dracaena. For example, a dracaena 40 centimeters high needs a pot of at least 15 centimeters. You should not buy a large container at once, supposedly with a reserve. You will still have to replant the plant and change the pot every two years. It should be only 2-3 centimeters larger in diameter than the previous container. And immediately purchased large pots only contribute to the stagnation of liquid, which dracaena does not tolerate.

It is better to replant dracaena after purchase if you do not know where it came from.

As for the special soil for dracaena, you can buy it at a flower shop or make it yourself by mixing turf soil, leaf soil, compost soil and peat soil in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. The transplant process occurs as follows:

  • We treat the new pot with hot water.
  • Place a layer of drainage on the bottom.
  • Carefully remove the dracaena from the old pot and inspect the roots. If there are rotten ones, remove them. Spray the roots with a spray bottle.
  • We place the dracaena in a new home and make sure that the space between the roots is covered with soil.
  • We water the dracaena with Zircon fertilizer. In subsequent times, you can fertilize no more than twice a month.

Subsequently, the plant is fed from March to November once every two weeks. In the winter season, once a month is enough and it is advisable to reduce the dose of fertilizer by half. Universal fertilizers for dracaenas and palm trees are suitable.

Home care for indoor dracaena flowers

A plant native to the tropics loves when its leaves are brightly illuminated by sunlight, but it is better if this light is diffused. Partial shade is also suitable. Consider the features of caring for dracaena at home related to the color of the leaves. The more variegated the leaves, the more light the plant needs.

The temperature should be moderate: in summer up to 25 degrees, in winter not lower than 14, except for some species that feel great even at ten degrees. But dracaena does not tolerate drafts, so it is better to protect it from ventilation by opening windows. Although dracaenas are resistant to dry air, and some will not even be offended if they forget to water them, indoor palm trees still love regular showers with a sprayer and bathing under warm water. These procedures can be carried out at any time of the year. Just make sure that the water does not stagnate on the leaves; if you do not have the opportunity to bathe the flowers, then wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

But they water dracaena differently in different seasons: in summer - twice a week, in winter - once is enough. Once a month, dracaena likes to be watered abundantly, up to submerging the pot in water.

Features of growing indoor dracaena palm

Dracaena loves loose buds. This plant also does not like stagnant water.

Dracaena fringed, Dracaena Dragon and Dracaena Godsefa are unpretentious plants, unlike other species, but they still need to adhere to the simplest rules on how to care for dracaena, and they are associated not only with watering and proper lighting.

For indoor palms, it is recommended to loosen the top layer of soil in pots in spring and summer. Plants do not like it when moisture stagnates in the root system, so they will be grateful for improved soil aeration. It is natural for dracaena to lose the lower leaves if they do not fall off too often. You can rejuvenate the plant by cutting off the top and rooting it. A group of plants will look more beautiful, so you can add young plants to a lone dracaena.

To achieve the growth of new side shoots, you need to properly trim the dracaena and create greenhouse-like conditions. To do this, cut off the top of the plant with a sharp knife or blade, without crushing the trunk too much. Water the dracaena generously and cover it with the pot with a plastic bag. Place in a sunny place and do not remove the cover, so as not to disturb the humidity and temperature. In this case, water the plant through a tray.

If you want to get two or three from one plant, then you need to know about the methods of propagating dracaena. There are only three of them.

  • Seminal. Suitable for dracaenas with exclusively green leaves. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a stimulating solution, for example, Zircon, for a day. The air temperature should not be below 30 degrees. Plant the seeds in special soil in a disposable container and cover the top with cling film. If everything is done correctly, the seeds will germinate in one or two months. Do not forget that you cannot place dracaena in direct sunlight. The sprout needs to be fed once a month, and when it reaches a length of 5 centimeters, transplant it into a permanent pot, but only of a small diameter.
  • Cuttings. You will need a sharp knife and a strong young stem. Feel free to cut it into pieces 3-5 cm long, trying not to crush the stem. On each small part of the trunk, cut the bark on the stem and stick it into the ground. Place the plant in a warm place. A greenhouse can be made using a jar or plastic bottle. The first shoots will appear in a month or a month and a half. They will need to be periodically sprayed with clean water.
  • Layers from the top. Cut off the top of the plant and place it in a glass of water at room temperature, after throwing in a tablet of activated carbon. You will have to be patient, as the roots will appear in about three months. Then the dracaena can be transplanted into the ground. You can plant the top in a pot under a jar, although the dracaena will take root without it.

