What to cook for a 1 5 year old child. What to cook for a one year old baby. What is important for parents to consider when organizing meals?

Recipes for babies from 1 year old, selected in our article for “one-year-olds”, will help caring parents diversify the diet of toddlers, providing their growing bodies with only the most useful substances.

Secret good appetite lies in the variety of menus, carefully selected products, and, of course, the culinary efforts of their mothers and grandmothers.

A little imagination, and your culinary masterpiece is ready!

In order for your baby to happily devour cooked dishes on both cheeks, it is enough to follow the simple rules of feeding one-year-old children.

  1. Take more walks with your baby fresh air and move more.
  2. Eat healthy food yourself and offer it to your child.
  3. Do not get annoyed or scold your child if he refuses the offered dish. It may take several tries before your baby tries the new thing and starts eating it.
  4. Teach your child to eat slowly and chew food thoroughly.
  5. Don't force your baby to eat every last bite. The baby needs to learn to distinguish when he is full and when he is still hungry.

What are the causes of phimosis in boys, the role of dad in its prevention, what should be done to avoid complications? Check out


Porridge "Radiant"

Porridge with dried fruits is an ideal start to any day, both for an adult and a child over 1 year old.

Dried fruits are famous for containing all kinds of microelements and acids.

Thus, dried apricots and prunes help cleanse the intestines and normalize its function in case of a tendency to constipation and diarrhea.

Raisins are valued for high content potassium; Its use strengthens the heart, nervous system and lungs.

Required Ingredients


  1. Millet – 50 gr
  2. Prunes – 20 g
  3. Dried apricots – 20 gr
  4. Raisins – 20 gr
  5. Milk – 200 ml
  6. Carrots – 40 gr
  7. Honey – 30 g or powdered sugar
  8. Butter – 20 g
It is necessary to wash the millet, add it to boiling milk, add butter and cook until thickened.

Then add dried fruits and carrots (cut into small pieces), mix everything thoroughly, bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover with a lid and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

Before serving, the porridge is seasoned with honey ( provided that the baby is not allergic to it) or sprinkle with a little powdered sugar.

Wheat porridge with pears

Any porridge is the best supplier of fiber, without which the full functioning of the intestines is impossible, since fiber is the main food for beneficial bacteria.

Wheat cereal contains a lot of glucides. Pear also has not only great taste, but also it is known as an antimicrobial agent. It contains vitamins B, C, fiber and organic acids.

Required Ingredients


  1. Wheat cereal – 2 tbsp
  2. Children's cottage cheese – 1 serving
  3. Milk – 0.25 l
  4. Egg – 1 pc.
  5. Pear – 1 pc.
  6. Sugar – 1 coffee spoon
It is necessary to heat the milk with sugar, bring to a boil and add wheat cereal in a thin stream.

It is important to mix the porridge thoroughly and cook it for 15 minutes.

Then you need to beat the egg with baby cottage cheese, pour the resulting mass into the wheat porridge and cook over low heat for another 6 minutes.

This dish is served chilled to the baby.


Pumpkin soup

Pumpkin will provide your baby with vitamins B and E, carotene and potassium.

But it's important to know that Pumpkin should be given to children prone to allergies with great caution!

Required Ingredients


  1. Pumpkin pulp – 2 cups
  2. Turkey or chicken meat – 300 g
  3. Carrots – 1 pc.
  4. Rice – ½ cup
  5. Rye crackers - a handful
  6. Salt - to taste
  7. Green
Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add 1 glass of water and cook until soft.

Then it is important to grind everything to puree in a blender.

Then add pumpkin puree and chopped meat to the broth and cook for another 4 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle with herbs and croutons.

This delicious soup can be eaten not only by the baby, but also by the mother.

And the amount of soup will be enough for the next meal.

You need to put it in the refrigerator and then just boil it.

Vegetarian borscht

One of the main components of this dish - beets - contains fiber, beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, potassium and vitamins B and C.

You can eat it either fresh or boiled or stewed, and for babies over 1 year old - boiled beets in borscht with other vegetables - the best vitamin recharge.

