Why do you dream about cheating on your wife in a dream? Dream Interpretation: “Why do you dream that your wife is cheating?” interpretation. Other interpretations of sleep

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about your wife cheating in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Today I dreamed about my wife, we are officially divorced, but we are improving our relationship. In the dream, she was naked, covering her breasts and crotch, and was getting ready to go to bed with another man - I didn’t see his face, but I had the feeling that he was older than her, why such a dream..?! Thank you

    I dreamed that I was kidnapped and I disappeared for a year and a half, after which I came home not remembering where I had been for those year and a half and saw my wife’s daughter and someone else’s child, in the dream I realized that he was not from me, I asked my wife who he was from, she didn’t answer anything I got angry and beat my wife, but not too much, because at that moment I knew that I shouldn’t beat my wife, but I couldn’t restrain myself from rage, then the action started, a man came to kill me twice as big as me, but I defeated him, later I found out that I was kidnapped by some organization where they make killer soldiers out of people and then erase their memory, in a dream I thought that all this looked like some kind of movie, then someone was hunting me again while the chase was going on, I met a guy and told him about my problem, knowing in advance that he would help me, I learned from him that it was the same with him about the kidnapping, after which we ran away together and he helped me find this organization, when they found it I began to look for the reasons why I was kidnapped and what kind of organization it was, when we went inside I saw a lot of guys and girls in white pants and T-shirts with white sleeves, at some point we were burned and we were escaping the chase on a boat along some river, then I woke up.

    I had a dream. That my wife cheated on me in order to get pregnant, allegedly we can’t do it. Later she admitted this. I forgave, but after that she cheated two more times with different partners (their faces seemed familiar). The wife confessed again and told how it happened in every detail (it was as if I had observed it myself). The dream was compound, that is, I woke up several times and woke up my wife as if in horror, but I just fell asleep and saw the continuation.

    I suddenly dreamed that my wife cheated on me a couple of times in the spring. Then I rode along the road on a moped with pedals with a person I knew, then caught large and small fish with my hands in the small water, and the water was clear and evil having fished the fish in a transparent way mucus or fat and then the water of the giblets became cloudy, then I arrived at the construction site and I don’t remember the zaishov in the middle there was a swamp, or small kalyusha I seemed to have crossed into a small room there, there was a renovation, the walls were covered with patterns and decorative oh, there was a screed in the underside there was a dira on the beggar on top and the basement was warm and there was the owner of a wine and about now we knew who I was talking to there I never remember like there was a woman or a girl who I loved in the spring and what else, then waking up

    I dreamed about the Wife! She cheated on me with a friend in our apartment, and at that time I was sitting in the other corner of the room at the computer, turning around and there it was! then she started telling me things like get out of here, pack your things and leave. Then I woke up thank God!

    This is the picture. My three friends and my wife are relaxing at our house. My wife cheated on me with my friend on the balcony. I burned them. In a frenzied rage, I beat my friend half to death and almost threw him off the balcony, but for some unknown reason, he himself wanted to break out of my hands and jump, I pulled him out of the balcony, added cradles to him and kicked out all his friends. Then I returned to the apartment, took a knife and approached my wife, and when asked, “Why did you do this,” she answered, “I wanted to punish you, I stabbed you several times.” Immediately realizing that this was not right, I carried my wife into the car for further delivery to the hospital. Somehow she started driving the car without me, screaming horribly. Saving her, I caught up with the car, climbed into it through the rear window, and immediately we flew into some kind of ditch, after which I suddenly woke up.

    I was in the hospital, my arm hurt, I came home from the doctor and my girlfriend was sleeping in the same bed with my stepfather, both naked, slightly covered with a blanket, I started to wake them up, she woke up and suddenly said sorry

/ Dream interpretation wife cheats

If a man dreams of his wife cheating, then in some cases he takes the dream literally and immediately begins to suspect his wife. However, this approach is not always justified. Sometimes the problem is with the husband himself, and sometimes with strangers who want to betray or slander the person. There is another, most prosaic option: the husband is so worried about the marital fidelity of his wife that he even dreams of cheating. In this case, the dream cannot be considered prophetic.

Why do you dream about adultery?

At night, our brain does not rest, but rethinks the information received during the day. Sleep is a way to repress unnecessary memories. However, what if you dreamed about completely unprecedented things? Here another theory comes to the rescue, which says that a dream is a message from higher powers. A dream in which a wife is unfaithful to her husband is interpreted differently in different sources. For example, Tsvetkov warns of the danger of fire, and the English dream book, on the contrary, considers this a good omen. This paradigm of opinions is due to the fact that the same plot can be dreamed by people in different psychological states. For example, if a man is constantly jealous of his woman, then he himself is constantly in a state of stress. A dream about cheating is a visualized signal of such stress, indicating that your psyche is not in order. In cases where there is a trusting relationship between spouses, a dream can signal various problems in marital life that are not related to betrayal.