Dracaena does not like drafts. The most difficult period of winter is the time of plant dormancy.

Some gardeners complain that dracaena dies in winter and do not know how to save it. Indoor palm tree is afraid of drafts. And if it stands on a cold windowsill, then the plant is also in danger of dying. In the winter months, dracaena begins a dormant period. It does not need to be watered or fertilized often or a lot, since the moisture in the soil freezes. This leads to hypothermia, first of the root system, and then of the entire plant. As a result, leaves fall. Previously, they turn yellow and acquire a brown edging. Then the leaves curl and fall off. Meanwhile, the roots of the plant are already beginning to rot from oversaturation with moisture.

Features of dracaena treatment depend on the degree of damage. If only the leaves are damaged, then it is not too late to move the plant away from cold and drafts. It needs to be watered carefully and sprayed periodically. When the frozen leaves dry out, they need to be cut off. In spring, the plant should be replanted.

If the trunk has become soft, then save the plant from rotting. You will have to cut off all the soft spots with a previously disinfected knife. Even if there is a stump left, it will sprout in the spring. If the leaves curl and fall off, it means the roots are damaged. Then the plant needs to be replanted. Examine the root system and allow to dry out if it is too wet.

When dracaena leaves dry, check whether the plant is in direct sunlight. Rearrange if necessary. Perhaps the air is too dry for her. Then it needs more frequent spraying. If the leaves have already turned yellow and fallen off, rejuvenate the plant by cutting off and rooting the top.

Most often, dracaena is affected by pests in the form of scale insects or spider mites.. In the first case, brown plaques appear on the lower part of the leaf, and plants affected by spider mites become covered with yellow spots and cobwebs can be seen between the leaves. With proper care, spraying and wiping with a damp cloth, dracaena pests are not dangerous. But if this happens, then you can save it by spraying it with an insecticide. The scale is first washed off with soapy water. Spraying is repeated every week.

Caring for and caring for this tropical beauty will not take much time. In return, you will receive an exotic plant that will decorate your home for many years to come.

And in addition, watch the video about dracaenas, enjoy watching.

At home. Some people do this for sale, but there are others who find this activity incredibly enjoyable. The most important thing is to know how to do it correctly.

To keep plants beautiful, you need to carefully care for them. If you provide dracaena with the right conditions, you can increase the life of the flower to ten years. The shape of the culture of this species is more like a palm tree. It is also called lucky bamboo because it is similar to the Chinese symbol of prosperity. In this review we will look at caring for dracaena at home.

Primary requirements

The main distinguishing feature of dracaena is the rosette of striped or green leaves on top. Transverse stripes on the stems can also be considered a noticeable feature.

In order for a plant to please its owners with a well-groomed appearance for many years of life, it needs to create the right conditions. The acidity of the soil should be neutral. You can check this indicator using indicator strips. You can also buy soil with the desired pH value at a flower shop. To prepare the substrate, you can use the following proportions: 3 parts garden soil, 2 parts peat, 1 part sand. You can also use a mixture of sand, humus soil and peat. Any stable pot will do for growing the plant. The container for planting dracaena should reach 25 cm in height and 20 cm in diameter.

Requirements for temperature, humidity and light

Dracaena? Caring for this heat-loving plant involves keeping it at a temperature of 19 to 25 degrees Celsius. In a cold room, the plant may simply die. You also need to monitor the humidity level. Dry air can negatively affect the growth of dracaena. As a rule, the plant develops well in partial shade. But development in such conditions will be slightly slower. Variegated varieties require more light. The best option is to place the dracaena near a window oriented to the west or east. If they face south, it is better to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

How to water correctly?