Required Ingredients


  1. Beetroot – 150 gr
  2. Potatoes – 150 gr
  3. White cabbage – 120 g
  4. Fresh tomatoes – 100 gr
  5. Carrots – 50 gr
  6. Onion – 30 gr
  7. Sour cream – 1 tsp
  8. Green
First, you should boil the peeled beets in a small amount of water, grate them and put them in the same water where they were boiled.

Then chop all the other vegetables, add to the beets and cook until tender.

The amount of liquid missing up to a liter is supplemented hot water and bring to a boil.

Before serving the dish, add a little herbs and sour cream to the borscht.

Meat dishes

Steamed beef cutlets

Beef contains protein, zinc, iron, potassium, vitamins A, B, C and PP.

Its use improves the condition circulatory system, gives strength and energy to a growing body, helps to concentrate.

Lazy cabbage rolls

Meat combined with vegetables is a wonderful mix. One of the main components of this dish is white cabbage– contains tartronic acid, 16 amino acids, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, vitamins B, E, C and U.

Vitamin C protects against colds, tartronic acid prevents excess weight in the baby, and fiber increases intestinal tone.

Required Ingredients


  1. Meat (turkey/beef or rabbit) – 50 g
  2. Cabbage – 50 gr
  3. Rice – ½ tbsp
  4. Chicken egg – 1/3 pcs or quail egg– 1 piece
  5. Carrots – 1/3 pcs.
  6. Onion – 1 pc.
  7. Flour – 1 tsp
  8. Sour cream – 1 tbsp
  9. Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp
  10. Salt - a pinch
  11. Green
It is necessary to pass the meat through a meat grinder twice, grate 1/2 of the onion and cabbage.

Then rice, boiled until half cooked, an egg and a little salt are added to the mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly, divide into 2 flat cakes, fry in vegetable oil and transfer to a saucepan.

At the next stage, carrots and ½ onions are fried in vegetable oil, sour cream is added to them, everything is mixed, ½ cup of clean water is poured drinking water and bring to a boil.

Pre-fried cabbage rolls are poured with the resulting mixture and stewed for 30 minutes.

The finished warm dish is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs before serving.

Vegetable dishes

Italian style cauliflower

Cauliflower inflorescences are rich in potassium, magnesium, iron and folic acid.

Required Ingredients


  1. Cauliflower inflorescences without stem – 150-200 g
  2. Lemon – ¼ piece
  3. Grated Parmesan cheese – 30 g
  4. Sour cream – 1 tbsp
  5. Nutmeg - a pinch
  6. Salt - a pinch
To prepare this dish, you need to boil water and put it in it. cauliflower, bring to a boil again and then drain the water.

Heat the sour cream in a saucepan, adding Parmesan and a pinch of grated nutmeg, and then mash the cauliflower in this sauce.

The dish can be served.

Instead of sour cream, you can use olive oil or butter.

Afternoon snacks, desserts

Hot peach cookies

Peaches increase appetite and stimulate the production of gastric juice.

Especially Peaches are good for children with poor appetite.

Banana cream with avocado

This dish combines dessert and even vegetable food.

It's worth remembering that Bananas are especially important for small children with vitamin deficiency and weakened protective functions of the body.

The tender pulp of bananas is rich in magnesium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins A and B.

Required Ingredients


  1. Ripe banana – ½ piece
  2. Avocado – ¼ piece
  3. Kiwi – ½ piece
  4. Natural yogurt – 1 piece or cottage cheese – 2 tbsp.
  5. Granulated sugar - ½ coffee spoon
  6. Green lemon juice – 1 coffee spoon
It is necessary to peel the banana and avocado and beat them with a mixer, adding granulated sugar and lemon juice.

Then add yogurt or cottage cheese, pour the resulting mass into a suitable sized form and refrigerate for 5 minutes.

You should peel the kiwi, cut it into thin slices and decorate the dish with them.

Apples with cottage cheese

Apples contain pectin, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, tartaric and malic acids, potassium, and the antioxidant quercetin. They strengthen immune system and normalize digestion.