Wife cheats in a dream: Miller's dream book

American psychologist G. Miller qualifies a dream about adultery as a signal of a difficult situation for a man in the family, among friends or colleagues. In addition, betrayal of a spouse foreshadows:

  • surprise from contemplating an unexpected phenomenon;
  • drastic changes in the life of the family that the man has not accepted or has not yet noticed due to constant employment (therefore, having seen such a dream, it is important for a man to become more attentive to his wife, friends, children and colleagues);
  • the presence of envious gossips who seek to slander the spouse;
  • the likelihood of being a devoted friend or close ally, whose machinations were previously unknown.

According to other sources, to see in a dream how your beloved woman is cheating means to be calm in reality for her fidelity. Popular interpretation also confirms this point of view with the thesis that any negative dream is a harbinger of a positive event in real life.

Why do you dream about a wife who cheated on her husband: Freud’s dream book

The founder of psychoanalysis believes that dreams of a wife cheating on her husband are based on groundless suspicions with which he plagues himself. The psychologist believes that the best way out of the situation would be a frank conversation that would relieve tension in the family. Sigmund Freud clearly distinguishes two points: if you cheat, and if they cheat on you. In the first case, a dream about betrayal may be the embodiment of a subconscious desire to do it in reality. You may have irrepressible sexual energy, but, in fact, not be inclined to cheat on your partner, so the unfulfilled desire migrates to the realm of dreams, where you can afford adultery. If they cheat on you, then perhaps you are simply afraid of being sexually ineffective and unattractive to your beloved. Deep down, you believe that your partner can find a man more suitable for her, and you are afraid of this. Only a frank conversation with your spouse will help determine how true your fears are.

  • The dream book gives several interpretations of such a dream. For example, the gypsy says that if someone cheated on you in a dream, they will do it in reality.
  • The English dream book explains such a dream as follows: if you almost decided on infidelity, but in the end for some reason did not give in to temptation, then in reality prosperity and good luck await you.
  • If you cheated on your partner’s best friend in a dream, then your loved one will soon lose interest in you and become indifferent.
  • A dream in which you cheated while being married could be a harbinger of a fire.
  • Sometimes the betrayal you committed in a dream can foreshadow a string of failures in business and loneliness.
  • It can also mean that you have committed a rash act, because of which you will be put in an awkward position.
  • If a lady dreamed that her husband cheated on her, then this foreshadows a quick and unexpected burden of household chores and other matters, which will take up a lot of your time.
  • Trying to seduce a young man in a dream may result in a breakup with your loved one in real life.

What does cheating on your spouse mean in a dream?

  • Freud claims that a dream in which your spouse cheated on you indicates your distrust of someone close to you. In this situation, listen to your own intuition - it will tell you how to behave correctly with this person.
  • If you dreamed that your beloved wife was unfaithful with your friend, this means that you need to pay attention to the behavior of someone you know. The dream book claims that this person may have a feeling of competition towards you, which means that such friendship should be abandoned.
  • Cheating on your wife in a dream, according to the interpretations of the dream book, warns that your trust may be abused, and, accordingly, you need to behave more carefully with those close to you.
  • A dream in which your spouse cheated right before your eyes may indicate an imminent quarrel and a showdown with your beloved. You should pay more attention to general plans for the future - they are the ones that can cause a serious disagreement.
  • Miller's dream book offers the following interpretation: your soulmate is not only faithful to you, but is also thinking about creating a strong family and children. If you dreamed of betrayal during a disagreement, expect a quick reconciliation.

Cheating in a dream can also mean gossip in real life - you may be accused of unreasonable actions.

  • If you dream that you cheated on your loved one out of a desire to take revenge for something, it means that in reality a happy and quiet family life awaits you, and your relationship is beyond any threats. However, this does not mean that you can relax and not make efforts to maintain them at the proper level.
  • Danilova’s dream book interprets such a dream as an imminent collapse of expectations and hopes.
  • If you cheated in a dream, then this may indicate a lack of acute sensations in your life. But, instead of finally receiving them in the desired volume, a lot of troubles and disappointments will await you.

As you may have noticed, different dream books provide completely different interpretations of dreams about betrayal, but it is worth remembering that a dream about betrayal can be fully explained only by taking into account the details, setting, situation and your attitude to what is happening.

Cheating - If you dreamed that you cheated, it means that something similar happened to you in real life. It is possible that this is not yet the fact of betrayal, but an intention that you are carefully considering. What good can cheating bring you? After all, living with the idea that you cheated and not being able to say it directly is not at all stimulating.

If you want to change only so that later you can openly declare this to your other half, we doubt that your future life will be friendly.

If you suddenly dreamed that your loved one cheated on you, this indicates that in reality you are worried about this possibility and are tormented by groundless suspicions.

Don’t suffer and don’t wet your pillow with tears, but talk frankly with the person.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Treason

If you dream that you have taken the path of treason, then expect the failure of your plans and humiliation.