Many housewives are interested in such a flower as dracaena. Caring for this plant at home involves regular watering. The optimal interval is every other day. It is unacceptable for the soil in the pot to become dry. In addition to watering, dracaena also requires frequent spraying with settled water. In summer, the flower should be irrigated daily. Dust may accumulate on the leaves. In this case, it is recommended to use a cotton swab or napkin.

Fertilizer and feeding

Caring for dracaena involves regular nutrition with nutrients. Typically this procedure is carried out twice a month. You can alternate mineral fertilizers with organic matter. The nutrient composition is usually added to water for irrigation. Dracaenas are highly sensitive to chlorine and fluorine. Therefore, it is better to select fertilizers that do not contain these elements. It is not recommended to use chlorinated water for irrigation.

How to replant correctly

What other procedures may indoor dracaena require? Care must include a transplant. When a plant becomes cramped in an old tub, it needs to be placed in a larger pot. The flower is removed very carefully, along with the root ball. The bottom of the new container should be prepared first. For this purpose, gravel, ceramic fragments or pieces of foam are laid on it.

Here is an approximate order of actions that need to be performed when replanting a plant:

  1. The drainage is covered from above with a layer of washed sand and part of the previously prepared soil.
  2. The root ball is placed in a pot. You can add soil to the sides.
  3. The land is properly watered.
  4. Substrate needs to be added. There should be 1.5 cm left to the top edge.
  5. At the final stage, the soil should be compacted and sprinkled with a layer of peat.

Until the age of three years, dracaena should be replanted every year. Then the procedure can be performed less frequently. At the same time, experts recommend changing the top layer of soil in the pot once a year.

How to care for dracaena in winter?

What else should those interested in dracaena know? Care at home, photos of adult plants, requirements for living conditions during the cold season - such information is usually required by potential owners of this flower. As for keeping the flower in winter, in a warm room it will be the same as in summer. It will best tolerate cold at a temperature of 15 degrees. The number of spraying and watering should be reduced to once every seven days. If the air in the room is too dry and warm, then the frequency of watering can be increased. In winter and autumn, the plant does not require additional feeding.


How does dracaena grow? Care and reproduction at home does not include any complex, labor-intensive processes. Branches extending from the central stem are quite suitable as material for cuttings. The main thing is to separate 12 cm of the top. The rest is cut into cuttings 7 cm in size. On the mother plant, the cut is treated with ash and crushed charcoal. In the future, new shoots may appear in this place.

The resulting cuttings should be rooted in a glass of water or a pot of wet sand. At the cut top, the leaves are shortened, leaving 5-7 cm. The air temperature in the room should not fall below 20 degrees. You can also cover the top of the cuttings with film. It must be removed every day to spray the substrate or ventilate. After 3-4 weeks, rooting will occur, and after a couple of months you will be able to see new shoots. They can be divided and transplanted into different containers.

What else should you know about growing dracaena and caring for it at home? Propagation by seeds is usually used exclusively by specialists. If you still manage to buy them, then before planting you need to soak them in warm water. Five days later, the seeds can be sown in moist soil. It is best to plant them in plastic boxes with lids or miniature greenhouses. They take quite a long time to germinate.

Problems during cultivation

What problems can be associated with growing a flower such as dracaena? Home care, reproduction and conditions for normal development are quite simple and do not require special training. However, some difficulties may still arise during the growing process.

In a dry room, the leaves of the plant may turn yellow and fall off. Another possible reason for this phenomenon could be cold air and draft. Under normal conditions, the plant may lose a couple of leaves per month. Incorrectly selected fertilizers or the presence of fluoride in the water can lead to the appearance of brown and yellow spots. If the plant looks sick, it should be removed from the pot. Damaged and rotten roots are removed. Next, the dracaena can be transplanted. After this process, the plant requires moderate watering and regular irrigation.