Cottage cheese contains lactic acid, proteins, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Freshly prepared cottage cheese is perfectly absorbed by the child’s body, which is why it is so necessary for toddlers.

Bon appetit! Lots of it useful tips You will learn about a child’s nutrition after one year by watching the video. You will also be able to see visually how to prepare some of the dishes described above.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

For your attention - classic recipe millet porridge, widespread throughout Russia. Millet porridge is an excellent dish for both adults and children, which everyone should be able to cook.

Here is a recipe for oatmeal with milk. Many people do not like oatmeal because it is sticky, thick and heavy. This is because it is immediately cooked with milk. Try cooking differently!

Buckwheat porridge is good both as an independent dish and as a side dish. Use a multicooker to prepare buckwheat porridge - I guarantee you excellent results!

Buckwheat porridge recipe. If you cook buckwheat porridge according to a real old Russian recipe, then the opinion about its wonderful taste will change forever.

Here is a simple recipe for making semolina porridge. Cook it for breakfast. It is very useful not only for little ones, but also for big ones. The best breakfast is porridge, say athletes. Be healthy!

Recipe for making Guryev porridge. This porridge is a traditional dish of ancient Russian cuisine.

Many of us are prejudiced against semolina porridge. However, properly prepared semolina porridge tastes amazing! Read how to cook delicious semolina porridge in a slow cooker.

Pumpkin is considered very useful product. It contains many vitamins. Ascorbic acid will boost immunity, B vitamins strengthen hair and nails. Pumpkin calms the nervous system.

This recipe is addressed to the lucky owners of bread machines equipped with the “Jam” or “Jam” mode: now you don’t have to stand at the stove to prepare tasty and healthy porridge - your bread machine will do everything for you!

Hercules porridge is a great way to start new day and gain a supply of vigor and energy! Find out how to cook rolled oats porridge in a slow cooker.

Wheat porridge is a very popular side dish. A traditional Russian dish, which since ancient times has been considered a source of heroic strength and good health. Eating wheat porridge is very healthy - so let's cook it!

Corn porridge is very difficult to prepare. It requires constant attention and tends to burn. But problems can be avoided with the help of a multicooker. Recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker with photo.

Once you try pea porridge cooked in a slow cooker, you will cook it again and again. Easy, fast and tasty! Today I will tell you how to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker.

Incredibly tasty sweet porridge with pumpkin that will not leave you indifferent. Its delicate taste and pleasant aroma will surely please even the most picky gourmets.

The recipe is very tasty and, more importantly, healthy porridge from oatmeal, water and butter. If you care about your health, oatmeal should be in your diet.

Porridge with honey mushrooms is my favorite dish made from these wonderful autumn mushrooms. If we manage to collect them, then we certainly prepare porridge with honey mushrooms - nourishing, aromatic, tasty. The recipe is for your attention.

I’ll tell you how pumpkin porridge is cooked - traditional, without unnecessary ingredients, in the most classic way. Only the most basic ingredients - and nothing extra. The porridge turns out to be top class!

Recipe for making barley porridge. During the cooking process, the porridge turns out to be nourishing and incredibly tasty. This porridge is without a doubt best served for breakfast.

Porridge with pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy. I suggest you step by step instructions, how to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker - even a beginner can figure out this recipe.

Rice porridge cooked in a slow cooker turns out deliciously tender. The rice cooks and becomes soft, but does not lose its taste and beneficial qualities. Read a simple recipe with photos.

Corn porridge is one of the most healthy and easily digestible porridges. Cooked in a pot with butter and cheese, it will be a wonderful healthy breakfast for you and your children.

Check out the recipe for pumpkin porridge, which was inherited from my grandmother! Pumpkin porridge is tasty, healthy and very beautiful.

Semolina porridge, familiar to us all from childhood... Let's combine classical traditions with latest achievements techniques and speed up the process :)

This recipe will be useful for those who fast. Millet porridge is a very satisfying and very healthy dish, and you can even cook it in the microwave. I'll tell you how to do it.