A dream in which you steadfastly resist temptation means success in your affairs and plans.

Cheating on your spouse in a dream foreshadows danger from fire.

Interpretation of dreams from

Any person who sees betrayal and betrayal in a dream will be puzzled, and his mood will be ruined, because in reality this pain is unbearable. Why do you dream that your wife is cheating? In order to find out the answer to a man’s question why he had such a dream, it is necessary to understand what worries the man and why he sees such pictures. After all, it is not necessary to draw a parallel with real life; believe me, most likely, in reality, your spouse is faithful to you.

Dream Interpretations about wife's betrayal. Why do you dream that your wife is cheating? Interpretation of various options for this dream.

If we think logically, then a dream in which a woman cheats on a man should make you think about the relationship in a couple. It happens that relationships reach a dead end, feelings cool down due to everyday problems, fatigue and other reasons. You need to think about your relationship and restore warm feelings no matter what. In a man’s subconscious there is a desire for love and intimacy with the woman he loves, so all experiences give a picture of betrayal in a dream. Cheating in a dream is good information with which you can find out the inner harmony of your family.

Freud interpreted dreams about betrayal as distrust of his wife, which sits in the subconscious. This may be not only distrust of the wife, but also distrust of relatives.

If it seems to you that someone wants to deceive you or is already doing it, then in a dream all your experiences result in such an unpleasant dream as betrayal.

But still, you should not take dreams literally. Although dreams are a projection of the subconscious, cheating in a dream can mean anxiety in your thoughts, you are worried that something is not going as planned. You need to think and eliminate the source of your worries, and also sort out your relationships with your wife and relatives. Only then will dreams of infidelity leave you.

Let's consider the interpretation of a dream about a wife's betrayal by different dream books

Esoteric interpretation

Each dream book has its own interpretation of a dream about a wife’s betrayal. But there are still opinions, and they come from esotericists. They give the dream a general meaning. Several interpretations of a wife’s betrayal in a dream:

  • There is no need to take the dream literally; most likely, your wife has not cheated on you and is not going to cheat on you in the near future;
  • Treason predicts changes in life, they are positive, aimed at improving the financial situation or improving the family atmosphere;
  • A man has some kind of anxieties, they may be based on worries about work, worry about loved ones - all this results in an unpleasant picture of betrayal in a dream.

From all the interpretations of dreams about a wife cheating on a man, we can conclude that before suspecting and accusing a wife of infidelity, it is necessary to understand your thoughts and experiences.


There is no need to organize surveillance of your beloved woman. First, analyze the overall picture of the dream, taking into account all the details. Perhaps the dream wants to convey to you information that someone is deceiving you, but it does not have to be your wife. Having understood yourself and your surroundings, you will understand whether you should pay attention to such a dream or forget it and not attach any significance to it.

Comments from site visitors

    Absolutely true, everything is in our brain and thoughts. We ourselves make it up all day long that my wife is cheating on me, she didn’t pick up the phone, didn’t answer the SMS, didn’t look at me right. But as a result, at night we suffer from nightmares, and we dream that our wife is unfaithful, cheating with someone. It’s better to delve into yourself, try to trust the person with whom you decided to spend your whole life, and then everything will definitely be okay, and no dreams will be scary.

    It’s a pity that I didn’t read such articles before. I regularly had dreams that my wife was cheating with her best friend. As a result, I drove her, myself, and my friend into a frenzy. And what no one told me is that these are my bad thoughts that interfere with everyone’s life. My advice to you is, don’t believe dreams, they definitely have meaning. But not so direct and literal.

    My husband has completely tormented me; he dreams that I’m having fun on the side, cheating on him. I don’t even have anything like that in my thoughts, and I don’t have any desire. Now I’ll let him read it and let him calm down, the root of evil is in his uncertainty, he invented something incomprehensible for himself, and he blames me for it. Thank you very much for such a detailed interpretation, the article was very helpful.

    I also often dream that my wife is cheating on me. And at the same time, her face is so impudent that it would strangle her. In the morning I wake up in no mood, I can’t look at her and I feel like she’s guilty before me, as if. Although she loves me and definitely won't change me, she's not that kind of person. But I’m still afraid and thoughts creep into my head, here’s how to get rid of them, otherwise I’ll also torture myself and her. And I’m ashamed to admit to her that I’m not in the mood because she “cheated on me” in a dream.

    Once I had a dream about how my wife was cheating on me. And such a dream came out in colors, with such erotic scenes that I had not yet seen with myself. I shuddered at what I saw... And then I wake up, my dear one is lying next to me, such inner peace immediately came) Now I’m really jealous of her for everyone, but I love her very much) Guys, have you ever had such dreams and how did you react to it?

    Recently I had a dream that my wife was cheating, everything was just like in reality and in a bad joke “Husband returns from a business trip...” I decided to look for an answer on the Internet, but there is so much written here, both good and bad, that I don’t know what to believe. Now sit and rack your brains...