Sun rays can also cause burns. In this case, it is better to choose another place for the flower. If brown spots appear on the ends of the leaves, increase the amount of water when watering. Make sure that the soil in the pot is always slightly moist. Excessive watering can also have negative consequences. In combination with a decrease in temperature, it can lead to the complete death of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Caring for dracaena must necessarily include the fight against diseases. This plant is rarely attacked by pests. But many modern varieties still have high sensitivity to a number of infections. Thus, with a fungal infection, rotting of the roots and base of the stem may occur. The formation of black and red spots on the leaves can be a consequence of a disease such as fusarium. In this case, the plant must be treated with a biofungicide, and the soil with a solution of wood ash.

If white threads appear at the base of the leaves, then most likely the plant was attacked by a spider mite. In this case, the plant should be wiped with a cloth soaked in a solution of laundry soap, and then rinsed under a warm shower. If a mealybug attack occurs, the dracaena should also be treated with a soap solution. After this, the flower is sprayed with an insecticide containing pyrethrin.

Dracaena: varieties

Dracaena is considered an exotic plant. This flower will easily fit into the interior of a living room or office. There are several varieties of this plant. Marginata dracaena, or Marginata, has a rosette of thin leaves. With a good plant, the flower retains its decorative qualities for a long time. This species requires good lighting. The Colorama variety is characterized by a pronounced crimson hue. Dracaena Bicolor is characterized by a spectacular combination of green and pink flowers. This variety also needs good lighting and frequent spraying. The Fragrang species, or fragrant dracaena, is distinguished by glossy lancet-shaped leaves. There are also varieties with two-color and three-color leaves.


Dracaena is very popular among home gardeners. The plant will harmonize well with Dieffenbachia and variegated varieties of chlorophytum. Caring for dracaena is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to choose a well-lit place. The plant requires regular watering and irrigation. Also, to preserve the dense rosette of leaves, experts recommend washing the dracaena with warm water from time to time. When buying a flower, pay attention to the leaves. The main thing is that their ends are not dry. A healthy dracaena, with proper care, can retain its decorative qualities for up to ten years.

Dracaena is a beautiful evergreen bush originally from Africa. It also grows in the Canary Islands, where there are even legends associated with it: for example, one of them says that the Dragon tree (one of the varieties of dracaena) grew from a drop of the blood of a fantastic animal - a dragon.

There are many types of dracaena (only indoor plants there are about forty). When choosing the right variety, the type of room where you plan to grow the flower, as well as your willingness to care for it, plays a special role.

Dracaena Sandera is particularly graceful. However, unlike the less fastidious Canary and Edged dracaenas, this small plant may not survive without proper watering. However, if you are willing to devote a little of your time to it, this flower will decorate any room as it does not require much space.

Idea! Sandera is a great gift. The number of stems chosen for planting in one pot is symbolic. So, if you wish your friends love and prosperity in marriage, give them Dracaena with two woven stems.

To freshen up the room, get Dracaena Fragrant. Having leaves that are wide enough for flowers of this genus (10-12 cm), it will release a large amount of oxygen. And if you are lucky enough to catch representatives of this species blooming, which happens once every 7-10 years, you will remember its smell for the rest of your life.

Transfer rules

Typically, a store-bought flower needs to be replanted, since a cramped pot compresses the developed root system and disrupts the growth process.

Before transplanting dracaena, make sure this action is necessary. Measure the length of the plant and the diameter of the pot. For every 40 cm of dracaena there should be 15 cm of the width of the vessel containing it.

Young plants are replanted every spring (March-April). A special soil is used as soil (turf, leaf soil, peat and humus in a ratio of 4/2/1/2). The bottom of the pot is covered with drainage. It protects the roots from rotting. The old soil is not completely destroyed so as not to damage the root system.

After transplantation, the flower is watered abundantly, sometimes adding a growth stimulator.


Dracaena can be propagated in three ways:

  • seeds (only for single-colored green species);
  • cuttings;
  • layering from the top.

The seeds are soaked in a warm (28-30°C) stimulating solution (such as “Zircons”) for a day. Planted in soil for palm plants, watered, then covered with film and placed in a warm place for 1-2 months. The sprouts that have emerged are watered and fed once a month. Stems of 5-6 cm are planted in pots.