Wheat porridge is the best solution for a healthy and tasty breakfast. Learn how to cook wheat porridge in a slow cooker.

Oatmeal, sir! The best way start a new day with a charge of vigor and energy. Well, preparing oatmeal in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears. How - read on.

For your attention - a classic recipe for pearl barley porridge in pots, hearty, tasty and unusual healthy dish for the whole family. It will take quite a lot of time, but the result will please you!

If your children turn their nose up at oatmeal, it means kindergarten or at school they were given an unattractive, slippery substance called mush. Change their opinion about the taste of real porridge!

I think that every housewife should know how to cook corn porridge in the microwave, because it is low-calorie, healthy, and such an appetizing dish thanks to its sunny color! Get ready :)

I never thought that I could love pearl barley! However, pearl barley porridge cooked in a slow cooker made me reconsider my views on this dish. Try to do the same! ;)

This simple recipe pearl barley porridge in the microwave will appeal to those who appreciate this healthiest of porridges, but cannot always cook it crumbly. But with a microwave oven such problems will not arise. I recommend!

Guryev porridge recipe - preparing porridge from semolina with nuts, jam, lemon zest and cinnamon. Guryevskaya porridge appeared in the early 19th century and is now considered a traditional Russian dish.

Fast, tasty, healthy - these are the associations that arise in everyone who tries millet porridge prepared in a slow cooker at home. The porridge is really very good - worth making.

If you don’t know how to cook wheat porridge in a pot, I will be happy to share this simple wisdom with you. The porridge will turn out to be delicious!

Every mother in the world knows: children should eat porridge for breakfast, then they will be strong and healthy. Here is a simple classic recipe for barley porridge in a slow cooker - feed the kids, eat it yourself :)

Oatmeal, baked in the oven - a very easy to prepare, but nutritious, satisfying and healthy breakfast that anyone, even not the most experienced cook, can prepare for themselves.

Recipe for making porridge from barley.

A simple recipe for making rice porridge with apples. This dish is ideal for breakfast: fast, tasty and energy for the whole day! Both children and adults will like it.

A quick, satisfying and very healthy breakfast in a couple of minutes - isn’t this what you’ve been dreaming about? :) If yes, then read how to cook oatmeal porridge in the microwave - learn how to prepare such a breakfast.

Any porridge contains quite a lot of vitamins and microelements that benefit the entire body. I propose to evaluate one of the most delicious porridge- millet milk, cooked in a pot!

Porridge is healthy and tasty. An excellent solution for useful and quick breakfast. I bring to your attention a simple recipe for porridge with water in a slow cooker - it is especially good for those who have separate meals.

I got the recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet from my grandmother. I added raisins to it and it turned out to be a sweet porridge for my children. The best solution for breakfast or afternoon snack.

Rutabaga porridge, or kaalikapuder, is the national Estonian dish. If you want to make a healthy breakfast, try this porridge! It won't take much time, but you will like the result;)

I personally prepare porridge with carrots at home very often; it turns out to be a painfully simple and satisfying dish, so I advise you to try it too. Great for all kinds of salads and cutlets!

Recipe for making oatmeal porridge.

Porridge in pumpkin is a very cheap and easy to prepare, but impressive dish of Russian traditional cuisine. If you put this on the table, it will outshine any delights and delicacies.

Breakfast: semolina porridge with fruit, tea.

Dinner: vegetable puree stewed with chicken liver. Cherry and apricot compote.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, tea.

Dinner: steam omelette, milk, black bread.


Breakfast: milk porridge made from 3 grains: wheat, oats, barley. Tea, bread with cheese.

Dinner: pea soup, steamed veal meatballs, compote.

Afternoon snack: curdled milk and biscuits.

Dinner: banana pudding, tea. Before going to bed, the baby will drink milk.

This is a very approximate diet for a baby for a week. Of course, it needs to be adjusted to the individual preferences of the baby and the characteristics of his body.

You can buy ready-made porridge for your baby in the baby food department. At home, before eating, you just need to add milk and the dish is ready.

But it’s better not to be lazy to cook it yourself. It won’t take much effort and time, but your baby will receive a natural, healthy product.

Add any fruits (banana, blueberries, apples, apricots) to the prepared porridge and beat with a mixer until smooth. Add milk and butter. The baby will love it!

Should I feed at night?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on individual characteristics child, his nervous system.

One thing is certain: if your pet wakes up at night, cries a lot and clearly wants to eat, do not refuse him or try to wean him from night feedings.

Be patient: no matter how hard it may be for you to get up at night, your child’s health is more important. This means that the baby has not yet outgrown the point when he can sleep peacefully all night.

Believe me, your time will come, sooner or later the baby will stop eating at night. Everyone just has their own age threshold for this.

As already mentioned, one baby does not want to eat at night from early infancy, while another will not refuse the nightly portion of milk even at 3 years old.

Do not rebuild the character and characteristics of the toddler, it is better to adapt to his regime. It’s easier for him to grow this way!

Should I be given a drink during meals?

Previously there was an opinion that drinking liquid during meals is strictly not recommended. It was believed that water, mixing with gastric juice, renders negative impact on the mucous membrane and contributes to the manifestation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Modern experts have installed that this is not true at all! It turns out that the stomach has longitudinal folds along which water quickly leaves this organ, practically without mixing with gastric juice. Therefore, it does not really matter when a person drinks water: after a meal or during it.

Regarding a child: how can he be prohibited from drinking down food that he, by virtue of his age characteristics unable to swallow? For example, a baby eats porridge and meatballs. Although it’s delicious, he can’t push it right away!

But after drinking a little, the baby easily eats everything to the last drop. There is nothing wrong with a child washing down his food.

The main thing is that it is not a cold liquid, but at room temperature.

Because drinking cold drinks can harm your stomach and even lead to obesity!

So, your one-year-old toddler has become so old that he is able to eat almost adult food. It shouldn't be fried It’s better if you steam your baby’s food.

The baby's diet should be fortified and balanced, varied and tasty. There should be a child at this age 4 times a day.

If your baby prefers to eat at night, don’t stop him, this is his peculiarity.

Gradually introduce your baby to solid food, he no longer needs to beat his food with a blender. Simply mash well with a fork or cut into small pieces. This is provided that the baby has at least 8 teeth.

The child's diet should contain cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. You can slowly introduce low-fat varieties of fish into the children's menu. If your baby can't swallow food, don't be afraid to give him something to drink.

Let your child grow up healthy and happy, and you create all the conditions for this: give your love and care, feed him correctly and be a true friend!

The baby, who is one year old, already eats quite a varied diet. Its menu includes many different fruits, dairy products, meat, vegetables, and fish. Dishes for the baby become more complex, but his diet is still very different from that of an adult. Let's look at what is important for parents to remember about nutrition for the proper development of a child at 1 year old and how best to build a daily menu for a baby of this age.

Features of the diet of a one-year-old baby

A baby older than one year may still have breast milk or formula in his diet. Pediatricians consider such food to be beneficial for the child’s body and encourage breastfeeding until at least 1.5-2.5 years.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

  • At the same time, many mothers choose 1 year as the time to say goodbye to breastfeeding. If you also decide to complete this process, try to organize everything with a minimum of psychological discomfort for the baby. More preferable for both the baby and the mother’s breast would be gradual weaning with the abolition of one feeding at a time. Read more about this in our article about how to get rid of breast milk.
  • Food for a one-year-old baby can already be varied with the help of herbs and spices. Add chopped fresh herbs (dill, parsley, celery) to children's soups, purees, and omelettes. Bay leaves, garlic and onions can be used to make stews vegetable dishes or soups. Raw garlic And onions should not be given to the child yet, as well as exotic seasonings.
  • From the age of one, you can start adding salt to your child’s food, but the total daily amount of salt added to children’s dishes should not be more than 0.5 grams (the dish will still seem unsalted to you).

As for sugar, it can be added to dishes for a child over one year old, but it is better to try to do without it. Let your child learn to eat unsweetened foods. From sweets in the diet one year old child there may be not only children's cookies, but also marshmallows and marshmallows, but in small quantities.