A young and strong stem is cut into cuttings 3-5 cm long, containing two buds. The bark on the stem is cut and planted in the ground. In this form, dracaena is kept in a warm place with a high level of humidity, without access to direct sunlight. Periodically, the cuttings with shoots are sprayed with water.

The cutting is the cut off top of the dracaena. It needs to be placed in a vessel with water, in which the activated carbon tablet must first be dissolved. When the shoot takes root, it needs to be transplanted into a pot with soil.

How to care for dracaena

Care consists of choosing a place to keep it, proper watering and timely feeding of the plant.

Air temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature for indoor dracaenas is 20-22°C. If the room humidity is low, the temperature may be slightly lower. In general, the normal limits can be determined in the following range – from 5°C to 27°C.

Despite the fact that dracaenas are so similar to palm trees, they do not tolerate direct sunlight. So don't place them too close to windows.

The air humidity level in the room must be at least 50%, otherwise the dracaena leaves dry out.

Advice! If the air in the room is very humid, place a pot of Dracaena reflexum in it. In such conditions, this plant will feel comfortable.


In the warm season, water the dracaena once every two to three days. Broad-leaved varieties can be watered more often. Although it is better to resort to spraying instead of additional watering.

In winter, you should pour water into the pot only when the soil surface is completely dry (but not stone, of course). The water that has accumulated in the pan should be poured out so that it does not drown the roots.

If the soil is periodically loosened, the liquid will be absorbed better. Watch the color of the soil surface - a white coating indicates salinity. In this case, the top layer must be replaced.

Top dressing

During the period of active growth, which occurs in spring and summer, it is recommended to feed dracaena twice a month with liquid fertilizers for indoor flowers. The main thing is that the mixture does not contain fluorine - it has a negative effect on plants of this species. But be sure to include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium in your diet.

In winter, it is enough to feed once a month, since the dracaena rests at this time.

Often found in the homes of amateur gardeners.

This is an evergreen tree with an erect trunk and thin spreading leaves of different widths and colors.

More than 60 varieties of dracaena are known, which differ in the height and width of the trunk, the size and color of the leaves.

The homeland of the plant is considered to be the subtropics of Asia, Africa and Europe. And the name itself was given to the flower by the Greeks, “dracaena” means “female dragon”; it was so named for the rich red hue of the juice that stands out from the cuts on the branches or trunk. It reminded the Greeks of dragon blood.

A distinctive feature of dracaenas is their rhizomes with an orange tint.

Dracaena is able to accumulate energy and create a positive atmosphere in the apartment, which is why it is often called a talisman plant.


Trunk. Most representatives of the Dracaena species have a tree-like shape, the trunk is up to 2 meters in diameter and up to 3 meters high; in some species the trunk is similar to.

Leaves In all representatives, dracaenas are dense but can be distinguished by shape, color and size. Dracaena blooms with small white or greenish flowers collected in panicle inflorescences.


There are quite a lot of signs and superstitions associated with dracaenas.:

  • it is believed that dracaenas increase energy in the house and help create a positive psychological climate in the house;
  • according to Feng Shui, dracaenas are very sensitive to negative thoughts and begin to fade in an unfavorable environment;
  • Dracaenas are recommended to be grown by single people who want to start a family.

Types of dracaenas

Dracaena Derema

Under natural conditions it grows up to 4-5 meters, has narrow lanceolate leaves of a dark green color, the leaves reach 1.5 meters in length.

Varieties of fragrant dracaena:

  • Lindenii distinguished by wide leaves with cream stripes along the edges.
  • Lemon Lime an elegant, fast-growing tree with a thin trunk.
  • Compacta They look like palm trees with dark green foliage.
  • Victoriae the leaves are light yellow with a green stripe in the middle.
  • Massangeana It has leaves up to half a meter long, arched, and they are collected at the top of the stem in a kind of bunch. The leaves are pale green with a yellow stripe in the center.

Dracaena marginata or Marginata

Dracaena marginata can most often be found in residential buildings and offices. It grows up to 3 meters in height, has pointed dark green leaves that grow up to 70 centimeters in length.