What should a child not eat?

Feeding schedule

A child who is 12 months old continues to eat five times a day at intervals of approximately 3.5-4 hours. It is recommended that lunch and dinner be more nutritious than breakfast. For example, a child can have breakfast at 8 o’clock, the next feeding will be at 11-12 o’clock, then at 14-15 o’clock and at 18-19 o’clock, and the last one at 22 o’clock.

How much should a 12 month old baby eat?

To determine the total volume of food for a one-year-old child, his body weight should be divided by 8 or 9. On average, one-year-old children weigh about 10-11 kg, so an approximate calculation of the daily volume of food will show the figure 1100-1300 grams. Dividing it into 5 feedings, we get the average amount of food per meal – 220-260 g.

As for individual complementary feeding products, one year old child recommend them like this maximum quantities per day:

Sample menu

For a child who continues to be breastfed or an adapted formula, the menu at 1 year will look like this:

For a baby whom the mother decided to wean at 1 year of age, the approximate daily menu will be as follows:

Several useful recipes

Potato and cauliflower soup

Peel and wash two or three cauliflower florets and half a potato, cut, pour boiling water so that it just covers the vegetables, cook under the lid until tender. Grind the vegetables with a blender or pass through a sieve, add a teaspoon of mashed cooked rice to them. Pour a mixture of cabbage, potatoes and rice with half a glass of vegetable or meat broth, bring to a boil and add salt. Before serving, add sour cream (10 g) to the soup.

Steamed rabbit cutlets

Grind 100 grams of rabbit meat in a meat grinder. Separately, soak wheat bread (20 g) in water (30 ml). Combine minced rabbit meat with soaked bread and grind again using a meat grinder. Beat the mixture by adding cold water. Make cutlets from the minced meat and steam them.

Potato and carrot puree

Boil 150 g of potatoes and 40 g of carrots separately, cutting the vegetables into small pieces. While still hot, pass them through a sieve, add butter (5 g) and a pinch of salt, as well as hot milk (50 ml). Beat the puree until fluffy.

Rice porridge with apples

Peel an apple (100 g), place the peel in a saucepan, add 50 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. After straining the resulting apple broth, pour 100 ml of milk into it, add washed rice cereal (25 g) and boil until the rice is ready. Add a teaspoon of sugar and grated apple to the porridge, bring to a boil, and add butter (5 g) before serving.

Steamed fish pudding

Boil 40 g of fish fillet and cool. Grind another 40 g of fish fillet using a meat grinder, adding 15 g of wheat bread, which should be soaked in a tablespoon of milk. Combine raw minced fish with boiled fish, mix, add half a chicken egg yolk and 5 g of butter, mix again. Next, carefully add half of the beaten egg white into the fish mixture. Place in a mold and steam.

Potato zrazy with cabbage

Boil 150 g of potatoes in their skins, remove the skins, grind them while still hot through a meat grinder, add 5 g of flour and one egg, mix. Separately, chop the cabbage (80 g) and finely chop the onion (10 g), simmer until tender. Form small cakes from the potato mixture and place a little cabbage filling inside each one. After making the zrazy, bake them in the oven until done.

On your baby's first birthday, you will want to please your baby with festive dishes, but you still shouldn't give your child food that he has never tried before, especially if the baby has a tendency to allergies. You can totally cook festive table from products that are already familiar to the little one. Instead of a cake with cream, treat your little one cottage cheese casserole, which do not forget to decorate with a lit candle.

  • Continue to teach your child to eat pieces. Puree smaller and smaller amounts of your baby's food. Give your little one meatballs, steamed cutlets, casseroles, steam omelettes, boiled vegetables in pieces, cottage cheese with pieces of fruit, vegetable salads and other dishes that will encourage the baby to actively chew.
  • Continue to prepare your child's food without frying it. Foods for a one-year-old child need to be boiled, stewed or steamed.

Should I give vitamins to a child over 1 year old? Read about this in another article.

You can plan the daily menu of a 1-year-old child taking into account the foods that adult family members eat. Gradually transferring the baby to the common table, it is necessary to thoroughly think through the balanced and nutritious nutrition of the baby. From proper diet The health and development of the toddler directly depends.

Features of feeding

At the age of 12 months, the digestive system is able to assimilate new food; the mouth already has a number of teeth ready to actively chew it. While not all products can be included in children’s diets, the need to grind all the ingredients is gradually disappearing. It should be remembered that children of this age are already forming their own taste preferences. They learn to choose for themselves which foods they like and which ones to refuse.

If the child is still on breastfeeding, you shouldn't deprive him nutrients found in breast milk. The feeding process provides the baby with a sense of security and a close connection with a loved one. An evening portion of mother's milk will help the baby fall asleep faster. Weaning should be done in stages, reducing the number of sessions to morning and evening, with a gradual complete cessation of breastfeeding.

A child's diet at 1 year old remains almost unchanged. You should stick to 4-5 meals a day - every 3-4 hours. During this time, the little one will have time to get hungry. Feeding 5–6 times a day is also allowed, taking into account breastfeeding. Depending on the baby's appetite, the mother will decide how many times a day to give him food. It is important not to violate the established mode for proper operation digestive system. You should gradually stop feeding at night.


Morning awakening is accompanied by a gradual transition from breast milk or formula to a full breakfast. Porridge remains the main product in the diet. In addition to the usual oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, you can offer corn or wheat porridge, which are no less healthy.

If necessary, milk porridges can be replaced with those cooked in water. You can also use vegetable broth.

The serving size for a one-year-old child is from 150 to 200 ml. Add 5 g of butter to the porridge. You can add chopped fruit to the plate, or separately prepared fruit puree will do. Boiled yolk will complement your morning diet. Porridge can be replaced with steamed omelette. For a sandwich with butter, you should choose wheat bread: products from rye flour can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.

The diet for a 1 year old child includes up to 3 chicken eggs per week. When calculating the norm, you should remember that eggs are also present in soufflés and are added to cutlets and cheesecakes. For drinks, you can offer juice or tea.


You can start your lunch with salads made from fresh or boiled vegetables and leafy greens, seasoned with sour cream or sunflower oil. Soups or broths are prepared from lean sirloin meat. Vegetables, cereals and pasta are used to season soups. A one-year-old child can be given puree soup made from vegetables, cabbage soup or borscht, milk soup, as well as soup with meat or fish balls.

What should I cook for my child for the second meal? You can make a meat casserole. As a second course, meatballs, cutlets or zrazy are prepared using fish or meat. Vegetable puree is suitable as a side dish. Dishes from veal and chicken liver. From these valuable products we obtain delicious puddings and healthy pates. You can finish your lunch with juice, jelly, compote of fresh fruits and berries or dried fruits.

Afternoon snack

After nap For an afternoon snack you can eat cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, cottage cheese, casseroles or milk soufflé. To obtain a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium, you will need 70 g of cottage cheese per day. Children will also be happy to eat puree made from fresh fruit or drink juice.


The baby's dinner consists of vegetables with the addition of cereals or some meat. This can be pumpkin or carrot puree added to the porridge, vegetable stew with meat. Complement dinner with berries or fruits. Drinks: juice or tea.

Before going to bed, it is useful for the baby to drink kefir or yogurt. Daily norm fermented milk drink is 200 ml. For a baby who is still breastfed, breast milk will be sufficient.

About fish and meat

When purchasing fish for a one-year-old baby, you should pay attention to low-fat varieties. Pollock, cod or greenling fillets are suitable. Pieces of fish are boiled, all the bones are carefully selected and chopped. A child needs from 40 to 80 g of fish dishes per week, prepared in the form of soufflés or cutlets.

Meat is required to be included in the daily diet in the amount of 60–80 g. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose rabbit or poultry meat. Veal and lean beef are suitable. Thoroughly cooked meat is used to prepare pate or puree soup. The minced meat will be used for steamed meatballs, zrazy, meatballs and casseroles. It is allowed to include chicken or calf liver, as well as tongue and heart, into the monthly diet.