When growing dracaena marginata at home, it forms a slender tree with a branch-free and elongating trunk, the tops of the shoots are crowned with hard, pointed leaves.

Dracaena canadensis or dragon tree

They are found naturally in the Canary Islands and western Africa. They grow up to 10 meters in height. At home they can be up to one and a half meters high. The bluish-colored leaves with thorns at the end can reach 60 centimeters in length.

Dracaena Shirmonifera

A short-trunked tree with arched, elongated leaves up to 4 centimeters wide and up to 100 centimeters long.

Dracaena Sandera

The low-growing plant has a thin trunk and dark green foliage, with elongated and pointed leaves up to 20 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide with silver stripes. There are species with variegated leaves.

Dracaena Sandera is quite unpretentious, it can grow well in plain water or aquatic soil, the main thing for it is good lighting and fresh air.

Dracaena shoot-forming

The evergreen plant grows up to 3 meters, has a large number of branches, up to a centimeter thick. The leaves are green with yellow spots from 8 to 16 centimeters in length.

Dracaena reflexum

The tree is tall, up to 5 meters in nature, and may have several thin trunks.

The leaves are green, up to 15 centimeters long, elongated, lanceolate in shape.

Home care for dracaena

The easiest types of dracaenas to care for at home are::

  • dragon tree,
  • edged dracaena and
  • Dracaena dereme.

It does not require a specific watering schedule and thrives on the shady side.

If we talk about the rules for caring for dracaenas in general, we can highlight the following features.

Illumination and temperature

Dracaenas prefer a warm place indoors and without drafts. The room temperature must be maintained at least + 16 degrees.

Dracaenas with dark leaves thrive in diffused light, while dracaenas with light leaves grow well in bright places.

At the same time, any variety of dracaena must be protected from direct sunlight. It is optimal to place the dracaena in a well-lit room away from the window.


The watering regime largely depends on the type of dracaena. So Marginata and Derema dracaena do not tolerate high soil moisture, otherwise they may drop their leaves. But Dracaena Sandera, on the contrary, needs constant soil moisture.

Plants also need to be sprayed periodically, and after watering, all drained water must be drained after half an hour to prevent rotting of the roots.

Transplanting dracaena at home

It is necessary to replant dracaena up to the 5th age annually!

You should choose pots that are 3-4 centimeters larger. At 5 years old, dracaenas practically stop growing, so replanting is needed only when the roots completely fill the planting container.

Optimal soil composition:

  • peat,
  • turf,
  • leaf soil,
  • humus and
  • sand.

Everything goes in equal proportions.

Caring for dracaena after transplantation comes down to only spraying and timely watering. You don't even have to feed it for a couple of months.

Top dressing

After the onset of the active growth phase, fertilizing should be done regularly 2 times a month with universal fertilizers for house plants, without fluorine.

Dracaena propagation

Dracaenas can be propagated at home by cutting stems, cuttings and seeds.

Propagation by stem cutting

It is necessary to cut off a part of the stem 5 centimeters long, dry it and plant it in a pot with soil. The plant must be replanted as soon as roots and side shoots appear.

Propagation by cuttings

It is better to cut the cuttings from the top of the stem, place it in the soil and cover it with a jar on top, spray it periodically, the roots will appear in a month.

Propagation by seeds

Suitable for plants with green foliage, but this is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process.

  1. Before sowing, seeds must be soaked in water for 24 hours to activate growth.
  2. Then they are sown to a depth of 1 centimeter in special containers with a mixture for seedlings.
  3. Next, you need to create a greenhouse effect in the seedling container using cans or plastic film.
  4. Sprouts begin to appear after 2 weeks.
  5. Next, you should maintain soil moisture and create sufficient light so that the sprouts do not stretch upward.

Having studied all the features of care and become acquainted with the variety of evergreen plants of the Dracaena family, you can easily choose a specimen for growing and decorating your home or office.

If you want to create a green oasis in your apartment, keep in mind that dracaenas combine perfectly in compositions with, and.