About vegetables and fruits

Salads and purees from vegetables and fruits must be present in children's menus to provide the body with vitamins and microelements and improve the functioning of the digestive system. During seasonal times, it is preferable to eat fresh produce grown in your region. Vegetables with a high fiber content must be thoroughly boiled to avoid colic in the intestines and bloating in the child.

To prepare vegetable salads use:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • green peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • boiled beets;
  • boiled pumpkin;
  • raw or boiled carrots;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • cucumbers

Fruit salad for a baby consists of chopped apples or pears. Bananas, peaches or apricots can be cut into slices. Freshly picked berries are added to porridges, salads and fruit purees.

Pay attention to a number of tips that pediatricians give to young parents.

  1. It is recommended to introduce unfamiliar components into the diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction to the products.
  2. Vegetables and fruits of bright colors can cause allergic reaction, so they should be offered to your baby with caution.
  3. It is recommended to serve meat dishes for lunch so that they have time to be absorbed by the body during the day.
  4. Hard cheese can be added to dishes in small quantities - for example, sprinkle cheese on casseroles or serve it with pasta.
  5. Nutritional value pasta not very high, so they can appear in the diet of a 12-month-old child no more than 1 or 2 times a week.
  6. It is recommended to add a little salt to the dishes, but if possible it is better to do without salt.
  7. Sugar in daily diet should not exceed the norm of 30–40 g; it is preferable to replace it with fructose.
  8. Cookies, marshmallows, marmalade and jam are allowed as confectionery products.
  9. Proper drinking regime is necessary for the health of the child. Your baby should only be given clean bottled or boiled water to the extent that he wishes.
  10. You can feed your child only freshly prepared food.

Features of nutrition of young children

When compiling a menu for a 1-year-old child, it is necessary to take into account certain standards. To feed a toddler, you will need 1200–1250 ml of food daily. It is necessary to alternate meals throughout the week to ensure children's body the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The most large number There are fewer calories for lunch, less for breakfast and dinner, and the least for an afternoon snack.

Products are distributed so that every day the child receives about 35% for lunch, about 25% for breakfast and dinner, and about 15% for an afternoon snack of the total daily amount of food.

Culinary processing of dishes is carried out by stewing, baking and boiling in water or steaming. From semi-liquid foods, the child gradually switches to pureed ones, then to crushed ones, and at the same time learns to chew food with a dense consistency. To develop chewing skills, it is recommended to offer pieces of fruits and vegetables. For some babies, 2 or 3 months is enough to begin to cope with such foods on their own. In children who are 1 year and 6 months old, due to the increase in the number of teeth, there is more opportunity to absorb coarser foods.

How to create a menu?

When creating a menu for a 1-year-old child, you should focus not only on the recommendations of specialists. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the baby himself. After waking up in the morning, you can offer him breast milk or formula. Before bed - any fermented milk product or mother's milk. The volume of servings for breakfast, lunch and dinner should be calculated taking into account morning and evening feedings.

We offer you several sample menu options for a one-year-old baby with recipes.

Menu No. 1

Menu No. 2

Menu No. 3

What to feed a one-year-old baby: recipes

Turkey meatballs

  1. Pass 300 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Soak rice in water and add to minced meat.
  3. Add chopped onion.
  4. Lightly salt it.
  5. Steam balls formed from minced meat for 20 minutes.

Curd casserole

  1. Beat 2 eggs with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and a packet of vanillin.
  2. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. semolina and 500 g cottage cheese
  3. Grease the baking dish butter.
  4. Pour in curd mass and bake for half an hour at 170 degrees.

Milk pudding

  1. Cook semolina porridge from 50 g of cereal, 150 ml of milk and 150 ml of water.
  2. Mix with 10 g butter and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. Beat in the egg.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Place the dough and bake for 20 minutes at 175 degrees.

There is no need to rush to transfer the baby to the common table. It is much more useful to create an individual feeding regimen. It is important to follow all nutritional recommendations so that the child grows and develops in accordance with his age.